Example #1
def test_base_fixed_continuation(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there are quote mismatches across a continuation in fixed format.
    code = '     character(4) :: cheese = "a & !\n     & b'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'following character continuation: \'"\', expected None.'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected

    code = '     x=1 &\n     +1 &\n     -2'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'free format line continuation character `&\' detected ' \
               + 'in fix format code\n    2:     +1 &\n    3:     -2'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Example #2
def test_base_handle_multilines(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there are quote discrepancies.
    code = 'character(8) :: test = \'foo"""bar'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict free format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'multiline prefix contains odd number of "\'" characters'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected

    code = 'goo """boo\n doo""" soo \'foo'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict free format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'following character continuation: "\'", expected None.'
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Example #3
def test_fortranformat_equality(permutations, pretty):
    #pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Tests that the equality operator works as expected.
    expected = (permutations[0] == pretty[0]) \
        and (permutations[1] == pretty[1])
    unit_under_test = FortranFormat(permutations[0], permutations[1])
    candidate = FortranFormat(pretty[0], pretty[1])
    assert (unit_under_test == candidate) == expected
Example #4
def test_format_constructor_faults():
    Tests that the constructor correctly rejects attempts to create an object
    with "None" arguments.
    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        _unit_under_test = FortranFormat(True, None)

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        _unit_under_test = FortranFormat(None, True)
Example #5
def test_base_fixed_nonlabel(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there is an unexpected character in the initial 6 columns.
    # Checks that a bad character in the first column causes an event to be
    # logged.
    code = 'w    integer :: i'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, True)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column 1 of fixed " \
               + "Fortran code, interpreting line as comment line"
    assert result == expected

    # Checks a bad character in columns 2-6
    for i in range(1, 5):
        code = ' ' * i + 'w' + ' ' * (5 - i) + 'integer :: i'
        unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
        mode = FortranFormat(False, True)
        unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force strict fixed format
        assert log.messages['debug'] == []
        assert log.messages['info'] == []
        assert log.messages['error'] == []
        assert log.messages['critical'] == []
        result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
        expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column {col} " \
                   + "of fixed Fortran code"
        assert result == expected.format(col=i + 1)

    # Checks for a bad character, not in the first column, with "sloppy" mode
    # engaged.
    code = ' w   integer :: i'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(False, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy fixed format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = "non-space/digit char 'w' found in column 2 " \
               + "of fixed Fortran code, switching to free format mode"
    result = log.messages['warning'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Example #6
def test_multi_stmt_line1():
    '''Check that simple statements separated by ; on a single line are
    correctly split into multiple lines by FortranReaderBase

    code = "do i=1,10;b=20 ; c=30"
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, False)
    line1 = reader.next()
    assert isinstance(line1, Line)
    assert line1.line == "do i=1,10"
    assert line1.span == (1, 1)
    assert line1.label is None
    assert line1.name is None
    assert line1.reader is reader
    line2 = reader.next()
    assert isinstance(line2, Line)
    assert line2.line == "b=20"
    assert line2.span is line1.span
    assert line2.label is None
    assert line2.name is None
    assert line2.reader is reader
    line3 = reader.next()
    assert isinstance(line3, Line)
    assert line3.line == "c=30"
    assert line3.span is line1.span
    assert line3.label is None
    assert line3.name is None
    assert line3.reader is reader
Example #7
    def __init__(self, parent, expr="UNSET", typeselect=False):
        Construct a SelectionGen for creating a SELECT block

