Example #1
 def is_valid(self):
     if not super(OrderOutpost, self).is_valid():
         return False
     planet = self.target.get_object()
     sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
     planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id)
     if not (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and planet.unowned):
         self.executed = True
         self.order_issued = True
         return False
         return self.fleet.get_object().hasOutpostShips
Example #2
    def is_valid(self):
        if not super(OrderColonize, self).is_valid():
            return False
        planet = self.target.get_object()

        sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
        planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id)
        if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and planet.unowned or
                (planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) and not planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population))):
            return self.fleet.get_object().hasColonyShips
        self.executed = True
        self.order_issued = True
        return False
Example #3
def follow_vis_system_connections(start_system_id, home_system_id):
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    exploration_list = [start_system_id]
    aistate = get_aistate()
    while exploration_list:
        cur_system_id = exploration_list.pop()
        if cur_system_id in graph_flags:
        system = universe.getSystem(cur_system_id)
        if cur_system_id in aistate.visBorderSystemIDs:
            pre_vis = "a border system"
        elif cur_system_id in aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs:
            pre_vis = "an interior system"
            pre_vis = "an unknown system"
        system_header = "*** system %s;" % system
        if fo.currentTurn() < 50:
            visibility_turn_list = sorted(universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(cur_system_id, empire_id).items(),
                                          key=lambda x: x[0].numerator)
            visibility_info = ', '.join('%s: %s' % (vis.name, turn) for vis, turn in visibility_turn_list)
            debug("%s previously %s. Visibility per turn: %s " % (system_header, pre_vis, visibility_info))
            status_info = []
            status_info = [system_header]

        has_been_visible = get_partial_visibility_turn(cur_system_id) > 0
        is_connected = universe.systemsConnected(cur_system_id, home_system_id, -1)  # self.empire_id)
        status_info.append("    -- is%s partially visible" % ("" if has_been_visible else " not"))
        status_info.append("    -- is%s visibly connected to homesystem" % ("" if is_connected else " not"))
        if has_been_visible:
            sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(cur_system_id, {})
            neighbors = set(universe.getImmediateNeighbors(cur_system_id, empire_id))
            sys_status.setdefault('neighbors', set()).update(neighbors)
            if neighbors:
                status_info.append(" -- has neighbors %s" % sorted(neighbors))
                for sys_id in neighbors:
                    if sys_id not in aistate.exploredSystemIDs:
                    if (sys_id not in graph_flags) and (sys_id not in aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs):
        if fo.currentTurn() < 50:
Example #4
    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order: AIFleetOrder):
        """checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        planet_stealthed = False
        target_is_planet = fleet_order.target and isinstance(
            fleet_order.target, TargetPlanet)
        planet = None
        if target_is_planet:
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            # Check visibility prediction, but if somehow still have current visibility, don't
            # abort the mission yet
            if not EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(
                    planet.id, empire=fo.empireID()):
                if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id) == fo.currentTurn():
                        "EspionageAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" %
                        planet.id +
                        ", but somehow have current visibity anyway, so won't trigger mission abort"
                        "EspionageAI predicts we can no longer detect %s, will abort mission"
                        % fleet_order.target)
                    planet_stealthed = True
        if target_is_planet and not planet_stealthed:
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0 and (
                        planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order,
                            OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        debug("   %s" % fleet_order)
            "Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting."
            % self.fleet.id)
        return True
Example #5
    def _check_abort_mission(self, fleet_order):
        """ checks if current mission (targeting a planet) should be aborted"""
        planet_stealthed = False
        target_is_planet = fleet_order.target and isinstance(fleet_order.target, TargetPlanet)
        planet = None
        if target_is_planet:
            planet = fleet_order.target.get_object()
            # Check visibility prediction, but if somehow still have current visibility, don't
            # abort the mission yet
            if not EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(planet.id, empire=fo.empireID()):
                if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id) == fo.currentTurn():
                    debug("EspionageAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" % planet.id +
                          ", but somehow have current visibity anyway, so won't trigger mission abort")
                    debug("EspionageAI predicts we can no longer detect %s, will abort mission" % fleet_order.target)
                    planet_stealthed = True
        if target_is_planet and not planet_stealthed:
            if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderColonize):
                if (planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population) == 0 and
                        (planet.ownedBy(fo.empireID()) or planet.unowned)):
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderOutpost):
                if planet.unowned:
                    return False
            elif isinstance(fleet_order, OrderInvade):  # TODO add substantive abort check
                return False
                return False

        # canceling fleet orders
        debug("   %s" % fleet_order)
        debug("Fleet %d had a target planet that is no longer valid for this mission; aborting." % self.fleet.id)
        return True
Example #6
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                      ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    tech_tally = 0
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_tally += rp_cost * 4
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, rp_cost * 4))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != INVALID_ID) and (eval_system_id != INVALID_ID):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        if mission.type == MissionType.SECURE:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        print ("Invasion eval of %s\n"
               " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
               " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
               " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f") % (
            planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-1):
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-2):
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-3):
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.get_tot_mil_rating()/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1., normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = pop_val + supply_val + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        print (' - planet score: %.2f\n'
               ' - troop score: %.2f\n'
               ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
               ' - threat factor: %s\n'
               ' - planet detail: %s\n'
               ' - popval: %.1f\n'
               ' - supplyval: %.1f\n'
               ' - bldval: %s\n'
               ' - enemyval: %s') % (planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost,
                                     threat_factor, detail, pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Example #7
    def __update_system_status(self):
        print 10 * "=", "Updating System Threats", 10 * "="
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        observed_empires = self.misc.setdefault("observed_empires", set())

        # TODO: Variables that are recalculated each turn from scratch should not be stored in AIstate
        # clear previous game state
        for sys_id in self.systemStatus:
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['enemy_ship_count'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRating'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = 0

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                self.delete_fleet_info(fleet_id)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
            # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
            this_system_id = fleet.nextSystemID if fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID else fleet.systemID
            dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
            if dead_fleet:

            if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                if not dead_fleet:
                    my_fleets_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                    fleet_spot_position.setdefault(fleet.systemID, []).append(fleet_id)

            # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
            # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
            # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
            if dead_fleet:

            # we are only interested in immediately recent data
            if get_partial_visibility_turn(fleet_id) < (current_turn - 1):

            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
            sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get('enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
            enemies_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)

            if not fleet.unowned:
                self.misc.setdefault('enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name

            # update threats
            monster_ratings = []  # immobile
            enemy_ratings = []  # owned & mobile
            mob_ratings = []  # mobile & unowned
            mobile_fleets = []  # mobile and either owned or unowned
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)  # ensured to exist
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                    fid, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        print "\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)

                if verbose:
                    print "\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating)
                if fleet.unowned:

            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(monster_ratings)
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            lost_fleets = fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, [])
            lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(lost_fleets)

            # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here,
            # but just in case...
            partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            if not system or partial_vis_turn < 0:
                if verbose:
                    print "Never had partial vis for %s - basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % system
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': 0, 'attack': 0, 'health': 0}
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = phealth = 0
            mypattack = myphealth = 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid, sighting_age=current_turn - partial_vis_turn)
                if planet.ownedBy(empire_id):  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
                    if any("_NEST_" in special for special in planet.specials):
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': mypattack * myphealth, 'attack': mypattack, 'health': myphealth}

            # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
            if max(sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            #       which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn,
            #       partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn

            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print ("Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, "
                #        "current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships") % (
                #     sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    2.0 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8)\
                #                             * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth]),
                    2 * lost_fleet_rating,
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                # includes mobile monsters
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                if verbose:
                    print "enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (
                        enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating)
                # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(enemy_rating, 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    [enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth])
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    ((pattack + min_hidden_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + min_hidden_health) ** 0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                print "%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status)

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply()  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            observed_empires.update(enemy_supply.get(sys_id, []))
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True, self.get_standard_enemy())
                my_ratings_against_planets_list.append(self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                sys_status['myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_list)
                sys_status['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                sys_status['all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                    sys_status['myFleetRating'], sys_status['mydefenses']['overall'])
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, self.empireID))

        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                print "Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (
                    this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3), (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                    setb.update(self.systemStatus.get(sys2id, {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(jump3ring)
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat']
            sys_status['regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                [sys_status.get(x, 0) for x in threat_keys])
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
            sys_status.setdefault('regional_fleet_threats', set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)
Example #8
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    aistate = get_aistate()
    visible_system_ids = list(aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs) + list(

    if home_system_id != INVALID_ID:
        accessible_system_ids = [
            sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids
            if systems_connected(sys_id, home_system_id)
            "Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible."
        # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(
        acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(
        all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(
        universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(
    num_invasion_fleets = len(

    debug("Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: %s" %
    debug("Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" %
    debug(invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids
          or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0")
    debug("Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets)

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if aistate.character.may_invade_with_bases():
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        # For planning base trooper invasion targets we have a two-pass system.  (1) In the first pass we consider all
        # the invasion targets and figure out which ones appear to be suitable for using base troopers against (i.e., we
        # already have a populated planet in the same system that could build base troopers) and we have at least a
        # minimal amount of PP available, and (2) in the second pass we go through the reserved base trooper target list
        # and check to make sure that there does not appear to be too much military action still needed before the
        # target is ready to be invaded, we double check that not too many base troopers would be needed, and if things
        # look clear then we queue up the base troopers on the Production Queue and keep track of where we are building
        # them, and how many; we may also disqualify and remove previously qualified targets (in case, for example,
        # we lost our base trooper source planet since it was first added to list).
        # For planning and tracking base troopers under construction, we use a dictionary store in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets, keyed by the invasion target planet ID.  We only store values
        # for invasion targets that appear likely to be suitable for base trooper use, and store a 2-item list.
        # The first item in this list is the ID of the planet where we expect to build the base troopers, and the second
        # entry initially is set to INVALID_ID (-1).  The presence of this entry in qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        # flags this target as being reserved as a base-trooper invasion target.
        # In the second pass, if/when we actually start construction, then we modify the record, replacing that second
        # value with the ID of the planet where the troopers are actually being built.  (Right now that is always the
        # same as the source planet originally identified, but we could consider reevaluating that, or use that second
        # value to instead record how many base troopers have been queued, so that on later turns we can assess if the
        # process got delayed & perhaps more troopers need to be queued).

