Example #1
 def __init__(self, param, captive_dt=0.5):
     # Setup force model
     self.param = param
     self.force_model = ForceModel(param)
     self.drag_func = self.force_model.get_square_model()
     # Initialize External force function
     self.force_func = zero_force_func
     # Time step of realtime system integrating the measured forces
     self.captive_dt = captive_dt
Example #2
def get_time_const(v0, param):
    Calculates the systems time constant as a function of the operating
    # Setup force model and predict gain and phase
    force_model = ForceModel(param)
    m = param.sub_body_mass + param.sub_mount_mass
    dummy, b = force_model.get_linear_coef(v0)
    return m / b
Example #3
 def __init__(self, param, inertial_dt=0.1, pgain=5.0):
     # Setup force model
     self.param = param
     self.force_model = ForceModel(param)
     self.drag_func = self.force_model.get_square_model()
     # Initialize External force function
     self.force_func = zero_force_func
     # Time step of realtime system integrating the measured forces
     self.inertial_dt = inertial_dt
     self.pgain = pgain
Example #4
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Part 1 Compute example bode plots for system frequency response as a
    # function of the operatiing point. Based on linearized force model.
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Test frequency range - f0 must be low enough that there is no phase shift
    f0 = 0.001
    f1 = 10.0

    # Test velocities
    num_test_v0 = 2
    min_vel, max_vel = param.sub_velocity_range
    test_v0 = scipy.linspace(0.05 * max_vel, max_vel, num_test_v0)

    # Setup force model and predict gain and phase
    force_model = ForceModel(param)
    m = param.sub_body_mass + param.sub_mount_mass

    for i, v0 in enumerate(test_v0):

        # Compute the frequency response of the system
        dummy, b = force_model.get_linear_coef(v0)
        gain, phase, f = get_freq_response(f0, f1, m, b, n=10000)

        # Normalize gains - note, input and output don't have same units
        gain = gain - gain[0]

        # Plot results
        pylab.semilogx(f, gain, label='v0 = %1.2f m/s' % (v0, ))
Example #5
class CaptiveTrajSim(object):
    Encapsulates a simulation of a captive trajectory system modeling a
    the first order dynamics of the sled system.

    Simulates normal and captive trajectory system for comparison. System
    update_dt can be varied to determine the effect of the realtime system
    update interval.
    def __init__(self, param, captive_dt=0.5):
        # Setup force model
        self.param = param
        self.force_model = ForceModel(param)
        self.drag_func = self.force_model.get_square_model()
        # Initialize External force function
        self.force_func = zero_force_func
        # Time step of realtime system integrating the measured forces
        self.captive_dt = captive_dt

    def normal_system_func(self, v, t):
        Function governing normal system dynamics, i.e., f(v,t) where

        dv/dt = f(v,t).
        # Get mass and damping
        m = param.sub_body_mass + param.sub_mount_mass
        # Compute function value
        val = -scipy.sign(v) * self.drag_func(v) / m + self.force_func(v,
                                                                       t) / m
        return val

    def captive_system_func(self, v, t, v_cap):
        Function governing the captive trajectory system dynamics , i.e., f(v,t) where

        dv/dt = f(v,t).

        Note, In this case v is ignored and v_cap is used as the forces remain
        constant between realtime system updates. The system is simulated by
        running an odeint integration for the system evolution between every
        realtime system update.
        # Get mass and damping
        m = param.sub_body_mass + param.sub_mount_mass
        # Compute function value
        val = -scipy.sign(v_cap) * self.drag_func(v_cap) / m + self.force_func(
            v_cap, t) / m
        return val

    def run_normal(self, v0, T, num=1000):
        Runs a simulation of the system reponse to the external force function
        self.force_func. This is the normal system response - not the captive
        trajectory model.


        v0  = initial velocity
        dt  = sample interval for output values
        T   = duration of simulation 
        t = scipy.linspace(0, T, num)
        v = scipy.integrate.odeint(self.normal_system_func, v0, t)
        return t, v

    def run_captive(self, v0, T, num=100):
        Run a simulation of the captive trajectory system response to the external 
        force function self.force_func. This is a prediction of the captive trajectory 
        system response. 
        v0 = 
        t_curr = 0.0
        v_curr = v0
        t = []
        v = []

        while t_curr < T:

