Example #1
def advanced_search(request):
    user_group = check_user_group(request)
    empty = True
    form = AdvancedSearchForm(data = request.POST or None)
    tutors = []
    post = False
    if request.method == "POST":
        post = True
        if form.is_valid():
            first = form.cleaned_data['first_name']
            last = form.cleaned_data['last_name']
            school = form.cleaned_data['school']
            subj = form.cleaned_data['subject']
            proficient_area = form.cleaned_data['proficient_area']
            fees = form.cleaned_data['fees']
            experience = form.cleaned_data['experience']
            days = form.cleaned_data['days']
            cgpa = form.cleaned_data['cgpa']
            if first is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(user__first_name__icontains=first)).distinct()
            if last is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(user__last_name__icontains=last)).distinct()
            if school is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(school__school__icontains=school)).distinct()
            if subj is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(subject__title__icontains=subj)).distinct()
            if days is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(days__day__icontains=days)).distinct()
            if experience is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(experience__icontains=experience)).distinct()
            if proficient_area is not "":
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(Q(proficient_areas__icontains=proficient_area)).distinct()
            if fees is not None:
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(fees_per_hour <= fees).distinct()
            if cgpa is not None:
                empty = False
                tutors += Tutor.objects.filter(cgpa >= cgpa).distinct()

    return render_to_response('tuition/advanced_search.html',
                              {'user_group': user_group, 'current_home': "current", 'tutors':tutors, 'post':post, 'empty':empty, 'form':form},


## Advanced search with specified fields...
## googlemap location preference
## tuition service
## change the model to add subjects as per schools...check if the subject entered is valid and add it to the subjects available database.
## dynamic creation of check-boxes when school is added
# each school associated with courses.
# then each tutor associated with each school.
Example #2
def advanced_search(request, template="forum/advanced_search.html"):
    t = None
    if request.GET:
        f = AdvancedSearchForm(request.GET)
        if f.is_valid():
            t = Thread.objects.all()
            if f.cleaned_data['searchtext']:
                stext = f.cleaned_data['searchtext']
                t = t.filter(Q(post__text__contains=stext) | Q(title__contains=stext))
            if f.cleaned_data['user']:
                t = t.filter(post__author__username__exact=f.cleaned_data['user'])
            if f.cleaned_data['solved']:
                t = t.filter(solved=True)
            t = t.distinct()[:30]
        f = AdvancedSearchForm()
    return render_to_response(template, {
        "threads": t,
        "form": f,
        }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))