class Client(object): def __init__(self, config_path, debug=False, version='1', log=None): self.config = utils.get_config(config_path) self.logger = utils.get_logger(__name__, self.config, debug, log) config = self.get_config_section('foreman') self.logger.debug('=> config file: %s' % config_path) self.logger.debug('=> foreman url: %s' % config['url']) self.foreman = Foreman(config['url'], (config['user'], config['password']), api_version=2, version=version, verify=False) def get_config(self, section, option): try: value = self.config.get(section, option) return value except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file section [%s] missing option %s' % (section, option)) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file missing section %s' % section) return None def get_config_section(self, section): try: openstack = self.config.items(section) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.exception('missing [%s]' % section) self.logger.critical('Could not find section [%s] in %s', section, self.config_path) sys.exit(1) return dict(openstack) def get_logger(self): return self.logger def get_client(self): return self.foreman def get_compute_resources(self): resources = self.foreman.index_computeresources() found_resources = dict({}) for r in resources['results']: found_resources[r['name']] = r['id'] return found_resources def get_host(self, host): host = self.__set_host(host) return self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host) def set_host_build(self, host, build=True): host = self.__set_host(host) if len(self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host)) > 0: self.foreman.update_hosts(id=host, host={'build': build}) def get_hosts(self, search=None): hosts = self.foreman.index_hosts() self.logger.debug("=> fetch %s page(s) with a total of %s hosts" % (hosts['page'], hosts['total'])) return hosts def create_host(self, host): if 'name' not in host: self.logger.critical('host dict missing name') return self.logger.debug('=> create new host %s' % host['name']) result = self.foreman.create_host(host) self.logger.debug('=> host created: %s' % result) def create_node(self, name, node_data, region, dry_run=False): if self.get_host(name): self.logger.debug('=> node %s found, dropping create' % name) return found_resources = self.get_compute_resources() host = dict() host['name'] = name host['build'] = self.__get_node_data('build', node_data, '1') host['hostgroup_id'] = self.__get_node_data('hostgroup', node_data, '1') host['compute_profile_id'] = self.__get_node_data('compute_profile', node_data, '1') host['interfaces_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'interfaces_attributes', node_data, {}) host['compute_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'compute_attributes', node_data, {}) host['host_parameters_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'host_parameters_attributes', node_data, {}) if 'mac' in node_data: host['mac'] = node_data['mac'] if 'compute_resource' in node_data: compute_resource = '%s-%s' % (region, node_data['compute_resource']) if compute_resource in found_resources: host['compute_resource_id'] = found_resources[compute_resource] else: self.logger.critical('=> compute resource %s not found' % compute_resource) return elif 'mac' not in node_data: self.logger.critical('=> mac or compute resource are mandatory for %s' % name) return if not dry_run: result = self.foreman.create_hosts(host) if not result: self.log_error('Could not create host. Check production.log on foreman host!') return if 'mac' not in node_data: self.foreman.hosts.power(id=result['name'], power_action='start') self.logger.debug('=> create host %s' % result) else: self.logger.debug('=> dry run: host config %s' % host) def __set_host(self, host): if not host: = None return domain = self.config.get('openstack', 'domain') if domain and not '.' in host: self.logger.debug("=> prepend %s to %s" % (domain, host)) host = host + '.' + domain return host @staticmethod def log_error(msg, code=0): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if code > 0: sys.exit(code) @staticmethod def __get_node_data(var, node_data, default=None): if var in node_data: return node_data[var] else: return default
from getpass import getpass from foreman.client import Foreman f = Foreman('', ('admin', 'changeme')) print(f.index_hosts()) print(f.show_hosts(id=1)) res = f.create_hosts(host={'name': 'mynewhost', 'ip': '', 'mac': '00:00:00:00:00:00'})