        :param parent: node to which to add this select block as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str expr: the CASE expression
        :param bool typeselect: whether or not this is a SELECT TYPE rather
                                than a SELECT CASE
        self._typeselect = typeselect
        reader = FortranStringReader(
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        select_line = reader.next()
        self._case_line = reader.next()
        self._case_default_line = reader.next()
        end_select_line = reader.next()
        if self._typeselect:
            select = SelectType(parent.root, select_line)
            select = SelectCase(parent.root, select_line)
        endselect = EndSelect(select, end_select_line)
        select.expr = expr
        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, select)
Example #8
def test_get_type_by_name(monkeypatch):
    ''' Tests for HasImplicitStmt.get_type_by_name(). '''
    from fparser.common.utils import AnalyzeError
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    from fparser.one.typedecl_statements import Real, Integer
    from fparser.one.parsefortran import FortranParser
    # We can't just create a HasImplicitStmt object so we get the parser
    # to create a module object as that sub-classes HasImplicitStmt (amongst
    # other things).
    string = '''\
module some_block
end module some_block
    reader = FortranStringReader(string)
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    mod = parser.block.content[0]
    # Now we have a Module object, we can call get_type_by_name()...
    rtype = mod.get_type_by_name("a_real")
    assert isinstance(rtype, Real)
    itype = mod.get_type_by_name("i_int")
    assert isinstance(itype, Integer)
    # Check that we raise the correct error if we don't have any implicit
    # rules set
    monkeypatch.setattr(mod.a, "implicit_rules", None)
    with pytest.raises(AnalyzeError) as err:
        _ = mod.get_type_by_name("i_int")
    assert "Implicit rules mapping is null" in str(err)
Example #9
def adduse(name, parent, only=False, funcnames=None):
    Adds a use statement with the specified name to the supplied object.
    This routine is required when modifying an existing AST (e.g. when
    modifying a kernel). The classes are used when creating an AST from
    scratch (for the PSy layer).

    :param str name: name of module to USE
    :param parent: node in fparser1 AST to which to add this USE as a child
    :type parent: :py:class:`fparser.one.block_statements.*`
    :param bool only: whether this USE has an "ONLY" clause
    :param list funcnames: list of quantities to follow the "ONLY" clause

    :returns: an fparser1 Use object
    :rtype: :py:class:`fparser.one.block_statements.Use`
    reader = FortranStringReader("use kern,only : func1_kern=>func1")
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
    myline = reader.next()

    # find an appropriate place to add in our use statement
    while not (isinstance(parent, fparser1.block_statements.Program) or
               isinstance(parent, fparser1.block_statements.Module) or
               isinstance(parent, fparser1.block_statements.Subroutine)):
        parent = parent.parent
    use = fparser1.block_statements.Use(parent, myline)
    use.name = name
    use.isonly = only
    if funcnames is None:
        funcnames = []
        use.isonly = False
    use.items = funcnames

    parent.content.insert(0, use)
    return use
Example #10
def test_get_type_by_name_implicit():
    ''' Tests for HasImplicitStmt.get_type_by_name() when the source code
    contains IMPLICIT statements. '''
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    from fparser.one.typedecl_statements import Real, Integer
    from fparser.one.parsefortran import FortranParser
    # We can't just create a HasImplicitStmt object so we get the parser
    # to create a module object as that sub-classes HasImplicitStmt (amongst
    # other things).
    string = '''\
module some_block
  implicit real (a-e)
  implicit integer (f-z)
end module some_block
    reader = FortranStringReader(string)
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    # Get the module object
    mod = parser.block.content[0]
    # We have to run the analyze method on the Implicit objects
    # produced by the parser in order to populate the implicit_rules
    # of the module.
    # Now we can call get_type_by_name()...
    rtype = mod.get_type_by_name("a_real")
    assert isinstance(rtype, Real)
    itype = mod.get_type_by_name("f_int")
    assert isinstance(itype, Integer)
Example #11
    def __init__(self, parent, name="", args=None, implicitnone=False):
        :param parent: node in AST to which to add Subroutine as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str name: name of the Fortran subroutine
        :param list args: list of arguments accepted by the subroutine
        :param bool implicitnone: whether or not we should specify
                                  "implicit none" for the body of this
        reader = FortranStringReader(
            "subroutine vanilla(vanilla_arg)\nend subroutine")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        subline = reader.next()
        endsubline = reader.next()