        # Pass 1: identify qualifying base troop invasion targets
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            if pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(pid)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            best_base_planet = INVALID_ID
            best_trooper_count = 0
            for pid2 in get_colonized_planets_in_system(sys_id):
                if available_pp.get(
                        pid2, 0
                ) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2 or not can_build_ship_for_species(
                best_base_trooper_here = get_best_ship_info(
                    PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, pid2)[1]
                if not best_base_trooper_here:
                troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
                if not troops_per_ship:
                species_troop_grade = get_species_tag_grade(
                    planet2.speciesName, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS)
                troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
                    troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
                if troops_per_ship > best_trooper_count:
                    best_base_planet = pid2
                    best_trooper_count = troops_per_ship
            if best_base_planet != INVALID_ID:
                    pid, [best_base_planet, INVALID_ID])

        # Pass 2: for each target previously identified for base troopers, check that still qualifies and
        # check how many base troopers would be needed; if reasonable then queue up the troops and record this in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        for pid in list(aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys()):
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if pid in invasion_targeted_planet_ids:  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            if aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                # TODO: evaluate changes to situation, any more troops needed, etc.
                continue  # already building for here
            _, planet_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid)
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            troop_tally = 0
            for _fid in this_sys_status.get("myfleets", []):
                troop_tally += FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(_fid)
            if troop_tally > planet_troops:  # base troopers appear unneeded
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and (
                    this_sys_status.get("myFleetRating", 0) <
                    0.8 * this_sys_status.get("totalThreat", 0)
                    or this_sys_status.get("myFleetRatingVsPlanets", 0) <
                    this_sys_status.get("planetThreat", 0)):
                # this system not secured, so ruling out invasion base troops for now
                # don't immediately delete from qualifyingTroopBaseTargets or it will be opened up for regular troops
            loc = aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                    "Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" %
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            species_troop_grade = get_species_tag_grade(
                loc_planet.speciesName, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS)
            troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
                troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                    "The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity."
                    % loc_planet)
            _, col_design, build_choices = get_best_ship_info(
                PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                    "Best troop design %s can not be produced at planet with id: %s"
                    % (col_design, build_choices))
            n_bases = math.ceil(
                (planet_troops + 1) /
                troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            # TODO: evaluate cost and time-to-build of best base trooper here versus cost and time-to-build-and-travel
            # for best regular trooper elsewhere
            # For now, we assume what building base troopers is best so long as either (1) we would need no more than
            # MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS base troop ships, or (2) our base troopers have more than 1 trooper per
            # ship and we would need no more than MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS base troop ships
            if n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS or (
                    troops_per_ship > 1
                    and n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS):
                    "ruling out base invasion troopers for %s due to high number (%d) required."
                    % (planet, n_bases))
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
                "Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d per ship, will build %d ships."
                % ((planet_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases))
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            debug("Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" %
                  (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(loc),
            if retval != 0:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                    empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1,

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(
        set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) -
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops)
                      for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table(
        table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn(),

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
        invasion_table.add_row(planet, pscore, planet and planet.speciesName
                               or "unknown", ptroops)

    sorted_planets = [x for x in sorted_planets if x[1] > 0]
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, __, __ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" %
Example #9
    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True

        debug("\nChecking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s and target %s",
              self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type or 'No mission', self.target or 'No Target')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        # Note: the following abort check somewhat assumes only one major mission type
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if (isinstance(fleet_order, (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)) and
        aistate = get_aistate()
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object().systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                # Without the below noinspection directive, PyCharm is concerned about the 2nd part of the test
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                if (not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) or
                        self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id, fleet_order)):
            debug("Checking order: %s" % fleet_order)
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                # only move if all other orders completed
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) and order_completed:
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                    debug("NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                status_words = tuple(["not", ""][_s] for _s in [fleet_order.order_issued, fleet_order.executed])
                debug("Order %s issued and %s fully executed." % status_words)
                if not fleet_order.executed:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # A previously issued order that wasn't instantly executed must have had cirumstances change so that
                    # the order can't currently be reissued (or perhaps simply a savegame has been reloaded on the same
                    # turn the order was issued).
                    if not fleet_order.executed:
                        order_completed = False
                    # Go on to the next order.
                debug("CAN'T issue fleet order %s because:" % fleet_order)
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                    threat_threshold = fo.currentTurn() * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > threat_threshold:
                        # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster,
                        # release and hope for more effective reassignment
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE) or
                                fleet_order != self.orders[-1]):
                            debug("Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (
                                this_system_id, aistate.systemStatus[this_system_id]['monsterThreat']))
                            debug("Full set of orders were:")
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                debug(" - %s" % this_order)
                break  # do not order the next order until this one is finished.
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                debug("Final order is completed")
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id)
                    if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and
                            not planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)):
                        warn("Fleet %d has tentatively completed its "
                             "colonize mission but will wait to confirm population." % self.fleet.id)
                        debug("    Order details are %s" % last_order)
                        debug("    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (
                            last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued, last_order.executed))
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            debug("        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (
                                bool(source_target), bool(target_target)))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        debug("Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission "
                              "to secure system %d (targeted for %s), "
                              "may release a portion of ships" % (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type))
                        clear_all = False

                # for PROTECT_REGION missions, only release fleet if no more threat
                if self.type == MissionType.PROTECT_REGION:
                    # use military logic code below to determine if can release
                    # any or even all of the ships.
                    clear_all = False
                    last_sys_target = self.target.id
                    debug("Check if PROTECT_REGION mission with target %d is finished.", last_sys_target)

                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        debug("Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id)
                        debug("Full set of orders were:")
                        for this_order in orders:
                            debug("\t\t %s" % this_order)
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE):
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=[fleet_id],
                                                                         thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        debug("No Current Orders")
                    potential_threat = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                    threat_present = potential_threat > 0
                    debug("Fleet threat present? %s", threat_present)
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if (planet and
                                    planet.owner != fo.empireID() and
                                    planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0):
                                debug("Found local planetary threat: %s", planet)
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        debug("No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships.")
                        # at least first stage of current task is done;
                        # release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)
                        if self.type == MissionType.PROTECT_REGION:
                        debug("Threat remains in target system; Considering to release some ships.")
                        new_fleets = []
                        fleet_portion_to_remain = self._portion_of_fleet_needed_here()
                        if fleet_portion_to_remain > 1:
                            debug("Can not release fleet yet due to large threat.")
                        elif fleet_portion_to_remain > 0:
                            debug("Not all ships are needed here - considering releasing a few")
                            fleet_remaining_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
                            fleet_min_rating = fleet_portion_to_remain * fleet_remaining_rating
                            debug("Starting rating: %.1f, Target rating: %.1f",
                                  fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                            allowance = CombatRatingsAI.rating_needed(fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                            debug("May release ships with total rating of %.1f", allowance)
                            ship_ids = list(self.fleet.get_object().shipIDs)
                            for ship_id in ship_ids:
                                ship_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_ship_rating(ship_id)
                                debug("Considering to release ship %d with rating %.1f", ship_id, ship_rating)
                                if ship_rating > allowance:
                                    debug("Remaining rating insufficient. Not released.")
                                debug("Splitting from fleet.")
                                new_fleet_id = FleetUtilsAI.split_ship_from_fleet(fleet_id, ship_id)
                                if assertion_fails(new_fleet_id and new_fleet_id != INVALID_ID):
                                fleet_remaining_rating = CombatRatingsAI.rating_difference(
                                    fleet_remaining_rating, ship_rating)
                                allowance = CombatRatingsAI.rating_difference(
                                    fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                                debug("Remaining fleet rating: %.1f - Allowance: %.1f",
                                      fleet_remaining_rating, allowance)
                            if new_fleets:
                                aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id, force_new=True)
                            debug("Planetary defenses are deemed sufficient. Release fleet.")
                            new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)

                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" % new_military_fleets
                    if allocations:
Example #10
def _risky_travel_starlane_func(c, d):
    return any((_somewhat_careful_travel_starlane_func(c, d),
                get_partial_visibility_turn(c) <= 0))
Example #11
    def __update_system_status(self):
        debug('{0} Updating System Threats {0}'.format(10 * "="))
        universe = fo.getUniverse()
        empire = fo.getEmpire()
        empire_id = fo.empireID()
        destroyed_object_ids = universe.destroyedObjectIDs(empire_id)
        supply_unobstructed_systems = set(empire.supplyUnobstructedSystems)
        min_hidden_attack = 4
        min_hidden_health = 8
        observed_empires = self.misc.setdefault("observed_empires", set())

        # TODO: Variables that are recalculated each turn from scratch should not be stored in AIstate
        # clear previous game state
        for sys_id in self.systemStatus:
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['enemy_ship_count'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRating'] = 0
            self.systemStatus[sys_id]['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = 0

        # for use in debugging
        verbose = False

        # assess enemy fleets that may have been momentarily visible
        enemies_by_system = {}
        my_fleets_by_system = {}
        fleet_spot_position = {}
        current_turn = fo.currentTurn()
        for fleet_id in universe.fleetIDs:
            fleet = universe.getFleet(fleet_id)
            if not fleet or fleet.empty:
                self.delete_fleet_info(fleet_id)  # this is safe even if fleet wasn't mine
            # TODO: check if currently in system and blockaded before accepting destination as location
            this_system_id = fleet.nextSystemID if fleet.nextSystemID != INVALID_ID else fleet.systemID
            dead_fleet = fleet_id in destroyed_object_ids
            if dead_fleet:

            if fleet.ownedBy(empire_id):
                if not dead_fleet:
                    my_fleets_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)
                    fleet_spot_position.setdefault(fleet.systemID, []).append(fleet_id)

            # TODO: consider checking death of individual ships.  If ships had been moved from this fleet
            # into another fleet, we might have witnessed their death in that other fleet but if this fleet
            # had not been seen since before that transfer then the ships might also still be listed here.
            if dead_fleet:

            # we are only interested in immediately recent data
            if get_partial_visibility_turn(fleet_id) < (current_turn - 1):

            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
            sys_status['enemy_ship_count'] = sys_status.get('enemy_ship_count', 0) + len(fleet.shipIDs)
            enemies_by_system.setdefault(this_system_id, []).append(fleet_id)

            if not fleet.unowned:
                self.misc.setdefault('enemies_sighted', {}).setdefault(current_turn, []).append(fleet_id)

        # assess fleet and planet threats & my local fleets
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                debug("AIState threat evaluation for %s" % system)
            # update fleets
            sys_status['myfleets'] = my_fleets_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['myFleetsAccessible'] = fleet_spot_position.get(sys_id, [])
            local_enemy_fleet_ids = enemies_by_system.get(sys_id, [])
            sys_status['localEnemyFleetIDs'] = local_enemy_fleet_ids
            if system:
                sys_status['name'] = system.name

            # update threats
            monster_ratings = []  # immobile
            enemy_ratings = []  # owned & mobile
            mob_ratings = []  # mobile & unowned
            mobile_fleets = []  # mobile and either owned or unowned
            for fid in local_enemy_fleet_ids:
                fleet = universe.getFleet(fid)  # ensured to exist
                fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(
                    fid, enemy_stats=CombatRatingsAI.get_empire_standard_fighter())
                if fleet.speed == 0:
                    if verbose:
                        debug("\t immobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating))

                if verbose:
                    debug("\t mobile enemy fleet %s has rating %.1f" % (fleet, fleet_rating))
                if fleet.unowned:

            enemy_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(enemy_ratings)
            monster_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(monster_ratings)
            mob_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(mob_ratings)
            lost_fleets = fleetsLostBySystem.get(sys_id, [])
            lost_fleet_rating = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(lost_fleets)

            # under current visibility rules should not be possible to have any losses or other info here,
            # but just in case...
            partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            if not system or partial_vis_turn < 0:
                if verbose:
                    debug("Never had partial vis for %s - basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships" % system)
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['planetThreat'] = 0
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - enemy_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating - mob_rating)
                sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': 0, 'attack': 0, 'health': 0}
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = sys_status['fleetThreat']
                sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()

            # have either stale or current info
            pattack = phealth = 0
            mypattack = myphealth = 0
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if not planet:
                prating = self.assess_planet_threat(pid, sighting_age=current_turn - partial_vis_turn)
                if planet.ownedBy(empire_id):  # TODO: check for diplomatic status
                    mypattack += prating['attack']
                    myphealth += prating['health']
                    pattack += prating['attack']
                    phealth += prating['health']
                    if any("_NEST_" in special for special in planet.specials):
                        sys_status['nest_threat'] = 100
            sys_status['planetThreat'] = pattack * phealth
            sys_status['mydefenses'] = {'overall': mypattack * myphealth, 'attack': mypattack, 'health': myphealth}

            # previous threat assessment could account for losses, ignore the losses now
            if max(sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0), pattack * phealth) >= 0.6 * lost_fleet_rating:
                lost_fleet_rating = 0

