def extract_model_chunk(): bin_file = open(SETTINGS["gif_path"] + "/modelchunk.bin", "rb") data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", "modelchunk") for binn in data["bins"]: end_bin_offset = get_raw(binn["end_bin_offset"], bin_file) size_of_item = end_bin_offset - bin_file.tell() write_file = open(SETTINGS["bin_path"] + "/" + get_raw(binn["bin_name"], bin_file) + ".bin", "wb") write_file.truncate() write_file.write( write_file.close()
def export_mtl(data, path, bin_file): """ Create a material file to be used by wavefront object files. Creates a mtl file using some default values plus the paths to the materials used by the object files. """ global MATERIALS file = open(path + "/" + get_raw(data["file_name"], bin_file) + ".mtl", "w") file.truncate() for material in MATERIALS: file.write("newmtl " + str(material) + "\n") file.write("Ns 0\n") file.write("Ka 0.0\n") file.write("Kd 1.0\n") file.write("Ks 0.0\n") file.write("d 1\n") file.write("illum 2\n") file.write("map_Ka " + str(material) + ".png\n") file.write("map_Kd " + str(material) + ".png\n") file.write("map_Ks " + str(material) + ".png\n") file.close()
def __init__(self, name, data_string, offset, bin_file): = name self.data_string = data_string self.offset = offset self.value = str(get_raw((data_string, offset), bin_file)) self.update_rect()
def extract_model_chunk(): bin_file = open(SETTINGS["gif_path"] + "/modelchunk.bin", "rb") data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", "modelchunk") for binn in data["bins"]: end_bin_offset = get_raw(binn["end_bin_offset"], bin_file) size_of_item = end_bin_offset - bin_file.tell() write_file = open( SETTINGS["bin_path"] + "/" + get_raw(binn["bin_name"], bin_file) + ".bin", "wb") write_file.truncate() write_file.write( write_file.close()
def extract_wdb(): """ Open WORLD.WDB and write all the sections as *.bin files. Open WORLD.WDB as specified by the structure found in the wdb format file. Export each section of the wdb as a bin file in the folder hiearchy found in the header of the wdb file. """ bin_file = open(SETTINGS["wdb_path"], "rb") data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", "wdb") for each_group in data["groups"]: group_title = get_raw(each_group["group_title"], bin_file) i = -1 for each_subgroup in each_group["subgroups"]: i += 1 subgroup_title = "sub" + str(i) for each_sub_item in each_subgroup["sub_items"]: sub_item_title = get_raw(each_sub_item["sub_item_title"], bin_file) item_offset = get_raw(each_sub_item["item_offset"], bin_file) size_of_item = get_raw(each_sub_item["size_of_item"], bin_file) directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["bin_path"] + "/" + group_title[:-1] + "/" + subgroup_title + "/") write_file = open( directory + "/" + sub_item_title[:-1] + ".bin", "wb") write_file.truncate() write_file.write( write_file.close() #write gif chunk to be extracted by extract_gif_chunk() directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["gif_path"]) write_file = open(directory + "/gifchunk.bin", "wb")["gif_chunk_size"][1] + 4) write_file.write(["gif_chunk_size"], bin_file))) write_file.close() #write model chunk to be extracted by extract_model_chunk() directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["gif_path"]) write_file = open(directory + "/modelchunk.bin", "wb")["model_chunk_size"][1] + 4) write_file.write(["model_chunk_size"], bin_file))) write_file.close()
def export_gif(image, path, bin_file, pretext=""): """ Create a PNG image based on a GIF image. The GIF data is specified in the dictionary image and contains formatted data based on the wdb structure. The PNG image is saved to path. """ gif_name = get_raw(image["gif_name"], bin_file) width = get_raw(image["width"], bin_file) height = get_raw(image["height"], bin_file) num_colors = get_raw(image["num_colors"], bin_file) colors = [] for color in image["colors"]: r = get_raw(color["r"], bin_file) g = get_raw(color["g"], bin_file) b = get_raw(color["b"], bin_file) colors.append((r, g, b)) rows = [] y = 0 for row in image["rows"]: x = 0 rows.append([]) for pixel in row["pixels"]: color_index = get_raw(pixel["color_index"], bin_file) c = colors[color_index] for i in range(3): rows[y].append(c[i]) x += 1 y += 1 #write png f = open(path + "/" + pretext + gif_name[:-4] + ".png", "wb") f.truncate() w = png.Writer(width, height) w.write(f, rows) f.close()