        from fparser.one.block_statements import Subroutine, EndSubroutine
        self._sub = Subroutine(parent.root, subline)
        self._sub.name = name
        if args is None:
            args = []
        self._sub.args = args
        endsub = EndSubroutine(self._sub, endsubline)
        ProgUnitGen.__init__(self, parent, self._sub)
        if implicitnone:
Example #12
def test_implicit_topyf(monkeypatch):
    ''' Tests for the topyf() method of HasImplicitStmt. '''
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    from fparser.one.parsefortran import FortranParser
    # We can't just create a HasImplicitStmt object so we get the parser
    # to create a module object as that sub-classes HasImplicitStmt (amongst
    # other things).
    string = '''\
module some_block
  implicit real (a-e)
  implicit integer (f-z)
end module some_block
    reader = FortranStringReader(string)
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    parser = FortranParser(reader)
    # Get the module object
    mod = parser.block.content[0]
    code = mod.topyf()
    assert "! default IMPLICIT rules apply" in code
    code = mod.topyf()
    assert "REAL (a, b, c, d, e)" in code
    assert "INTEGER (f, g, h" in code
    monkeypatch.setattr(mod.a, "implicit_rules", None)
    code = mod.topyf()
    assert "IMPLICIT NONE" in code
Example #13
def test_fortranformat_invalid():
    Tests that the equality operator understands that it can't compare apples
    and oranges.
    unit_under_test = FortranFormat(True, False)
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        if unit_under_test == 'oranges':
            raise Exception("That shouldn't have happened")
Example #14
def test_string_reader():
    Tests that Fortran source can be read from a string.
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(FULL_FREE_SOURCE)
    expected = FortranFormat(True, False)
    assert unit_under_test.format == expected
    for expected in FULL_FREE_EXPECTED:
        assert unit_under_test.get_single_line(ignore_empty=True) == expected
Example #15
    def __init__(self, parent, datatype="", entity_decls=None, intent="",
                 pointer=False, kind="", dimension="", allocatable=False):
        :param parent: node to which to add this declaration as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str datatype: the (intrinsic) type for this declaration
        :param list entity_decls: list of variable names to declare
        :param str intent: the INTENT attribute of this declaration
        :param bool pointer: whether or not this is a pointer declaration
        :param str kind: the KIND attribute to use for this declaration
        :param str dimension: the DIMENSION specifier (i.e. the xx in
        :param bool allocatable: whether this declaration is for an
                                 ALLOCATABLE quantity

        :raises RuntimeError: if no variable names are specified
        :raises RuntimeError: if datatype is not one of "integer" or "real"
        if entity_decls is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot create a variable declaration without specifying the "
                "name(s) of the variable(s)")
        fort_fmt = FortranFormat(True, False)  # free form, strict
        if datatype.lower() == "integer":
            reader = FortranStringReader("integer :: vanilla")
            myline = reader.next()
            self._decl = fparser1.typedecl_statements.Integer(parent.root,
        elif datatype.lower() == "real":
            reader = FortranStringReader("real :: vanilla")
            myline = reader.next()
            self._decl = fparser1.typedecl_statements.Real(parent.root, myline)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "f2pygen:DeclGen:init: Only integer and real are currently"
                " supported and you specified '{0}'".format(datatype))
        # make a copy of entity_decls as we may modify it
        local_entity_decls = entity_decls[:]
        self._decl.entity_decls = local_entity_decls
        my_attrspec = []
        if intent != "":
        if pointer is not False:
        if allocatable is not False:
        self._decl.attrspec = my_attrspec
        if dimension != "":
        if kind is not "":
            self._decl.selector = ('', kind)
        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, self._decl)
def test_nonblock_do_construct_tofortran_non_ascii():
    ''' Check that the tofortran() method works when the non-block
    do-construct contains a character string with non-ascii characters. '''
    from fparser.common.readfortran import FortranStringReader
    from fparser.common.sourceinfo import FortranFormat
    code = (u"      DO 50\n" u" 50   WRITE(*,*) ' for e1=1\xb0'\n")
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    # Ensure reader in in 'fixed-format' mode
    reader.set_format(FortranFormat(False, True))
    obj = Nonblock_Do_Construct(reader)
    out_str = str(obj)
    assert "for e1=1" in out_str
Example #17
    def __init__(self, parent, content):
        :param parent: node in AST to which to add the Comment as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str content: the content of the comment
        reader = FortranStringReader("! content\n")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        subline = reader.next()

