class Pioneer: # Initialise connection to pioneer on specified port def __init__(self): try: from soar.serial import Serial except ImportError: print "You are missing some serial support libraries. Probably you are on windows and you need to get pywin32. Check out for details." raise CancelGUIAction self.portName = settings.SERIAL_PORT_NAME self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.port = None self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = 0, 0 self.storedsonars = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.oldsonars = SharedVar(8 * [0]) #hz self.trans, self.rot = SharedVar(0), SharedVar(0) self.odpose = SharedVar((0, 0, 0)) self.stalled = SharedVar(False) self.analogInputs = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.analogOut = SharedVar(0) self.asynchronous = True self.setters = { "motorOutput": self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput": self.discreteMotorOutput, "say": self.cmdSay, "analogOutput": self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance": self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap": self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities": self.setMaxVelocities } self.getters = { "pose": self.odpose.get, "sonarDistances": self.oldsonars.get, #hz "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs": self.analogInputs.get } debug("Pioneer variables set up", 2) self.serialready = False try: debug("Serial Connection started", 2) except: debug("Could not open the serial port", 0) raise CancelGUIAction("Error opening serial port") self.cmdEnable(1) debug("Robot cmdEnabled", 2) app.soar.addFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) self.currentthread = None self.acceptMotorCmds = False self.startSerialThread() def destroy(self): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if (self.serialready): self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) # self.flushSerialPort() self.port.close() app.soar.removeFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) # yes, this is repeated code, and should be neater. you fix it. def initGlobals(self, dummy): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if self.serialready: self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] from soar.serial import Serial self.cmdEnable(1) self.startSerialThread() self.odpose.set((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Open connection to robot def open(self, Serial): #baudRates = [9600,38400,19200,115200,57600] baudRates = [115200, 9600] #,38400,19200,57600] curBaudRate = 0 self.port = Serial(self.portName, baudRates[0]) self.port._timeout = 1.0 self.port._writeTimout = 1.0 self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() numAttempts = 3 timeout = 5.0 startt = time() while (self.connectionState != STATE_READY): if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC0]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_FIRST_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC1]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_SECOND_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC2]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_READY): pass try: pkt = self.recvPacket() except: if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC and numAttempts >= 0): numAttempts -= 1 else: curBaudRate += 1 if (curBaudRate < len(baudRates)): self.port.close() self.port = Serial(self.portName, baudRates[curBaudRate]) debug( "Changing to baud rate: " + ` baudRates[curBaudRate] `, 1) self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() else: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write( "Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n" ) raise Exception("No Robot Found") continue if (pkt[3] == CMD_SYNC0): self.connectionState = STATE_FIRST_SYNC elif (pkt[3] == CMD_SYNC1): self.connectionState = STATE_SECOND_SYNC elif (pkt[3] == CMD_SYNC2): self.connectionState = STATE_READY if (time() - startt) > timeout: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Robot needs to be reset.\n") raise Exception("Bad Robot State") botName = "" botType = "" botSubType = "" i = 4 while (pkt[i]): botName += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 i += 1 while (pkt[i]): botType += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 i += 1 while (pkt[i]): botSubType += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.OPEN]) debug( "P2OS Interface Ready - connected to " + ` botName ` + " " + ` botType ` + " " + ` botSubType `, 1) print "P2OS Interface Ready - connected to " + ` botType ` + ` botName ` changed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] while 0 in changed: self.cmdPulse() self.sipRecv() self.storedsonars.get() changed = [ changed[i] or self.sonarsChanged[i] for i in range(len(changed)) ] self.serialready = True # turn on io packets self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.IOREQUEST, ArgType.ARGINT, 2, 0]) pkt = self.recvPacket() print 'denny: battery = {0:d}'.format(pkt[14]) self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.IOREQUEST, ArgType.ARGINT, 2, 0]) def getPose(self): return self.odpose.get() #def initGlobals(self): # self.odpose.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def flushSerial(self): self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() def setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance(self, d): pass def enableAccelerationCap(self, enable): if not enable: sys.stderr.write("Can't disable accleration cap on real robot.\n") def setMaxVelocities(self, maxTransVel, maxRotVel): global MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT MAX_TRANS = maxTransVel MAX_ROT = maxRotVel if maxTransVel > 0.75: sys.stderr.write( "Trying to set maximum translational velocity too high for real robot\n" ) if maxRotVel > 1.75: sys.stderr.write( "Trying to set maximum rotational velocity too high for real robot\n" ) def enableTeleportation(self, prob, pose): sys.stderr.write( "Enabling teleportation on real robot has no effect.\n") # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (rad/sec) def motorOutput(self, v, w): # traceback.print_stack() if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.trans.set(clip(v, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.rot.set(clip(w, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) if (not self.asynchronous): self.update() def analogOutput(self, v): self.analogOut.set(clip(v, 0.0, 10.0)) # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (deg/sec) # for dt seconds def discreteMotorOutput(self, v, w, dt): if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.motorOutput(v, w) sleep(dt) self.motorOutput(0, 0) def sendMotorCmd(self): self.cmdVel(int(self.trans.get() * 1000.0)) self.cmdRvel(int(self.rot.get() * 180 / pi)) def sendDigitalOutCmd(self): # high order byte selects output bit for change # low order byte sets/resets bit data = [ ArcosCmd.DIGOUT, ArgType.ARGINT, # convert 0-10 voltage to 0-255 value (int(math.floor((self.analogOut.get() * 25.5))) & 0xFF), 0xFF ] self.sipSend(data) # update sonars, odometry and stalled def update(self, dummyparameter=0): if (self.serialready): self.sendMotorCmd() self.sendDigitalOutCmd() # if we receive no packets for a few cycles, we've lost touch with the robot if (self.sipRecv() > 0): self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 else: self.zero_recv_cnt += 1 if (self.zero_recv_cnt > 4): self.serialready = False app.soar.closePioneer() sys.stderr.write( "Robot turned off or no longer connected.\n Dead reckoning is no longer valid.\n" ) # Calculate checksum on P2OS packet (see Pioneer manual) def calcChecksum(self, data): c = 0 i = 3 n = data[2] - 2 while (n > 1): c += (data[i] << 8) | (data[i + 1]) c = c & 0xFFFF n -= 2 i += 2 if (n > 0): c = c ^ data[i] return c def startmoving(self): self.acceptMotorCmds = True # if (self.asynchronous): # self.stopmoving() # self.startSerialThread() def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0.0, 0.0) self.acceptMotorCmds = False if (self.asynchronous): pass # self.stopSerialThread() else: self.sendMotorCmd() def startSerialThread(self): self.flushSerial() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.update, 50) self.currentthread.start() def stopSerialThread(self): try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass # Send a packet to robot def sendPacket(self, data): pkt = [0xFA, 0xFB, len(data) + 2] for d in data: pkt.append(d) pkt.append(0) pkt.append(0) chk = self.calcChecksum(pkt) pkt[len(pkt) - 2] = (chk >> 8) pkt[len(pkt) - 1] = (chk & 0xFF) s = reduce(lambda x, y: x + chr(y), pkt, "") try: self.port.write(s) except: sys.stderr.write( "Could not write to serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n" ) sleep(0.008) # Block until packet recieved def recvPacket(self): timeout = 1.0 data = [0, 0, 0] while (1): cnt = 0 tstart = time() while (time() - tstart) < timeout: if (self.port.inWaiting() > 0): data[2] = ord( break if (time() - tstart) > timeout: raise Exception("Read timeout") if (data[0] == 0xFA and data[1] == 0xFB): break data[0] = data[1] data[1] = data[2] for d in range(data[2]): data.append(ord( crc = self.calcChecksum(data) if data[len(data) - 1] != (crc & 0xFF) or data[len(data) - 2] != (crc >> 8): self.port.flushInput() raise Exception("Checksum failure") # if self.port.inWaiting() > 0: # self.port.flushInput() return data # Send a packet def sipSend(self, data): self.sendPacket(data) # Receive all waiting packets. # returns the number of packets read def sipRecv(self): iters = 0 while (self.port.inWaiting() > 0): try: recv = self.recvPacket() except: break iters += 1 # 0x3s means sip packet if (recv[3] & 0xF0) == 0x30: self.parseSip(recv) # 0xF0 means io packet elif recv[3] == 0xF0: self.parseIO(recv) return iters def parseIO(self, recv): analogInputs = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] bufferidx = 12 for aninputidx in range(len(analogInputs)): analogInputs[aninputidx] = (recv[bufferidx] | recv[bufferidx + 1] << 8) bufferidx += 2 analogInputs = [a * 10.0 / 1023.0 for a in analogInputs] self.analogInputs.set(analogInputs[4:len(analogInputs)]) def parseSip(self, recv): # parse all data xpos = recv[4] | (recv[5] << 8) ypos = recv[6] | (recv[7] << 8) thpos = recv[8] | (recv[9] << 8) #lvel = recv[10] | (recv[11]<<8) #rvel = recv[12] | (recv[13]<<8) #battery = recv[14] stallbump = recv[15] | (recv[16] << 8) #control = recv[17] | (recv[18]<<8) #flags = recv[19] | (recv[20]<<8) #compass = recv[21] sonarcount = recv[22] sonars = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] for i in range(sonarcount): num = recv[23 + 3 * i] sonars[num] = recv[24 + 3 * i] | (recv[25 + 3 * i] << 8) #indx = 23 + 3*sonarcount #gripstate = recv[indx] #anport = recv[indx+1] #analog = recv[indx+2] #digin = recv[indx+3] #digout = recv[indx+4] #batteryx10 = recv[indx+5] | (recv[indx+6]<<8) #chargestate = recv[indx+7] # deal with the fact that x and y odometry roll over dx, dy = xpos - self.lastxpos, ypos - self.lastypos if dx > 60000: dx -= 65536 elif dx < -60000: dx += 65536 if dy > 60000: dy -= 65536 elif dy < -60000: dy += 65536 lastpose = self.odpose.get() self.odpose.set((lastpose[0] + dx * METER_SCALE, lastpose[1] + dy * METER_SCALE, thpos * RADIAN_SCALE)) self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = xpos, ypos #self.battery = battery/10.0 stall = [((stallbump & 0x0001) == 0x0001), ((stallbump & 0x0100) == 0x0100)] bump = [((stallbump & 0x00FE) >> 1), ((stallbump & 0xFE00) >> 9)] self.stalled.set(stall[0] or stall[1] or bump[0] or bump[1]) storedsonars = self.storedsonars.get() for i in range(len(sonars)): if sonars[i] != -1: storedsonars[i] = sonars[i] * METER_SCALE self.sonarsChanged[i] = 1 else: self.sonarsChanged[i] = 0 self.storedsonars.set(storedsonars) self.oldsonars.set(self.storedsonars.get()) #hz # Send a packet and receive a SIP response from the robot def sipSendReceive(self, data): self.sipSend(data) self.sipRecv() def cmdPulse(self): self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdPulseSend(self): self.sipSend([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdEnable(self, v): self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.ENABLE, ArgType.ARGINT, v, 0]) def cmdVel(self, v): absv = int(abs(v)) if (v >= 0): data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdVel2(self, l, r): self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.VEL2, ArgType.ARGINT, int(r), int(l)]) def cmdRvel(self, rv): absrv = abs(rv) if (rv >= 0): data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdSay(self, note, duration): data = [ArcosCmd.SAY, ArgType.ARGSTR] for d in ("%s,%s" % (note, duration)): data.append(ord(d)) data.append(0) self.sendPacket(data)
