Example #1
 def test_alpha_beta_electrons(self):
     """Check to make sure that the correct number of alpha and beta
     electrons are parsed from the number and multiplicity
     self.assertTupleEqual((1, 1), util.alpha_beta_electrons(2, 0))
     self.assertTupleEqual((4, 1), util.alpha_beta_electrons(5, 3))
     self.assertTupleEqual((0, 5), util.alpha_beta_electrons(5, -5))
    def __init__(self,
                 maxparticle: int,
                 maxspin: int,
                 params: List[List[int]] = None) -> None:
        params are the same as Wavefunction.

            maxparticle (int) - the maximum particle number difference up to which \
                the sectors are to be linked

            maxspin (int) - the maximum spin number difference up to which the \
                sectors are to be linked

            params (List[List[int]]) - a list of parameter lists.  The parameter \
                lists are comprised of

                p[0] (int) - number of particles;
                p[1] (int) - z component of spin angular momentum;
                p[2] (int) - number of spatial orbitals

        self._dataset: Dict[Tuple[int, int], 'FciGraph'] = {}
        self._maxparticle = maxparticle
        self._maxspin = maxspin
        self._linked: Set[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]] = set()
        if params is not None:
            for param in params:
                assert len(param) == 3
                nalpha, nbeta = alpha_beta_electrons(param[0], param[1])
                               nbeta)] = FciGraph(nalpha, nbeta, param[2])
Example #3
    def contract(self, brastate: "Wavefunction",
                 ketstate: "Wavefunction") -> complex:
        """Given two wavefunctions, generate the expectation value of the
        operator according to its representation.

            brastate: Wavefunction on the bra side.
            ketstate: Wavefunction on the ket side.
        out = copy.deepcopy(ketstate)
        for (nele, nab), sector in out._civec.items():
            nalpha, nbeta = alpha_beta_electrons(nele, nab)
            if nalpha < nbeta:
                if not (nele, nbeta - nalpha) in out._civec.keys():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The wavefunction space is not closed under "
                        "time reversal.")
                sector2 = out._civec[(nele, nbeta - nalpha)]
                tmp = np.copy(sector.coeff)
                phase = (-1)**(nbeta * (nalpha + 1))
                phase2 = (-1)**(nalpha * (nbeta + 1))
                sector.coeff = sector2.coeff.T.conj() * phase2
                sector2.coeff = tmp.T.conj() * phase
            elif nalpha > nbeta:
                if not (nele, nbeta - nalpha) in out._civec.keys():
                    raise ValueError(
                        "The wavefunction space is not closed under "
                        "time reversal.")
            elif nalpha == nbeta:
                sector.coeff = sector.coeff.T.conj()
        return vdot(brastate, out)
def fci_fermion_operator_representation(norb: int, nele: int,
                                        m_s: int) -> 'FermionOperator':
    """Generate the Full Configuration interaction wavefunction in the
    openfermion FermionOperator representation with coefficients of 1.0.

        norb (int) - number of spatial orbitals

        nele (int) - number of electrons

        m_s (int) - s_z spin quantum number

    nalpha, nbeta = alpha_beta_electrons(nele, m_s)
    gsstr = init_bitstring_groundstate(nalpha)
    alphadets = lexicographic_bitstring_generator(gsstr, norb)
    gsstr = init_bitstring_groundstate(nbeta)
    betadets = lexicographic_bitstring_generator(gsstr, norb)
    ops = FermionOperator('', 1.0)
    for bstr in betadets:
        for astr in alphadets:
            ops += determinant_to_ops(astr, bstr)
    return ops - FermionOperator('', 1.0)
Example #5
    def __init__(self,
                 param: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None,
                 broken: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None) -> None:
            param (list[list[n, ms, norb]]) - the constructor accepts a list of \
              parameter lists.  The parameter lists are comprised of

              p[0] (integer) - number of particles;
              p[1] (integer) - z component of spin angular momentum;
              p[2] (integer) - number of spatial orbitals

            broken (str) - pass in the symmetries that should be preserved by \
                the wavefunction.

        Member Variables:
            _conserve_spin (Bool) - When this flag is true, the wavefunction \
                will maintain a constant m_s

            _conserve_number (Bool) - When this flag is true, the wavefunction \
                will maintain a constant nele

            _civec (dict[(int, int)] -> FqeData) - This is a dictionary for \
                FqeData objects.  The key is a tuple defined by the number of \
                electrons and the spin projection of the system.
        self._symmetry_map: Dict[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] = {}
        self._conserved: Dict[str, int] = {}

        self._conserve_spin: bool = False
        if broken is None or 'spin' not in broken:
            self._conserve_spin = True

        self._conserve_number: bool = False
        if broken is None or 'number' not in broken:
            self._conserve_number = True

        self._norb: int = 0
        self._civec: Dict[Tuple[int, int], 'FqeData'] = {}

        if not self._conserve_spin and not self._conserve_number:
            raise TypeError('Number and spin non-conserving waveunfction is' \
                            ' the complete Fock space.')

        if param:
            user_input_norbs = set([x[2] for x in param])
            if len(user_input_norbs) != 1:
                raise ValueError('Number of orbitals is not consistent')

            self._norb = list(user_input_norbs)[0]
            for i in param:
                nalpha, nbeta = alpha_beta_electrons(i[0], i[1])
                self._civec[(i[0], i[1])] = FqeData(nalpha, nbeta, self._norb)

            if self._conserve_number:
                self._conserved['n'] = param[0][0]

            if self._conserve_spin:
                self._conserved['s_z'] = param[0][1]

                if not self._conserve_number:
                    self._symmetry_map = map_broken_symmetry(
                        param[0][1], param[0][2])