            # Integrate system forward to next realtime update
            t_next = t_curr + self.captive_dt
            if t_next > T:
                t_next = T
            t_sim = scipy.linspace(0, t_next - t_curr, num)
            v_sim = scipy.integrate.odeint(self.captive_system_func,
                                           args=(v_curr, ))

            # Add simulation segments to t and velcity lists
            t_sim = [val + t_curr for val in t_sim]

            # Update t_curr and v_curr
            t_curr = t_next
            v_curr = v_sim[-1]

        # Convert lists to arrays
        t = scipy.array(t)
        v = scipy.array(v)

        return t, v

    def get_verror_est(self, f0, f1, num=5):
        Get velocity error estimate as a function of the captive trajectory system
        update frequency.

        Note, the force_func must be set to something reasonable for this to work.
        A step function is a good choice.
        capt_f_array = scipy.linspace(f0, f1, num)
        capt_dt_array = 1.0 / capt_f_array
        verror_array = scipy.zeros(capt_dt_array.shape)

        for i, capt_dt in enumerate(capt_dt_array):

            # Run simulation for given captive trajectory update interval
            self.captive_dt = capt_dt
            v0 = 0.0
            t_norm, v_norm = self.run_normal(v0, T, num=2000)
            t_capt, v_capt = self.run_captive(v0, T, num=100)

            # Interpolate normal trajectory onto captive trajectory time base
            v_norm = scipy.reshape(v_norm, t_norm.shape)
            v_capt = scipy.reshape(v_capt, t_capt.shape)
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_norm, v_norm)
            v_norm_interp = interp_func(t_capt)

            # Compute maximum absolute velocity error
            verror = scipy.absolute((v_capt - v_norm_interp))
            verror_array[i] = verror.max()

        return capt_f_array, verror_array
           'subject_1', 'subject_2', 'subject_3', 'subject_4', 'subject_5', 'subject_6',
           'tau_1_rest+1STD', 'tau_1_rest+2STD', 'tau_1_rest+3STD',
           'tau_2-1STD', 'tau_2-2STD', 'tau_2+1STD', 'tau_2+2STD',
           'tau_fat+1STD', 'tau_fat+2STD', 'tau_fat-1STD', 'tau_fat-2STD']
SUB_FOLDER = 'sensitivity_analysis/'
CONFIG_FOLDER = 'configs/'
validated_configuration = 'model_configuration.csv'

total_time = (0 * 1000, 230 * 1000)
validation_train = get_validation_train()

config = load_model_configuration(validated_configuration)
tau_c, tau_2, tau_fat, alpha_scale_factor, alpha_Km, alpha_tau_1, \
    CN0, F0, scale_factor_rest, tau_1_rest, Km_rest = config.values()

validated_force_model = ForceModel(scale_factor_rest, Km_rest, tau_1_rest, tau_2)

validated_initial_state = [CN0, F0, scale_factor_rest, Km_rest, tau_1_rest]
V_CN, V_F, V_A, V_Km, V_tau_1, V_t = simulate(validated_force_model, total_time, validation_train,
                                              validated_initial_state, tau_c, tau_fat,
                                              alpha_scale_factor, alpha_Km, alpha_tau_1)
V_t = V_t / 1000
validated_f60_time = V_t[np.where(V_t <= 60)]
validated_f60_data = V_F[np.where(V_t <= 60)]
validated_l60_time = V_t[np.logical_and(170 <= V_t, V_t <= 230)]
validated_l60_data = V_F[np.logical_and(170 <= V_t, V_t <= 230)]

    config = load_model_configuration(SUB_FOLDER + CONFIG_FOLDER + CONFIG + '.csv')
    tau_c, tau_2, tau_fat, alpha_scale_factor, alpha_Km, alpha_tau_1, \
        CN0, F0, scale_factor_rest, tau_1_rest, Km_rest = config.values()
Example #7
class InertialSledSim(object):
    Encapsulates a simulation of the inertial sled system. A PID controller
    is used to try and keep the sled in position with the model. 
    def __init__(self, param, inertial_dt=0.1, pgain=5.0):
        # Setup force model
        self.param = param
        self.force_model = ForceModel(param)
        self.drag_func = self.force_model.get_square_model()
        # Initialize External force function
        self.force_func = zero_force_func
        # Time step of realtime system integrating the measured forces
        self.inertial_dt = inertial_dt
        self.pgain = pgain