class ForemanClient(Client): per_page = 100 def __init__(self, config_path, debug=False, version='1', log=None): super(ForemanClient, self).__init__(config_path, debug, log) self.logger.debug('=> config file: %s' % config_path) foreman_url = self.get_config('foreman', 'url') self.logger.debug('=> foreman url: %s' % foreman_url) foreman_user = self.get_config('foreman', 'user') foreman_password = self.get_config('foreman', 'password') self.foreman = Foreman(foreman_url, (foreman_user, foreman_password), api_version=2, version=version, verify=False) def set_per_page(self, per_page): self.per_page = per_page def get_config(self, section, option): try: value = self.config.get(section, option) return value except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file section [%s] missing option %s' % (section, option)) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file missing section %s' % section) return None def get_config_section(self, section): try: openstack = self.config.items(section) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.debug('missing [%s]' % section) self.logger.debug('Could not find section [%s] in %s', section, self.config_path) sys.exit(1) return dict(openstack) def get_logger(self): return self.logger def get_client(self): return self.foreman def get_compute_resources(self): resources = self.foreman.index_computeresources() found_resources = dict({}) for r in resources['results']: found_resources[r['name']] = r['id'] return found_resources def get_compute_profiles(self): profiles = self.foreman.index_computeprofiles() found_profiles = dict({}) for p in profiles['results']: found_profiles[p['name']] = p['id'] return found_profiles def get_profile_id(self, profile_name): profile = self.foreman.show_computeprofiles(profile_name) return profile['id'] def get_host(self, host): host = self.__set_host(host) return self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host) def get_fact(self, host, fact): host = self.__set_host(host) facts = self.get_facts(host) fact = facts['results'][host][fact] return fact def get_facts(self, host_id): host = self.__set_host(host_id) return self.foreman.hosts.fact_values_index(host_id=host, per_page=self.per_page) def set_host_build(self, host, build=True): host = self.__set_host(host) if len(self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host)) > 0: self.foreman.update_hosts(id=host, host={'build': build}) def get_hosts(self, search=None): hosts = self.foreman.index_hosts(per_page=self.per_page) self.logger.debug("=> fetch %s page(s) with a total of %s hosts" % (hosts['page'], hosts['total'])) return hosts def create_host(self, host): if 'name' not in host: self.logger.debug('host dict missing name') return self.logger.debug('=> create new host %s' % host['name']) result = self.foreman.create_host(host) self.logger.debug('=> host created: %s' % result) def create_node(self, name, node_data, region): if self.get_host(name): self.logger.debug('=> node %s found, dropping create' % name) return found_resources = self.get_compute_resources() host = dict() host['name'] = name host['build'] = self.__get_node_data('build', node_data, '1') host['hostgroup_id'] = self.__get_node_data('hostgroup', node_data, '1') host['compute_profile_id'] = self.get_profile_id( self.__get_node_data('compute_profile', node_data, 'small')) host['interfaces_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'interfaces_attributes', node_data, {}) host['compute_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'compute_attributes', node_data, {}) host['host_parameters_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'host_parameters_attributes', node_data, {}) if 'mac' in node_data: host['mac'] = node_data['mac'] if 'compute_resource' in node_data: compute_resource = '%s-%s' % (region, node_data['compute_resource']) if compute_resource in found_resources: host['compute_resource_id'] = found_resources[compute_resource] else: self.logger.debug('=> compute resource %s not found' % compute_resource) return elif 'mac' not in node_data: self.logger.debug('=> mac or compute resource are mandatory for %s' % name) return if not self.dry_run: result = self.foreman.create_hosts(host) if not result: self.log_error('Could not create host. Check production.log on foreman host!') return if 'mac' not in node_data: self.foreman.hosts.power(id=result['name'], power_action='start') self.logger.debug('=> create host %s' % result) else: self.logger.debug('=> dry run: host config %s' % host) def delete_node(self, host): host = self.__set_host(host) if not self.dry_run: result = self.foreman.destroy_hosts(host) if not result: self.log_error('Could not delete host.') return self.logger.debug('=> deleted node %s' % host) else: self.logger.debug('=> dry run: deleted node %s' % host) def __set_host(self, host): if not host: = None return domain = self.config.get('openstack', 'domain') if domain and not '.' in host: self.logger.debug("=> prepend %s to %s" % (domain, host)) host = host + '.' + domain return host @staticmethod def log_error(msg, code=0): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if code > 0: sys.exit(code) @staticmethod def __get_node_data(var, node_data, default=None): if var in node_data: return node_data[var] else: return default