            # TODO use sitrep combat info rather than estimating stealthed enemies by fleets lost to them
            # TODO also only consider past stealthed fleet threat to still be present if the system is still obstructed
            # TODO: track visibility across turns in order to distinguish the blip of visibility in (losing) combat,
            #       which FO currently treats as being for the previous turn,
            #       partially superseding the previous visibility for that turn

            if not partial_vis_turn == current_turn:
                sys_status.setdefault('local_fleet_threats', set())
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = False
                # print ("Stale visibility for system %d ( %s ) -- last seen %d, "
                #        "current Turn %d -- basing threat assessment on old info and lost ships") % (
                #     sys_id, sys_status.get('name', "name unknown"), partial_vis_turn, currentTurn)
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating),
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0),
                    2.0 * lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('enemy_threat', 0),
                    1.1*lost_fleet_rating - max(sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0), monster_rating))
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = max(monster_rating, 0.98 * sys_status.get('monsterThreat', 0))
                # sys_status['totalThreat'] = ((pattack + enemy_attack + monster_attack) ** 0.8)\
                #                             * ((phealth + enemy_health + monster_health)** 0.6)  # reevaluate this
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list([enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth]),
                    2 * lost_fleet_rating,
                    0.98 * sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0))
            else:  # system considered visible
                sys_status['currently_visible'] = True
                sys_status['local_fleet_threats'] = set(mobile_fleets)
                # includes mobile monsters
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(
                    CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(enemy_rating, mob_rating), 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                if verbose:
                    debug("enemy threat calc parts: enemy rating %.1f, lost fleet rating %.1f, monster_rating %.1f" % (
                        enemy_rating, lost_fleet_rating, monster_rating))
                # does NOT include mobile monsters
                sys_status['enemy_threat'] = max(enemy_rating, 2*lost_fleet_rating - monster_rating)
                sys_status['monsterThreat'] = monster_rating
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                    [enemy_rating, mob_rating, monster_rating, pattack * phealth])
            sys_status['regional_fleet_threats'] = sys_status['local_fleet_threats'].copy()
            sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))
            sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(sys_status['totalThreat'], sys_status.get('nest_threat', 0))

            # has been seen with Partial Vis, but is currently supply-blocked
            if partial_vis_turn > 0 and sys_id not in supply_unobstructed_systems:
                sys_status['fleetThreat'] = max(sys_status['fleetThreat'], min_hidden_attack * min_hidden_health)
                sys_status['totalThreat'] = max(
                    ((pattack + min_hidden_attack) ** 0.8) * ((phealth + min_hidden_health) ** 0.6))
            if verbose and sys_status['fleetThreat'] > 0:
                debug("%s intermediate status: %s" % (system, sys_status))

        enemy_supply, enemy_near_supply = self.assess_enemy_supply()  # TODO: assess change in enemy supply over time
        # assess secondary threats (threats of surrounding systems) and update my fleet rating
        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            sys_status['enemies_supplied'] = enemy_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            observed_empires.update(enemy_supply.get(sys_id, []))
            sys_status['enemies_nearly_supplied'] = enemy_near_supply.get(sys_id, [])
            my_ratings_list = []
            my_ratings_against_planets_list = []
            for fid in sys_status['myfleets']:
                this_rating = self.get_rating(fid, True, self.get_standard_enemy())
                my_ratings_against_planets_list.append(self.get_rating(fid, against_planets=True))
            if sys_id != INVALID_ID:
                sys_status['myFleetRating'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(my_ratings_list)
                sys_status['myFleetRatingVsPlanets'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                sys_status['all_local_defenses'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings(
                    sys_status['myFleetRating'], sys_status['mydefenses']['overall'])
            sys_status['neighbors'] = set(universe.getImmediateNeighbors(sys_id, self.empireID))

        for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
            sys_status = self.systemStatus[sys_id]
            neighbors = sys_status.get('neighbors', set())
            this_system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
            if verbose:
                debug("Regional Assessment for %s with local fleet threat %.1f" % (
                    this_system, sys_status.get('fleetThreat', 0)))
            jumps2 = set()
            jumps3 = set()
            jumps4 = set()
            for seta, setb in [(neighbors, jumps2), (jumps2, jumps3), (jumps3, jumps4)]:
                for sys2id in seta:
                    setb.update(self.systemStatus.get(sys2id, {}).get('neighbors', set()))
            jump2ring = jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump3ring = jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            jump4ring = jumps4 - jumps3 - jumps2 - neighbors - {sys_id}
            sys_status['2jump_ring'] = jump2ring
            sys_status['3jump_ring'] = jump3ring
            sys_status['4jump_ring'] = jump4ring
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j1_threats = self.area_ratings(neighbors)
            sys_status['neighborThreat'] = threat
            sys_status['max_neighbor_threat'] = max_threat
            sys_status['my_neighbor_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j2_threats = self.area_ratings(jump2ring)
            sys_status['jump2_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump2_rating'] = myrating
            threat, max_threat, myrating, j3_threats = self.area_ratings(jump3ring)
            sys_status['jump3_threat'] = threat
            sys_status['my_jump3_rating'] = myrating
            # for local system includes both enemies and mobs
            threat_keys = ['fleetThreat', 'neighborThreat', 'jump2_threat']
            sys_status['regional_threat'] = CombatRatingsAI.combine_ratings_list(
                [sys_status.get(x, 0) for x in threat_keys])
            # TODO: investigate cases where regional_threat has been nonzero but no regional_threat_fleets
            # (probably due to attenuating history of past threats)
            sys_status.setdefault('regional_fleet_threats', set()).update(j1_threats, j2_threats)
Example #12
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    detail = []

    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:
        debug("Invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id)
        return [0, 0]

    system_id = planet.systemID

    # by using the following instead of simply relying on stealth meter reading, can (sometimes) plan ahead even if
    # planet is temporarily shrouded by an ion storm
    predicted_detectable = EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(planet_id, empire=fo.empireID(),
    if not predicted_detectable:
        if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id) < fo.currentTurn():
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" % planet_id)
            return [0, 0]
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" % planet_id +
                  ", but somehow have current visibity anyway, will still consider as target")

    # Check if the target planet was extra-stealthed somehow its system was last viewed
    # this test below may augment the tests above, but can be thrown off by temporary combat-related sighting
    system_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)
    planet_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(system_id)
    if planet_last_seen < system_last_seen:
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        debug("Invasion AI considering planet id %d (stealthed at last view), still proceeding." % planet_id)

    # get a baseline evaluation of the planet as determined by ColonisationAI
    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        colony_base_value = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                                ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        colony_base_value = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    # Add extra score for all buildings on the planet
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    # Add extra score for unlocked techs when we conquer the species
    tech_tally = 0
    value_per_pp = 4
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_value = value_per_pp * rp_cost
            tech_tally += tech_value
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, tech_value))

    max_jumps = 8
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld and homeworld.systemID != INVALID_ID and system_id != INVALID_ID:
            least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(homeworld.systemID, system_id, empire_id))
            max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    aistate = get_aistate()
    system_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    troop_regen = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops) - planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(system_id)
    secure_targets = [system_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != system_id:
        if mission.type in [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY]:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        debug("Invasion eval of %s\n"
              " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
              " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
              " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f",
              planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat, system_monster_threat)
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    preferred_max_portion = MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle()
    total_max_mil_rating = MilitaryAI.get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating()
    threat_exponent = 2  # TODO: make this a character trait; higher aggression with a lower exponent
    threat_factor = min(1, preferred_max_portion * total_max_mil_rating/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**threat_exponent

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + troop_regen*(max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + troop_regen*(max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1., normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = colony_base_value + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    # If the AI does have enough total miltary to attack this target, and the target is more than minimally valuable,
    # don't let the threat_factor discount the adjusted value below MIN_INVASION_SCORE +1, so that if there are no
    # other targets the AI could still pursue this one.  Otherwise, scoring pressure from
    # MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle might prevent the AI from attacking heavily
    # defended but still defeatable targets even if it has no softer targets available.
    if total_max_mil_rating > sys_total_threat and base_score > 2 * MIN_INVASION_SCORE:
        threat_factor = max(threat_factor, (MIN_INVASION_SCORE + 1)/base_score)
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        debug(' - planet score: %.2f\n'
              ' - planned troops: %.2f\n'
              ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
              ' - threat factor: %s\n'
              ' - planet detail: %s\n'
              ' - popval: %.1f\n'
              ' - bldval: %s\n'
              ' - enemyval: %s',
              planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost, threat_factor, detail, colony_base_value, bld_tally, enemy_val)
        debug(' - system secured: %s' % system_secured)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Example #13
def get_invasion_fleets():
    invasion_timer.start("gathering initial info")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()

    home_system_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital_sys_id()
    aistate = get_aistate()
    visible_system_ids = list(aistate.visInteriorSystemIDs) + list(aistate.visBorderSystemIDs)

    if home_system_id != INVALID_ID:
        accessible_system_ids = [sys_id for sys_id in visible_system_ids if
                                 (sys_id != INVALID_ID) and universe.systemsConnected(sys_id, home_system_id,
        debug("Empire has no identifiable homeworld; will treat all visible planets as accessible.")
        # TODO: check if any troop ships owned, use their system as home system
        accessible_system_ids = visible_system_ids

    acessible_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_planets_in__systems_ids(accessible_system_ids)
    all_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_all_owned_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unpopulated outposts
    all_populated_planets = PlanetUtilsAI.get_populated_planet_ids(acessible_planet_ids)  # includes unowned natives
    empire_owned_planet_ids = PlanetUtilsAI.get_owned_planets_by_empire(universe.planetIDs)
    invadable_planet_ids = set(all_owned_planet_ids).union(all_populated_planets) - set(empire_owned_planet_ids)

    invasion_targeted_planet_ids = get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.INVASION)
        get_invasion_targeted_planet_ids(universe.planetIDs, MissionType.ORBITAL_INVASION))
    all_invasion_targeted_system_ids = set(PlanetUtilsAI.get_systems(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))

    invasion_fleet_ids = FleetUtilsAI.get_empire_fleet_ids_by_role(MissionType.INVASION)
    num_invasion_fleets = len(FleetUtilsAI.extract_fleet_ids_without_mission_types(invasion_fleet_ids))

    debug("Current Invasion Targeted SystemIDs: %s" % PlanetUtilsAI.sys_name_ids(AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs))
    debug("Current Invasion Targeted PlanetIDs: %s" % PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(invasion_targeted_planet_ids))
    debug(invasion_fleet_ids and "Invasion Fleet IDs: %s" % invasion_fleet_ids or "Available Invasion Fleets: 0")
    debug("Invasion Fleets Without Missions: %s" % num_invasion_fleets)

    invasion_timer.start("planning troop base production")
    reserved_troop_base_targets = []
    if aistate.character.may_invade_with_bases():
        available_pp = {}
        for el in empire.planetsWithAvailablePP:  # keys are sets of ints; data is doubles
            avail_pp = el.data()
            for pid in el.key():
                available_pp[pid] = avail_pp
        # For planning base trooper invasion targets we have a two-pass system.  (1) In the first pass we consider all
        # the invasion targets and figure out which ones appear to be suitable for using base troopers against (i.e., we
        # already have a populated planet in the same system that could build base troopers) and we have at least a
        # minimal amount of PP available, and (2) in the second pass we go through the reserved base trooper target list
        # and check to make sure that there does not appear to be too much military action still needed before the
        # target is ready to be invaded, we double check that not too many base troopers would be needed, and if things
        # look clear then we queue up the base troopers on the Production Queue and keep track of where we are building
        # them, and how many; we may also disqualify and remove previously qualified targets (in case, for example,
        # we lost our base trooper source planet since it was first added to list).
        # For planning and tracking base troopers under construction, we use a dictionary store in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets, keyed by the invasion target planet ID.  We only store values
        # for invasion targets that appear likely to be suitable for base trooper use, and store a 2-item list.
        # The first item in this list is the ID of the planet where we expect to build the base troopers, and the second
        # entry initially is set to INVALID_ID (-1).  The presence of this entry in qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        # flags this target as being reserved as a base-trooper invasion target.
        # In the second pass, if/when we actually start construction, then we modify the record, replacing that second
        # value with the ID of the planet where the troopers are actually being built.  (Right now that is always the
        # same as the source planet originally identified, but we could consider reevaluating that, or use that second
        # value to instead record how many base troopers have been queued, so that on later turns we can assess if the
        # process got delayed & perhaps more troopers need to be queued).
        secure_ai_fleet_missions = aistate.get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types([MissionType.SECURE,