def startSerialThread(self): self.flushSerial() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.update, 50) self.currentthread.start()
class Simulator(object): #DON'T change the dimensions on the fly, just make a new world class World(object): def wall(self, start, end): self.walls.append((start,end)) def movingObstacle(self, vertices, com, d): self.moving_obstacles.append((vertices, com, d)) def dimensions(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height # borders to make collision detection/sonars easier: self.wall((0,0),(0,self.height)) self.wall((0,0),(self.width,0)) self.wall((self.width,self.height),(0,self.height)) self.wall((self.width,self.height),(self.width,0)) def initialRobotLocation(self, x, y, theta=0): self.init = x,y,theta self.initset = True def __init__(self, worldfile): self.walls = [] self.moving_obstacles = [] self.initset = False envin = {} envin["dimensions"] = self.dimensions envin["wall"] = self.wall envin["initialRobotLoc"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["initialRobotLocation"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["movingObstacle"] = self.movingObstacle parseFile(worldfile, envin) if not self.initset: self.init = self.width/2.0, self.height/2.0, 0.0 def __init__(self, worldfile, geom=None): if len(worldfile) == 0: raise CancelGUIAction self.worldfile = worldfile = self.World(self.worldfile) = Toplevel("Simulator")"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", skip) # only pay attention to the position part, since the size is determined # by the world file self.geom = None if geom: self.geom = geom[geom.find('+'):] debug("world loaded", 2) self.initGlobals() debug("simulator globals initialized", 2) self.setters = {"motorOutput":self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput":self.discreteMotorOutput, "analogOutput":self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance":self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap":self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities":self.setMaxVelocities} self.getters = {"sonarDistances":self.reportSonars, "pose":self.odpose.get, "stalled":self.stalled.get, "analogInputs":self.analogInputs.get} debug("module data set up", 2) #self.resetbutton = Button(, text="Reset", command=lambda: self.initGlobals(True)) #self.resetbutton.pack(side="top") self.initCanvas() debug("drawing area initialized", 2) self.drawWorld() self.drawRobot() debug("updating sonars...", 2) self.updateSonars() debug("...updated!", 2) app.soar.addFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) debug("finished settup up simulator", 2) # Gets called by the Start button def startmoving(self): self.stopmoving() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.onestep, SIMULATOR_PERIOD) self.currentthread.start() # Gets called by the Stop button def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0,0) try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass #Clean up before closing` def destroy(self): # tell the app what the current window geometry is so that we can # restore it the next time soar is run app.soar.simulator_geom = app.soar.removeFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) self.stopmoving() def initGlobals(self, reset=False): self.storedsonars = SharedVar() self.oldsonars = SharedVar() self.reallyoldsonars = SharedVar() self.v = SharedVar(0.0) self.w = SharedVar(0.0) self.abspose = SharedVar(([0],[1],[2])) self.odpose = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.analogInputs = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) if not reset: self.obstacles = [] if > self.simheight = MAX_SIM_WIDTH* self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_WIDTH else: self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT* self.simheight = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT self.pxmax = float( self.pxmin = 0.0 self.pymax = float( self.pymin = 0.0 self.cxmax = float(self.simwidth-5) self.cxmin = 5.0 self.cymax = 5.0 self.cymin = float(self.simheight-5) self.pxtocx = (self.cxmax-self.cxmin)/(self.pxmax-self.pxmin) self.pytocy = (self.cymax-self.cymin)/(self.pymax-self.pymin) self.cxtopx = (self.pxmax-self.pxmin)/(self.cxmax-self.cxmin) self.cytopy = (self.pymax-self.pymin)/(self.cymax-self.cymin) self.pxcxconstant = self.cxmin-self.pxmin*self.pxtocx self.pycyoffset = self.cymin-self.pymin*self.pytocy self.cxpxoffset = self.pxmin-self.cxmin*self.cxtopx self.cypyoffset = self.pymin-self.cymin*self.cytopy else: self.drawRobot() self.updateSonars() self.inrobot = False self.stalled = SharedVar(False) # Get the drawable space ready def initCanvas(self): self.canvas = Canvas(, width = self.simwidth, height = self.simheight, background = "white") self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.left_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.left_click_up) #Thanks for making the right-button different on Macs, but not Linux. #Thanks for making os.uname not exist on windows... ugh! try: if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': self.canvas.bind("<Button-2>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B2-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-2>", self.right_click_up) else: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) except AttributeError: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) self.canvas.pack(side = "top") self.odometrytext = StringVar() self.odometrylabel = Label(, textvariable=self.odometrytext) self.odometrylabel.pack(side = "top") # The next two functions are inverses of each other # A mapping from the space the robot lives in to the space that is displayed onto the computer screen def PtoC(self, (px, py)): cx = px*self.pxtocx+self.pxcxconstant cy = py*self.pytocy+self.cymin-self.pymin*self.pytocy return (cx, cy)
def startmoving(self): self.stopmoving() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.onestep, SIMULATOR_PERIOD) self.currentthread.start()
class eBot: # Initialise connection to pioneer on specified port def __init__(self): try: from soar.serial import Serial except ImportError: print "You are missing some serial support libraries. Probably you are on windows and you need to get pywin32. Check out for details." raise CancelGUIAction self.sonarValues = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.all_Values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.port = None self.serialReady = False self.ldrvalue = [0, 0] self.p_value = [0, 0] self.acc_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.pos_values = [0, 0, 0] self.EKF = Locator_EKF([0., 0.], 0.) self.offset_counter = 0 self.thread_flag = 0 self.heading = 0. self.offset_counter_iteration = 200 self.Ultrasonic_rear_right = 0 self.Ultrasonic_right = 0 self.Ultrasonic_front = 0 self.Ultrasonic_left = 0 self.Ultrasonic_rear_left = 0 self.Ultrasonic_back = 0 self.portName = -1 self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #Change to 6 after self.from_update = 0 self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.port = None self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = 0, 0 self.storedsonars = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) #Change to 6 after self.trans, self.rot = SharedVar(0), SharedVar(0) self.odpose = SharedVar((0, 0, 0)) self.stalled = SharedVar(False) self.analogInputs = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.analogOut = SharedVar(0) self.asynchronous = True self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 # Added -> Not in pioneer self.setters = { "motorOutput": self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput": self.discreteMotorOutput, "say": self.cmdSay, "analogOutput": self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance": self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap": self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities": self.setMaxVelocities } self.getters = { "pose": self.odpose.get, "sonarDistances": self.storedsonars.get, "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs": self.analogInputs.get } debug("eBot variables set up", 2) self.serialReady = False self.prev_sonar = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] try: self.connect(Serial) debug("Serial Connection started", 2) print "eBot connection successful" except: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't connect to eBot.