Example #1
    def clean_ad_gcname(self):
        ad_gcname = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
        ad_gcport = 3268

        ad_ssl = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_ssl')
        if ad_ssl == 'on':
            ad_gcport = 3269

        if not ad_gcname:
            return None

        parts = ad_gcname.split(':')
        ad_gcname = parts[0]
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1].isdigit():
            ad_gcport = long(parts[1])

        errors = []
            ret = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(host=ad_gcname,

            if ret is False:
                raise Exception('Invalid Host/Port: %s' % errors[0])

        except Exception as e:
            raise forms.ValidationError('%s.' % e)

        return self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
Example #2
    def clean_ad_gcname(self):
        ad_gcname = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
        ad_gcport = 3268

        ad_ssl = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_ssl')
        if ad_ssl == 'on':
            ad_gcport = 3269

        if not ad_gcname:
            return None

        parts = ad_gcname.split(':')
        ad_gcname = parts[0]
        if len(parts) > 1 and parts[1].isdigit():
            ad_gcport = long(parts[1])

        errors = []
            ret = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(
                host=ad_gcname, port=ad_gcport, errors=errors)

            if ret is False:
                raise Exception('Invalid Host/Port: %s' % errors[0])

        except Exception as e:
            raise forms.ValidationError('%s.' % e)

        return self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
Example #3
    def clean_ad_gcname(self):
        ad_gcname = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
        ad_gcport = self.get_gcport()

        if not ad_gcname:
            return None

        parts = ad_gcname.split(':')
        ad_gcname = parts[0]

        errors = []
            ret = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(
                host=ad_gcname, port=ad_gcport, errors=errors

            if ret is False:
                raise Exception(
                    'Invalid Host/Port: %s' % errors[0]

        except Exception as e:
            raise forms.ValidationError('%s.' % e)

        return self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
Example #4
    def tryConnect(self, host, port):
        max_tries = 3
        connected = False
        sm_timeout = _fs().middlewared.plugins.service_monitor.socket_timeout
        host_list = []

        if self.name == 'activedirectory':

            for i in range(0, max_tries):
                # Make max_tries attempts to get SRV records from DNS
                host_list = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.get_ldap_servers(host)
                if host_list:
                    self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Attempt {i} to query SRV records failed')

            if not host_list:
                self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Query for SRV records for {host} failed')
                return False

            for h in host_list:
                port_is_listening = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(str(h.target), h.port, errors=[], timeout=sm_timeout)
                if port_is_listening:
                    return True
                    self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Cannot connect: {h.target}:{h.port}')
                    connected = False

            return connected

            self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] no monitoring has been written for {self.name}')
            return False
Example #5
    def clean_ad_gcname(self):
        ad_gcname = self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
        ad_gcport = self.get_gcport()

        if not ad_gcname:
            return None

        parts = ad_gcname.split(':')
        ad_gcname = parts[0]

        errors = []
            ret = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(
                host=ad_gcname, port=ad_gcport, errors=errors

            if ret is False:
                raise Exception(
                    'Invalid Host/Port: %s' % errors[0]

        except Exception as e:
            raise forms.ValidationError('%s.' % e)

        return self.cleaned_data.get('ad_gcname')
Example #6
    def tryConnect(self, host, port):
        max_tries = 3
        connected = False
        sm_timeout = _fs().middlewared.plugins.service_monitor.socket_timeout
        host_list = []

        if self.name == 'activedirectory':

            for i in range(0, max_tries):
                # Make max_tries attempts to get SRV records from DNS
                host_list = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.get_ldap_servers(host)
                if host_list:
                    self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Attempt {i} to query SRV records failed')

            if not host_list:
                self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Query for SRV records for {host} failed')
                return False

            for h in host_list:
                port_is_listening = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(str(h.target), h.port, errors=[], timeout=sm_timeout)
                if port_is_listening:
                    return True
                    self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Cannot connect: {h.target}:{h.port}')
                    connected = False

            return connected

            self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] no monitoring has been written for {self.name}')
            return False
Example #7
    def check_AD(self, host, port):
        Basic health checks to determine whether we can recover the AD service if a disruption occurs.
        Current tests:
        - Clockskew from DC is not greater than 5 minutes (MIT default). Kerberos has strict time requirements.
          This can vary based on the kerberos configuration, and so this may need to be a configurable field.
        - DC connectivity. We check this by using DNS to get SRV records for LDAP, and then trying to open a socket
          to the LDAP(S) port on each of the LDAP servers in the list.
        Future tests:
        - Validate service account password
        - Verify presence of computer object in DA
        connected = False
        permitted_clockskew = datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
        sm_timeout = _fs().middlewared.plugins.service_monitor.socket_timeout

        host_list = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.get_ldap_servers(host, self.config['ad_site'])

        if not host_list:
            self.alert(self.name, f'{self.name}: {host} not in connectable state. DNS query for SRV records for {host} failed.')
            self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] DNS query for SRV records for {host} failed')
            return False

        for h in host_list:
            port_is_listening = FreeNAS_ActiveDirectory.port_is_listening(str(h.target),
            if port_is_listening:
                clockskew_within_spec = self.validate_time(str(h.target), permitted_clockskew)
                if not clockskew_within_spec:
                    return False

                return True
                self.logger.debug(f'[ServiceMonitorThread] Cannot connect: {h.target}:{h.port}')
                connected = False

        if not connected:
            self.alert(self.name, f'{self.name}: Unable to contact domain controller for {host}. Domain not in connectable state.')

        return connected