        my_comment = Comment(parent.root, subline)
        my_comment.content = content

        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, my_comment)
Example #18
def test_fortranformat_constructor(pretty):
    #pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Tests the constructor correctly sets up the object.
    unit_under_test = FortranFormat(pretty[0], pretty[1])
    assert str(unit_under_test) == pretty[3]
    assert unit_under_test.is_free == pretty[0]
    assert unit_under_test.is_fixed == (not pretty[0])
    assert unit_under_test.is_strict == pretty[1]
    assert unit_under_test.is_f77 == (not pretty[0] and pretty[1])
    assert unit_under_test.is_fix == (not pretty[0] and not pretty[1])
    assert unit_under_test.is_pyf == (pretty[0] and pretty[1])
    assert unit_under_test.mode == pretty[2]
Example #19
def test_fortranformat_from_mode(mode):
    #pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
    Tests that the object is correctly created by the from_mode function.
    unit_under_test = FortranFormat.from_mode(mode[0])
    assert unit_under_test.mode == mode[0]
    assert unit_under_test.is_free == mode[1]
    assert unit_under_test.is_fixed == (not mode[1])
    assert unit_under_test.is_strict == mode[2]
    assert unit_under_test.is_f77 == (not mode[1] and mode[2])
    assert unit_under_test.is_fix == (not mode[1] and not mode[2])
    assert unit_under_test.is_pyf == (mode[1] and mode[2])
    assert str(unit_under_test.mode) == mode[0]
Example #20
    def __init__(self, parent, clause):
        :param parent: Node to which to add this IfThen as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str clause: the condition, xx, to evaluate in the if(xx)then
        reader = FortranStringReader("if (dummy) then\nend if")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        ifthenline = reader.next()
        endifline = reader.next()

        my_if = fparser1.block_statements.IfThen(parent.root, ifthenline)
        my_if.expr = clause
        my_endif = fparser1.block_statements.EndIfThen(my_if, endifline)

        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, my_if)
Example #21
def test_do(name, label, control_comma, terminal_expression, end_name,
    # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
    Checks that the "do" loop parser understands the "for-next" variant of
    the syntax. This is defined in BS ISO/IEC 1539-1:2010 with R814-R822.

    TODO: Only the terminal expression is tested. This is a short-cut and
          relies on expression handling being applied identically across
          all expressions. This was true at the time of writing the test.
    name_snippet = name + ': ' if name else None
    label_snippet = label + ' ' if label else None
    comma_snippet = ', ' if control_comma else None
    # TODO: Although the Fortran standard allows for "continue" to be used in
    # place of "end do" fparser does not support it.
    end_snippet = 'continue' if end_name == 'continue' \
                  else get_end_do(end_name)
    do_code = '''{name}do {label}{comma}variable = 1, {term}, 1
  write (6, '(I0)') variable
{endlabel} {end}
'''.format(name=name_snippet or '',
           label=label_snippet or '',
           comma=comma_snippet or '',
           endlabel=end_label or '',
    do_expected = '''  {name}DO {label}variable = 1, {term}, 1
    WRITE (6, '(I0)') variable
{endlabel} {endstmt}
'''.format(name=name_snippet or '',
           label=label_snippet or '',
           endlabel=end_label or ' ',
    do_reader = FortranStringReader(do_code)
    do_reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))
    do_parser = FortranParser(do_reader)
    if (name != end_name) or (label and (label != end_label)):
        with pytest.raises(AnalyzeError):
        loop = do_parser.block.content[0]
        assert str(loop).splitlines() == do_expected.splitlines()
Example #22
def test_base_free_continuation(log):
    Tests that FortranReaderBase.get_source_item() logs the correct messages
    when there are quote mismatches across a continuation in free format.
    code = 'character(4) :: "boo & que'
    unit_under_test = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, False)
    unit_under_test.set_format(mode)  # Force sloppy free format
    assert log.messages['debug'] == []
    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['warning'] == []
    assert log.messages['critical'] == []
    expected = 'following character continuation: \'"\', expected None.'
    result = log.messages['error'][0].split('<==')[1].lstrip()
    assert result == expected
Example #23
    def __init__(self, parent, name="", args=None):
        :param parent: node in AST to which to add CallGen as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str name: the name of the routine to call
        :param list args: list of arguments to pass to the call
        reader = FortranStringReader("call vanilla(vanilla_arg)")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        myline = reader.next()

        from fparser.one.block_statements import Call
        self._call = Call(parent.root, myline)
        self._call.designator = name
        if args is None:
            args = []
        self._call.items = args

        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, self._call)
Example #24
def test_filename_reader():
    Tests that a Fortran source file can be read given its filename.
    handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.f90', text=True)
        with io.open(filename, mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') as source_file:

        unit_under_test = FortranFileReader(filename)
        expected = FortranFormat(True, False)
        assert unit_under_test.format == expected
        for expected in FULL_FREE_EXPECTED:
            found = unit_under_test.get_single_line(ignore_empty=True)
            assert found == expected
    except Exception:
Example #25
def test_111fortranreaderbase(log, monkeypatch):
    Tests the FortranReaderBase class.