def extract_wdb(): """ Open WORLD.WDB and write all the sections as *.bin files. Open WORLD.WDB as specified by the structure found in the wdb format file. Export each section of the wdb as a bin file in the folder hiearchy found in the header of the wdb file. """ bin_file = open(SETTINGS["wdb_path"], "rb") data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", "wdb") for each_group in data["groups"]: group_title = get_raw(each_group["group_title"], bin_file) i = -1 for each_subgroup in each_group["subgroups"]: i += 1 subgroup_title = "sub" + str(i) for each_sub_item in each_subgroup["sub_items"]: sub_item_title = get_raw(each_sub_item["sub_item_title"], bin_file) item_offset = get_raw(each_sub_item["item_offset"], bin_file) size_of_item = get_raw(each_sub_item["size_of_item"], bin_file) directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["bin_path"] + "/" + group_title[:-1] + "/" + subgroup_title + "/") write_file = open(directory + "/" + sub_item_title[:-1] + ".bin", "wb") write_file.truncate() write_file.write( write_file.close() #write gif chunk to be extracted by extract_gif_chunk() directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["gif_path"]) write_file = open(directory + "/gifchunk.bin", "wb")["gif_chunk_size"][1]+4) write_file.write(["gif_chunk_size"], bin_file))) write_file.close() #write model chunk to be extracted by extract_model_chunk() directory = create_dir(SETTINGS["gif_path"]) write_file = open(directory + "/modelchunk.bin", "wb")["model_chunk_size"][1]+4) write_file.write(["model_chunk_size"], bin_file))) write_file.close()
def export_obj(data, model, bin_file, filename): """ Create a wavefront object file based on the data and model dictionaries. The dictionaries data and model are based on the wdb format taken from get_formatted_data() in The object file is exported to the path specified by filename. """ global MATERIALS obj_file = open(filename + ".obj", "w") obj_file.truncate() obj_file.write("mtllib " + get_raw(data["file_name"], bin_file) + ".mtl\n") scale = 1.0 #WRITE OBJ VERTS, NORMALS, COORDINATES for vertex in model["vertices"]: obj_file.write("v " + str(get_raw(vertex["x"], bin_file)*scale) + " " + str(-get_raw(vertex["y"], bin_file)*scale) + " " + str(get_raw(vertex["z"], bin_file)*scale) + "\n") for text_coord in model["coordinates"]: obj_file.write("vt " + str(((get_raw(text_coord["u"], bin_file)*scale)-scale)/scale) + " " + str(((-get_raw(text_coord["v"], bin_file)*scale)-scale)/scale) + "\n") for normal in model["normals"]: obj_file.write("vn " + str(get_raw(normal["x"], bin_file)*scale) + " " + str(-get_raw(normal["y"], bin_file)*scale) + " " + str(get_raw(normal["z"], bin_file)*scale) + "\n") #INTERPRET AND WRITE INDICES part_index = 0 for part in model["parts"]: tri_normal = None triangles = [] vert_definitions = [] text_definitions = [] if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0 and len(part["coordinate_indices"]) != len(part["indices"]): trace("This shouldn't happen!!!!!") for index in range(len(part["indices"])): vert_indices = [] text_indices = [] for axis in range(len(part["indices"][index]["axis"])): first = get_raw(part["indices"][index]["axis"][axis]["first"], bin_file) second = get_raw(part["indices"][index]["axis"][axis]["second"], bin_file) if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0: coordinate_index = get_raw(part["coordinate_indices"][index]["axis"][axis]["coordinate_index"], bin_file) else: coordinate_index = 1 #index definition if second >= 32768: vert_definitions.append(first) text_definitions.append(coordinate_index) vert_indices.append(first) text_indices.append(coordinate_index) tri_normal = second - 32768 #index to a definition, not a definition else: vert_indices.append(vert_definitions[first]) if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0: text_indices.append(text_definitions[first]) else: text_indices.append(1) #Triangle format: (verts, normal, coords) triangles.append([vert_indices, tri_normal, text_indices]) red = get_raw(part["part_color_red"], bin_file) green = get_raw(part["part_color_green"], bin_file) blue = get_raw(part["part_color_blue"], bin_file) color = (red, green, blue) texture_name = get_raw(part["texture_name"], bin_file)[:-4].replace(" ", "") material_name = get_raw(part["material_name"], bin_file).replace(" ", "") if texture_name == "": name_to_use = material_name else: name_to_use = texture_name dont_add = False for each_material in MATERIALS: if each_material == name_to_use: dont_add = True if dont_add == False: MATERIALS[name_to_use] = color #WRITE INDICES TO OBJ obj_file.write("o " + str(part_index) + "\n") #try to use texture_name, otherwise material_name if texture_name == "": obj_file.write("usemtl " + str(material_name) + "\n") else: obj_file.write("usemtl " + str(texture_name) + "\n") for each_triangle in triangles: obj_file.write("f ") #three iterations for 3 points in a triangle, NOT 3 dimensions (x,y,z)! for i in range(3): #make sure there are texture coordinates if len(each_triangle[2]) > 0: #index/coordinate/normal obj_file.write(str(each_triangle[0][i]+1) + "/" + str(each_triangle[2][i]+1) + "/" + str(each_triangle[1]+1)) else: #index/1/normal obj_file.write(str(each_triangle[0][i]+1) + "//" + str(each_triangle[1]+1)) obj_file.write(" ") obj_file.write("\n") part_index += 1 obj_file.close()
