def data_collection(): rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' forecastVar = 'conc' hemStr = 'N' startYr = 1980 forecastYr = 2012 startMonth = 1 stopMonth = 12 regionMask = np.load(derivedDataPath + 'Regions/regionMaskA100km') numFeat = 18 numSamples = (forecastYr - startYr) * (stopMonth+1 - startMonth) #data collection #start off with just the summer months and without ice thickness feat = [] for year in range(startYr, forecastYr): for index, month in enumerate(range(startMonth, stopMonth+1)): #set month to array sample = np.zeros(numFeat) sample[0] = (month-1) #gridded months are actually indexed at 0 #divide by 100 to put in the same magnitude as the other values sample[1] =, year, month-1)) #set region features to array iceConc = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, month, array(year), hemStr) for regInd in range(16): regionData = regionData[iceConc.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[regInd+2] =, desiredRegion)) #sample[regInd+1] =, desiredRegion)) """ for regInd in range(numFeat-1): regionData = regionData[iceThick.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[numFeat+regInd] =, desiredRegion)) """ feat.append(sample) feat = np.reshape(feat, (numSamples, numFeat)) groundTruth = feat[1:np.size(feat,0), 1: np.size(feat,1)] feat = feat[0:np.size(feat,0)-1, :] return feat, groundTruth
def data_collection(): rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' forecastVar = 'conc' iceType = 'extent' hemStr = 'N' siiVersion = 'v3.0' startYr = 1990 forecastYr = 2010 startMonth = 2 stopMonth = 11 regionMask = np.load(derivedDataPath + 'Regions/regionMaskA100km') numFeat = 18 numSamples = (forecastYr - startYr) * (stopMonth + 1 - startMonth) #data collection #start off with just the summer months and without ice thickness feat = [] groundTruth = [] for year in range(startYr, forecastYr): for index, month in enumerate(range(startMonth, stopMonth + 1)): _, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, month, year, year, iceType, siiVersion, hemStr) groundTruth.append(extent[0]) #set month to array sample = np.zeros(numFeat) sample[0] = (month - 1) #gridded months are actually indexed at 0 #divide by 100 to put in the same magnitude as the other values sample[1] = ff.get_pmas_month(rawDataPath, year, month - 1)) #set region features to array iceConc = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, month, array(year), hemStr) for regInd in range(16): regionData = regionData[iceConc.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[regInd + 2] = np.multiply(regionData, desiredRegion)) #sample[regInd+1] =, desiredRegion)) feat.append(sample) feat = np.reshape(feat, (numSamples, numFeat)) groundTruth = np.reshape(groundTruth, (numSamples, 1)) return feat, groundTruth
yrForecast = 2015 randSeedNum = 50 #thick, forecastThickMean = ff.get_ice_thickness(rawDataPath, startYr, yrForecast, forecastMonth) yrsTrain, extentTrain = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, predMonth, startYr, yrForecast - 1, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) extentDetrendTrain, lineTrain = ff.get_varDT(yrsTrain, extentTrain) varTrain = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, forecastMonth, yrsTrain, hemStr) varForecast = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, forecastMonth, array(yrForecast), hemStr) years, extentYr = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, predMonth, yrForecast, yrForecast, icetype=iceType, version=siiVersion, hemStr=hemStr) observed = extentYr[-1] extentTrendPersist = (lineTrain[-1] + (lineTrain[-1] - lineTrain[-2]) ) #add to detrended forecast predictions regionMask = np.load(derivedDataPath + 'Regions/regionMaskA100km')
fmonth = 7 iceType = 'extent' siiVersion = 'v3.0' forecastVar = 'conc' hemStr = 'N' rawDataPath = '../../Data/' derivedDataPath = '../../DataOutput/' regionMask = np.load(derivedDataPath + 'Regions/regionMaskA100km') sample = np.zeros(numFeat) sample[0] = (month - 1) sample[1] =, year, month - 1)) #set region features to array iceConc = ff.get_gridvar(derivedDataPath, forecastVar, month, array(year), hemStr) for regInd in range(16): regionData = regionData[iceConc.mask == True] = 0 #get rid of nan desiredRegion = regionMask == regInd sample[regInd + 2] = 100 *, desiredRegion)) sample = np.reshape(sample, (1, -1)) feat = pcaConc.transform(sample) #feat=sample _, extent = ff.get_ice_extentN(rawDataPath, fmonth, year, year, iceType, siiVersion, hemStr) gTruth = extent[0]