    def normal_system_func(self, w, t):
        Function governing normal system dynamics. Basic second order system with
        square law fluid dynamic drag.
        v = w[0]
        x = w[1]
        m = param.sub_body_mass + param.sub_mount_mass
        dvdt = -scipy.sign(v) * self.drag_func(v) / m + self.force_func(v,
                                                                        t) / m
        dxdt = v
        return scipy.array([dvdt, dxdt])

    def inertial_system_func(self, x, t, vel_setpt):
        Function governing the dynamics of the sled system. We are setting sled
        velocity so this is first order in position.  Currenlty doesn't
        incorporate sled/controller dynamics assumes we can control the sleds
        velocity with reasonable accuracy. Will need to add sled + controller
        dynamics later. Currently, just integration of the velocity setput.
        dx = vel_setpt
        return dx

    def run_normal(self, x0, v0, T, num=100):
        Runs a simulation of the system reponse to the external force function
        self.force_func. This is the normal system response - not the captive
        trajectory model.
        w0 = scipy.array([v0, x0])
        t = scipy.linspace(0, T, num)
        w = scipy.integrate.odeint(self.normal_system_func, w0, t)
        x = w[:, 1]
        v = w[:, 0]
        return t, x, v

    def run_inertial(self, x0, v0, t_sled, x_sled, v_sled, T, num=30):
        Run a simulation of inertial sled system. Used a proportional 
        controller with feed forward velocity term.
        t_sled = t_sled - t_sled[0]
        x_sled_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_sled, x_sled)
        v_sled_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_sled, v_sled)

        t_curr = 0.0
        x_curr = x0
        v_setpt = v0

        t = []
        x = []
        v = []

        while t_curr < T:

            # Update velocity set point
            x_error = x_sled_func(t_curr) - x_curr
            v_setpt = self.pgain * x_error + v_sled_func(t_curr)

            t_next = t_curr + self.inertial_dt
            if t_next > T:
                t_next = T
            t_sim = scipy.linspace(0, t_next - t_curr, num)
            x_sim = scipy.integrate.odeint(self.inertial_system_func,
                                           args=(v_setpt, ))

            # Add simulation segments to t and velcity lists
            N = t_sim.shape[0]
            t_sim = [val + t_curr for val in t_sim]
            v.extend(list(v_setpt * scipy.ones((N, ))))

            # Update t_curr and v_curr
            t_curr = t_next
            x_curr = x_sim[-1]

    # Convert lists to arrays
        t = scipy.array(t)
        x = scipy.array(x)
        v = scipy.array(v)
        return t, x, v

    def get_perror_est(self, f0, f1, num=5):
        Computes the maximum absolute positon error over a range of realtime loop update
        frequencies form f0 to f1 with the number of step given by num.
        f_array = scipy.linspace(f0, f1, num)
        dt_array = 1.0 / f_array
        perror_array = scipy.zeros(f_array.shape)

        for i, dt in enumerate(dt_array):

            print 'f: ', 1.0 / dt

            # Run simulation for given realtime loop update interval
            self.inertial_dt = dt
            x0 = 0.0
            v0 = 0.0
            t_model, x_model, v_model = self.run_normal(x0, v0, T, num=1000)
            t_sled, x_sled, v_sled = self.run_inertial(x0, v0, t_model,
                                                       x_model, v_model, T)

            # Interpolate normal trajectory onto captive trajectory time base
            x_model = scipy.reshape(x_model, t_model.shape)
            x_sled = scipy.reshape(x_sled, t_sled.shape)
            interp_func = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t_model, x_model)
            x_model_interp = interp_func(t_sled)

            # Compute maximum absolute velocity error
            perror = scipy.absolute((x_sled - x_model_interp))
            perror_array[i] = perror.max()

        return f_array, perror_array