def extract_pattern(file_path, pattern): """ Attempt to extract data from a .bin file and return the progress made. There are five steps to extraction: * Interpret data from the wdb using the wdb format file * Export the object files using the data * Export textures * Export materials * Export the material file mtl These steps are represented by the list of five items returned by the function that signify if that step was successful. '_' means success, and 'X' means failure. """ global MATERIALS global STATS bin_file = open(file_path, "rb") #reset materials to empty MATERIALS = {} progress = ["X", "X", "X", "X", "X"] #INTERPRET FORMAT FROM FILE try: data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", pattern) #trace(str(data)) progress[0] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT OBJ try: file_name = get_raw(data["file_name"], bin_file) #trace(data) for component in data["components"]: component_name = get_raw(component["component_name"], bin_file) if "models" in component: model_index = len(component["models"]) for model in component["models"]: model_index -= 1 #determine whether or not to export this LOD model based on SETTINGS export = False if SETTINGS["highest_lod_only"]: if model_index == 0: export = True else: export = True if export: if SETTINGS["highest_lod_only"] and not SETTINGS["lod_labels"]: end_string = "" else: end_string = "_lod" + str(model_index) file_path = file_path.replace("\\", "/") obj_path = create_dir(SETTINGS["obj_path"] + "/" + file_path[file_path.find("/", 3):file_path.rfind("/")] + "/" + file_name + "/") export_obj(data, model, bin_file, obj_path + "/" + component_name + end_string) else: #no models in this component, only the component header pass progress[1] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress found_materials = [] #EXPORT TEXTURES try: num_images = get_raw(data["num_images"], bin_file) #export textures embedded in this bin group as .png for image in data["images"]: #normal gif export_gif(image, obj_path, bin_file) #special hidden gif, only seen on isle and isle_hi gifs if "extra_images" in image: image["extra_images"][0]["gif_name"] = image["gif_name"] export_gif(image["extra_images"][0], obj_path, bin_file, pretext="hidden_") found_materials.append(get_raw(image["gif_name"], bin_file)[:-4]) progress[2] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT MATERIALS try: #export materials without textures as .png, just their rgb on a 4x4 texture for material in MATERIALS: if material not in found_materials: found_materials.append(material) #write 4x4 png of color c c = MATERIALS[material] rows = [] for row in range(4): rows.append([]) for pixel in range(4): rows[row].append(c[0]) rows[row].append(c[1]) rows[row].append(c[2]) f = open(obj_path + "/" + material + ".png", "wb") f.truncate() w = png.Writer(4, 4) w.write(f, rows) f.close() #statistics for materials for material in found_materials: found_duplicate = False for row in STATS["csv"]["materials"]: if row[0] == material: found_duplicate = True row[2] += 1 if not found_duplicate: STATS["csv"]["materials"].append([material, "No", 1]) progress[3] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT MTL FILE try: export_mtl(data, obj_path, bin_file) progress[4] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress return progress
def export_obj(data, model, bin_file, filename): """ Create a wavefront object file based on the data and model dictionaries. The dictionaries data and model are based on the wdb format taken from get_formatted_data() in The object file is exported to the path specified by filename. """ global MATERIALS obj_file = open(filename + ".obj", "w") obj_file.truncate() obj_file.write("mtllib " + get_raw(data["file_name"], bin_file) + ".mtl\n") scale = 1.0 #WRITE OBJ VERTS, NORMALS, COORDINATES for vertex in model["vertices"]: obj_file.write("v " + str(get_raw(vertex["x"], bin_file) * scale) + " " + str(-get_raw(vertex["y"], bin_file) * scale) + " " + str(get_raw(vertex["z"], bin_file) * scale) + "\n") for text_coord in model["coordinates"]: obj_file.write("vt " + str(( (get_raw(text_coord["u"], bin_file) * scale) - scale) / scale) + " " + str(((-get_raw(text_coord["v"], bin_file) * scale) - scale) / scale) + "\n") for