Example #1
def compare_mapping(oufilnam1, oufilnam2):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile

    infil1 = openFile(oufilnam1, 'r')
    infil2 = openFile(oufilnam2, 'r')
    cig1 = Cigar()
    cig2 = Cigar()

    ctr1 = 0
    ctr2 = 0
    while 1:
        if cig1.next(infil1):
        ctr1 = ctr1 + 1
        if cig2.next(infil2):
        ctr2 = ctr2 + 1

        if cmp(cig1.qnam, cig2.qnam):
            exit("readnames don't match: '%s' vs '%s'" % \
                 (cig1.qnam, cig2.qnam))
        if cmp(cig1,cig2) and cig1.mapq > 5 and cig2.mapq > 5:
            exit("mappings don't match for read '%s'" % \

    if ctr1 != ctr1:
        exit("Expected the same number of mates, got %i (A) and %i (B)" % \
             ctr1, ctr2)
    if ctr1 != 20000:
        exit("Expected 20,000 reads, got %i." % ctr1)
Example #2
def cmpCigarFiles(cigfilA, cigfilB, is_verbose=True):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile, getNextCigarPair
    cigA1 = Cigar()
    cigA2 = Cigar()
    cigB1 = Cigar()
    cigB2 = Cigar()
    filA = openFile(cigfilA, 'r')
    filB = openFile(cigfilB, 'r')
    ctr = 0
    while 1:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(filA, cigA1, cigA2)
        if not isOK:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(filB, cigB1, cigB2)
        if not isOK:
        if cigA1 != cigB1:
            if is_verbose:
                print "Not matching:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA1.lin, cigB1.lin)
            if cigA1.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH and cigB1.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH:
                exit("Discrepancy:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA1.lin, cigB1.lin))
        if cigA2 != cigB2:
            if is_verbose:
                print "Not matching:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA2.lin, cigB2.lin) 
            if cigA2.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH and cigB2.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH:
                exit("Discrepancy:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA2.lin, cigB2.lin))
        ctr = ctr + 1
    if not isOK and isEOF:
        isOK = True
    return isOK, ctr
Example #3
def cmpCigarFiles(cigfilA, cigfilB, is_verbose=True):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile, getNextCigarPair
    cigA1 = Cigar()
    cigA2 = Cigar()
    cigB1 = Cigar()
    cigB2 = Cigar()

    filA = openFile(cigfilA, 'r')
    filB = openFile(cigfilB, 'r')
    ctr = 0
    while 1:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(filA, cigA1, cigA2)
        if not isOK:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(filB, cigB1, cigB2)
        if not isOK:
        if cigA1 != cigB1:
            if is_verbose:
                print "Not matching:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA1.lin, cigB1.lin)
            if cigA1.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH and cigB1.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH:
                exit("Discrepancy:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA1.lin, cigB1.lin))
        if cigA2 != cigB2:
            if is_verbose:
                print "Not matching:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA2.lin, cigB2.lin)
            if cigA2.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH and cigB2.mapq > MAPQ_THRESH:
                exit("Discrepancy:\n%s\n%s" % (cigA2.lin, cigB2.lin))
        ctr = ctr + 1
    if not isOK and isEOF:
        isOK = True
    return isOK, ctr
Example #4
def assess_mapping(oufilnam):
    from formats import Cigar, getNextCigarPair, openFile

    infil = openFile(oufilnam, 'r')
    cigA = Cigar()
    cigB = Cigar()

    pair_ctr = 0
    nonproper_ctr = 0
    (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(infil, cigA, cigB)
    while isOK:
        pair_ctr = pair_ctr + 1
        if cigA.mapcls != 'A':
            nonproper_ctr = nonproper_ctr + 1
        if cigB.mapcls != 'A':
            nonproper_ctr = nonproper_ctr + 1
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(infil, cigA, cigB)
    if pair_ctr != 10000:
        exit("Found %i pairs, but expected 10,000." % pair_ctr)
    if nonproper_ctr > MAXNUM_NONPROPER_PAIRS:
        exit("Found %i non-proper pairs. Expected max. %i" %
             (nonproper_ctr, MAXNUM_NONPROPER_PAIRS))
Example #5
def prep_fasta(filnam):
    from testdata import openFile

    infil = openFile(filnam, 'w')
    for seq in READSEQS:
        for i in range(len(seq)):
            infil.write("%c" % seq[i])
Example #6
def prep_fasta(filnam):
    from testdata import openFile

    infil = openFile(filnam, 'w')
    for seq in READSEQS:
        for i in range(len(seq)):
            infil.write("%c" % seq[i])
Example #7
def checkLabels(cigfilnam, label_pairs, mateno_check=True):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile, getNextCigarPair
    cigA = Cigar()
    cigB = Cigar()

    infil = openFile(cigfilnam)
    for lb in label_pairs:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(infil, cigA, cigB, mateno_check)
        if (not isOK) or isEOF:
            exit("missing lines in cigar file %s" % cigfilnam)
        if (cigA.mapcls != lb[0] and lb[0] != '?') or \
           (cigB.mapcls != lb[1] and lb[1] != '?'):
            exit("unexpeced cigar mapping labels %s%s (%s) for read pair %s" % \
                 (cigA.mapcls, cigB.mapcls, lb, cigA.qnam))
Example #8
def checkLabels(cigfilnam, label_pairs, mateno_check=True):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile, getNextCigarPair
    cigA = Cigar()
    cigB = Cigar()
    infil = openFile(cigfilnam)
    for lb in label_pairs:
        (isOK, isEOF) = getNextCigarPair(infil, cigA, cigB, mateno_check)
        if (not isOK) or isEOF:
            exit("missing lines in cigar file %s" % cigfilnam)
        if (cigA.mapcls != lb[0] and lb[0] != '?') or \
           (cigB.mapcls != lb[1] and lb[1] != '?'):
            exit("unexpeced cigar mapping labels %s%s (%s) for read pair %s" % \
                 (cigA.mapcls, cigB.mapcls, lb, cigA.qnam))
Example #9
def compare_result(cigfilnam):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile
    from sys import exit
    cig = Cigar()
    infil = openFile(cigfilnam)
    for result in RESULTS:
        if not cig.ok or \
               cig.qseg != (result[0], result[1]) or \
               cig.sense != result[2] or \
               cig.snam != result[3] or \
               cig.sseg != (result[4], result[5]) or \
               cig.swatscor != result[6]:
            exit("Unexpected result for read '%s'" % cig.qnam)
Example #10
def compare_result(cigfilnam):
    from formats import Cigar, openFile
    from sys import exit

    cig = Cigar()
    infil = openFile(cigfilnam)
    for result in RESULTS:
        if not cig.ok or \
               cig.qseg != (result[0], result[1]) or \
               cig.sense != result[2] or \
               cig.snam != result[3] or \
               cig.sseg != (result[4], result[5]) or \
               cig.swatscor != result[6]:
            exit("Unexpected result for read '%s'" % cig.qnam)