\n") sys.stderr.write( "- Check if eBot is on, paired and connected. If not, power up and try again. \n" ) #sys.stderr.write("- Check to see if COM port below is eBot. If not, remove device and try again. \n") debug("Could not open the serial port", 0) print 5 raise CancelGUIAction("Error opening serial port") app.soar.addFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) self.currentthread = None self.acceptMotorCmds = False self.startSerialThread() sleep(7) def destroy(self): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if (self.serialReady): #self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendOutputs() self.sendPacket([CMD.CLOSE]) # self.flushSerialPort() try: self.port.close() except: pass app.soar.removeFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) # yes, this is repeated code, and should be neater. you fix it. def initGlobals(self, dummy): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) #if self.serialReady: #self.cmdEnable(0) #self.stopmoving() #self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] from soar.serial import Serial self.connect(Serial) #self.cmdEnable(1) self.startSerialThread() self.odpose.set((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) def getOpenPorts(self): """ This Function Returns a list of tuples with the port number and its description. Used for Windows only """ path = 'HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM' key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) ports = [] #maximum 256 entries, will break anyways for i in range(256): try: val = winreg.EnumValue(key, i) port = (str(val[1]), str(val[0])) ports.append(port) except Exception: winreg.CloseKey(key) break #return ports #ports = getOpenPorts() devicePorts = [] for port in ports: #Just because it is formatted that way... if 'BthModem' in port[1][8:] or 'VCP' in port[1][ 8:] or 'ProlificSerial' in port[1][8:]: devicePorts.append((int(port[0][3:]) - 1)) return devicePorts def connect(self, Serial): baudRate = 115200 ports = [] if == "posix": if sys.platform == "linux2": #usbSerial = glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') ports = glob.glob('/dev/rfcomm*') elif sys.platform == "darwin": ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty.eBot*') #usbSerial = glob.glob('/dev/tty.usbserial*') else: print "Unknown posix OS." sys.exit() elif == "nt": ports = self.getOpenPorts() #ports = ['COM' + str(i + 1) for i in range(256)] #EBOT_PORTS = getEBotPorts() connect = 0 ebot_ports = [] ebot_names = [] for port in ports: try: s = Serial(port, baudRate, timeout=1, writeTimeout=1) s._timeout = 1.0 s._writeTimeout = 1.0 #try: # #except: # continue line = "aaaa" while line[:2] != "eB": if (s.inWaiting() > 0): line = s.readline() s.write("<<1?") sleep(0.5) line = s.readline() if (line[:2] == "eB"): ebot_ports.append(port) ebot_names.append(line) connect = 1 self.port = s self.portName = port self.port._timeout = 1.0 self.port._writeTimeout = 1.0 self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() if (line[:2] == "eB"): break #s.close() # self. except: try: if s.isOpen(): s.close() except: pass if (connect == 0): try: self.port.close() except: pass #sys.stderr.write("Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n") raise Exception("No Robot Found") # Open connection to robot def open(self): numAttempts = 3 timeout = 5.0 startt = time() while (self.connectionState != STATE_READY): if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC_SEND.CHECK1]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC_SEND.CHECK2]) self.connectionState = STATE_READY break #elif (self.connectionState == STATE_READY): # pass try: pkt = self.recvPacket() except: if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC and numAttempts >= 0): numAttempts -= 1 else: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write( "Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n" ) raise Exception("No Robot Found") continue if (pkt[3] == CMD_SYNC_RECV.CHECK1): self.connectionState = STATE_SYNC # elif (pkt[3]==CMD_SYNC_RECV.CHECK2): # self.connectionState = STATE_READY if (time() - startt) > timeout: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Robot needs to be reset.\n") raise Exception("Bad Robot State") sleep(.01) try: self.port.write('A') except: sys.stderr.write("Could not write to serial port.\n") self.serialReady = False app.soar.closeEBot() sys.stderr.write( "Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n" ) #changed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] #while 0 in changed: # #self.cmdPulse() # self.sipRecv() # self.storedsonars.get() # changed = [changed[i] or self.sonarsChanged[i] for i in range(len(changed))] self.serialReady = True # turn on io packets #self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.IOREQUEST,ArgType.ARGINT,2,0]) def getPose(self): return self.odpose.get() def initGlobals(self): self.odpose.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def flushSerial(self): self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() def setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance(self, d): pass def enableAccelerationCap(self, enable): if not enable: sys.stderr.write("Can't disable accleration cap on real robot.\n") def setMaxVelocities(self, maxTransVel, maxRotVel): global MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT MAX_TRANS = maxTransVel MAX_ROT = maxRotVel if maxTransVel > 0.75: sys.stderr.write( "Trying to set maximum translational velocity too high for real robot\n" ) if maxRotVel > 1.75: sys.stderr.write( "Trying to set maximum rotational velocity too high for real robot\n" ) def enableTeleportation(self, prob, pose): sys.stderr.write( "Enabling teleportation on real robot has no effect.\n") # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (rad/sec) def motorOutput(self, v, w): # traceback.print_stack() if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.trans.set(clip(v, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.rot.set(clip(w, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) if (not self.asynchronous): self.update() def analogOutput(self, v): self.analogOut.set(clip(v, 0.0, 10.0)) # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (deg/sec) # for dt seconds def discreteMotorOutput(self, v, w, dt): if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.motorOutput(v, w) sleep(dt) self.motorOutput(0, 0) def sendOutputs(self): data = [CMD.RECV] v = int(self.trans.get() * 1000.0) if (v >= 0): #data = [abs(v) & 0xFF, v >> 8, 0x01] data.append(abs(v) / 256) data.append(abs(v) % 256) data.append(0x01) else: #data = [abs(v) & 0xFF, v >> 8, 0x10] data.append(abs(v) / 256) data.append(abs(v) % 256) data.append(0x10) rv = int(self.rot.get() * 220 / pi) # 180*1.5 if (rv >= 0): data.append(abs(rv) / 256) data.append(abs(rv) % 256) data.append(0x01) else: data.append(abs(rv) / 256) data.append(abs(rv) % 256) data.append(0x10) self.sipSend(data) def sendMotorCmd(self): self.cmdVel(int(self.trans.get() * 1000.0)) self.cmdRvel(int(self.rot.get() * 180 / pi)) def sendDigitalOutCmd(self): # high order byte selects output bit for change # low order byte sets/resets bit data = [ ArcosCmd.DIGOUT, ArgType.ARGINT, # convert 0-10 voltage to 0-255 value (int(math.floor((self.analogOut.get() * 25.5))) & 0xFF), 0xFF ] self.sipSend(data) # update sonars, odometry and stalled def read(self): self.incoming = None if self.offset_counter > 1: self.prev_time_stamp = self.time_stamp if self.port.inWaiting() != 0: self.incoming = self.port.readline().rstrip('\n') self.offset_counter += 1 try: self.time_stamp , self.Ax , self.Ay , self.Az , self.Gx , self.Gy , self.Gz , \ self.Ultrasonic_rear_right, self.Ultrasonic_right, self.Ultrasonic_front , \ self.Ultrasonic_left , self.Ultrasonic_rear_left , self.Ultrasonic_back , \ self.encoder_right , self.encoder_left , self.LDR_top , self.LDR_front , \ self.tempreture_sensor , self.voltage , self.current = self.incoming.split(";") self.time_stamp = float(self.time_stamp) self.Ax = float(self.Ax) self.Ay = float(self.Ay) self.Az = float(self.Az) self.Gx = float(self.Gx) self.Gy = float(self.Gy) self.Gz = float(self.Gz) self.Ultrasonic_rear_right = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_right) self.Ultrasonic_right = float(self.Ultrasonic_right) self.Ultrasonic_front = float(self.Ultrasonic_front) self.Ultrasonic_left = float(self.Ultrasonic_left) self.Ultrasonic_rear_left = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_left) self.Ultrasonic_back = float(self.Ultrasonic_back) self.encoder_right = float(self.encoder_right) self.encoder_left = float(self.encoder_left) self.LDR_top = float(self.LDR_top) self.LDR_front = float(self.LDR_front) self.tempreture_sensor = float(self.tempreture_sensor) self.voltage = float(self.voltage) self.current = float(self.current) except: print " bad formatted data received" print self.incoming if self.offset_counter == 2: self.Ax_offset = self.Ax self.Ay_offset = self.Ay self.Az_offset = self.Az self.Gx_offset = self.Gx self.Gy_offset = self.Gy self.Gz_offset = self.Gz if self.offset_counter > 2 and self.offset_counter < self.offset_counter_iteration: # we just average the first 50 # readings of the accelerometer and Gyro sensor and find the offset value by averaging them self.Ax_offset = (self.Ax + self.Ax_offset) self.Ay_offset = (self.Ay + self.Ay_offset) self.Az_offset = (self.Az + self.Az_offset) self.Gx_offset = (self.Gx + self.Gx_offset) self.Gy_offset = (self.Gy + self.Gy_offset) self.Gz_offset = (self.Gz + self.Gz_offset) if self.offset_counter == self.offset_counter_iteration: # we just average the first 50 # readings of the accelerometer and Gyro sensor and find the offset value by averaging them self.Ax_offset = self.Ax_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Ay_offset = self.Ay_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Az_offset = self.Az_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gx_offset = self.Gx_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gy_offset = self.Gy_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gz_offset = self.Gz_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration if self.offset_counter > self.offset_counter_iteration: sampling_time = (self.time_stamp - self.prev_time_stamp) / 1000. if sampling_time > 0: if abs(self.Gz - self.Gz_offset) > 50: # to remove the noise self.heading = self.heading + sampling_time * ( self.Gz - self.Gz_offset ) # the integration to get the heading self.heading_scaled = self.heading / 130.5 #128.7 self.heading_scaled = self.heading_scaled self.pos_values[0],self.pos_values[1],self.pos_values[2] = \ self.EKF.update_state([self.heading_scaled*pi/180.,self.encoder_right/1000.,self.encoder_left/1000.],sampling_time) return self.incoming def update(self, dummyparameter=0): if (self.serialReady): #self.sendPacket([CMD.RECV]) #self.sendMotorCmd() #self.sendDigitalOutCmd() # temp = self.port.inWaiting() self.sendOutputs() #sleep(.005) #self.sendPacket([CMD.SEND]) sleep(.005) self.parseData() self.from_update = 1 #if (self.sipRecv() > 0): # self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 #else: # self.zero_recv_cnt += 1 # if (self.zero_recv_cnt > 400): # self.serialReady = False # app.soar.closeEBot() # sys.stderr.write("Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n") # Calculate checksum on P2OS packet (see Pioneer manual) def calcChecksum(self, data): c = 0 i = 3 n = data[2] - ord('0') - 2 while (n > 1): c += (data[i] << 8) | (data[i + 1]) c = c & 0xFFFF n -= 2 i += 2 if (n > 0): c = c ^ data[i] return c def startmoving(self): self.acceptMotorCmds = True # if (self.asynchronous): # self.stopmoving() # self.startSerialThread() def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0.0, 0.0) self.acceptMotorCmds = False if (self.asynchronous): pass # self.stopSerialThread() else: #self.sendMotorCmd() self.sendOutputs() def startSerialThread(self): self.flushSerial() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.update, 50) self.currentthread.start() def stopSerialThread(self): try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass # Send a packet to robot def sendPacket(self, data): #pkt = [0x3C,0x3C,len(data)+2] pkt = [0x3C, 0x3C, len(data)] for d in data: pkt.append(d) #pkt.append(0) #pkt.append(0) #chk = self.calcChecksum(pkt) #pkt[len(pkt)-2] = (chk>>8) #pkt[len(pkt)-1] = (chk&0xFF) s = reduce(lambda x, y: x + chr(y), pkt, "") try: self.port.write(s) except: sys.stderr.write("Could not write to serial port.\n") self.serialReady = False app.soar.closeEBot() sys.stderr.write( "Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n" ) sleep(0.008) # Block until packet recieved def recvPacket(self): timeout = 1.0 data = [0, 0, 0] while (1): cnt = 0 tstart = time() while (time() - tstart) < timeout: if (self.port.inWaiting() > 0): data[2] = ord( break if (time() - tstart) > timeout: raise Exception("Read timeout") if (data[0] == 0x3E and data[1] == 0x3E): break data[0] = data[1] data[1] = data[2] for d in range(data[2] - ord('0')): data.append(ord( #if self.from_update: #crc = self.calcChecksum(data) #if data[len(data)-1]!