Example #1
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        Handles POST requests, instantiating a form instance and its inline formsets with
        the passed POST variables and then checking them for validity.
        :param requests:
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        # TODO generalize year and meeting id. Currently these are hardwired in the code.
        self.object = None
        form_class = self.get_form_class()
        form = self.get_form(form_class)
        form.meeting_id = 24
        form.year = 2015
        author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(self.request.POST)
        if 'add_authors' in self.request.POST:
            cp = self.request.POST.copy()  # create a copy of the request

            # the following two lines increase the total forms
            # attribute from the formset manager
            max_forms = cp['author_set-TOTAL_FORMS']
            cp['author_set-TOTAL_FORMS'] = int(max_forms) + 1

            # create new forms from the updated request data
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(cp)
            return self.form_invalid(form, author_formset)

        if form.is_valid() and author_formset.is_valid():
            return self.form_valid(form, author_formset)
            return self.form_invalid(form, author_formset)
Example #2
def create_abstract(request):
    fiber_page = Page.objects.get(url__exact='add')

    # If there is data in the request, i.e. a completed form, then process it
    # otherwise return an empty form
    if request.method == "POST":

        #if there's a request for more author forms add three more inline
        # author forms and reload the page
        if 'add_authors' in request.POST:
            cp = request.POST.copy()  # create a copy of the request

            # the following two lines increase the total forms
            # attribute from the formset manager
            max_forms = cp['author_set-TOTAL_FORMS']
            cp['author_set-TOTAL_FORMS'] = int(max_forms) + 3

            # create new forms from the updated request data
            abstract_form = AbstractForm(cp)
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(cp)

            # reload the page
            return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                              'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                          'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                          'author_formset': author_formset,

        #If submitting the form ...
        abstract = Abstract(year='2015', meeting_id=24)  # set the abstract year
        abstract_form = AbstractForm(request.POST, instance=abstract)  # create a form instance that includes the year

        # validate the abstract information (not authors yet)
        # If abstract info is valid continue to process authors
        # otherwise return form with error message
        if request.POST['contact_email'] != request.POST['validate_email']:
            error_message = 'The contact email does not match the confirmation email. Please try again'
            abstract_form = AbstractForm(request.POST)
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(request.POST)
            return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                              'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                          'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                          'author_formset': author_formset,
                          'error_message': error_message,
        if not check_pcode(request):
            error_message = 'Please verify that you have entered correctly the code displayed at the bottom of the form.'
            abstract_form = AbstractForm(request.POST)
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(request.POST)
            return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                              'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                          'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                          'author_formset': author_formset,
                          'error_message': error_message,

        if abstract_form.is_valid() and request.POST['contact_email'] == request.POST['validate_email'] and check_pcode(

            # save the abstract form but don't commit to DB till
            # we validate authors
            new_abstract = abstract_form.save(commit=False)
            # process author formset
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(request.POST,
            if author_formset.is_valid():

                new_abstract = abstract_form.save()  # save abstract for real
                new_authors = author_formset.save(commit=False)  # need this step to only process completed author forms
                rank = _1
                for author in new_authors:
                    author.author_rank = rank
                    author.abstract = new_abstract
                    rank += 1
                author_names = []
                for author in new_authors:

                # send validation email
                message = """Thank you for submitting your abstract entitled %s.The review process will
                begin December 3 and we expect to notify you prior to the end of January.If you have any
                questions prior to then, you can contact John Yellen at [email protected] \n \n The
                Paleoanthropology Society" % new_abstract.title"""

                #send_mail('Paleoanthropology Abstract Submission',  # subject
                #          message, # message text
                #          '*****@*****.**',  # from
                #          [request.POST['contact_email']],  # to
                #          fail_silently=False)  # options

                # TODO Send validation email
                # email a copy of the abstract to John Yellen and Deborah O
                #abstract_message = "Presentation Type: %s \n Title: %s \n Authors: %s \n Abstact: %s \n Acknowledgements: %s \n References: %s \n Funding %s \n Comments: %s \n Contact Email: %s \n " % (new_abstract.presentation_type, new_abstract.title, "; ".join(author_names), new_abstract.abstract_text, new_abstract.acknowledgements, new_abstract.references, new_abstract.funding, new_abstract.comments, new_abstract.contact_email)
                #send_mail('Paleoanthropology Abstract Submission',
                #          abstract_message, '*****@*****.**',  # from
                #          ['*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**']   # to

                # redirect to confirmation page
                return render(request, 'meetings/abstract_confirmation.html',
                                  'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                                  'abstract': new_abstract,
                                  'authors': new_authors})
                #return HttpResponseRedirect('/abstract/confirmation/',{'abstract':abstract})

            else: # reload the page with an error message
                error_message = 'There was an error with the author portion of the form. Please try again'
                abstract_form = AbstractForm(request.POST)
                author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(request.POST)
                return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                                  'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                              'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                              'author_formset': author_formset,
                              'error_message': error_message,

            error_message = 'There was an error with the form. Please try again'
            abstract_form = AbstractForm(request.POST)
            author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet(request.POST)

            return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                              'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                          'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                          'author_formset': author_formset,
                          'error_message': error_message,

    else:   # if there's no data open a blank form...
        # data for form testing
        abstract_testdata = {
        'contact_email': '*****@*****.**',
        'validate_email': '*****@*****.**',
        'title': 'Test title',
        'abstract_text': 'Text abstract text',
        'acknowledgements': 'Test acknowledgements',
        'presentation_type': 'Poster',
        abstract_form = AbstractForm()
        author_formset = AuthorInlineFormSet()
        return render(request, 'meetings/add_abstract.html',
                          'fiber_page': fiber_page,
                          'abstract_form': abstract_form,
                          'author_formset': author_formset,