        # Pass 1: identify qualifying base troop invasion targets
        for pid in invadable_planet_ids:  # TODO: reorganize
            if pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(sys_id)
            planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(pid)
            if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
            best_base_planet = INVALID_ID
            best_trooper_count = 0
            for pid2 in state.get_empire_planets_by_system(sys_id, include_outposts=False):
                if available_pp.get(pid2, 0) < 2:  # TODO: improve troop base PP sufficiency determination
                planet2 = universe.getPlanet(pid2)
                if not planet2 or planet2.speciesName not in ColonisationAI.empire_ship_builders:
                best_base_trooper_here = \
                    ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, pid2)[1]
                if not best_base_trooper_here:
                troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
                if not troops_per_ship:
                species_troop_grade = CombatRatingsAI.get_species_troops_grade(planet2.speciesName)
                troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
                if troops_per_ship > best_trooper_count:
                    best_base_planet = pid2
                    best_trooper_count = troops_per_ship
            if best_base_planet != INVALID_ID:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.setdefault(pid, [best_base_planet, INVALID_ID])

        # Pass 2: for each target previously identified for base troopers, check that still qualifies and
        # check how many base troopers would be needed; if reasonable then queue up the troops and record this in
        # get_aistate().qualifyingTroopBaseTargets
        for pid in aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets.keys():
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if planet and planet.owner == empire_id:
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if pid in invasion_targeted_planet_ids:  # TODO: consider overriding standard invasion mission
            if aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] != -1:
                if planet:
                # TODO: evaluate changes to situation, any more troops needed, etc.
                continue  # already building for here
            _, planet_troops = evaluate_invasion_planet(pid, secure_ai_fleet_missions, True)
            sys_id = planet.systemID
            this_sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(sys_id, {})
            troop_tally = 0
            for _fid in this_sys_status.get('myfleets', []):
                troop_tally += FleetUtilsAI.count_troops_in_fleet(_fid)
            if troop_tally > planet_troops:  # base troopers appear unneeded
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            if (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.shield) > 0 and
                    (this_sys_status.get('myFleetRating', 0) < 0.8 * this_sys_status.get('totalThreat', 0) or
                     this_sys_status.get('myFleetRatingVsPlanets', 0) < this_sys_status.get('planetThreat', 0))):
                # this system not secured, so ruling out invasion base troops for now
                # don't immediately delete from qualifyingTroopBaseTargets or it will be opened up for regular troops
            loc = aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][0]
            best_base_trooper_here = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION, loc)[1]
            loc_planet = universe.getPlanet(loc)
            if best_base_trooper_here is None:  # shouldn't be possible at this point, but just to be safe
                warn("Could not find a suitable orbital invasion design at %s" % loc_planet)
            # TODO: have TroopShipDesigner give the expected number of troops including species effects directly
            troops_per_ship = best_base_trooper_here.troopCapacity
            species_troop_grade = CombatRatingsAI.get_species_troops_grade(loc_planet.speciesName)
            troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(troops_per_ship, species_troop_grade)
            if not troops_per_ship:
                warn("The best orbital invasion design at %s seems not to have any troop capacity." % loc_planet)
            _, col_design, build_choices = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_ORBITAL_INVASION,
            if not col_design:
            if loc not in build_choices:
                warn('Best troop design %s can not be produced at planet with id: %s\d' % (col_design, build_choices))
            n_bases = math.ceil((planet_troops + 1) / troops_per_ship)  # TODO: reconsider this +1 safety factor
            # TODO: evaluate cost and time-to-build of best base trooper here versus cost and time-to-build-and-travel
            # for best regular trooper elsewhere
            # For now, we assume what building base troopers is best so long as either (1) we would need no more than
            # MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS base troop ships, or (2) our base troopers have more than 1 trooper per
            # ship and we would need no more than MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS base troop ships
            if (n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_POOR_INVADERS or
                    (troops_per_ship > 1 and n_bases > MAX_BASE_TROOPERS_GOOD_INVADERS)):
                debug("ruling out base invasion troopers for %s due to high number (%d) required." % (planet, n_bases))
                del aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid]
            debug("Invasion base planning, need %d troops at %d per ship, will build %d ships." % (
                (planet_troops + 1), troops_per_ship, n_bases))
            retval = fo.issueEnqueueShipProductionOrder(col_design.id, loc)
            debug("Enqueueing %d Troop Bases at %s for %s" % (n_bases, PlanetUtilsAI.planet_string(loc),
            if retval != 0:
                aistate.qualifyingTroopBaseTargets[pid][1] = loc
                fo.issueChangeProductionQuantityOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 1, int(n_bases))
                fo.issueRequeueProductionOrder(empire.productionQueue.size - 1, 0)

    invasion_timer.start("evaluating target planets")
    # TODO: check if any invasion_targeted_planet_ids need more troops assigned
    evaluated_planet_ids = list(
        set(invadable_planet_ids) - set(invasion_targeted_planet_ids) - set(reserved_troop_base_targets))
    evaluated_planets = assign_invasion_values(evaluated_planet_ids)

    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, (pscore, ptroops) in evaluated_planets.items()]
    sorted_planets.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    sorted_planets = [(pid, pscore % 10000, ptroops) for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets]

    invasion_table = Table([Text('Planet'), Float('Score'), Text('Species'), Float('Troops')],
                           table_name="Potential Targets for Invasion Turn %d" % fo.currentTurn())

    for pid, pscore, ptroops in sorted_planets:
        planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            planet and planet.speciesName or "unknown",

    sorted_planets = filter(lambda x: x[1] > 0, sorted_planets)
    # export opponent planets for other AI modules
    AIstate.opponentPlanetIDs = [pid for pid, __, __ in sorted_planets]
    AIstate.invasionTargets = sorted_planets

    # export invasion targeted systems for other AI modules
    AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs = list(all_invasion_targeted_system_ids)
    invasion_timer.stop(section_name="evaluating %d target planets" % (len(evaluated_planet_ids)))
Example #14
def _calculate_planet_colonization_rating(
    planet_id: PlanetId,
    mission_type: MissionType,
    species_name: SpeciesName,
    detail: list,
    empire_research_list: Sequence,
) -> float:
    empire = fo.getEmpire()
    retval = 0
    character = get_aistate().character
    discount_multiplier = character.preferred_discount_multiplier([30.0, 40.0])
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    species_foci = [] and species and list(species.foci)
    tag_list = list(species.tags) if species else []
    pilot_val = pilot_rating = 0
    if species and species.canProduceShips:
        pilot_val = pilot_rating = rate_piloting_tag(species_name)
        if pilot_val > best_pilot_rating():
            pilot_val *= 2
        if pilot_val > 2:
            retval += discount_multiplier * 5 * pilot_val
            detail.append("Pilot Val %.1f" %
                          (discount_multiplier * 5 * pilot_val))

    if empire.productionPoints < 100:
        backup_factor = 0.0
        backup_factor = min(1.0, (empire.productionPoints / 200.0)**2)

    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    capital_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capital_id)
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    prospective_invasion_targets = [
        pid for pid, pscore, trp in
        if pscore > InvasionAI.MIN_INVASION_SCORE

    if species_name != planet.speciesName and planet.speciesName and mission_type != MissionType.INVASION:
        return 0

    this_sysid = planet.systemID
    if homeworld:
        home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
        eval_system_id = this_sysid
        if home_system_id != INVALID_ID and eval_system_id != INVALID_ID:
            least_jumps = universe.jumpDistance(home_system_id, eval_system_id)
            if least_jumps == -1:  # indicates no known path
                return 0.0

    if planet is None:
        vis_map = universe.getVisibilityTurnsMap(planet_id, empire.empireID)
        debug("Planet %d object not available; visMap: %s" %
              (planet_id, vis_map))
        return 0
    # only count existing presence if not target planet
    # TODO: consider neighboring sytems for smaller contribution, and bigger contributions for
    # local colonies versus local outposts
    locally_owned_planets = [
        lpid for lpid in get_owned_planets_in_system(this_sysid)
        if lpid != planet_id
    planets_with_species = get_inhabited_planets()
    locally_owned_pop_ctrs = [
        lpid for lpid in locally_owned_planets if lpid in planets_with_species
    # triple count pop_ctrs
    existing_presence = len(
        locally_owned_planets) + 2 * len(locally_owned_pop_ctrs)
    system = universe.getSystem(this_sysid)

    sys_supply = get_system_supply(this_sysid)
    planet_supply = AIDependencies.supply_by_size.get(planet.size, 0)
    bld_types = set(
        for bldg in planet.buildingIDs).intersection(
    planet_supply += sum(
        AIDependencies.building_supply[bld_type].get(int(psize), 0)
        for psize in [-1, planet.size] for bld_type in bld_types)

    supply_specials = set(planet.specials).union(system.specials).intersection(
    planet_supply += sum(
        AIDependencies.SUPPLY_MOD_SPECIALS[_special].get(int(psize), 0)
        for _special in supply_specials for psize in [-1, planet.size])

    ind_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_INDUSTRY_MODIFIER.get(
        get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.INDUSTRY), 1.0)
    res_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_RESEARCH_MODIFIER.get(
        get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.RESEARCH), 1.0)
    if species:
        supply_tag_mod = AIDependencies.SPECIES_SUPPLY_MODIFIER.get(
            get_species_tag_grade(species_name, Tags.SUPPLY), 1)
        supply_tag_mod = 0

    # determine the potential supply provided by owning this planet, and if the planet is currently populated by
    # the evaluated species, then save this supply value in a cache.
    # The system supply value can be negative (indicates the respective number of starlane jumps to the closest supplied
    # system).  So if this total planet supply value is non-negative, then the planet would be supply connected (to at
    # least a portion of the existing empire) if the planet becomes owned by the AI.

