Example #1
def standardise_vendor_compounds(output_file, file_name, limit):
    """Process the given file and standardise the vendor
    information, writing it as tab-separated fields to the output.

    As we load the Vendor compounds we 'standardise' the SMILES and
    determine whether they represent an isomer or not.

    :param output_file: The tab-separated standardised output file
    :param file_name: The (compressed) file to process
    :param limit: Limit processing to this number of values (or all if 0)
    :returns: The number of items processed
    global vendor_compounds
    global num_vendor_mols
    global num_vendor_molecule_failures

    logger.info('Standardising %s...', file_name)

    line_num = 0
    num_processed = 0
    with open(file_name, 'rt') as input_file:

        # Check first line (a space-delimited header).
        # This is a basic sanity-check to make sure the important column
        # names are what we expect.

        hdr = input_file.readline()
        field_names = hdr.split()
        # Expected minimum number of columns...
        if len(field_names) < expected_min_num_cols:
            error('expected at least {} columns found {}'.format(
                expected_input_cols, len(field_names)))
        # Check salient columns (ignoring case)...
        for col_num in expected_input_cols:
            actual_name = field_names[col_num].strip().lower()
            if actual_name != expected_input_cols[col_num]:
                error('expected "{}" in column {} found "{}"'.format(
                    expected_input_cols[col_num], col_num, actual_name))

        # Columns look right...

        for line in input_file:

            line_num += 1
            fields = line.split()
            if len(fields) <= 1:

            if line_num % report_rate == 0:
                logger.info(' ...at compound {:,}'.format(line_num))

            osmiles = fields[smiles_col]
            compound_id = real_prefix + fields[compound_col]

            # Add the compound (expected to be unique)
            # to our set of 'all compounds'.
            if compound_id in vendor_compounds:
                error('Duplicate compound ID ({})'.format(compound_id))

            # Standardise and update global maps...
            # And try and handle and report any catastrophic errors
            # from dependent modules/functions.

            std_info = standardise_utils.standardise(osmiles)
            if not std_info.std:
                num_vendor_molecule_failures += 1
            num_vendor_mols += 1

            # Write the standardised data

            output = [
                osmiles, std_info.iso, std_info.noniso, std_info.hac,

            output_file.write('\t'.join(output) + '\n')

            # Enough?
            num_processed += 1
            if limit and num_processed >= limit:

    return num_processed
def standardise_vendor_compounds(output_file, file_name, limit):
    """Process the given file and standardise the vendor
    information, writing it as tab-separated fields to the output.

    As we load the Vendor compounds we 'standardise' the SMILES and
    determine whether they represent an isomer or not.

    :param output_file: The tab-separated standardised output file
    :param file_name: The (compressed) file to process
    :param limit: Limit processing to this number of values (or all if 0)
    :returns: The number of items processed
    global vendor_compounds
    global num_vendor_mols
    global num_vendor_molecule_failures

    logger.info('Standardising %s...', file_name)

    count = 0
    num_processed = 0

    with gzip.open(file_name, 'rb') as input:

        suppl = Chem.ForwardSDMolSupplier(input)

        for mol in suppl:

            count += 1

            if mol is None:
                logger.warning("Failed to handle record %s", count)

            chembl_id = mol.GetProp('chembl_id')

            if count % report_rate == 0:
                logger.info(' ...at compound {:,}'.format(count))

            osmiles = Chem.MolToSmiles(mol)
            # generate the ID. The data in the chembl_id field looks like CHEMBL153534
            # so we need to string off the CHEMBL bit as our generated ID looks like CHEMBL:153534
            compound_id = vendor_prefix + chembl_id[6:]

            # Add the compound (expected to be unique)
            # to our set of 'all compounds'.
            if compound_id in vendor_compounds:
                error('Duplicate compound ID ({})'.format(compound_id))

            # Standardise and update global maps...
            # And try and handle and report any catastrophic errors
            # from dependent modules/functions.

            std_info = standardise_utils.standardise(osmiles)
            if not std_info.std:
                num_vendor_molecule_failures += 1
            num_vendor_mols += 1

            # Write the standardised data

            output = [
                osmiles, std_info.iso, std_info.noniso, std_info.hac,

            output_file.write('\t'.join(output) + '\n')

            # Enough?
            num_processed += 1
            if limit and num_processed >= limit:

    return num_processed