normal in model["normals"]: obj_file.write("vn " + str(get_raw(normal["x"], bin_file) * scale) + " " + str(-get_raw(normal["y"], bin_file) * scale) + " " + str(get_raw(normal["z"], bin_file) * scale) + "\n") #INTERPRET AND WRITE INDICES part_index = 0 for part in model["parts"]: tri_normal = None triangles = [] vert_definitions = [] text_definitions = [] if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0 and len( part["coordinate_indices"]) != len(part["indices"]): trace("This shouldn't happen!!!!!") for index in range(len(part["indices"])): vert_indices = [] text_indices = [] for axis in range(len(part["indices"][index]["axis"])): first = get_raw(part["indices"][index]["axis"][axis]["first"], bin_file) second = get_raw( part["indices"][index]["axis"][axis]["second"], bin_file) if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0: coordinate_index = get_raw( part["coordinate_indices"][index]["axis"][axis] ["coordinate_index"], bin_file) else: coordinate_index = 1 #index definition if second >= 32768: vert_definitions.append(first) text_definitions.append(coordinate_index) vert_indices.append(first) text_indices.append(coordinate_index) tri_normal = second - 32768 #index to a definition, not a definition else: vert_indices.append(vert_definitions[first]) if len(part["coordinate_indices"]) > 0: text_indices.append(text_definitions[first]) else: text_indices.append(1) #Triangle format: (verts, normal, coords) triangles.append([vert_indices, tri_normal, text_indices]) red = get_raw(part["part_color_red"], bin_file) green = get_raw(part["part_color_green"], bin_file) blue = get_raw(part["part_color_blue"], bin_file) color = (red, green, blue) texture_name = get_raw(part["texture_name"], bin_file)[:-4].replace(" ", "") material_name = get_raw(part["material_name"], bin_file).replace(" ", "") if texture_name == "": name_to_use = material_name else: name_to_use = texture_name dont_add = False for each_material in MATERIALS: if each_material == name_to_use: dont_add = True if dont_add == False: MATERIALS[name_to_use] = color #WRITE INDICES TO OBJ obj_file.write("o " + str(part_index) + "\n") #try to use texture_name, otherwise material_name if texture_name == "": obj_file.write("usemtl " + str(material_name) + "\n") else: obj_file.write("usemtl " + str(texture_name) + "\n") for each_triangle in triangles: obj_file.write("f ") #three iterations for 3 points in a triangle, NOT 3 dimensions (x,y,z)! for i in range(3): #make sure there are texture coordinates if len(each_triangle[2]) > 0: #index/coordinate/normal obj_file.write( str(each_triangle[0][i] + 1) + "/" + str(each_triangle[2][i] + 1) + "/" + str(each_triangle[1] + 1)) else: #index/1/normal obj_file.write( str(each_triangle[0][i] + 1) + "//" + str(each_triangle[1] + 1)) obj_file.write(" ") obj_file.write("\n") part_index += 1 obj_file.close()
def extract_pattern(file_path, pattern): """ Attempt to extract data from a .bin file and return the progress made. There are five steps to extraction: * Interpret data from the wdb using the wdb format file * Export the object files using the data * Export textures * Export materials * Export the material file mtl These steps are represented by the list of five items returned by the function that signify if that step was successful. '_' means success, and 'X' means failure. """ global MATERIALS global STATS bin_file = open(file_path, "rb") #reset materials to empty MATERIALS = {} progress = ["X", "X", "X", "X", "X"] #INTERPRET FORMAT FROM FILE try: data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "wdb", pattern) #trace(str(data)) progress[0] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT OBJ try: file_name = get_raw(data["file_name"], bin_file) #trace(data) for component in data["components"]: component_name = get_raw(component["component_name"], bin_file) if "models" in component: model_index = len(component["models"]) for model in component["models"]: model_index -= 1 #determine whether or not to export this LOD model based on SETTINGS export = False if SETTINGS["highest_lod_only"]: if model_index == 0: export = True else: export = True if export: if SETTINGS["highest_lod_only"] and not SETTINGS[ "lod_labels"]: end_string = "" else: end_string = "_lod" + str(model_index) file_path = file_path.replace("\\", "/") obj_path = create_dir( SETTINGS["obj_path"] + "/" + file_path[file_path.find("/", 3):file_path. rfind("/")] + "/" + file_name + "/") export_obj( data, model, bin_file, obj_path + "/" + component_name + end_string) else: #no models in this component, only the component header pass progress[1] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress found_materials = [] #EXPORT TEXTURES try: num_images = get_raw(data["num_images"], bin_file) #export textures embedded in this bin group as .png for image in data["images"]: #normal gif export_gif(image, obj_path, bin_file) #special hidden gif, only seen on isle and isle_hi gifs if "extra_images" in image: image["extra_images"][0]["gif_name"] = image["gif_name"] export_gif(image["extra_images"][0], obj_path, bin_file, pretext="hidden_") found_materials.append(get_raw(image["gif_name"], bin_file)[:-4]) progress[2] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT MATERIALS try: #export materials without textures as .png, just their rgb on a 4x4 texture for material in MATERIALS: if material not in found_materials: found_materials.append(material) #write 4x4 png of color c c = MATERIALS[material] rows = [] for row in range(4): rows.append([]) for pixel in range(4): rows[row].append(c[0]) rows[row].append(c[1]) rows[row].append(c[2]) f = open(obj_path + "/" + material + ".png", "wb") f.truncate() w = png.Writer(4, 4) w.write(f, rows) f.close() #statistics for materials for material in found_materials: found_duplicate = False for row in STATS["csv"]["materials"]: if row[0] == material: found_duplicate = True row[2] += 1 if not found_duplicate: STATS["csv"]["materials"].append([material, "No", 1]) progress[3] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress #EXPORT MTL FILE try: export_mtl(data, obj_path, bin_file) progress[4] = "_" except: trace_error() return progress return progress
def main(): args = parser.parse_args() file_name = bin_file = args.file data = get_formatted_data(bin_file, "crp", "crp") name_of_mod = get_raw(data.get("name_of_mod", ""), bin_file) if name_of_mod == "": name_of_mod = file_name[:-4] output_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, name_of_mod.decode('utf-8')) if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) end_header_offset = get_raw(data["end_header_offset"], bin_file) metadata = {} #go through each file found for file_header in data["file_headers"]: file_name = get_raw(file_header["file_name"], bin_file).decode('utf-8') offset_from_header = get_raw(file_header["offset_from_header"], bin_file) file_size = get_raw(file_header["file_size"], bin_file) #absolute_offset = offset_from_header+end_header_offset+1 absolute_offset = offset_from_header + end_header_offset try: id_string = str(unpack(bin_file, "s", 48)).lower() except: id_string = "" #manually search for PNG header in data png_header = [137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10] found_header = True for i in range(8): if unpack(bin_file, "B") != png_header[i]: found_header = False #TEXTURE2D if "unityengine.texture2d" in id_string: print("found texture2d") dds_string = "" #find "DDS " in the file to mark the start of the dds while (True): value = unpack(bin_file, "B") if value == 68: dds_string += "D" elif value == 83: dds_string += "S" elif value == 32: dds_string += " " else: dds_string = "" if dds_string == "DDS ": dds_offset = bin_file.tell() - 4 meta_offset = absolute_offset meta_size = dds_offset - absolute_offset final_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_name + '.dds') final_offset = dds_offset final_size = file_size - meta_size break #STEAM PREVIEW PNG (AND RANDOM PNGS) elif "icolossalframework.importers.image" in id_string or found_header: print("found png") png_string = "" #find "PNG" in the file to mark the start of the png while (True): value = unpack(bin_file, "B") if value == 137: png_string += "89" elif value == 80: png_string += "50" elif value == 78: png_string += "4E" elif value == 71: png_string += "47" else: png_string = "" if png_string == "89504E47": png_offset = bin_file.tell() - 4 meta_offset = absolute_offset meta_size = png_offset - absolute_offset final_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_name + ".png") final_offset = png_offset final_size = file_size - meta_size break #GENERIC else: print("found generic") meta_offset = absolute_offset meta_size = 0 final_path = os.path.join(output_path, file_name) final_offset = absolute_offset final_size = file_size #add metadata to the metadata dictionary if meta_size == 0: metadata[final_path] = "" else: metadata[final_path] = unpack(bin_file, "s", meta_size).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') #write file write_file = open(final_path, "wb") write_file.truncate() write_file.write( write_file.close() #save the metadata dictionary using json with open(os.path.join(output_path, "metadata.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(metadata, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True)