def get_correlated_name(name, correlations):
    'It return the name fixed by the correlation'
    # it looks in the marker_correlations_file
    marker_ =  get_marker_from_correlations(name, correlations)
    if marker_ is not None:
        name = marker_['name']
    return name
def read_markers(fhand, cmap, marker_corr=None):
    '''It reads the Monforte marker data. It uses the correlations file to
    adjust data'''
    map_reader = csv.reader(fhand, delimiter='\t')

    markers = cmap['features']
    for row in map_reader:
        name = row[0].lower()
        name = name.strip()
        kind = row[1].strip()
        reference = row[2]
        correlation = get_marker_from_correlations(name, marker_corr)
        if correlation is not None:
            name = correlation['name']
            if correlation['type']  is None:
                kind = correlation['sofa']
                kind = correlation['type']
            reference = correlation['publication']
        if not kind:
            kind = 'unknown'
        markers[name] = {'name':name,
def read_bin_map(fhand, cmap, correlations):
    'It loads the bin map '
    map_reader = csv.reader(fhand, delimiter='\t') #ignore fist line

    map_data = []
    for row in map_reader:
        group       = row[1]
        marker      = row[2].lower().strip()
        marker_type = row[3]
        bin_        = row[5]
        if not group and not bin_:
        marker_name = get_correlated_name(marker, correlations)
        marker_ =  get_marker_from_correlations(marker_name, correlations)
        feature_type = marker_['sofa']

        data = { 'group': group.lower(), 'marker':marker_name,
                        'marker_type': marker_type, 'bin': bin_,

    all_bins  = []
    list_bins = []
    ref       = None
    group     = None
    for marker in map_data:
        kind        =  marker['marker_type']
        marker_name = marker['marker']

        if group is None or group !=  marker['group']:
            for bin_marker in list_bins:
                bin_marker['end_marker']   = ref
                list_bins = []
            ref = None
        group = marker['group']

        if kind in ('bin', 'binint'):
            bin_marker = {'start_marker': None, 'end_marker': None,
                          'type':kind, 'name':marker_name, 'map': group,
            if ref is None:
                bin_marker['start_marker'] = None
                bin_marker['start_marker'] = ref

        elif kind == 'ref':
            for bin_marker in list_bins:
                bin_marker['end_marker']   = marker_name
            list_bins = []
            ref = marker_name

    cmap_ = Cmap(cmap)
    # now put the positions
    for bin in all_bins:
        if bin['start_marker'] is None:
            bin['start_position'] = 0
                start = cmap_.feature_location(feature=bin['start_marker'],

            except KeyError:
                print "bin start not found, reference: %s group : %s " % \
                                                    (bin['start_marker'], bin['map'])
                start = 0 # this is to be able to work, this is unreal
            bin['start_position'] = start

        if bin['end_marker'] is None:
            bin['end_postion'] = bin['start_position']
                start = cmap_.feature_location(feature=bin['end_marker'],
            except KeyError:
                print "bin end not found, reference: %s group : %s " % \
                                                    (bin['end_marker'], bin['map'])
                start = 0 # this is to be able to work, this is unreal
            bin['end_position'] = start

    # now look at the start position of the bininit
    for bin in all_bins:
        if bin['type'] == 'binint':
            half = (bin['end_position'] - bin['start_position']) / float(2)
            bin['start_position'] += half
            bin['start_position'] = int(round(bin['start_position']))

    #add to cmap
    for bin in all_bins:
        #add to markers
        marker_name = bin['name']
        sofa = bin['feature_type']
        cmap['features'][marker_name] = {'type':sofa, 'name':marker_name}
        # add to mapset(icugi)
        feat_loc = {'feature':marker_name, 'start':bin['start_position'],
        # Now we need to guess where is this feature_loc adding.
        # first traduce from icugi to map number
        for index, mapset in enumerate(cmap['map_sets']):
            if mapset['name'] == 'icugi':
                icugi_index = index
                for index2, map_ in enumerate(mapset['maps']):
                    if map_['accession'] == bin['map']:
                        map_index = index2