Example #1
def main():

    bottle.run(app=app, server='gae')
Example #2
    app.route('/',                  ['GET'],    views.index)
    app.route('/access-denied',                  ['GET'],    views.access_denied)
    app.route('/debug',             ['GET'],    views.debug)

    app.route('/auth/registrar',    ['GET'],    auth_views.registrar)
    app.route('/auth/registrar',    ['POST'],   auth_views.do_registrar)
    app.route('/auth/login',        ['GET'],    auth_views.login)
    app.route('/auth/login',        ['POST'],   auth_views.do_login)
    app.route('/auth/logout',       ['GET'],    auth_views.logout)
    app.route('/auth/listado',      ['GET'],    auth_views.listado)

    app.route('/series/listado',    ['GET'],    series_views.listado)
    app.route('/series/registrar',  ['GET'],    series_views.registrar)
    app.route('/series/registrar',  ['POST'],   series_views.do_registrar)
    #app.route('/series/',    ['GET'],    series_views.)

app = bottle.Bottle()
# launch the App
bottle.run(app=app, server="gae")

Example #3
from framework import bottle
from framework.bottle import route, run, template, static_file

def welcome():
    output = template('templates/welcome')
    return output

def server_static(filename):
    return static_file(filename, root='/styles')

run(host='localhost', port=8080,reloader=True, debug=True)
Example #4
def main():
   run(app=app, server='gae',debug=True)
Example #5
        return bottle.template("contact", dict(email="", subject="",scontent="",notification=notification,s="warning"))
        # To enable mailing, you shoudl go to the application Dashboard --> Administration --> Permissions
        # Add [email protected] and check your mailbox to verify the account.
        message = mail.EmailMessage(sender="JournalS Support <*****@*****.**>", #[email protected] is verified by google app engine, so it should be real
                            subject="Your message has been received")

        message.to = email
        message.bcc = "*****@*****.**" 
        message.body = """
        Dear Journal Seeker:

            Your message has been received.
        message.body += scontent + "\n"
        message.body +="""
            We will contact you as soon as possible.
            Keep following and keep writing :)
        JournalS Team
        notification = "Your message has been sent successfully."
        return bottle.template("contact", dict(email="", subject="",scontent="",notification=notification,s="success"))

#If you want to debug you should use
# bottle.run(app=app, server='gae', debug=True)    
bottle.run(app=app, server='gae')
Example #6
from framework import bottle
import views

#urls para enrrutamiento
urls = [
    ('/', ['GET'], views.index),
    ('/',['POST'], views.do_index),

def routing(app):
    for url in urls:
        app.route(url[0], url[1], url[2])

app = bottle.Bottle()

# launch the App
bottle.run(app=app, server="gae")

def change_path(cb, path='/', *args, **kwargs):
    bottle.request.path = path
    return cb(*args, **kwargs)

def contact_filter(filter_dict, contact):
    if filter_dict is None:
        return True

    # Iterate over key-value pairs in filter dictionary, checking whether (1)
    # the key occurs in the contact dictionary and (2), if so, whether the
    # filter dictionary value occurs as a substring of the contact dictionary
    # value
    for key, value in filter_dict.iteritems():
        if value is None or value == "":
        if key not in contact:
            return False
            if contact[key].lower().find(value.lower()) < 0:
                return False

    return True

Run test server
if __name__ == "__main__":
    bottle.run(server="gae", app=app, debug=True)