=(crc&0xFF) or data[len(data)-2]!=(crc>>8): # self.port.flushInput() # raise Exception("Checksum failure") #if self.port.inWaiting() > 0: # self.port.flushInput() #self.from_update=0 return data # Send a packet def sipSend(self, data): if self.serialReady: self.sendPacket(data) # Receive all waiting packets. # returns the number of packets read def sipRecv(self): iters = 0 if self.serialReady: while (self.port.inWaiting() > 0): try: recv = self.recvPacket() except: print 'no recv packet' #continue break iters += 1 self.parseData(recv) # 0x3s means sip packet #if (recv[3]&0xF0)==0x30: # self.parseSip(recv) # 0xF0 means io packet #elif recv[3]==0xF0: # self.parseIO(recv) return iters def parseData(self): # parse all data stall = 0 bump = 0 sonars = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] #Right Sonar sonars[4] = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_right) #if -0.5<self.prev_sonar[4]- sonars[4]<0.5: # sonars[4] = self.prev_sonar4 #else: # self.prev_sonar4=sonars[4] #print 'Sonar 1: ', sonars[0] #Right Front Sonar sonars[3] = float(self.Ultrasonic_right) #print 'Sonar 2: ', sonars[1] #Front Sonar sonars[2] = float(self.Ultrasonic_front) #print 'Sonar 3: ', sonars[2] #Left Front Sonar sonars[1] = float(self.Ultrasonic_left) #print 'Sonar 4: ', sonars[3 #Left Sonar sonars[0] = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_left) #print 'Sonar 5: ', sonars[4] #Back Sonar sonars[5] = float(self.Ultrasonic_back) #print 'Sonar 6: ', sonars[5] self.pos_values[0], self.pos_values[1] = self.EKF.get_position() self.pos_values[2] = self.EKF.get_heading() self.pos_values[2] = self.pos_values[2] % (2 * pi) if self.pos_values[2] > 2 * pi: self.pos_values[2] -= 2 * pi elif self.pos_values[2] < 0: self.pos_values[2] += 2 * pi self.odpose.set( (self.pos_values[0], self.pos_values[1], self.pos_values[2])) self.stalled.set((stall != 0x00) or (bump != 0x00)) storedsonars = self.storedsonars.get() for i in range(len(sonars)): if sonars[i] != -1: storedsonars[i] = sonars[i] * METER_SCALE self.sonarsChanged[i] = 1 else: self.sonarsChanged[i] = 0 self.storedsonars.set(storedsonars) # Send a packet and receive a SIP response from the robot def sipSendReceive(self, data): self.sipSend(data) self.sipRecv() # def cmdPulse(self): # self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) # def cmdPulseSend(self): # self.sipSend([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdEnable(self, v): #self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.ENABLE, ArgType.ARGINT, v, 0]) pass def cmdVel(self, v): absv = int(abs(v)) if (v >= 0): data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) # def cmdVel2(self,l,r): # self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.VEL2,ArgType.ARGINT,int(r),int(l)]) def cmdRvel(self, rv): absrv = abs(rv) if (rv >= 0): data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdSay(self, note, duration): data = [ArcosCmd.SAY, ArgType.ARGSTR] for d in ("%s,%s" % (note, duration)): data.append(ord(d)) data.append(0)
class amigo_simulator(object): #DON'T change the dimensions on the fly, just make a new world class World(object): def wall(self, start, end): self.walls.append((start, end)) def movingObstacle(self, vertices, com, d): self.moving_obstacles.append((vertices, com, d)) def dimensions(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height # borders to make collision detection/sonars easier: self.wall((0, 0), (0, self.height)) self.wall((0, 0), (self.width, 0)) self.wall((self.width, self.height), (0, self.height)) self.wall((self.width, self.height), (self.width, 0)) def initialRobotLocation(self, x, y, theta=0): self.init = x, y, theta self.initset = True def __init__(self, worldfile): self.walls = [] self.moving_obstacles = [] self.initset = False envin = {} envin["dimensions"] = self.dimensions envin["wall"] = self.wall envin["initialRobotLoc"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["initialRobotLocation"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["movingObstacle"] = self.movingObstacle parseFile(worldfile, envin) if not self.initset: self.init = self.width / 2.0, self.height / 2.0, 0.0 def __init__(self, worldfile, geom=None): if len(worldfile) == 0: raise CancelGUIAction self.worldfile = worldfile = self.World(self.worldfile) = Toplevel("Simulator")"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", skip) # only pay attention to the position part, since the size is determined # by the world file self.geom = None if geom: self.geom = geom[geom.find('+'):] debug("world loaded", 2) self.initGlobals() debug("simulator globals initialized", 2) self.setters = { "motorOutput": self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput": self.discreteMotorOutput, "analogOutput": self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance": self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap": self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities": self.setMaxVelocities } self.getters = { "sonarDistances": self.reportSonars, "pose": self.odpose.get, "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs": self.analogInputs.get } debug("module data set up", 2) #self.resetbutton = Button(, text="Reset", command=lambda: self.initGlobals(True)) #self.resetbutton.pack(side="top") self.initCanvas() debug("drawing area initialized", 2) self.drawWorld() self.drawRobot() debug("updating sonars...", 2) self.updateSonars() debug("...updated!", 2) app.soar.addFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) debug("finished settup up simulator", 2) # Gets called by the Start button def startmoving(self): self.stopmoving() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.onestep, SIMULATOR_PERIOD) self.currentthread.start() # Gets called by the Stop button def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0, 0) try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass #Clean up before closing` def destroy(self): # tell the app what the current window geometry is so that we can # restore it the next time soar is run app.soar.simulator_geom = app.soar.removeFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) self.stopmoving() def initGlobals(self, reset=False): self.storedsonars = SharedVar() self.oldsonars = SharedVar() self.reallyoldsonars = SharedVar() self.v = SharedVar(0.0) self.w = SharedVar(0.0) self.abspose = SharedVar( ([0],[1],[2])) self.odpose = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.analogInputs = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) if not reset: self.obstacles = [] if > self.simheight = MAX_SIM_WIDTH * / self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_WIDTH else: self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT * / self.simheight = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT self.pxmax = float( self.pxmin = 0.0 self.pymax = float( self.pymin = 0.0 self.cxmax = float(self.simwidth - 5) self.cxmin = 5.0 self.cymax = 5.0 self.cymin = float(self.simheight - 5) self.pxtocx = (self.cxmax - self.cxmin) / (self.pxmax - self.pxmin) self.pytocy = (self.cymax - self.cymin) / (self.pymax - self.pymin) self.cxtopx = (self.pxmax - self.pxmin) / (self.cxmax - self.cxmin) self.cytopy = (self.pymax - self.pymin) / (self.cymax - self.cymin) self.pxcxconstant = self.cxmin - self.pxmin * self.pxtocx self.pycyoffset = self.cymin - self.pymin * self.pytocy self.cxpxoffset = self.pxmin - self.cxmin * self.cxtopx self.cypyoffset = self.pymin - self.cymin * self.cytopy else: self.drawRobot() self.updateSonars() self.inrobot = False self.stalled = SharedVar(False) # Get the drawable space ready def initCanvas(self): self.canvas = Canvas(, width=self.simwidth, height=self.simheight, background="white") self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.left_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.left_click_up) #Thanks for making the right-button different on Macs, but not Linux. #Thanks for making os.uname not exist on windows... ugh! try: if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': self.canvas.bind("<Button-2>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B2-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-2>", self.right_click_up) else: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) except AttributeError: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) self.canvas.pack(side="top") self.odometrytext = StringVar() self.odometrylabel = Label(, textvariable=self.odometrytext) self.odometrylabel.pack(side="top") # The next two functions are inverses of each other # A mapping from the space the robot lives in to the space that is displayed onto the computer screen def PtoC(self, (px, py)): cx = px * self.pxtocx + self.pxcxconstant cy = py * self.pytocy + self.cymin - self.pymin * self.pytocy return (cx, cy)
class Pioneer: # Initialise connection to pioneer on specified port def __init__(self): try: from soar.serial import Serial except ImportError: print "You are missing some serial support libraries. Probably you are on windows and you need to get pywin32. Check out for details." raise CancelGUIAction self.portName = settings.SERIAL_PORT_NAME self.sonarsChanged = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.port = None self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = 0,0 self.storedsonars = SharedVar([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) self.trans, self.rot = SharedVar(0),SharedVar(0) self.odpose = SharedVar((0,0,0)) self.stalled = SharedVar(False) self.analogInputs = SharedVar([0,0,0,0]) self.analogOut = SharedVar(0) self.asynchronous = True self.setters = {"motorOutput":self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput":self.discreteMotorOutput, "say":self.cmdSay, "analogOutput":self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance":self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap":self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities":self.setMaxVelocities} self.getters = {"pose":self.odpose.get, "sonarDistances":self.storedsonars.get, "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs":self.analogInputs.get} debug("Pioneer variables set up", 2) self.serialready = False try: debug("Serial Connection started", 2) except: debug("Could not open the serial port", 0) raise CancelGUIAction("Error opening serial port") self.cmdEnable(1) debug("Robot cmdEnabled", 2) app.soar.addFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) self.currentthread = None self.acceptMotorCmds = False self.startSerialThread() def destroy(self): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if (self.serialready): self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) # self.flushSerialPort() self.port.close() app.soar.removeFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) # yes, this is repeated code, and should be neater. you fix it. def initGlobals(self, dummy): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if self.serialready: self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.sonarsChanged = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] from soar.serial