    Currently only tests logging functionality.
    class FailFile(object):
        A "file-like" object which returns a line of Fortran source followed
        by raising a StopIteration exception.
        _stuff = ['x=1']

        def next(self):
            Used by Python 2.7.
            return self.__next__()

        def __next__(self):
            Used by Python 3.
            return self._stuff.pop()

                        lambda x: 'foo',
    mode = FortranFormat(True, False)
    unit_under_test = FortranReaderBase(FailFile(), mode, True)
    assert str(unit_under_test.next()) == "line #1'x=1'"
    with pytest.raises(StopIteration):

    assert log.messages['info'] == []
    assert log.messages['warning'] == []
    assert log.messages['error'] == []
    result = log.messages['critical'][0].split('\n')[1]
    assert result == '    1:x=1 <== while processing line'
    assert log.messages['critical'][1] == 'STOPPED READING'
    expected = 'Traceback\n'
    assert log.messages['debug'][0][:len(expected)] == expected
Example #26
    def __init__(self, parent):
        :param parent: node in AST to which to add 'implicit none' as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.ModuleGen` or

        :raises Exception: if `parent` is not a ModuleGen or SubroutineGen
        if not isinstance(parent, ModuleGen) and not isinstance(parent,
            raise Exception(
                "The parent of ImplicitNoneGen must be a module or a "
                "subroutine, but found {0}".format(type(parent)))
        reader = FortranStringReader("IMPLICIT NONE\n")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        subline = reader.next()

        from fparser.one.typedecl_statements import Implicit
        my_imp_none = Implicit(parent.root, subline)

        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, my_imp_none)
Example #27
    def __init__(self, parent, variable_name, start, end, step=None):
        :param parent: the node to which to add this do loop as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param str variable_name: the name of the loop variable
        :param str start: start value for Do loop
        :param str end: upper-limit of Do loop
        :param str step: increment to use in Do loop
        reader = FortranStringReader("do i=1,n\nend do")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, True))  # free form, strict
        doline = reader.next()
        enddoline = reader.next()
        dogen = fparser1.block_statements.Do(parent.root, doline)
        dogen.loopcontrol = variable_name + "=" + start + "," + end
        if step is not None:
            dogen.loopcontrol = dogen.loopcontrol + "," + step
        enddo = fparser1.block_statements.EndDo(dogen, enddoline)

        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, dogen)
Example #28
    def __init__(self, parent, content):
        :param parent: node to which to add this DEALLOCATE as a child
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.f2pygen.BaseGen`
        :param content: string or list of variables to deallocate
        :type content: list of strings or a single string

        :raises RuntimeError: if `content` is not of correct type
        reader = FortranStringReader("deallocate(dummy)")
        reader.set_format(FortranFormat(True, False))  # free form, strict
        myline = reader.next()
        self._decl = fparser1.statements.Deallocate(parent.root, myline)
        if isinstance(content, str):
            self._decl.items = [content]
        elif isinstance(content, list):
            self._decl.items = content
            raise RuntimeError(
                "DeallocateGen expected the content argument to be a str"
                " or a list, but found {0}".format(type(content)))
        BaseGen.__init__(self, parent, self._decl)
Example #29
def test_multi_stmt_line3():
    '''Check that named do loops separated by ; on a single line are correctly
    split into multiple lines by FortranReaderBase

    code = "name:do i=1,10;name2 : do j=1,10"
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, False)
    line1 = reader.next()
    assert isinstance(line1, Line)
    assert line1.line == "do i=1,10"
    assert line1.span == (1, 1)
    assert line1.label is None
    assert line1.name == "name"
    assert line1.reader is reader
    line2 = reader.next()
    assert line2.line == "do j=1,10"
    assert line2.span is line1.span
    assert line2.label is None
    assert line2.name == "name2"
    assert line2.reader is reader
Example #30
def test_multi_stmt_line2():
    '''Check that format statements separated by ; on a single line are
    correctly split into multiple lines by FortranReaderBase

    code = "10 format(a); 20 format(b)"
    reader = FortranStringReader(code)
    mode = FortranFormat(True, False)
    line1 = reader.next()
    assert isinstance(line1, Line)
    assert line1.line == "format(a)"
    assert line1.span == (1, 1)
    assert line1.label == 10
    assert line1.name is None
    assert line1.reader is reader
    line2 = reader.next()
    assert line2.line == "format(b)"
    assert line2.span is line1.span
    assert line2.label == 20
    assert line2.name is None
    assert line2.reader is reader