Example #1
def simple_search(item, shops, nums):
    results = {}
    driver = Driver()
    with driver as d:
        for shop, num in zip(shops, nums):
            shopobj = SHOPS[shop](d)
            result = shopobj.search_results(item, num)
            results[shop] = result
    return results
Example #2
class BasePage(object):
    """ Родительский класс для всех страниц тестируемого приложения
        Класс реализует поведение общее для всех страниц.
        Новые страницы должны наследоваться от BasePage
    def __init__(self):
        self.driver = Driver().connect()
        self.base_url = Config.BASE_URL
        self.address = ''
        self.url = f"{self.base_url}/{self.address}"

    def open(self):
        """ Открыть в браузере базовую страницу приложения """
        return self.driver.get(self.url)

    def is_opened(self):
Example #3
 def test_search(self, item, shop):
     This method tests the search functionality of the framework for a given shops and a given item
     :param item: item to be searched in the shop
     :param shop: shop to be searched
     :return: writes the results into a file named 'results1'
     item_num = configuration.SEARCH_RESERVE
     fp = 'results1'
     driver = Driver()
     with open(fp, 'w') as f, driver as d:
         shopobj = shop(d)
         results = []
         for result in shopobj.search_results(item, item_num):
             f.write(str(result) + '\n')
             for sub in shopobj.results_page.results.sub_elements:
                 assert result.get(sub) is not None
         assert len(results) == item_num
Example #4
 def test_search_basic(self, item):
     This method tests the search functionality of the framework for all the shops for a given item
     :param item: item to be searched in the shops
     :return: writes the results into a file named 'results'
     item_num = configuration.SEARCH_RESERVE
     fp = 'results'
     driver = Driver()
     with open(fp, 'w') as f, driver as d:
         for Shop in [Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal]:
             shop = Shop(d)
             results = []
             for result in shop.search_results(item, item_num):
                 f.write(str(result) + '\n')
                 for sub in shop.results_page.results.sub_elements:
                     assert result.get(sub) is not None
             assert len(results) == item_num
Example #5
 def __init__(self, name, locator, loc_type):
     self.locator = locator
     self.locator_type = loc_type
     self.name = name
     self.driver = Driver().connect()
     self.obj = None
Example #6
 def __init__(self):
     self.driver = Driver().connect()
     self.base_url = Config.BASE_URL
     self.address = ''
     self.url = f"{self.base_url}/{self.address}"
Example #7
from sites.shops.amazon import Amazon
from sites.shops.snapdeal import Snapdeal
from sites.shops.flipkart import Flipkart
from framework.driver import Driver

item = 'Redmi 5'

fp = 'results'

driver_new = Driver()
with open(fp, 'w') as f, driver_new as d:
    for cls in [Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal]:
        shop = cls(d)
        for result in shop.search_results(item, 5):
            f.write(str(result) + '\n')