import Serial self.cmdEnable(1) self.startSerialThread() self.odpose.set((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Open connection to robot def open(self, Serial): #baudRates = [9600,38400,19200,115200,57600] #baudRates = [115200,9600]#,38400,19200,57600] baudRates = [9600,19200,38400,57600,115200] #baudRates = [9600] curBaudRate = 0 self.port = Serial(self.portName,baudRates[0]) self.port._timeout = 1.0 self.port._writeTimout = 1.0 self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() numAttempts = 3 timeout = 5.0 startt = time() while (self.connectionState != STATE_READY): if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC0]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_FIRST_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC1]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_SECOND_SYNC): self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC2]) elif (self.connectionState == STATE_READY): pass try: pkt = self.recvPacket() except: if (self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC and numAttempts >= 0): numAttempts -= 1 else: curBaudRate += 1 if (curBaudRate<len(baudRates)): self.port.close() self.port = Serial(self.portName,baudRates[curBaudRate]) debug("Changing to baud rate: "+`baudRates[curBaudRate]`, 1) self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() else: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n") raise Exception("No Robot Found") continue if (pkt[3]==CMD_SYNC0): self.connectionState = STATE_FIRST_SYNC elif (pkt[3]==CMD_SYNC1): self.connectionState = STATE_SECOND_SYNC elif (pkt[3]==CMD_SYNC2): self.connectionState = STATE_READY if (time()-startt) > timeout: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Robot needs to be reset.\n") raise Exception("Bad Robot State") botName = "" botType = "" botSubType = "" i=4 while (pkt[i]): botName += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 i+=1 while (pkt[i]): botType += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 i+=1 while (pkt[i]): botSubType += chr(pkt[i]) i += 1 self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.OPEN]) debug("P2OS Interface Ready - connected to "+`botName`+" "+`botType`+" "+`botSubType`,1) print "P2OS Interface Ready - connected to "+`botType`+`botName` changed = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] while 0 in changed: self.cmdPulse() self.sipRecv() self.storedsonars.get() changed = [changed[i] or self.sonarsChanged[i] for i in range(len(changed))] self.serialready = True # turn on io packets self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.IOREQUEST,ArgType.ARGINT,2,0]) def getPose(self): return self.odpose.get() #def initGlobals(self): # self.odpose.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def flushSerial(self): self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() def setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance(self, d): pass def enableAccelerationCap(self, enable): if not enable: sys.stderr.write("Can't disable accleration cap on real robot.\n") def setMaxVelocities(self, maxTransVel, maxRotVel): global MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT MAX_TRANS = maxTransVel MAX_ROT = maxRotVel if maxTransVel > 0.75: sys.stderr.write("Trying to set maximum translational velocity too high for real robot\n") if maxRotVel > 1.75: sys.stderr.write("Trying to set maximum rotational velocity too high for real robot\n") def enableTeleportation(self, prob, pose): sys.stderr.write("Enabling teleportation on real robot has no effect.\n") # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (rad/sec) def motorOutput(self, v, w): # traceback.print_stack() if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.trans.set(clip(v, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.rot.set(clip(w, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) if (not self.asynchronous): self.update() def analogOutput(self, v): self.analogOut.set(clip(v, 0.0, 10.0)) # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (deg/sec) # for dt seconds def discreteMotorOutput(self, v, w, dt): if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.motorOutput(v,w) sleep(dt) self.motorOutput(0,0) def sendMotorCmd(self): self.cmdVel(int(self.trans.get()*1000.0)) self.cmdRvel(int(self.rot.get()*180/pi)) def sendDigitalOutCmd(self): # high order byte selects output bit for change # low order byte sets/resets bit data = [ArcosCmd.DIGOUT,ArgType.ARGINT, # convert 0-10 voltage to 0-255 value (int(math.floor((self.analogOut.get()*25.5)))&0xFF),0xFF] self.sipSend(data) # update sonars, odometry and stalled def update(self, dummyparameter=0): if (self.serialready): self.sendMotorCmd() self.sendDigitalOutCmd() # if we receive no packets for a few cycles, we've lost touch with the robot if (self.sipRecv() > 0): self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 else: self.zero_recv_cnt += 1 if (self.zero_recv_cnt > 40): self.serialready = False app.soar.closePioneer() sys.stderr.write("Robot turned off or no longer connected.\n Dead reckoning is no longer valid.\n") # Calculate checksum on P2OS packet (see Pioneer manual) def calcChecksum(self,data): c = 0 i = 3 n = data[2]-2 while (n>1): c += (data[i]<<8) | (data[i+1]) c = c & 0xFFFF n -= 2 i += 2 if (n>0): c = c ^ data[i] return c def startmoving(self): self.acceptMotorCmds = True # if (self.asynchronous): # self.stopmoving() # self.startSerialThread() def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0.0, 0.0) self.acceptMotorCmds = False if (self.asynchronous): pass # self.stopSerialThread() else: self.sendMotorCmd() def startSerialThread(self): self.flushSerial() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.update, 50) self.currentthread.start() def stopSerialThread(self): try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass # Send a packet to robot def sendPacket(self,data): pkt = [0xFA,0xFB,len(data)+2] for d in data: pkt.append(d) pkt.append(0) pkt.append(0) chk = self.calcChecksum(pkt) pkt[len(pkt)-2] = (chk>>8) pkt[len(pkt)-1] = (chk&0xFF) s = reduce(lambda x,y: x+chr(y),pkt,"") try: self.port.write(s) except: sys.stderr.write("Could not write to serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n") sleep(0.008) # Block until packet recieved def recvPacket(self): timeout = 1.0 data = [0,0,0] while (1): cnt = 0 tstart = time() while (time()-tstart)<timeout: if (self.port.inWaiting()>0): data[2] = ord( break if (time()-tstart)>timeout: raise Exception("Read timeout") if (data[0] == 0xFA and data[1] == 0xFB): break data[0] = data[1] data[1] = data[2] for d in range(data[2]): data.append(ord( crc = self.calcChecksum(data) if data[len(data)-1]!=(crc&0xFF) or data[len(data)-2]!=(crc>>8): self.port.flushInput() raise Exception("Checksum failure") # if self.port.inWaiting() > 0: # self.port.flushInput() return data # Send a packet def sipSend(self,data): self.sendPacket(data) # Receive all waiting packets. # returns the number of packets read def sipRecv(self): iters = 0 while(self.port.inWaiting() > 0): try: recv = self.recvPacket() except: print 'no recv packet' #continue break iters += 1 # 0x3s means sip packet if (recv[3]&0xF0)==0x30: self.parseSip(recv) # 0xF0 means io packet elif recv[3]==0xF0: self.parseIO(recv) return iters def parseIO(self, recv): analogInputs = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] bufferidx = 12 for aninputidx in range(len(analogInputs)): analogInputs[aninputidx] = (recv[bufferidx] | recv[bufferidx+1]<<8) bufferidx += 2 analogInputs = [a*10.0/1023.0 for a in analogInputs] self.analogInputs.set(analogInputs[4:len(analogInputs)]) def parseSip(self, recv): # parse all data xpos = recv[ 4] | (recv[ 5]<<8) ypos = recv[ 6] | (recv[ 7]<<8) thpos = recv[ 8] | (recv[ 9]<<8) #lvel = recv[10] | (recv[11]<<8) #rvel = recv[12] | (recv[13]<<8) #battery = recv[14] stallbump = recv[15] | (recv[16]<<8) #control = recv[17] | (recv[18]<<8) #flags = recv[19] | (recv[20]<<8) #compass = recv[21] sonarcount = recv[22] sonars = [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] for i in range(sonarcount): num = recv[23+3*i] sonars[num] = recv[24+3*i] | (recv[25+3*i]<<8) #indx = 23 + 3*sonarcount #gripstate = recv[indx] #anport = recv[indx+1] #analog = recv[indx+2] #digin = recv[indx+3] #digout = recv[indx+4] #batteryx10 = recv[indx+5] | (recv[indx+6]<<8) #chargestate = recv[indx+7] # deal with the fact that x and y odometry roll over dx, dy = xpos-self.lastxpos, ypos-self.lastypos if dx > 60000: dx-=65536 elif dx < -60000: dx+=65536 if dy > 60000: dy-=65536 elif dy < -60000: dy+=65536 lastpose = self.odpose.get() self.odpose.set((lastpose[0]+dx*METER_SCALE, lastpose[1]+dy*METER_SCALE, thpos*RADIAN_SCALE)) self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = xpos, ypos #self.battery = battery/10.0 stall = [( (stallbump&0x0001) == 0x0001 ), ( (stallbump&0x0100) == 0x0100 )] bump = [( (stallbump&0x00FE) >> 1 ), ( (stallbump&0xFE00) >> 9 )] self.stalled.set(stall[0] or stall[1] or bump[0] or bump[1]) storedsonars = self.storedsonars.get() for i in range(len(sonars)): if sonars[i]!=-1: storedsonars[i] = sonars[i]*METER_SCALE self.sonarsChanged[i] = 1 else: self.sonarsChanged[i] = 0 self.storedsonars.set(storedsonars) # Send a packet and receive a SIP response from the robot def sipSendReceive(self,data): self.sipSend(data) self.sipRecv() def cmdPulse(self): self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdPulseSend(self): self.sipSend([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdEnable(self,v): self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.ENABLE,ArgType.ARGINT,v,0]) def cmdVel(self,v): absv = int(abs(v)) if (v>=0): data = [ArcosCmd.VEL,ArgType.ARGINT,absv&0xFF,absv>>8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.VEL,ArgType.ARGNINT,absv&0xFF,absv>>8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdVel2(self,l,r): self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.VEL2,ArgType.ARGINT,int(r),int(l)]) def cmdRvel(self,rv): absrv = abs(rv) if (rv>=0): data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL,ArgType.ARGINT,absrv&0xFF,absrv>>8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL,ArgType.ARGNINT,absrv&0xFF,absrv>>8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdSay(self,note,duration): data = [ArcosCmd.SAY,ArgType.ARGSTR] for d in ("%s,%s" % (note,duration)): data.append(ord(d)) data.append(0) self.sendPacket(data)