class ForemanClient(Client): per_page = 100 def __init__(self, config_path, debug=False, version='1', log=None): super(ForemanClient, self).__init__(config_path, debug, log) self.logger.debug('=> config file: %s' % config_path) foreman_url = self.get_config('foreman', 'url') self.logger.debug('=> foreman url: %s' % foreman_url) foreman_user = self.get_config('foreman', 'user') foreman_password = self.get_config('foreman', 'password') self.foreman = Foreman(foreman_url, (foreman_user, foreman_password), api_version=2, version=version, verify=False) def set_per_page(self, per_page): self.per_page = per_page def get_config(self, section, option): try: value = self.config.get(section, option) return value except ConfigParser.NoOptionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file section [%s] missing option %s' % (section, option)) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.debug('=> config file missing section %s' % section) return None def get_config_section(self, section): try: openstack = self.config.items(section) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: self.logger.debug('missing [%s]' % section) self.logger.debug('Could not find section [%s] in %s', section, self.config_path) sys.exit(1) return dict(openstack) def get_location(self): locations = self.foreman.index_locations() location_id = False for l in locations['results']: if l['name'] == 'Default Location': location_id = l['id'] return location_id def get_organization(self): organizations = self.foreman.index_organizations() organization_id = False for o in organizations['results']: if o['name'] == 'Default Organization': organization_id = o['id'] return organization_id def get_logger(self): return self.logger def get_client(self): return self.foreman def get_compute_resources(self): resources = self.foreman.index_computeresources() found_resources = dict({}) for r in resources['results']: found_resources[r['name']] = r['id'] return found_resources def get_compute_profiles(self): profiles = self.foreman.index_computeprofiles() found_profiles = dict({}) for p in profiles['results']: found_profiles[p['name']] = p['id'] return found_profiles def get_profile_id(self, profile_name): profile = self.foreman.show_computeprofiles(profile_name) return profile['id'] def get_host(self, host): host = self.__set_host(host) return self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host) def get_fact(self, host, fact): host = self.__set_host(host) facts = self.get_facts(host) fact = facts['results'][host][fact] return fact def get_facts(self, host_id): host = self.__set_host(host_id) return self.foreman.hosts.fact_values_index(host_id=host, per_page=self.per_page) def set_host_build(self, host, build=True): host = self.__set_host(host) if len(self.foreman.show_hosts(id=host)) > 0: self.foreman.update_hosts(id=host, host={'build': build}) def get_hosts(self, search=None): hosts = self.foreman.index_hosts(per_page=self.per_page) self.logger.debug("=> fetch %s page(s) with a total of %s hosts" % (hosts['page'], hosts['total'])) return hosts def create_host(self, host): if 'name' not in host: self.logger.debug('host dict missing name') return self.logger.debug('=> create new host %s' % host['name']) result = self.foreman.create_host(host) self.logger.debug('=> host created: %s' % result) def create_node(self, name, node_data, region): if self.get_host(name): self.logger.debug('=> node %s found, dropping create' % name) return found_resources = self.get_compute_resources() host = dict() host['name'] = name host['build'] = self.__get_node_data('build', node_data, '1') host['hostgroup_id'] = self.__get_node_data('hostgroup', node_data, '1') host['compute_profile_id'] = self.get_profile_id( self.__get_node_data('compute_profile', node_data, 'small')) host['organization_id'] = self.get_organization() host['location_id'] = self.get_location() host['interfaces_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'interfaces_attributes', node_data, {}) host['compute_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'compute_attributes', node_data, {}) host['host_parameters_attributes'] = self.__get_node_data( 'host_parameters_attributes', node_data, {}) if 'mac' in node_data: host['mac'] = node_data['mac'] if 'compute_resource' in node_data: compute_resource = '%s-%s' % (region, node_data['compute_resource']) if compute_resource in found_resources: host['compute_resource_id'] = found_resources[compute_resource] else: self.logger.debug('=> compute resource %s not found' % compute_resource) return elif 'mac' not in node_data: self.logger.debug( '=> mac or compute resource are mandatory for %s' % name) return if not self.dry_run: result = self.foreman.create_hosts(host) if not result: self.log_error( 'Could not create host. Check production.log on foreman host!' ) return if 'mac' not in node_data: self.foreman.hosts.power(id=result['name'], power_action='start') self.logger.debug('=> create host %s' % result) else: self.logger.debug('=> dry run: host config %s' % host) def delete_node(self, host): host = self.__set_host(host) if not self.dry_run: result = self.foreman.destroy_hosts(host) if not result: self.log_error('Could not delete host.') return self.logger.debug('=> deleted node %s' % host) else: self.logger.debug('=> dry run: deleted node %s' % host) def __set_host(self, host): if not host: = None return domain = self.config.get('openstack', 'domain') if domain and not '.' in host: self.logger.debug("=> prepend %s to %s" % (domain, host)) host = host + '.' + domain return host @staticmethod def log_error(msg, code=0): sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % msg) if code > 0: sys.exit(code) @staticmethod def __get_node_data(var, node_data, default=None): if var in node_data: return node_data[var] else: return default