Example #1
    def test(self):

        message = self.message
        colorprint(message[0], "YELLOW")
        flag = False

        # Turn on light
        res = CommandResult.parse(
            self.dut.execute_command("low_power_check on", 4000)[1])
        if res.rc == 0:
            if question_box(message[2]):
                self.dut.execute_command("low_power_check off", 4000)
                if question_box(message[3]):
                    self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_low_power_link ok ok pass")
                    flag = True

        self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_low_power_link ok ng fail")

        colorprint(message[4], "GREEN")
        return flag
Example #2
    def test(self):
        flag = False
        message = self.message
        colorprint(message[0], "YELLOW")
        rc, text = self.dut.execute_command("play_sound", 10000)
        if rc == 0:
            flag = question_box(message[2])
        if flag:
            self.logger.info("CSVFILE play_sound ok ok pass")
            self.logger.info("CSVFILE play_sound ok fail fail")

        colorprint(message[3], "GREEN")
        return flag
    def test(self): 
        msg = "                                                         \n" + \
              "Please Use Multimter to Bipbip check the Following Points\n" + \
              "CAN EXTERNAL HIGH    CAN EXTERNAL LOW\n"+ \
              "BRAKE LEFT and RIGHT\n" + \
              "STACK_NEXT_BIKE_DETECT\n" + \
              "                                                         \n"


        msg = "Is all Right, Did you hear all the DiDi?? Yes/No? " 
        if question_box(msg):
            self.logger.info( "CSVFILE cable_soudering ok ok pass")
            return True
        self.logger.info( "CSVFILE cable_soldering ok fail fail")
        return False
Example #4
    def test(self):

        flag = False
        message = self.message
        # Turn on light
        res = CommandResult.parse(
            self.dut.execute_command("frontlight on", 4000)[1])
        # op_messager(message[1])
        if res.rc == 0:
            if question_box(message[2]):
                self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_light ok ok pass")
                flag = True

        self.dut.execute_command("frontlight off", 4000)
        if not flag:
            self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_light ok ng fail")
        colorprint(message[3], "GREEN")
        return flag
    def test(self):
        flag = False
        timeout = 60
        message = self.message
        colorprint(message[0], "YELLOW")
        # Turn on electromagnet
        res = CommandResult.parse(
            self.dut.execute_command("electromagnet on", 4000)[1])
        if res.rc == 0:
            # op_messager(message[2])
            if question_box(message[3]):
                self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_electromagnet ok ok pass")
                flag = True

        self.dut.execute_command("electromagnet off", 4000)
        if not flag:
            self.logger.info("CSVFILE check_electromagnet ok ng fail")
        colorprint(message[4], "GREEN")
        return flag