class eBot: # Initialise connection to pioneer on specified port def __init__(self): try: from soar.serial import Serial except ImportError: print "You are missing some serial support libraries. Probably you are on windows and you need to get pywin32. Check out for details." raise CancelGUIAction self.sonarValues = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.all_Values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.port = None self.serialReady = False self.ldrvalue = [0, 0] self.p_value = [0, 0] self.acc_values = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] self.pos_values = [0, 0, 0] self.EKF = Locator_EKF([0.0, 0.0], 0.0) self.offset_counter = 0 self.thread_flag = 0 self.heading = 0.0 self.offset_counter_iteration = 200 self.Ultrasonic_rear_right = 0 self.Ultrasonic_right = 0 self.Ultrasonic_front = 0 self.Ultrasonic_left = 0 self.Ultrasonic_rear_left = 0 self.Ultrasonic_back = 0 self.portName = -1 self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # Change to 6 after self.from_update = 0 self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.port = None self.lastxpos, self.lastypos = 0, 0 self.storedsonars = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # Change to 6 after self.trans, self.rot = SharedVar(0), SharedVar(0) self.odpose = SharedVar((0, 0, 0)) self.stalled = SharedVar(False) self.analogInputs = SharedVar([0, 0, 0, 0]) self.analogOut = SharedVar(0) self.asynchronous = True self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 # Added -> Not in pioneer self.setters = { "motorOutput": self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput": self.discreteMotorOutput, "say": self.cmdSay, "analogOutput": self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance": self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap": self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities": self.setMaxVelocities, } self.getters = { "pose": self.odpose.get, "sonarDistances": self.storedsonars.get, "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs": self.analogInputs.get, } debug("eBot variables set up", 2) self.serialReady = False self.prev_sonar = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] try: self.connect(Serial) debug("Serial Connection started", 2) print "eBot connection successful" except: sys.stderr.write("Couldn't connect to eBot.\n") sys.stderr.write("- Check if eBot is on, paired and connected. If not, power up and try again. \n") # sys.stderr.write("- Check to see if COM port below is eBot. If not, remove device and try again. \n") debug("Could not open the serial port", 0) print 5 raise CancelGUIAction("Error opening serial port") app.soar.addFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) self.currentthread = None self.acceptMotorCmds = False self.startSerialThread() sleep(7) def destroy(self): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) if self.serialReady: # self.cmdEnable(0) self.stopmoving() self.sendOutputs() self.sendPacket([CMD.CLOSE]) # self.flushSerialPort() try: self.port.close() except: pass app.soar.removeFlowTriplet((self.startmoving, self.update, self.stopmoving)) # yes, this is repeated code, and should be neater. you fix it. def initGlobals(self, dummy): self.stopSerialThread() sleep(0.2) # if self.serialReady: # self.cmdEnable(0) # self.stopmoving() # self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.CLOSE]) self.connectionState = STATE_NO_SYNC self.sonarsChanged = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] from soar.serial import Serial self.connect(Serial) # self.cmdEnable(1) self.startSerialThread() self.odpose.set((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) def getOpenPorts(self): """ This Function Returns a list of tuples with the port number and its description. Used for Windows only """ path = "HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\SERIALCOMM" key = winreg.OpenKey(winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path) ports = [] # maximum 256 entries, will break anyways for i in range(256): try: val = winreg.EnumValue(key, i) port = (str(val[1]), str(val[0])) ports.append(port) except Exception: winreg.CloseKey(key) break # return ports # ports = getOpenPorts() devicePorts = [] for port in ports: # Just because it is formatted that way... if "BthModem" in port[1][8:] or "VCP" in port[1][8:] or "ProlificSerial" in port[1][8:]: devicePorts.append((int(port[0][3:]) - 1)) return devicePorts def connect(self, Serial): baudRate = 115200 ports = [] if == "posix": if sys.platform == "linux2": # usbSerial = glob.glob('/dev/ttyUSB*') print "Support for this OS is under development." elif sys.platform == "darwin": ports = glob.glob("/dev/tty.eBot*") # usbSerial = glob.glob('/dev/tty.usbserial*') else: print "Unknown posix OS." sys.exit() elif == "nt": ports = self.getOpenPorts() # ports = ['COM' + str(i + 1) for i in range(256)] # EBOT_PORTS = getEBotPorts() connect = 0 ebot_ports = [] ebot_names = [] for port in ports: try: s = Serial(port, baudRate, timeout=1, writeTimeout=1) s._timeout = 1.0 s._writeTimeout = 1.0 # try: # # except: # continue line = "aaaa" while line[:2] != "eB": if s.inWaiting() > 0: line = s.readline() s.write("<<1?") sleep(0.5) line = s.readline() if line[:2] == "eB": ebot_ports.append(port) ebot_names.append(line) connect = 1 self.port = s self.portName = port self.port._timeout = 1.0 self.port._writeTimeout = 1.0 self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() if line[:2] == "eB": break # s.close() # self. except: try: if s.isOpen(): s.close() except: pass if connect == 0: try: self.port.close() except: pass # sys.stderr.write("Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n") raise Exception("No Robot Found") # Open connection to robot def open(self): numAttempts = 3 timeout = 5.0 startt = time() while self.connectionState != STATE_READY: if self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC: self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC_SEND.CHECK1]) elif self.connectionState == STATE_SYNC: self.sendPacket([CMD_SYNC_SEND.CHECK2]) self.connectionState = STATE_READY break # elif (self.connectionState == STATE_READY): # pass try: pkt = self.recvPacket() except: if self.connectionState == STATE_NO_SYNC and numAttempts >= 0: numAttempts -= 1 else: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Could not open serial port. Is robot turned on and connected?\n") raise Exception("No Robot Found") continue if pkt[3] == CMD_SYNC_RECV.CHECK1: self.connectionState = STATE_SYNC # elif (pkt[3]==CMD_SYNC_RECV.CHECK2): # self.connectionState = STATE_READY if (time() - startt) > timeout: self.port.close() sys.stderr.write("Robot needs to be reset.\n") raise Exception("Bad Robot State") sleep(0.01) try: self.port.write("A") except: sys.stderr.write("Could not write to serial port.\n") self.serialReady = False app.soar.closeEBot() sys.stderr.write("Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n") # changed = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # while 0 in changed: # #self.cmdPulse() # self.sipRecv() # self.storedsonars.get() # changed = [changed[i] or self.sonarsChanged[i] for i in range(len(changed))] self.serialReady = True # turn on io packets # self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.IOREQUEST,ArgType.ARGINT,2,0]) def getPose(self): return self.odpose.get() def initGlobals(self): self.odpose.set(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) def flushSerial(self): self.port.flushInput() self.port.flushOutput() def setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance(self, d): pass def enableAccelerationCap(self, enable): if not enable: sys.stderr.write("Can't disable accleration cap on real robot.\n") def setMaxVelocities(self, maxTransVel, maxRotVel): global MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT MAX_TRANS = maxTransVel MAX_ROT = maxRotVel if maxTransVel > 0.75: sys.stderr.write("Trying to set maximum translational velocity too high for real robot\n") if maxRotVel > 1.75: sys.stderr.write("Trying to set maximum rotational velocity too high for real robot\n") def enableTeleportation(self, prob, pose): sys.stderr.write("Enabling teleportation on real robot has no effect.\n") # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (rad/sec) def motorOutput(self, v, w): # traceback.print_stack() if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.trans.set(clip(v, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.rot.set(clip(w, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) if not self.asynchronous: self.update() def analogOutput(self, v): self.analogOut.set(clip(v, 0.0, 10.0)) # Move by translating with velocity v (m/sec), # and rotating with velocity r (deg/sec) # for dt seconds def discreteMotorOutput(self, v, w, dt): if self.acceptMotorCmds: self.motorOutput(v, w) sleep(dt) self.motorOutput(0, 0) def sendOutputs(self): data = [CMD.RECV] v = int(self.trans.get() * 1000.0) if v >= 0: # data = [abs(v) & 0xFF, v >> 8, 0x01] data.append(abs(v) / 256) data.append(abs(v) % 256) data.append(0x01) else: # data = [abs(v) & 0xFF, v >> 8, 0x10] data.append(abs(v) / 256) data.append(abs(v) % 256) data.append(0x10) rv = int(self.rot.get() * 220 / pi) # 180*1.5 if rv >= 0: data.append(abs(rv) / 256) data.append(abs(rv) % 256) data.append(0x01) else: data.append(abs(rv) / 256) data.append(abs(rv) % 256) data.append(0x10) self.sipSend(data) def sendMotorCmd(self): self.cmdVel(int(self.trans.get() * 1000.0)) self.cmdRvel(int(self.rot.get() * 180 / pi)) def sendDigitalOutCmd(self): # high order byte selects output bit for change # low order byte sets/resets bit data = [ ArcosCmd.DIGOUT, ArgType.ARGINT, # convert 0-10 voltage to 0-255 value (int(math.floor((self.analogOut.get() * 25.5))) & 0xFF), 0xFF, ] self.sipSend(data) # update sonars, odometry and stalled def read(self): self.incoming = None if self.offset_counter > 1: self.prev_time_stamp = self.time_stamp if self.port.inWaiting() != 0: self.incoming = self.port.readline().rstrip("\n") self.offset_counter += 1 try: self.time_stamp, self.Ax, self.Ay, self.Az, self.Gx, self.Gy, self.Gz, self.Ultrasonic_rear_right, self.Ultrasonic_right, self.Ultrasonic_front, self.Ultrasonic_left, self.Ultrasonic_rear_left, self.Ultrasonic_back, self.encoder_right, self.encoder_left, self.LDR_top, self.LDR_front, self.tempreture_sensor, self.voltage, self.current = self.incoming.split( ";" ) self.time_stamp = float(self.time_stamp) self.Ax = float(self.Ax) self.Ay = float(self.Ay) self.Az = float(self.Az) self.Gx = float(self.Gx) self.Gy = float(self.Gy) self.Gz = float(self.Gz) self.Ultrasonic_rear_right = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_right) self.Ultrasonic_right = float(self.Ultrasonic_right) self.Ultrasonic_front = float(self.Ultrasonic_front) self.Ultrasonic_left = float(self.Ultrasonic_left) self.Ultrasonic_rear_left = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_left) self.Ultrasonic_back = float(self.Ultrasonic_back) self.encoder_right = float(self.encoder_right) self.encoder_left = float(self.encoder_left) self.LDR_top = float(self.LDR_top) self.LDR_front = float(self.LDR_front) self.tempreture_sensor = float(self.tempreture_sensor) self.voltage = float(self.voltage) self.current = float(self.current) except: print " bad formatted data received" print self.incoming if self.offset_counter == 2: self.Ax_offset = self.Ax self.Ay_offset = self.Ay self.Az_offset = self.Az self.Gx_offset = self.Gx self.Gy_offset = self.Gy self.Gz_offset = self.Gz if ( self.offset_counter > 2 and self.offset_counter < self.offset_counter_iteration ): # we just average the first 50 # readings of the accelerometer and Gyro sensor and find the offset value by averaging them self.Ax_offset = self.Ax + self.Ax_offset self.Ay_offset = self.Ay + self.Ay_offset self.Az_offset = self.Az + self.Az_offset self.Gx_offset = self.Gx + self.Gx_offset self.Gy_offset = self.Gy + self.Gy_offset self.Gz_offset = self.Gz + self.Gz_offset if self.offset_counter == self.offset_counter_iteration: # we just average the first 50 # readings of the accelerometer and Gyro sensor and find the offset value by averaging them self.Ax_offset = self.Ax_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Ay_offset = self.Ay_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Az_offset = self.Az_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gx_offset = self.Gx_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gy_offset = self.Gy_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration self.Gz_offset = self.Gz_offset / self.offset_counter_iteration if self.offset_counter > self.offset_counter_iteration: sampling_time = (self.time_stamp - self.prev_time_stamp) / 1000.0 if sampling_time > 0: if abs(self.Gz - self.Gz_offset) > 50: # to remove the noise self.heading = self.heading + sampling_time * ( self.Gz - self.Gz_offset ) # the integration to get the heading self.heading_scaled = self.heading / 130.5 # 128.7 self.heading_scaled = self.heading_scaled self.pos_values[0], self.pos_values[1], self.pos_values[2] = self.EKF.update_state( [self.heading_scaled * pi / 180.0, self.encoder_right / 1000.0, self.encoder_left / 1000.0], sampling_time, ) return self.incoming def update(self, dummyparameter=0): if self.serialReady: # self.sendPacket([CMD.RECV]) # self.sendMotorCmd() # self.sendDigitalOutCmd() # temp = self.port.inWaiting() self.sendOutputs() # sleep(.005) # self.sendPacket([CMD.SEND]) sleep(0.005) self.parseData() self.from_update = 1 # if (self.sipRecv() > 0): # self.zero_recv_cnt = 0 # else: # self.zero_recv_cnt += 1 # if (self.zero_recv_cnt > 400): # self.serialReady = False # app.soar.closeEBot() # sys.stderr.write("Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n") # Calculate checksum on P2OS packet (see Pioneer manual) def calcChecksum(self, data): c = 0 i = 3 n = data[2] - ord("0") - 2 while n > 1: c += (data[i] << 8) | (data[i + 1]) c = c & 0xFFFF n -= 2 i += 2 if n > 0: c = c ^ data[i] return c def startmoving(self): self.acceptMotorCmds = True # if (self.asynchronous): # self.stopmoving() # self.startSerialThread() def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0.0, 0.0) self.acceptMotorCmds = False if self.asynchronous: pass # self.stopSerialThread() else: # self.sendMotorCmd() self.sendOutputs() def startSerialThread(self): self.flushSerial() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.update, 50) self.currentthread.start() def stopSerialThread(self): try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass # Send a packet to robot def sendPacket(self, data): # pkt = [0x3C,0x3C,len(data)+2] pkt = [0x3C, 0x3C, len(data)] for d in data: pkt.append(d) # pkt.append(0) # pkt.append(0) # chk = self.calcChecksum(pkt) # pkt[len(pkt)-2] = (chk>>8) # pkt[len(pkt)-1] = (chk&0xFF) s = reduce(lambda x, y: x + chr(y), pkt, "") try: self.port.write(s) except: sys.stderr.write("Could not write to serial port.\n") self.serialReady = False app.soar.closeEBot() sys.stderr.write("Robot turned off or no longer connected.\nDead reckoning is no longer valid.\n") sleep(0.008) # Block until packet recieved def recvPacket(self): timeout = 1.0 data = [0, 0, 0] while 1: cnt = 0 tstart = time() while (time() - tstart) < timeout: if self.port.inWaiting() > 0: data[2] = ord( break if (time() - tstart) > timeout: raise Exception("Read timeout") if data[0] == 0x3E and data[1] == 0x3E: break data[0] = data[1] data[1] = data[2] for d in range(data[2] - ord("0")): data.append(ord( # if self.from_update: # crc = self.calcChecksum(data) # if data[len(data)-1]!=(crc&0xFF) or data[len(data)-2]!=(crc>>8): # self.port.flushInput() # raise Exception("Checksum failure") # if self.port.inWaiting() > 0: # self.port.flushInput() # self.from_update=0 return data # Send a packet def sipSend(self, data): if self.serialReady: self.sendPacket(data) # Receive all waiting packets. # returns the number of packets read def sipRecv(self): iters = 0 if self.serialReady: while self.port.inWaiting() > 0: try: recv = self.recvPacket() except: print "no recv packet" # continue break iters += 1 self.parseData(recv) # 0x3s means sip packet # if (recv[3]&0xF0)==0x30: # self.parseSip(recv) # 0xF0 means io packet # elif recv[3]==0xF0: # self.parseIO(recv) return iters def parseData(self): # parse all data stall = 0 bump = 0 sonars = [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] # Right Sonar sonars[4] = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_right) # if -0.5<self.prev_sonar[4]- sonars[4]<0.5: # sonars[4] = self.prev_sonar4 # else: # self.prev_sonar4=sonars[4] # print 'Sonar 1: ', sonars[0] # Right Front Sonar sonars[3] = float(self.Ultrasonic_right) # print 'Sonar 2: ', sonars[1] # Front Sonar sonars[2] = float(self.Ultrasonic_front) # print 'Sonar 3: ', sonars[2] # Left Front Sonar sonars[1] = float(self.Ultrasonic_left) # print 'Sonar 4: ', sonars[3 # Left Sonar sonars[0] = float(self.Ultrasonic_rear_left) # print 'Sonar 5: ', sonars[4] # Back Sonar sonars[5] = float(self.Ultrasonic_back) # print 'Sonar 6: ', sonars[5] self.pos_values[0], self.pos_values[1] = self.EKF.get_position() self.pos_values[2] = self.EKF.get_heading() self.pos_values[2] = self.pos_values[2] % (2 * pi) if self.pos_values[2] > 2 * pi: self.pos_values[2] -= 2 * pi elif self.pos_values[2] < 0: self.pos_values[2] += 2 * pi self.odpose.set((self.pos_values[0], self.pos_values[1], self.pos_values[2])) self.stalled.set((stall != 0x00) or (bump != 0x00)) storedsonars = self.storedsonars.get() for i in range(len(sonars)): if sonars[i] != -1: storedsonars[i] = sonars[i] * METER_SCALE self.sonarsChanged[i] = 1 else: self.sonarsChanged[i] = 0 self.storedsonars.set(storedsonars) # Send a packet and receive a SIP response from the robot def sipSendReceive(self, data): self.sipSend(data) self.sipRecv() # def cmdPulse(self): # self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) # def cmdPulseSend(self): # self.sipSend([ArcosCmd.PULSE]) def cmdEnable(self, v): # self.sendPacket([ArcosCmd.ENABLE, ArgType.ARGINT, v, 0]) pass def cmdVel(self, v): absv = int(abs(v)) if v >= 0: data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.VEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absv & 0xFF, absv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) # def cmdVel2(self,l,r): # self.sipSendReceive([ArcosCmd.VEL2,ArgType.ARGINT,int(r),int(l)]) def cmdRvel(self, rv): absrv = abs(rv) if rv >= 0: data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] else: data = [ArcosCmd.RVEL, ArgType.ARGNINT, absrv & 0xFF, absrv >> 8] # self.sipSendReceive(data) self.sipSend(data) def cmdSay(self, note, duration): data = [ArcosCmd.SAY, ArgType.ARGSTR] for d in "%s,%s" % (note, duration): data.append(ord(d)) data.append(0)
class Simulator(object): #DON'T change the dimensions on the fly, just make a new world class World(object): def wall(self, start, end): self.walls.append((start, end)) def movingObstacle(self, vertices, com, d): self.moving_obstacles.append((vertices, com, d)) def dimensions(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height # borders to make collision detection/sonars easier: self.wall((0, 0), (0, self.height)) self.wall((0, 0), (self.width, 0)) self.wall((self.width, self.height), (0, self.height)) self.wall((self.width, self.height), (self.width, 0)) def initialRobotLocation(self, x, y, theta=0): self.init = x, y, theta self.initset = True def __init__(self, worldfile): self.walls = [] self.moving_obstacles = [] self.initset = False envin = {} envin["dimensions"] = self.dimensions envin["wall"] = self.wall envin["initialRobotLoc"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["initialRobotLocation"] = self.initialRobotLocation envin["movingObstacle"] = self.movingObstacle parseFile(worldfile, envin) if not self.initset: self.init = self.width / 2.0, self.height / 2.0, 0.0 def __init__(self, worldfile, geom=None): if len(worldfile) == 0: raise CancelGUIAction self.worldfile = worldfile = self.World(self.worldfile) = Toplevel("Simulator")"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", skip) # only pay attention to the position part, since the size is determined # by the world file self.geom = None if geom: self.geom = geom[geom.find('+'):] debug("world loaded", 2) self.initGlobals() debug("simulator globals initialized", 2) self.setters = { "motorOutput": self.motorOutput, "discreteMotorOutput": self.discreteMotorOutput, "analogOutput": self.analogOutput, "setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance": self.setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance, "enableAccelerationCap": self.enableAccelerationCap, "setMaxVelocities": self.setMaxVelocities } self.getters = { "sonarDistances": self.reportSonars, "pose": self.odpose.get, "stalled": self.stalled.get, "analogInputs": self.analogInputs.get } debug("module data set up", 2) #self.resetbutton = Button(, text="Reset", command=lambda: self.initGlobals(True)) #self.resetbutton.pack(side="top") self.initCanvas() debug("drawing area initialized", 2) self.drawWorld() self.draw_robot() debug("updating sonars...", 2) self.updateSonars() debug("...updated!", 2) app.soar.addFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) debug("finished settup up simulator", 2) # Gets called by the Start button def startmoving(self): self.stopmoving() self.currentthread = Stepper(self.onestep, SIMULATOR_PERIOD) self.currentthread.start() # Gets called by the Stop button def stopmoving(self): self.motorOutput(0, 0) try: self.currentthread.stop() except AttributeError: pass #Clean up before closing` def destroy(self): # tell the app what the current window geometry is so that we can # restore it the next time soar is run app.soar.simulator_geom = app.soar.removeFlowTriplet( (self.startmoving, self.onestep, self.stopmoving)) self.stopmoving() def initGlobals(self, reset=False): self.ldr = SharedVar([0, 0]) self.temperature = SharedVar(0) self.storedsonars = SharedVar() self.oldsonars = SharedVar() self.reallyoldsonars = SharedVar() self.v = SharedVar(0.0) self.w = SharedVar(0.0) self.abspose = SharedVar( ([0],[1],[2])) self.odpose = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.analogInputs = SharedVar((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) if not reset: self.obstacles = [] if > self.simheight = MAX_SIM_WIDTH * / self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_WIDTH else: self.simwidth = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT * / self.simheight = MAX_SIM_HEIGHT self.pxmax = float( self.pxmin = 0.0 self.pymax = float( self.pymin = 0.0 self.cxmax = float(self.simwidth - 5) self.cxmin = 5.0 self.cymax = 5.0 self.cymin = float(self.simheight - 5) self.pxtocx = (self.cxmax - self.cxmin) / (self.pxmax - self.pxmin) self.pytocy = (self.cymax - self.cymin) / (self.pymax - self.pymin) self.cxtopx = (self.pxmax - self.pxmin) / (self.cxmax - self.cxmin) self.cytopy = (self.pymax - self.pymin) / (self.cymax - self.cymin) self.pxcxconstant = self.cxmin - self.pxmin * self.pxtocx self.pycyoffset = self.cymin - self.pymin * self.pytocy self.cxpxoffset = self.pxmin - self.cxmin * self.cxtopx self.cypyoffset = self.pymin - self.cymin * self.cytopy else: self.draw_robot() self.updateSonars() self.inrobot = False self.stalled = SharedVar(False) # Get the drawable space ready def initCanvas(self): self.canvas = Canvas(, width=self.simwidth, height=self.simheight, background="white") self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.left_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.left_click_up) #Thanks