    planet_supply += supply_tag_mod
    planet_supply = max(planet_supply, 0)  # planets can't have negative supply
    if planet.speciesName == species_name:
        update_planet_supply(planet_id, planet_supply + sys_supply)

    threat_factor = _determine_colony_threat_factor(planet_id, species_name,

    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(this_sysid)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us
        # print "Colonization AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        return 0  # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up

    star_bonus = 0
    colony_star_bonus = 0
    research_bonus = 0
    growth_val = 0
    fixed_ind = 0
    fixed_res = 0
    if system:
        already_got_this_one = this_sysid in get_owned_planets()
        # TODO: Should probably consider pilot rating also for Phototropic species
        if "PHOTOTROPHIC" not in tag_list and pilot_rating >= best_pilot_rating(
            if system.starType == fo.starType.red and tech_is_complete(
                star_bonus += 40 * discount_multiplier  # can be used for artif'l black hole and solar hull
                    "Red Star for Art Black Hole for solar hull %.1f" %
                    (40 * discount_multiplier))
            elif system.starType == fo.starType.blackHole and tech_is_complete(
                star_bonus += 100 * discount_multiplier  # can be used for solar hull
                detail.append("Black Hole for solar hull %.1f" %
                              (100 * discount_multiplier))

        if tech_is_complete("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN"
                            ) or "PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN" in empire_research_list[:5]:
            if system.starType in [fo.starType.blue, fo.starType.white]:
                if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blue, fo.starType.white):
                    star_bonus += 20 * discount_multiplier
                    detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW %.1f" %
                                  (20 * discount_multiplier))
                elif not already_got_this_one:
                    # still has extra value as an alternate location for solar generators
                    star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor
                    detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW Backup Location %.1f" %
                                  (10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor))
                elif fo.currentTurn() > 100:  # lock up this whole system
                    # starBonus += 5  # TODO: how much?
                    # detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN BW LockingDownSystem %.1f"%5)
            if system.starType in [fo.starType.yellow, fo.starType.orange]:
                if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blue, fo.starType.white,
                    star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier
                    detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN YO %.1f" %
                                  (10 * discount_multiplier))
                    # starBonus +=2  # still has extra value as an alternate location for solar generators
                    # detail.append("PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN YO Backup %.1f" % 2)
        if system.starType in [fo.starType.blackHole
                               ] and fo.currentTurn() > 100:
            if not already_got_this_one:
                # whether have tech yet or not, assign some base value
                star_bonus += 10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor
                detail.append("Black Hole %.1f" %
                              (10 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor))
                star_bonus += 5 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor
                detail.append("Black Hole Backup %.1f" %
                              (5 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor))
        if tech_is_complete(AIDependencies.PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN
                            ):  # start valuing as soon as PRO_SOL_ORB_GEN done
            if system.starType == fo.starType.blackHole:
                # pretty rare planets, good for generator
                this_val = 0.5 * max(population_with_industry_focus(),
                                     20) * discount_multiplier
                if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole):
                    star_bonus += this_val
                    detail.append("PRO_SINGULAR_GEN %.1f" % this_val)
                elif not is_system_star_claimed(system):
                    # still has extra value as an alternate location for generators & for blocking enemies generators
                    star_bonus += this_val * backup_factor
                    detail.append("PRO_SINGULAR_GEN Backup %.1f" %
                                  (this_val * backup_factor))
            elif system.starType == fo.starType.red and not has_claimed_star(
                rfactor = (1.0 + count_claimed_stars(fo.starType.red))**-2
                star_bonus += 40 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor * rfactor  # can be used for artif'l black hole
                    "Red Star for Art Black Hole %.1f" %
                    (40 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor * rfactor))
        if tech_is_complete(
        ) or "PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION" in empire_research_list[:8]:
            if system.starType in [fo.starType.neutron]:
                if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.neutron):
                    star_bonus += 80 * discount_multiplier  # pretty rare planets, good for armor
                    detail.append("PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION %.1f" %
                                  (80 * discount_multiplier))
                    # still has extra value as an alternate location for generators & for bnlocking enemies generators
                    star_bonus += 20 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor
                    detail.append("PRO_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTION Backup %.1f" %
                                  (20 * discount_multiplier * backup_factor))
        if tech_is_complete(
        ) or "SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN" in empire_research_list[:6]:
            # TODO: base this on pilot val, and also consider red stars
            if system.starType in [fo.starType.blackHole, fo.starType.blue]:
                init_val = 100 * discount_multiplier * (pilot_val or 1)
                if not has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole,
                    colony_star_bonus += init_val  # pretty rare planets, good for energy shipyards
                    detail.append("SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN %.1f" % init_val)
                elif not is_system_star_claimed(system):
                    # still has extra value as an alternate location for energy shipyard
                    colony_star_bonus += 0.5 * init_val * backup_factor
                    detail.append("SHP_ENRG_BOUND_MAN Backup %.1f" %
                                  (0.5 * init_val * backup_factor))
    retval += star_bonus

    planet_specials = list(planet.specials)
    if "ECCENTRIC_ORBIT_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
        fixed_res += discount_multiplier * 6
        detail.append("ECCENTRIC_ORBIT_SPECIAL %.1f" %
                      (discount_multiplier * 6))

    if mission_type == MissionType.OUTPOST or (
            mission_type == MissionType.INVASION and not species_name):

        if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:  # TODO: add value for depleted ancient ruins
            retval += discount_multiplier * 30
            detail.append("Undepleted Ruins %.1f" % discount_multiplier * 30)

        for special in planet_specials:
            if "_NEST_" in special:
                nest_val = get_nest_rating(
                    special, 5.0
                ) * discount_multiplier  # get an outpost on the nest quick
                retval += nest_val
                detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, nest_val))
            elif special == "FORTRESS_SPECIAL":
                fort_val = 10 * discount_multiplier
                retval += fort_val
                detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, fort_val))
            elif special == "HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL":
                honey_val = 0.3 * (AIDependencies.HONEYCOMB_IND_MULTIPLIER *
                                   AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP *
                                   population_with_industry_focus() *
                retval += honey_val
                detail.append("%s %.1f" % (special, honey_val))
        if planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids:
            ast_val = 0
            if system:
                for pid in system.planetIDs:
                    other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                    if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids:
                        if pid == planet_id:
                        elif pid < planet_id and planet.unowned:
                            ast_val = 0
                    elif other_planet.speciesName:
                        if other_planet.owner == empire.empireID:
                            ownership_factor = 1.0
                        elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets:
                            ownership_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets(
                            ownership_factor = 0.0
                        ast_val += ownership_factor * _base_asteroid_mining_val(
                        ) * discount_multiplier
                retval += ast_val
                if ast_val > 0:
                    detail.append("AsteroidMining %.1f" % ast_val)
            ast_val = 0
            if tech_is_complete("SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS"):
                per_ast = 20
            elif tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"):
                per_ast = 5
                per_ast = 0.1
            if system:
                for pid in system.planetIDs:
                    other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                    if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids:
                        if pid == planet_id:
                        elif pid < planet_id and planet.unowned:
                            ast_val = 0
                    elif other_planet.speciesName:
                        other_species = fo.getSpecies(other_planet.speciesName)
                        if other_species and other_species.canProduceShips:
                            if other_planet.owner == empire.empireID:
                                ownership_factor = 1.0
                            elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets:
                                ownership_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets(
                                ownership_factor = 0.0
                            ast_val += ownership_factor * per_ast * discount_multiplier
                retval += ast_val
                if ast_val > 0:
                    detail.append("AsteroidShipBuilding %.1f" % ast_val)
        # We will assume that if any GG in the system is populated, they all will wind up populated; cannot then hope
        # to build a GGG on a non-populated GG
        populated_gg_factor = 1.0
        per_gg = 0
        if planet.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant:
            # TODO: Given current industry calc approach, consider bringing this max val down to actual max val of 10
            if tech_is_complete("PRO_ORBITAL_GEN"):
                per_gg = 20
            elif tech_is_complete("CON_ORBITAL_CON"):
                per_gg = 10
            if species_name:
                populated_gg_factor = 0.5
            per_gg = 5
        if system:
            gg_list = []
            orb_gen_val = 0
            gg_detail = []
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                other_planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if other_planet.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant:
                    if other_planet.speciesName:
                        populated_gg_factor = 0.5
                if (pid != planet_id and other_planet.owner == empire.empireID
                        and FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY
                        in list(other_planet.availableFoci) +
                    orb_gen_val += per_gg * discount_multiplier
                    # Note, this reported value may not take into account a later adjustment from a populated gg
                    gg_detail.append("GGG for %s %.1f" %
                                     (other_planet.name, discount_multiplier *
                                      per_gg * populated_gg_factor))
            if planet_id in sorted(gg_list)[:1]:
                retval += orb_gen_val * populated_gg_factor
                detail.append("Won't GGG")
        if existing_presence:
            detail.append("preexisting system colony")
            retval = (retval + existing_presence *
                      _get_defense_value(species_name)) * 1.5

        # Fixme - sys_supply is always <= 0 leading to incorrect supply bonus score
        supply_val = 0
        if sys_supply < 0:
            if sys_supply + planet_supply >= 0:
                supply_val += 30 * (planet_supply - max(-3, sys_supply))
                retval += 30 * (planet_supply + sys_supply)  # a penalty
        elif planet_supply > sys_supply and (
                sys_supply < 2):  # TODO: check min neighbor supply
            supply_val += 25 * (planet_supply - sys_supply)
        detail.append("sys_supply: %d, planet_supply: %d, supply_val: %.0f" %
                      (sys_supply, planet_supply, supply_val))
        retval += supply_val

        if threat_factor < 1.0:
            threat_factor = _revise_threat_factor(threat_factor, retval,
            retval *= threat_factor
            detail.append("threat reducing value by %3d %%" %
                          (100 * (1 - threat_factor)))
        return int(retval)
    else:  # colonization mission
        if not species:
            return 0
        supply_val = 0
        if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
            retval += discount_multiplier * 50
            detail.append("Undepleted Ruins %.1f" % discount_multiplier * 50)
        if "HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
            honey_val = (AIDependencies.HONEYCOMB_IND_MULTIPLIER *
                         AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP *
                         population_with_industry_focus() *
            if FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY not in species_foci:
                honey_val *= -0.3  # discourage settlement by colonizers not able to use Industry Focus
            retval += honey_val
            detail.append("%s %.1f" % ("HONEYCOMB_SPECIAL", honey_val))

        # Fixme - sys_supply is always <= 0 leading to incorrect supply bonus score
        if sys_supply <= 0:
            if sys_supply + planet_supply >= 0:
                supply_val = 40 * (planet_supply - max(-3, sys_supply))
                supply_val = 200 * (planet_supply + sys_supply)  # a penalty
                if species_name == "SP_SLY":
                    # Sly are essentially stuck with lousy supply, so don't penalize for that
                    supply_val = 0
        elif planet_supply > sys_supply == 1:  # TODO: check min neighbor supply
            supply_val = 20 * (planet_supply - sys_supply)
        detail.append("sys_supply: %d, planet_supply: %d, supply_val: %.0f" %
                      (sys_supply, planet_supply, supply_val))

        # if AITags != "":
        # print "Species %s has AITags %s"%(specName, AITags)

        retval += fixed_res
        retval += colony_star_bonus
        asteroid_bonus = 0
        gas_giant_bonus = 0
        flat_industry = 0
        mining_bonus = 0
        per_ggg = 10

        asteroid_factor = 0.0
        gg_factor = 0.0
        ast_shipyard_name = ""
        if system and FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY in species.foci:
            for pid in system.planetIDs:
                if pid == planet_id:
                p2 = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                if p2:
                    if p2.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids:
                        this_factor = 0.0
                        if p2.owner == empire.empireID:
                            this_factor = 1.0
                        elif p2.unowned:
                            this_factor = 0.5
                        elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets:
                            this_factor = character.secondary_valuation_factor_for_invasion_targets(
                        if this_factor > asteroid_factor:
                            asteroid_factor = this_factor
                            ast_shipyard_name = p2.name
                    if p2.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant:
                        if p2.owner == empire.empireID:
                            gg_factor = max(gg_factor, 1.0)
                        elif p2.unowned:
                            gg_factor = max(gg_factor, 0.5)
                        elif pid in prospective_invasion_targets:
                            gg_factor = max(
        if asteroid_factor > 0.0:
            if tech_is_complete(
            ) or "PRO_MICROGRAV_MAN" in empire_research_list[:10]:
                flat_industry += 2 * asteroid_factor  # will go into detailed industry projection
                detail.append("Asteroid mining ~ %.1f" %
                              (5 * asteroid_factor * discount_multiplier))
            if tech_is_complete(
            ) or "SHP_ASTEROID_HULLS" in empire_research_list[:11]:
                if species and species.canProduceShips:
                    asteroid_bonus = 30 * discount_multiplier * pilot_val
                    detail.append("Asteroid ShipBuilding from %s %.1f" %
                                   discount_multiplier * 30 * pilot_val))
        if gg_factor > 0.0:
            if tech_is_complete(
            ) or "PRO_ORBITAL_GEN" in empire_research_list[:5]:
                flat_industry += per_ggg * gg_factor  # will go into detailed industry projection
                detail.append("GGG ~ %.1f" %
                              (per_ggg * gg_factor * discount_multiplier))

