def __init__(self): self.num_poses = 0 self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.cbPose) self.pub_obst_odom = rospy.Publisher('/obst_odom', Clusters, queue_size=1) # static # self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/flatland_server/debug/layer/static',MarkerArray,self.getStaticMap) self.obstacles = {} self.num_obst = 0 self.cluster = Clusters() self.add_obst = True # obst vel self.vel = Twist() self.vel.angular.z = 0.3 self.vel.linear.x = 0.1 self.radius = 0.5 # static map self.static_map_obst = Clusters() self.pub_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.pubOdom)
def cbPose(self, msg): # get all topics topics = rospy.get_published_topics() obst_ns = "/obstacle_" obst_topics = [] # filter topics with ns (obst) for t_list in topics: for t in t_list: if obst_ns in t and "odom" in t: obst_topics.append(t) # add obst topic to dictionary if self.add_obst: for topic in obst_topics: rospy.Subscriber(topic,Odometry,self.cbLog, topic) v_topic = topic.replace("odometry/ground_truth", "cmd_vel") # publish velocity to move obstacles # self.pubVel(v_topic,self.vel) # rospy.sleep(0.2) self.add_obst = False # reset cluster self.cluster = Clusters() # fill cluster with obstacle odom for i in self.obstacles: tmp_point = Point() tmp_point.x = self.obstacles[i].pose.pose.position.x tmp_point.y = self.obstacles[i].pose.pose.position.y tmp_vel = self.obstacles[i].twist.twist.linear self.cluster.mean_points.append(tmp_point) self.cluster.velocities.append(tmp_vel) self.cluster.labels.append(self.obstacles[i].header.seq) self.num_poses += 1 self.pub_obst_odom.publish(self.cluster) self.add_obst = True if self.num_obst != len(self.obstacles): self.num_obst = len(self.obstacles) print("========================================") print("Number of obstacles: "+str(self.num_obst)) for t in obst_topics: print(t)
def __init__(self): self.num_poses = 0 self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('/odom',Odometry,self.cbPose) # self.pub_pose_marker = rospy.Publisher('/obst_marker',Marker,queue_size=1) self.pub_obst_odom = rospy.Publisher('/obst_odom',Clusters,queue_size=1) self.obstacles = {} self.num_obst = 0 self.cluster = Clusters() self.add_obst = True self.vel = Twist() self.vel.angular.z = 0.1 self.vel.linear.x = 0.12
def run(): print 'hello world from' rospy.init_node('pub_agents', anonymous=False) pub_clusters = rospy.Publisher('/JA01/clusters', Clusters, queue_size=10) ego = EgoAgent() init_angle = np.random.random(4) * 2 * 3.14159 sizes = random.sample([0.5, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.3, 0.3], NUM_CLUSTERS) # print init_angle pos = Vector3() vel = Vector3() for id in range(NUM_CLUSTERS): labels.append(id) pos = Vector3(RADIUS * np.cos(init_angle[id]), RADIUS * np.sin(init_angle[id]), 0.0) mean_points.append(pos) vel = Vector3(random.uniform(0.1, 0.5), random.uniform(0, 3.14159 * 2), 0.0) velocities.append(vel) min_points.append( Vector3(pos.x - sizes[id] / 2.0, pos.y - sizes[id] / 2.0, 0.0)) max_points.append( Vector3(pos.x + sizes[id] / 2.0, pos.y + sizes[id] / 2.0, 0.0)) cluster = Clusters() rate = rospy.Rate(1 / DT) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): for id in range(NUM_CLUSTERS): update(mean_points[id], min_points[id], max_points[id], velocities[id]) cluster.labels = labels cluster.velocities = velocities cluster.mean_points = mean_points cluster.min_points = min_points cluster.max_points = max_points pub_clusters.publish(cluster) rate.sleep() rospy.spin()
def __init__(self, veh_name, veh_data, nn, actions): #tb3 self.obst_rad = 0.5 # canon self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.prev_other_agents_state = [] # vehicle info self.veh_name = veh_name self.veh_data = veh_data # neural network self.nn = nn self.actions = actions # self.value_net = value_net self.operation_mode = PlannerMode() self.operation_mode.mode = self.operation_mode.NN # for subscribers self.pose = PoseStamped() self.vel = Vector3() self.psi = 0.0 self.ped_traj_vec = [] self.other_agents_state = [] # for publishers self.global_goal = PoseStamped() self.goal = PoseStamped() self.goal.pose.position.x = veh_data['goal'][0] self.goal.pose.position.y = veh_data['goal'][1] self.desired_position = PoseStamped() self.desired_action = np.zeros((2,)) # handle obstacles close to vehicle's front self.stop_moving_flag = False self.d_min = 0.2 self.new_global_goal_received = False # visualization self.path_marker = Marker() # Clusters self.prev_clusters = Clusters() self.current_clusters = Clusters() # subscribers and publishers self.num_poses = 0 self.num_actions_computed = 0.0 self.pub_others = rospy.Publisher('~other_vels',Vector3,queue_size=1) self.pub_twist = rospy.Publisher('~nn_cmd_vel',Twist,queue_size=1) self.pub_pose_marker = rospy.Publisher('~pose_marker',Marker,queue_size=1) self.pub_agent_marker = rospy.Publisher('~agent_marker',Marker,queue_size=1) self.pub_agent_markers = rospy.Publisher('~agent_markers',MarkerArray,queue_size=1) self.pub_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('~path_marker',Marker,queue_size=1) self.pub_goal_path_marker = rospy.Publisher('~goal_path_marker',Marker,queue_size=1) # sub self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber('~pose',Odometry,self.cbPose) self.sub_mode = rospy.Subscriber('~mode',PlannerMode, self.cbPlannerMode) self.sub_global_goal = rospy.Subscriber('~goal',PoseStamped, self.cbGlobalGoal) self.sub_subgoal = rospy.Subscriber('~subgoal',PoseStamped, self.cbSubGoal) # subgoals self.sub_goal = Vector3() self.use_clusters = True # self.use_clusters = False if self.use_clusters: self.sub_clusters = rospy.Subscriber('~clusters',Clusters, self.cbClusters) else: self.sub_peds = rospy.Subscriber('~peds',PedTrajVec, self.cbPeds) # control timer self.control_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.01),self.cbControl) self.nn_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1),self.cbComputeActionGA3C)
def run(self): rospy.init_node('SampleNode', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) postTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_pose', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) goalTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_goal', PoseStamped, queue_size=1) velocityTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_velocity', Vector3, queue_size=1) clustersTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_clusters', Clusters, queue_size=1) actionsTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_safe_actions', NNActions, queue_size=1) modeTopic = rospy.Publisher('mitsumi_mode', PlannerMode, queue_size=1) mode = PlannerMode() mode.mode = mode.NN actions = NNActions() # self.value_net = value_net self.operation_mode = PlannerMode() self.operation_mode.mode = self.operation_mode.NN rospy.Subscriber('mitsumi_nn_cmd_vel', Twist, self.twisted) pose = Pose() pose.position.x = 2 pose.position.y = 5 pose.position.z = 0 sampleMessage = PoseStamped() sampleMessage.pose = pose goalpose = Pose() goalpose.position.x = 5 goalpose.position.y = 5 goalpose.position.z = 0 goalMessage = PoseStamped() goalMessage.pose = goalpose velocity = Vector3() velocity.x = 0.5 velocity.y = 0.6 cluster_all = Clusters() cluster_all.labels = [0, 1, 2] cluster_all.min_points = [ Point(1, 1, 0), Point(3, 1, 0), Point(5, 1, 0) ] cluster_all.mean_points = [ Point(1, 2, 0), Point(3, 2, 0), Point(5, 2, 0) ] cluster_all.max_points = [ Point(1, 3, 0), Point(3, 3, 0), Point(5, 3, 0) ] cluster_all.velocities = [ Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(0, 0, 0) ] index = 0 whatever = True while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.stop: if (index % 100 == 0 or whatever): postTopic.publish(sampleMessage) clustersTopic.publish(cluster_all) if (index % 200 == 0 or whatever): goalTopic.publish(goalMessage) if (index == 50 or whatever): velocityTopic.publish(velocity) actionsTopic.publish(actions) modeTopic.publish(mode) index = index + 1 # print(index) rate.sleep()
def peds_callback(self, peds_msg): peds_cluster = Clusters() peds_cluster.header.stamp = peds_cluster.header.frame_id = "map" peds_cluster.labels = [] peds_cluster.counts = [] peds_cluster.mean_points = [] peds_cluster.max_points = [] peds_cluster.min_points = [] peds_cluster.pointclouds = [] peds_cluster.velocities = [] = int(len(peds_msg.detections)) #markers = MarkerArray() #print(len(peds_msg.detections)) if len(peds_msg.detections) > 0: for i in range(len(peds_msg.detections)): t = self.tf_listener.getLatestCommonTime( "/map", "/base_footprint") pose_in_baseframe = PointStamped() pose_in_baseframe.header.frame_id = "base_footprint" pose_in_baseframe.header.stamp = pose_in_baseframe.point = peds_msg.detections[ i].pose.pose.position pose_in_map = PointStamped() pose_in_map.header.frame_id = "map" pose_in_map.header.stamp = pose_in_map = self.tf_listener.transformPoint( "/map", pose_in_baseframe) peds_cluster.mean_points.append(pose_in_map.point) ped_vel = Vector3() ped_vel.x = 0.4 ped_vel.y = 0.4 ped_vel.z = 0.0 peds_cluster.velocities.append(ped_vel) peds_cluster.labels.append(i) ''' marker = Marker() marker.header.stamp = marker.header.frame_id = 'map' marker.ns = 'other_agent' = i marker.type = marker.CYLINDER marker.action = marker.ADD marker.pose.position.x = pose_in_map.point.x marker.pose.position.y = pose_in_map.point.y # marker.pose.orientation = orientation marker.scale = Vector3(x=0.2,y=0.2,z=0.2) marker.color = ColorRGBA(r=1.0,g=0.4,a=1.0) marker.lifetime = rospy.Duration(0.1) markers.markers.append(marker) ''' self.clusters_pub.publish(peds_cluster) #self.pub_agent_markers.publish(markers) goal = PoseStamped() goal.header.stamp = goal.header.frame_id = "map" goal.pose.position.x = 5.0 goal.pose.position.y = 0.0 self.goal_pub.publish(goal)