for making the right-button different on Macs, but not Linux. #Thanks for making os.uname not exist on windows... ugh! try: if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin': self.canvas.bind("<Button-2>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B2-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-2>", self.right_click_up) else: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) except AttributeError: self.canvas.bind("<Button-3>", self.right_click_down) self.canvas.bind("<B3-Motion>", self.right_click_moved) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-3>", self.right_click_up) self.canvas.pack(side="top") self.odometrytext = StringVar() self.odometrylabel = Label(, textvariable=self.odometrytext) self.odometrylabel.pack(side="top") # The next two functions are inverses of each other # A mapping from the space the robot lives in to the space that is displayed onto the computer screen def PtoC(self, coordinates): (px, py) = coordinates cx = px * self.pxtocx + self.pxcxconstant cy = py * self.pytocy + self.cymin - self.pymin * self.pytocy return (cx, cy) # A mapping from the space that is displayed onto the computer screen to the space the robot lives in def CtoP(self, coordinates): (cx, cy) = coordinates px = cx * self.cxtopx + self.pxmin - self.cxmin * self.cxtopx py = cy * self.cytopy + self.pymin - self.cymin * self.cytopy return (px, py) # Draw the world when a world is loaded def drawWorld(self): self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 5, self.simheight - 5, fill="grey", outline="grey") self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, self.simheight - 5, self.simwidth - 5, self.simheight, fill="grey", outline="grey") self.canvas.create_rectangle(5, 0, self.simwidth, 5, fill="grey", outline="grey") self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.simwidth - 5, 5, self.simwidth, self.simheight, fill="grey", outline="grey") self.lines = [] for wall in start, end = wall icx, icy = self.PtoC(start) fcx, fcy = self.PtoC(end) self.lines.append( self.canvas.create_line(icx, icy, fcx, fcy, fill="black", width=2)) for obstacle in obstacle = Obstacle(obstacle) self.obstacles.append(obstacle) self.drawObstacles(0) def drawObstacles(self, dt): newlines = [] for obstacle in self.obstacles: obstacle.step(dt) for wall in obstacle.current_walls(): newlines.append(list(map(self.PtoC, wall))) def tk_update_obstacles(): for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("obstacle"): self.canvas.delete(item) for line in newlines: self.canvas.create_line( *line[0] + line[1], **{ 'fill': 'brown', 'width': 2, 'tags': 'obstacle' }) form.main.tk_enqueue(tk_update_obstacles) def map_robot_point(self, robot_point): absx, absy, absth = self.abspose.get() cx, cy = self.PtoC((absx, absy)) x, y = robot_point r = (x**2 + y**2)**(0.5) th = atan2(x, y) + absth return (cx + self.pxtocx * r * cos(th), cy + self.pytocy * r * sin(th)) # Draw the Pioneer robot at its current position def draw_robot(self): points = list(map(self.map_robot_point, ROBOT_POINTS)) def tk_update_robot(): for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("robot"): self.canvas.delete(item) if self.stalled.get(): colorstr = "red" else: colorstr = "black" self.canvas.create_polygon( \ points[0][0], points[0][1], \ points[1][0], points[1][1], \ points[2][0], points[2][1], \ points[3][0], points[3][1], \ points[4][0], points[4][1], \ points[5][0], points[5][1], \ # points[6][0], points[6][1], \ # points[7][0], points[7][1], \ # points[8][0], points[8][1], \ # points[9][0], points[9][1], \ # points[10][0], points[10][1],\ # points[11][0], points[11][1],\ # points[12][0], points[12][1],\ tags="robot", fill=colorstr) self.canvas.tag_raise("robot") form.main.tk_enqueue(tk_update_robot) #if == "posix": form.main.tk_enqueue(self.canvas.update_idletasks) absx, absy, absth = self.abspose.get() sonarlines = [] for entry in SONAR_INFO: r = (entry[0]**2 + entry[1]**2)**(0.5) th = atan2(entry[1], entry[0]) + absth - pi / 2 xa, ya = (absx + r * cos(th), absy + r * sin(th)) xb, yb = xa + MAX_SONAR_DIST * cos( absth + entry[2]), ya + MAX_SONAR_DIST * sin(absth + entry[2]) sonarlines.append(((xa, ya), (xb, yb))) self.fullsonarlines = sonarlines def reportSonars(self): # return self.reallyoldsonars.get() return self.storedsonars.get() def setMaxEffectiveSonarDistance(self, d): global MAX_EFFECTIVE_SONAR_DIST MAX_EFFECTIVE_SONAR_DIST = d def enableAccelerationCap(self, enable): global CAP_ACC CAP_ACC = enable def setMaxVelocities(self, max_transVel, maxRotVel): global MAX_TRANS, MAX_ROT MAX_TRANS = max_transVel MAX_ROT = maxRotVel def enableTeleportation(self, perStepProbability, poseDist): global TELEPORT_PROB, TELEPORT_DIST TELEPORT_PROB = perStepProbability TELEPORT_DIST = poseDist print('Enabling teleportation with probability', TELEPORT_PROB) # Set translational and rotational velocities def motorOutput(self, v, w): if TELEPORT_PROB > 0: if random() < TELEPORT_PROB: newPose = TELEPORT_DIST.draw() print('Teleporting to', newPose) self.abspose.set(newPose) if CAP_ACC: (oldTrans, oldRot) = (self.v.get(), self.w.get()) transDiff = clip(v - oldTrans, -TRANS_ACC, TRANS_ACC) rotDiff = clip(w - oldRot, -ROT_ACC, ROT_ACC) self.v.set(clip(oldTrans + transDiff, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.w.set(clip(oldRot + rotDiff, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) else: self.v.set(clip(v, -MAX_TRANS, MAX_TRANS)) self.w.set(clip(w, -MAX_ROT, MAX_ROT)) def analogOutput(self, val): pass # Support for accurate prediction of motion even when the brain is slow def discreteMotorOutput(self, v, w, dt): self.motorOutput(v, w) self.onestep(dt) self.motorOutput(0, 0) def cmdSay(self, freq, dur): pass def updateTemperature(self): return self.temperature.set(0) # dummy value for simulator def updateLDR(self): return self.ldr.set([0, 0]) # dummy value for simulator # Calculate new sonar values def updateSonars(self): sonars = [] sonars_to_draw = [] for sonar in self.fullsonarlines: mindist = MAX_SONAR_DIST lastint = False anglegood = False walls = [] walls += for obstacle in self.obstacles: walls += obstacle.current_walls() for wall in walls: i = intersection(sonar, wall) if i: ix, iy = i sx, sy = sonar[0] dist = ((ix - sx)**2 + (iy - sy)**2)**(0.5) if dist < mindist: anglegood = sonarangleok( abs(pi / 2 - angle(sonar, wall))) mindist = dist lastint = i if DRAW_SONARS: icx, icy = self.PtoC(sonar[0]) if lastint: fcx, fcy = self.PtoC(lastint) else: fcx, fcy = self.PtoC(sonar[1]) icx, icy, fcx, fcy = int(icx), int(icy), int(fcx), int(fcy) if anglegood and mindist < MAX_EFFECTIVE_SONAR_DIST: sonars_to_draw.append( (icx, icy, fcx, fcy, SONAR_GOT_RESPONSE_COLOR)) else: sonars_to_draw.append( (icx, icy, fcx, fcy, SONAR_NO_RESPONSE_COLOR)) if anglegood and mindist < MAX_EFFECTIVE_SONAR_DIST: val = gauss(mindist, SONAR_VARIANCE(mindist)) sonars.append(val) else: val = MAX_SONAR_DIST sonars.append(val) if DRAW_SONARS: def tk_update_sonars(): for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("sonarlines"): self.canvas.delete(item) for sonar_to_draw in sonars_to_draw: icx, icy, fcx, fcy, sonar_color = sonar_to_draw self.canvas.create_line(icx, icy, fcx, fcy, fill=sonar_color, tag="sonarlines") form.main.tk_enqueue(tk_update_sonars) self.reallyoldsonars.set(self.oldsonars.get()) self.oldsonars.set(self.storedsonars.get()) self.storedsonars.set(sonars) # First part of dealing with collisions cleanishly def cache(self): try: self.lastlastpos = self.lastpos except AttributeError: pass self.lastpos = self.odpose.get() + self.abspose.get() # Second part of dealing with collisions cleanishly def uncache(self): odx, ody, odth, absx, absy, absth = self.lastpos self.odpose.set((odx, ody, odth)) self.abspose.set((absx, absy, absth)) try: if self.collision(): odx, ody, odth, absx, absy, absth = self.lastlastpos self.odpose.set((odx, ody, odth)) self.abspose.set((absx, absy, absth)) except AttributeError: pass # One step of the whole running simulation def onestep(self, dt): self.cache() self.move(dt) self.stalled.set(False) if self.collision(): self.uncache() self.stalled.set(True) self.drawObstacles(dt) self.draw_robot() self.updateSonars() self.updateTemperature() self.updateLDR() def perp(self, coordinates): ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = coordinates x, y = self.abspose.get()[:2] try: a = tan(-(x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0)) except ZeroDivisionError: a = pi / 2 dx = ROBOT_RADIUS * cos(a) dy = ROBOT_RADIUS * sin(a) return ((x - dx, y - dy), (x + dx, y + dy)) def collision(self): for wall in if intersection(wall, self.perp(wall)): return True return False # Move the robot properly based on how time passed def move(self, dt): v = self.v.get() w = self.w.get() odx, ody, odth = self.odpose.get() absx, absy, absth = self.abspose.get() thstep = dt * w try: #integrate the path absxstep = v * (sin(absth + thstep) - sin(absth)) / w odxstep = v * (sin(odth + thstep) - sin(odth)) / w absystep = v * (cos(absth) - cos(absth + thstep)) / w odystep = v * (cos(odth) - cos(odth + thstep)) / w except ZeroDivisionError: #deal with a zero case that I dropped deriving the above expression absxstep = dt * cos(absth + thstep / 2) * v odxstep = dt * cos(odth + thstep / 2) * v absystep = dt * sin(absth + thstep / 2) * v odystep = dt * sin(odth + thstep / 2) * v absx += absxstep absy += absystep absth += thstep absth %= 2 * pi odx += odxstep ody += odystep odth += thstep odth %= 2 * pi form.main.tk_enqueue(lambda: self.odometrytext.set("POSE - X: " + repr( odx)[:7] + ", Y: " + repr(ody)[:7] + ", TH: " + repr(odth)[:7])) self.odpose.set((odx, ody, odth)) self.abspose.set((absx, absy, absth)) # Respond to a left click down def left_click_down(self, event): for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("robot"): xn, yn, xx, yx = self.canvas.bbox(item) if event.x <= xx and event.x >= xn and event.y <= yx and event.y >= yn: self.inrobot = True break # Respond to a left click drag def left_click_moved(self, event): if self.inrobot: x, y = self.CtoP((event.x, event.y)) self.abspose.set((x, y, self.abspose.get()[2])) if DRAG_UPDATES_ROBOT_ODOMETRY: self.odpose.set((x, y, self.odpose.get()[2])) self.draw_robot() self.updateSonars() self.updateTemperature() self.updateLDR() # Respond to releasing left mouse button def left_click_up(self, event): self.left_click_moved(event) self.inrobot = False # Respond to a right click down def right_click_down(self, event): for item in self.canvas.find_withtag("robot"): xn, yn, xx, yx = self.canvas.bbox(item) if event.x <= xx and event.x >= xn and event.y <= yx and event.y >= yn: self.inrobot = True self.lasteventx, self.lasteventy = event.x, event.y # Respond to releasing right mouse button def right_click_up(self, event): self.inrobot = False # Respond to a right click drag def right_click_moved(self, event): if self.inrobot: dx, dy = event.x - self.lasteventx, event.y - self.lasteventy absx, absy, absth = self.abspose.get() self.abspose.set((absx, absy, absth + (dy + dx) * DRAG_ROT_SPEED)) if DRAG_UPDATES_ROBOT_ODOMETRY: odx, ody, odth = self.odpose.get() self.odpose.set((odx, ody, odth + (dy + dx) * DRAG_ROT_SPEED)) self.draw_robot() self.updateSonars() self.updateTemperature() self.updateLDR() self.lasteventx, self.lasteventy = event.x, event.y