        # calculate the maximum population of the species on that planet.
        if planet.speciesName not in AIDependencies.SPECIES_FIXED_POPULATION:
            max_pop_size = calc_max_pop(planet, species, detail)
            max_pop_size = AIDependencies.SPECIES_FIXED_POPULATION[
            detail.append("Fixed max population of %.2f" % max_pop_size)

        if max_pop_size <= 0:
                "Non-positive population projection for species '%s', so no colonization value"
                % (species and species.name))
            return 0

        for special in [
            if special in planet_specials:
                mining_bonus += 1

        has_blackhole = has_claimed_star(fo.starType.blackHole)
        ind_tech_map_flat = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_FLAT_NOT_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES
        ind_tech_map_before_species_mod = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_PER_POP_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES
        ind_tech_map_after_species_mod = AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_EFFECTS_PER_POP_NOT_MODIFIED_BY_SPECIES

        ind_mult = 1
        for tech in ind_tech_map_before_species_mod:
            if tech_is_complete(tech) and (
                    tech != AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN or has_blackhole):
                ind_mult += ind_tech_map_before_species_mod[tech]

        ind_mult = ind_mult * max(
            ind_tag_mod, 0.5 *
            (ind_tag_mod +
             res_tag_mod))  # TODO: report an actual calc for research value

        for tech in ind_tech_map_after_species_mod:
            if tech_is_complete(tech) and (
                    tech != AIDependencies.PRO_SINGULAR_GEN or has_blackhole):
                ind_mult += ind_tech_map_after_species_mod[tech]

        max_ind_factor = 0
        for tech in ind_tech_map_flat:
            if tech_is_complete(tech):
                fixed_ind += discount_multiplier * ind_tech_map_flat[tech]

        if FocusType.FOCUS_INDUSTRY in species.foci:
            if "TIDAL_LOCK_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
                ind_mult += 1
            max_ind_factor += AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * mining_bonus
            max_ind_factor += AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP * ind_mult
        cur_pop = 1.0  # assume an initial colonization value
        if planet.speciesName != "":
            cur_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
        elif tech_is_complete("GRO_LIFECYCLE_MAN"):
            cur_pop = 3.0
        cur_industry = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.industry)
        ind_val = _project_ind_val(cur_pop, max_pop_size, cur_industry,
                                   max_ind_factor, flat_industry,
        detail.append("ind_val %.1f" % ind_val)
        # used to give preference to closest worlds

        for special in [
                spec for spec in planet_specials
                if spec in AIDependencies.metabolismBoosts
            # TODO: also consider potential future benefit re currently unpopulated planets
            gbonus = (discount_multiplier * AIDependencies.INDUSTRY_PER_POP *
                      ind_mult * empire_metabolisms.get(
                          AIDependencies.metabolismBoosts[special], 0)
                      )  # due to growth applicability to other planets
            growth_val += gbonus
            detail.append("Bonus for %s: %.1f" % (special, gbonus))

        if FocusType.FOCUS_RESEARCH in species.foci:
            research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size
            if "ANCIENT_RUINS_SPECIAL" in planet.specials or "ANCIENT_RUINS_DEPLETED_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
                research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size * 5
                detail.append("Ruins Research")
            if "TEMPORAL_ANOMALY_SPECIAL" in planet.specials:
                research_bonus += discount_multiplier * 2 * AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP * max_pop_size * 25
                detail.append("Temporal Anomaly Research")
            if AIDependencies.COMPUTRONIUM_SPECIAL in planet.specials:
                comp_bonus = (0.5 * AIDependencies.TECH_COST_MULTIPLIER *
                              AIDependencies.RESEARCH_PER_POP *
                              AIDependencies.COMPUTRONIUM_RES_MULTIPLIER *
                              population_with_research_focus() *
                if have_computronium():
                    comp_bonus *= backup_factor
                research_bonus += comp_bonus

        retval += (max(ind_val + asteroid_bonus + gas_giant_bonus,
                       research_bonus, growth_val) + fixed_ind + fixed_res +
        if existing_presence:
            detail.append("preexisting system colony")
            retval = (retval +
                      existing_presence * _get_defense_value(species_name)) * 2
        if threat_factor < 1.0:
            threat_factor = _revise_threat_factor(threat_factor, retval,
            retval *= threat_factor
            detail.append("threat reducing value by %3d %%" %
                          (100 * (1 - threat_factor)))
    return retval
Example #15
def survey_universe():
    survey_timer.start("Categorizing Visible Planets")
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    current_turn = fo.currentTurn()

    # set up / reset various variables; the 'if' is purely for code folding convenience
    if True:

    # var setup done
    aistate = get_aistate()
    for sys_id in universe.systemIDs:
        system = universe.getSystem(sys_id)
        if not system:
        local_ast = False
        local_gg = False
        empire_has_qualifying_planet = False
        if sys_id in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
            empire_has_qualifying_planet = True
        for pid in system.planetIDs:
            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
            if not planet:
            if pid in aistate.colonisablePlanetIDs:
                empire_has_qualifying_planet = True
            if planet.size == fo.planetSize.asteroids:
                local_ast = True
            elif planet.size == fo.planetSize.gasGiant:
                local_gg = True
            spec_name = planet.speciesName
            this_spec = fo.getSpecies(spec_name)
            owner_id = planet.owner
            planet_population = planet.currentMeterValue(
            buildings_here = [
                for bldg in planet.buildingIDs
            weapons_grade = "WEAPONS_0.0"
            if owner_id == empire_id:
                if planet_population > 0.0 and this_spec:
                    empire_has_qualifying_planet = True
                    for metab in [
                            tag for tag in this_spec.tags
                            if tag in AIDependencies.metabolismBoostMap
                        empire_metabolisms[metab] = empire_metabolisms.get(
                            metab, 0.0) + planet.habitableSize
                    if this_spec.canProduceShips:
                        pilot_val = rate_piloting_tag(spec_name)
                        if spec_name == "SP_ACIREMA":
                            pilot_val += 1
                        weapons_grade = "WEAPONS_%.1f" % pilot_val
                        set_pilot_rating_for_planet(pid, pilot_val)
                        yard_here = []
                        if "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE" in buildings_here:
                            set_ship_builders(spec_name, pid)
                            yard_here = [pid]
                        if this_spec.canColonize and planet.currentMeterValue(
                                fo.meterType.targetPopulation) >= 3:
                            set_colony_builders(spec_name, yard_here)
                set_building_locations(weapons_grade, buildings_here, pid)

                for special in planet.specials:
                    if special_is_nest(special):
                    if special in AIDependencies.metabolismBoosts:
                        set_growth_special(special, pid)
                        if planet.focus == FocusType.FOCUS_GROWTH:
            elif owner_id != -1:
                if get_partial_visibility_turn(
                ) >= current_turn - 1:  # only interested in immediately recent data

        if empire_has_qualifying_planet:
            if local_ast:
            elif local_gg:

        if sys_id in get_owned_planets():
            AIstate.empireStars.setdefault(system.starType, []).append(sys_id)
            sys_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(sys_id, {})
            if sys_status.get("fleetThreat", 0) > 0:
            if sys_status.get("neighborThreat", 0) > 0:


    # lock must be released before this, since it uses the locked functions
Example #16
    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True
        print "Checking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s" % (
            self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type or 'No mission')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        # Note: the following abort check somewhat assumes only one major mission type
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if (isinstance(fleet_order, (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)) and
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object().systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                # Without the below noinspection directive, PyCharm is concerned about the 2nd part of the test
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                if (not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) or
                        self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id, fleet_order)):
            print "Checking order: %s" % fleet_order
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    print "Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                    print "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                print "Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued
                if not fleet_order.executed:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # A previously issued order that wasn't instantly executed must have had cirumstances change so that
                    # the order can't currently be reissued (or perhaps simply a savegame has been reloaded on the same
                    # turn the order was issued).
                    if not fleet_order.executed:
                        order_completed = False
                    # Go on to the next order.
                print "CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                    threat_threshold = fo.currentTurn() * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > threat_threshold:
                        # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster,
                        # release and hope for more effective reassignment
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE) or
                                fleet_order != self.orders[-1]):
                            print "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (
                                this_system_id, foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus[this_system_id]['monsterThreat'])
                            print "Full set of orders were:"
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                print " - %s" % this_order
                break  # do not order the next order until this one is finished.
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                print "Final order is completed"
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id)
                    if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and
                            not planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)):
                        warn("Fleet %d has tentatively completed its "
                             "colonize mission but will wait to confirm population." % self.fleet.id)
                        print "    Order details are %s" % last_order
                        print "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (
                            last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued, last_order.executed)
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            print "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (
                                bool(source_target), bool(target_target))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        print ("Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission "
                               "to secure system %d (targeted for %s), "
                               "may release a portion of ships" % (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type))
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        print "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id
                        print "Full set of orders were:"
                        for this_order in orders:
                            print "\t\t %s" % this_order
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=[fleet_id],
                                                                         thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        print "No Current Orders"
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.setdefault(last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = system_status.get('totalThreat', 0) + system_status.get('neighborThreat', 0) > 0
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if (planet and
                                    planet.owner != fo.empireID() and
                                    planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0):
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        print "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        # at least first stage of current task is done;
                        # release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)
                        print "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if foAI.foAIstate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" % new_military_fleets
                    if allocations:
Example #17
def _risky_travel_starlane_func(c, d):
    return any((_somewhat_careful_travel_starlane_func(c, d),
                get_partial_visibility_turn(c) <= 0))
Example #18
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    detail = []

    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:
        debug("Invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" %
        return [0, 0]

    system_id = planet.systemID

    # by using the following instead of simply relying on stealth meter reading,
    # can (sometimes) plan ahead even if planet is temporarily shrouded by an ion storm
    predicted_detectable = EspionageAI.colony_detectable_by_empire(
        planet_id, empire=fo.empireID(), default_result=False)
    if not predicted_detectable:
        if get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id) < fo.currentTurn():
            debug("InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" %
            return [0, 0]
                "InvasionAI predicts planet id %d to be stealthed" %
                planet_id +
                ", but somehow have current visibility anyway, will still consider as target"

    # Check if the target planet was extra-stealthed somehow its system was last viewed
    # this test below may augment the tests above,
    # but can be thrown off by temporary combat-related sighting
    system_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)
    planet_last_seen = get_partial_visibility_turn(system_id)
    if planet_last_seen < system_last_seen:
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
            "Invasion AI considering planet id %d (stealthed at last view), still proceeding."
            % planet_id)

