Example #1
def convert_to_rc_solution(
        solution: Solution, translator: PegTranslator,
        starting_person_position: Peg) -> RiverCrossingSolution:
    Takes a solution, a translator from pegs to RC characters,
    ...and a peg number for the starting person position,
    ...and returns the River Crossing solution string for that solution.
    def plank_converter(plank: Plank) -> str:
        ans = ""
        for peg in plank:
            ans += translator[peg].upper()

        return "".join(sorted(ans))

    ans = ""
    person_position = starting_person_position
    for move_type, peg in solution:
        if move_type == "walk":
            person_position = peg
        elif move_type == "grab":
            ans += plank_converter(get_plank(peg, person_position)) + '-'
        elif move_type == "place":
            ans += plank_converter(get_plank(peg, person_position)) + ' '
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized move type {}".format(move_type))

    return ans.strip()
Example #2
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        start, end = 34, 3
        pegs = [3, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 28, 34]
        planks = [(34, 24), (24, 9), (9, 7), (7, 12)]

        # make sure my plank pegs are in the correct order
        planks = [get_plank(*points) for points in planks]

        # checking input
        assert start in pegs
        assert end in pegs
        for peg1, peg2 in planks:
            assert peg1 in pegs
            assert peg2 in pegs

        super().__init__(start, end, pegs, planks)
Example #3
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        start, end = 16, 20
        pegs = [16, 20, 18, 1, 4, 7, 8, 14, 22, 28, 29, 34, 31, 32]
        planks = [(31, 16), (28, 29), (4, 14), (7, 22)]

        # make sure my plank pegs are in the correct order
        planks = [get_plank(*points) for points in planks]

        # checking input
        assert start in pegs
        assert end in pegs
        for peg1, peg2 in planks:
            assert peg1 in pegs
            assert peg2 in pegs

        super().__init__(start, end, pegs, planks)
Example #4
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        start, end = 27, 15
        pegs = [7, 9, 15, 13, 11, 17, 27, 19, 24, 23, 21]
        planks = [(27, 17), (23, 13), (24, 19)]

        # make sure my plank pegs are in the correct order
        planks = [get_plank(*points) for points in planks]

        # checking input
        assert start in pegs
        assert end in pegs
        for peg1, peg2 in planks:
            assert peg1 in pegs
            assert peg2 in pegs

        super().__init__(start, end, pegs, planks)
Example #5
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        start, end = 32, 4
        pegs = [4, 14, 13, 23, 22, 32]
        planks = [(32, 22), (22, 23)]

        # make sure my plank pegs are in the correct order
        planks = [get_plank(*points) for points in planks]

        # checking input
        assert start in pegs
        assert end in pegs
        for peg1, peg2 in planks:
            assert peg1 in pegs
            assert peg2 in pegs

        super().__init__(start, end, pegs, planks)
Example #6
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        start, end = 30, 1
        pegs = [1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34]
        planks = [(30, 15), (24, 19), (26, 28), (22, 12), (8, 9)]

        # make sure my plank pegs are in the correct order
        planks = [get_plank(*points) for points in planks]

        # checking input
        assert start in pegs
        assert end in pegs
        for peg1, peg2 in planks:
            assert peg1 in pegs
            assert peg2 in pegs

        super().__init__(start, end, pegs, planks)
Example #7
 def __init__(self, base_board_creator: Callable[[], Board],
              solution_string: RiverCrossingSolution,
              translator: RiverCrossingCharacterTranslator):
     Takes a function that creates a board when called with no parameters
     ...and a River Crossing solution string,
     ...and a translator from pegs to RC solution characters
     # when called, creates the board after 0 steps
     self.base_board_creator = base_board_creator
     solution_string = solution_string.strip().upper()
     self.moves: List[Tuple[
         Plank, Plank]] = solution_string.split()  # type: ignore
     self.moves = [move.split('-') for move in self.moves]  # type: ignore
     self.moves = [
             get_plank(*[translator[peg] for peg in plank])  # type: ignore
             for plank in move
         ]) for move in self.moves