Example #1
 def post(self):
     if 'logout' in request.form:
         f_session.pop('nickname', None)
         flash('You have been logged out')
         return redirect(url_for('index'))
     form = LogInForm()
     if form.validate():
         u = session.query(User).filter_by(nickname=form.nickname.data).first()
         if u is not None and u.check_password(form.password.data):
             f_session['nickname'] = u.nickname
             msg = 'Wellcome <strong class=badge>{0}</strong>!'.format(u.nickname)
             return redirect(url_for('index'))
             flash('Wrong nickname or password')
             return redirect(url_for('index'))
     return render_template('login.haml', form=form)
Example #2
def login():
    loginForm = LogInForm(request.form)
    field1 = False
    field2 = False
    field3 = False
    field4 = False

    if request.method == 'POST' and loginForm.validate():
        email = loginForm.email.data  # retrieves email from login form
        emailSplit = email.split("@")  # splits email for staff account check
        domain = emailSplit[1]  # gets domain of emaill

        userDict = {}
            db = shelve.open('storage.db', 'c')
            print("Unable to retrieve storage.db")

        if domain == "monoqlo.com":  # checks if email is company issued
                userDict = db['Staff']
                print("Error in retrieving Staff from storage.db")

            for user, object in userDict.items(
            ):  # loops through each key value pair in staffDict
                if user == emailSplit[
                        0]:  # since staff objects are stored with eID as key, which is the first half of their email, we check if emailSplit[0] matches the key
                    field1 = True
                    if object.get_password(
                    ) == loginForm.password.data:  # if eID matches, this checks password
                        field2 = True
                            "email"] = email  # sets session email as given email
                        session["name"] = object.get_fname(
                        )  # sets staff first name in session
                        session["type"] = object.get_type(
                        )  # sets staff account type in session

            print("User account.")
                userDict = db['Users']
                print("Error in retrieving User from storage.db")
                for user, object in userDict.items():
                    if user == email:
                        field3 = True
                        if object.get_pw() == loginForm.password.data:
                            field4 = True
                            session["useremail"] = email
                            session["username"] = object.get_firstName()

        if field1 == True and field2 == True:  # if staff login passes both email and password, they will be redirected to staffHome
            print("Successfully logged in!")
            return redirect(url_for('staffHome'))
        elif field3 == True and field4 == True:
            return redirect(url_for('home'))
        elif field1 == False and field2 == True or field3 == False and field4 == True:  # invalid email entered
            print("Invalid Email.")
        elif field1 == True and field2 == False or field3 == True and field4 == False:  # invalid password
            print("Invalid Password.")
        else:  # both fields invalid
            print("Invalid credentials. Please try again.")

    return render_template('login.html', form=loginForm)