    # get a baseline evaluation of the planet as determined by ColonisationAI
    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    empire_research_list = tuple(element.tech
                                 for element in fo.getEmpire().researchQueue)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values(
            [planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        colony_base_value = max(
            0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
        colony_base_value = calculate_planet_colonization_rating.calculate_planet_colonization_rating(

    # Add extra score for all buildings on the planet
    building_values = {
        "BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
        "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
        "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
        "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
        "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
        "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
        "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
        "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
        "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
        "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
        "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [
            for bldg in planet.buildingIDs
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    # Add extra score for unlocked techs when we conquer the species
    tech_tally = 0
    value_per_pp = 4
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(
            species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_value = value_per_pp * rp_cost
            tech_tally += tech_value
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, tech_value))

    least_jumps_path, max_jumps = _get_path_from_capital(planet)
    clear_path = True

    aistate = get_aistate()
    system_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(system_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get("fleetThreat", 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get("monsterThreat", 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get(
        "planetThreat", 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = aistate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get(
            "fleetThreat", 1000) + path_leg_status.get("monsterThreat", 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    troop_regen = planet.currentMeterValue(
        fo.meterType.troops) - planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(system_id)
    secure_targets = [system_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False

    secure_fleets = get_aistate().get_fleet_missions_with_any_mission_types(
        [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY])
    for mission in secure_fleets:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != system_id:
        if mission.type in [MissionType.SECURE, MissionType.MILITARY]:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get("myFleetRating", 0)
        "Invasion eval of %s\n"
        " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
        " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
        " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f",
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (
            planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +
            2 * planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetResearch))

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    preferred_max_portion = MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle(
    total_max_mil_rating = MilitaryAI.get_concentrated_tot_mil_rating()
    threat_exponent = 2  # TODO: make this a character trait; higher aggression with a lower exponent
    threat_factor = min(
        1, preferred_max_portion * total_max_mil_rating /
        (sys_total_threat + 0.001))**threat_exponent

    design_id, _, locs = get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(
            troops + troop_regen * (max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += 0.01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops + _TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) /
                               6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(
            get_species_tag_grade(species_here, Tags.ATTACKTROOPS))
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(
            troops + troop_regen * (max_jumps + build_time), max_troops)
        planned_troops += 0.01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil(
            (planned_troops + _TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints,
    normalized_cost = max(1.0, normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = colony_base_value + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    # If the AI does have enough total military to attack this target, and the target is more than minimally valuable,
    # don't let the threat_factor discount the adjusted value below MIN_INVASION_SCORE +1, so that if there are no
    # other targets the AI could still pursue this one.  Otherwise, scoring pressure from
    # MilitaryAI.get_preferred_max_military_portion_for_single_battle might prevent the AI from attacking heavily
    # defended but still defeatable targets even if it has no softer targets available.
    if total_max_mil_rating > sys_total_threat and base_score > 2 * MIN_INVASION_SCORE:
        threat_factor = max(threat_factor,
                            (MIN_INVASION_SCORE + 1) / base_score)
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(
        0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
        " - planet score: %.2f\n"
        " - planned troops: %.2f\n"
        " - projected troop cost: %.1f\n"
        " - threat factor: %s\n"
        " - planet detail: %s\n"
        " - popval: %.1f\n"
        " - bldval: %s\n"
        " - enemyval: %s",
    debug(" - system secured: %s" % system_secured)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]
Example #19
    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True

        debug("\nChecking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s and target %s",
              self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type or 'No mission', self.target or 'No Target')
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        # Note: the following abort check somewhat assumes only one major mission type
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if (isinstance(fleet_order, (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade)) and
        aistate = get_aistate()
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object().systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                # Without the below noinspection directive, PyCharm is concerned about the 2nd part of the test
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                if (not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) or
                        self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id, fleet_order)):
            debug("Checking order: %s" % fleet_order)
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                # only move if all other orders completed
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove) and order_completed:
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                    debug("NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                status_words = tuple(["not", ""][_s] for _s in [fleet_order.order_issued, fleet_order.executed])
                debug("Order %s issued and %s fully executed." % status_words)
                if not fleet_order.executed:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # A previously issued order that wasn't instantly executed must have had cirumstances change so that
                    # the order can't currently be reissued (or perhaps simply a savegame has been reloaded on the same
                    # turn the order was issued).
                    if not fleet_order.executed:
                        order_completed = False
                    # Go on to the next order.
                debug("CAN'T issue fleet order %s because:" % fleet_order)
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(this_system_id, {})
                    threat_threshold = fo.currentTurn() * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > threat_threshold:
                        # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster,
                        # release and hope for more effective reassignment
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE) or
                                fleet_order != self.orders[-1]):
                            debug("Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d" % (
                                this_system_id, aistate.systemStatus[this_system_id]['monsterThreat']))
                            debug("Full set of orders were:")
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                debug(" - %s" % this_order)
                break  # do not order the next order until this one is finished.
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                debug("Final order is completed")
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.id)
                    if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn and
                            not planet.initialMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)):
                        warning("Fleet %s has tentatively completed its "
                                "colonize mission but will wait to confirm population.", self.fleet)
                        debug("    Order details are %s" % last_order)
                        debug("    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s" % (
                            last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued, last_order.executed))
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                            debug("        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s " % (
                                bool(source_target), bool(target_target)))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                        debug("Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission "
                              "to secure system %d (targeted for %s), "
                              "may release a portion of ships" % (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type))
                        clear_all = False

                # for PROTECT_REGION missions, only release fleet if no more threat
                if self.type == MissionType.PROTECT_REGION:
                    # use military logic code below to determine if can release
                    # any or even all of the ships.
                    clear_all = False
                    last_sys_target = self.target.id
                    debug("Check if PROTECT_REGION mission with target %d is finished.", last_sys_target)

                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                        debug("Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets." % self.fleet.id)
                        debug("Full set of orders were:")
                        for this_order in orders:
                            debug("\t\t %s" % this_order)
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE):
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(mil_fleets_ids=[fleet_id],
                                                                         thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        debug("No Current Orders")
                    potential_threat = combine_ratings(
                    threat_present = potential_threat > 0
                    debug("Fleet threat present? %s", threat_present)
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if (planet and
                                    planet.owner != fo.empireID() and
                                    planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0):
                                debug("Found local planetary threat: %s", planet)
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                        debug("No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships.")
                        # at least first stage of current task is done;
                        # release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)
                        if self.type == MissionType.PROTECT_REGION:
                        debug("Threat remains in target system; Considering to release some ships.")
                        new_fleets = []
                        fleet_portion_to_remain = self._portion_of_fleet_needed_here()
                        if fleet_portion_to_remain >= 1:
                            debug("Can not release fleet yet due to large threat.")
                        elif fleet_portion_to_remain > 0:
                            debug("Not all ships are needed here - considering releasing a few")
                            # TODO: Rate against specific enemy threat cause
                            fleet_remaining_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_fleet_rating(fleet_id)
                            fleet_min_rating = fleet_portion_to_remain * fleet_remaining_rating
                            debug("Starting rating: %.1f, Target rating: %.1f",
                                  fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                            allowance = CombatRatingsAI.rating_needed(fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                            debug("May release ships with total rating of %.1f", allowance)
                            ship_ids = list(self.fleet.get_object().shipIDs)
                            for ship_id in ship_ids:
                                ship_rating = CombatRatingsAI.get_ship_rating(ship_id)
                                debug("Considering to release ship %d with rating %.1f", ship_id, ship_rating)
                                if ship_rating > allowance:
                                    debug("Remaining rating insufficient. Not released.")
                                debug("Splitting from fleet.")
                                new_fleet_id = FleetUtilsAI.split_ship_from_fleet(fleet_id, ship_id)
                                if assertion_fails(new_fleet_id and new_fleet_id != INVALID_ID):
                                fleet_remaining_rating = CombatRatingsAI.rating_difference(
                                    fleet_remaining_rating, ship_rating)
                                allowance = CombatRatingsAI.rating_difference(
                                    fleet_remaining_rating, fleet_min_rating)
                                debug("Remaining fleet rating: %.1f - Allowance: %.1f",
                                      fleet_remaining_rating, allowance)
                            if new_fleets:
                                aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id, force_new=True)
                            debug("Planetary defenses are deemed sufficient. Release fleet.")
                            new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)

                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" % new_military_fleets
                    if allocations:
Example #20
    def issue_fleet_orders(self):
        """issues AIFleetOrders which can be issued in system and moves to next one if is possible"""
        # TODO: priority
        order_completed = True

            "\nChecking orders for fleet %s (on turn %d), with mission type %s"
            % (self.fleet.get_object(), fo.currentTurn(), self.type
               or 'No mission'))
        if MissionType.INVASION == self.type:
        just_issued_move_order = False
        last_move_target_id = INVALID_ID
        # Note: the following abort check somewhat assumes only one major mission type
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if (isinstance(fleet_order,
                           (OrderColonize, OrderOutpost, OrderInvade))
                    and self._check_abort_mission(fleet_order)):
        aistate = get_aistate()
        for fleet_order in self.orders:
            if just_issued_move_order and self.fleet.get_object(
            ).systemID != last_move_target_id:
                # having just issued a move order, we will normally stop issuing orders this turn, except that if there
                # are consecutive move orders we will consider moving through the first destination rather than stopping
                # Without the below noinspection directive, PyCharm is concerned about the 2nd part of the test
                # noinspection PyTypeChecker
                if (not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove)
                        or self.need_to_pause_movement(last_move_target_id,
            debug("Checking order: %s" % fleet_order)
            if fleet_order.can_issue_order(verbose=False):
                if isinstance(
                        fleet_order, OrderMove
                ) and order_completed:  # only move if all other orders completed
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                    just_issued_move_order = True
                    last_move_target_id = fleet_order.target.id
                elif not isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    debug("Issuing fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                        "NOT issuing (even though can_issue) fleet order %s" %
                debug("Order issued: %s" % fleet_order.order_issued)
                if not fleet_order.executed:
                    order_completed = False
            else:  # check that we're not held up by a Big Monster
                if fleet_order.order_issued:
                    # A previously issued order that wasn't instantly executed must have had cirumstances change so that
                    # the order can't currently be reissued (or perhaps simply a savegame has been reloaded on the same
                    # turn the order was issued).
                    if not fleet_order.executed:
                        order_completed = False
                    # Go on to the next order.
                debug("CAN'T issue fleet order %s" % fleet_order)
                if isinstance(fleet_order, OrderMove):
                    this_system_id = fleet_order.target.id
                    this_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        this_system_id, {})
                    threat_threshold = fo.currentTurn(
                    ) * MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating() / 4.0
                    if this_status.get('monsterThreat', 0) > threat_threshold:
                        # if this move order is not this mil fleet's final destination, and blocked by Big Monster,
                        # release and hope for more effective reassignment
                        if (self.type not in (MissionType.MILITARY,
                                or fleet_order != self.orders[-1]):
                                "Aborting mission due to being blocked by Big Monster at system %d, threat %d"
                                % (this_system_id,
                            debug("Full set of orders were:")
                            for this_order in self.orders:
                                debug(" - %s" % this_order)
                break  # do not order the next order until this one is finished.
        else:  # went through entire order list
            if order_completed:
                debug("Final order is completed")
                orders = self.orders
                last_order = orders[-1] if orders else None
                universe = fo.getUniverse()

                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderColonize):
                    planet = universe.getPlanet(last_order.target.id)
                    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(
                    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(
                    if (planet_partial_vis_turn == sys_partial_vis_turn
                            and not planet.initialMeterValue(
                            "Fleet %d has tentatively completed its "
                            "colonize mission but will wait to confirm population."
                            % self.fleet.id)
                        debug("    Order details are %s" % last_order)
                            "    Order is valid: %s; issued: %s; executed: %s"
                            % (last_order.is_valid(), last_order.order_issued,
                        if not last_order.is_valid():
                            source_target = last_order.fleet
                            target_target = last_order.target
                                "        source target validity: %s; target target validity: %s "
                                % (bool(source_target), bool(target_target)))
                        return  # colonize order must not have completed yet
                clear_all = True
                last_sys_target = INVALID_ID
                if last_order and isinstance(last_order, OrderMilitary):
                    last_sys_target = last_order.target.id
                    # not doing this until decide a way to release from a SECURE mission
                    # if (MissionType.SECURE == self.type) or
                    secure_targets = set(AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs +
                                         AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs +
                    if last_sys_target in secure_targets:  # consider a secure mission
                        if last_sys_target in AIstate.colonyTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Colony"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.outpostTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Outpost"
                        elif last_sys_target in AIstate.invasionTargetedSystemIDs:
                            secure_type = "Invasion"
                            secure_type = "Unidentified"
                            "Fleet %d has completed initial stage of its mission "
                            "to secure system %d (targeted for %s), "
                            "may release a portion of ships" %
                            (self.fleet.id, last_sys_target, secure_type))
                        clear_all = False
                fleet_id = self.fleet.id
                if clear_all:
                    if orders:
                            "Fleet %d has completed its mission; clearing all orders and targets."
                            % self.fleet.id)
                        debug("Full set of orders were:")
                        for this_order in orders:
                            debug("\t\t %s" % this_order)
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(fleet_id) in (
                                MissionType.MILITARY, MissionType.SECURE):
                            allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                                thisround="Fleet %d Reassignment" % fleet_id)
                            if allocations:
                    else:  # no orders
                        debug("No Current Orders")
                    # TODO: evaluate releasing a smaller portion or none of the ships
                    system_status = aistate.systemStatus.setdefault(
                        last_sys_target, {})
                    new_fleets = []
                    threat_present = system_status.get(
                        'totalThreat', 0) + system_status.get(
                            'neighborThreat', 0) > 0
                    target_system = universe.getSystem(last_sys_target)
                    if not threat_present and target_system:
                        for pid in target_system.planetIDs:
                            planet = universe.getPlanet(pid)
                            if (planet and planet.owner != fo.empireID()
                                    and planet.currentMeterValue(
                                        fo.meterType.maxDefense) > 0):
                                threat_present = True
                    if not threat_present:
                            "No current threat in target system; releasing a portion of ships."
                        # at least first stage of current task is done;
                        # release extra ships for potential other deployments
                        new_fleets = FleetUtilsAI.split_fleet(self.fleet.id)
                            "Threat remains in target system; NOT releasing any ships."
                    new_military_fleets = []
                    for fleet_id in new_fleets:
                        if aistate.get_fleet_role(
                                fleet_id) in COMBAT_MISSION_TYPES:
                    allocations = []
                    if new_military_fleets:
                        allocations = MilitaryAI.get_military_fleets(
                            thisround="Fleet Reassignment %s" %
                    if allocations:
Example #21
def evaluate_invasion_planet(planet_id, secure_fleet_missions, verbose=True):
    """Return the invasion value (score, troops) of a planet."""
    detail = []
    building_values = {"BLD_IMPERIAL_PALACE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CULTURE_ARCHIVES": 1000,
                       "BLD_AUTO_HISTORY_ANALYSER": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_BASE": 100,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_ORB_INC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_XENO_FAC": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ORG_CELL_GRO_CHAMB": 200,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_NANOROBO": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_GEOINT": 400,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_CON_ADV_ENGINE": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST": 300,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_AST_REF": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_SOLAR": 1500,
                       "BLD_INDUSTRY_CENTER": 500,
                       "BLD_GAS_GIANT_GEN": 200,
                       "BLD_SOL_ORB_GEN": 800,
                       "BLD_BLACK_HOLE_POW_GEN": 2000,
                       "BLD_ENCLAVE_VOID": 500,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_EXTRACTOR": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_SYNTH": 2000,
                       "BLD_NEUTRONIUM_FORGE": 1000,
                       "BLD_CONC_CAMP": 100,
                       "BLD_BIOTERROR_PROJECTOR": 1000,
                       "BLD_SHIPYARD_ENRG_COMP": 3000,
    # TODO: add more factors, as used for colonization
    universe = fo.getUniverse()
    empire_id = fo.empireID()
    max_jumps = 8
    planet = universe.getPlanet(planet_id)
    if planet is None:  # TODO: exclude planets with stealth higher than empireDetection
        print "invasion AI couldn't access any info for planet id %d" % planet_id
        return [0, 0]

    sys_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet.systemID)
    planet_partial_vis_turn = get_partial_visibility_turn(planet_id)

    if planet_partial_vis_turn < sys_partial_vis_turn:
        print "invasion AI couldn't get current info on planet id %d (was stealthed at last sighting)" % planet_id
        # TODO: track detection strength, order new scouting when it goes up
        return [0, 0]  # last time we had partial vis of the system, the planet was stealthed to us

    species_name = planet.speciesName
    species = fo.getSpecies(species_name)
    if not species or AIDependencies.TAG_DESTROYED_ON_CONQUEST in species.tags:
        # this call iterates over this Empire's available species with which it could colonize after an invasion
        planet_eval = ColonisationAI.assign_colonisation_values([planet_id], MissionType.INVASION, None, detail)
        pop_val = max(0.75 * planet_eval.get(planet_id, [0])[0],
                      ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.OUTPOST, None, detail))
        pop_val = ColonisationAI.evaluate_planet(planet_id, MissionType.INVASION, species_name, detail)

    bld_tally = 0
    for bldType in [universe.getBuilding(bldg).buildingTypeName for bldg in planet.buildingIDs]:
        bval = building_values.get(bldType, 50)
        bld_tally += bval
        detail.append("%s: %d" % (bldType, bval))

    tech_tally = 0
    for unlocked_tech in AIDependencies.SPECIES_TECH_UNLOCKS.get(species_name, []):
        if not tech_is_complete(unlocked_tech):
            rp_cost = fo.getTech(unlocked_tech).researchCost(empire_id)
            tech_tally += rp_cost * 4
            detail.append("%s: %d" % (unlocked_tech, rp_cost * 4))

    p_sys_id = planet.systemID
    capitol_id = PlanetUtilsAI.get_capital()
    least_jumps_path = []
    clear_path = True
    if capitol_id:
        homeworld = universe.getPlanet(capitol_id)
        if homeworld:
            home_system_id = homeworld.systemID
            eval_system_id = planet.systemID
            if (home_system_id != INVALID_ID) and (eval_system_id != INVALID_ID):
                least_jumps_path = list(universe.leastJumpsPath(home_system_id, eval_system_id, empire_id))
                max_jumps = len(least_jumps_path)
    system_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(p_sys_id, {})
    system_fleet_treat = system_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000)
    system_monster_threat = system_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
    sys_total_threat = system_fleet_treat + system_monster_threat + system_status.get('planetThreat', 0)
    max_path_threat = system_fleet_treat
    mil_ship_rating = MilitaryAI.cur_best_mil_ship_rating()
    for path_sys_id in least_jumps_path:
        path_leg_status = foAI.foAIstate.systemStatus.get(path_sys_id, {})
        path_leg_threat = path_leg_status.get('fleetThreat', 1000) + path_leg_status.get('monsterThreat', 0)
        if path_leg_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
            clear_path = False
            if path_leg_threat > max_path_threat:
                max_path_threat = path_leg_threat

    pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.population)
    target_pop = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetPopulation)
    troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.troops)
    max_troops = planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxTroops)
    # TODO: refactor troop determination into function for use in mid-mission updates and also consider defender techs
    max_troops += AIDependencies.TROOPS_PER_POP * (target_pop - pop)

    this_system = universe.getSystem(p_sys_id)
    secure_targets = [p_sys_id] + list(this_system.planetIDs)
    system_secured = False
    for mission in secure_fleet_missions:
        if system_secured:
        secure_fleet_id = mission.fleet.id
        s_fleet = universe.getFleet(secure_fleet_id)
        if not s_fleet or s_fleet.systemID != p_sys_id:
        if mission.type == MissionType.SECURE:
            target_obj = mission.target.get_object()
            if target_obj is not None and target_obj.id in secure_targets:
                system_secured = True
    system_secured = system_secured and system_status.get('myFleetRating', 0)

    if verbose:
        print ("Invasion eval of %s\n"
               " - maxShields: %.1f\n"
               " - sysFleetThreat: %.1f\n"
               " - sysMonsterThreat: %.1f") % (
            planet, planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.maxShield), system_fleet_treat,
    supply_val = 0
    enemy_val = 0
    if planet.owner != -1:  # value in taking this away from an enemy
        enemy_val = 20 * (planet.currentMeterValue(fo.meterType.targetIndustry) +
    if p_sys_id in ColonisationAI.annexable_system_ids:  # TODO: extend to rings
        supply_val = 100
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-1):
        supply_val = 200
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-2):
        supply_val = 300
    elif p_sys_id in state.get_systems_by_supply_tier(-3):
        supply_val = 400
    if max_path_threat > 0.5 * mil_ship_rating:
        if max_path_threat < 3 * mil_ship_rating:
            supply_val *= 0.5
            supply_val *= 0.2

    # devalue invasions that would require too much military force
    threat_factor = min(1, 0.2*MilitaryAI.get_tot_mil_rating()/(sys_total_threat+0.001))**2

    design_id, _, locs = ProductionAI.get_best_ship_info(PriorityType.PRODUCTION_INVASION)
    if not locs or not universe.getPlanet(locs[0]):
        # We are in trouble anyway, so just calculate whatever approximation...
        build_time = 4
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        troop_cost = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / 6.0) * 20 * FleetUtilsAI.get_fleet_upkeep()
        loc = locs[0]
        species_here = universe.getPlanet(loc).speciesName
        design = fo.getShipDesign(design_id)
        cost_per_ship = design.productionCost(empire_id, loc)
        build_time = design.productionTime(empire_id, loc)
        troops_per_ship = CombatRatingsAI.weight_attack_troops(design.troopCapacity,
        planned_troops = troops if system_secured else min(troops + max_jumps + build_time, max_troops)
        planned_troops += .01  # we must attack with more troops than there are defenders
        ships_needed = math.ceil((planned_troops+_TROOPS_SAFETY_MARGIN) / float(troops_per_ship))
        troop_cost = ships_needed * cost_per_ship  # fleet upkeep is already included in query from server

    # apply some bias to expensive operations
    normalized_cost = float(troop_cost) / max(fo.getEmpire().productionPoints, 1)
    normalized_cost = max(1, normalized_cost)
    cost_score = (normalized_cost**2 / 50.0) * troop_cost

    base_score = pop_val + supply_val + bld_tally + tech_tally + enemy_val - cost_score
    planet_score = retaliation_risk_factor(planet.owner) * threat_factor * max(0, base_score)
    if clear_path:
        planet_score *= 1.5
    if verbose:
        print (' - planet score: %.2f\n'
               ' - troop score: %.2f\n'
               ' - projected troop cost: %.1f\n'
               ' - threat factor: %s\n'
               ' - planet detail: %s\n'
               ' - popval: %.1f\n'
               ' - supplyval: %.1f\n'
               ' - bldval: %s\n'
               ' - enemyval: %s') % (planet_score, planned_troops, troop_cost,
                                     threat_factor, detail, pop_val, supply_val, bld_tally, enemy_val)
    return [planet_score, planned_troops]