def _moveHall51DataBack(self, userId, gameId, clientId): try: flag = DaoGameDataHall.HGET(userId, 'userChipMoveGame')'_moveHall51DataBack', userId, gameId, flag) if flag > 0: # 当前用户登录过HALL51 chip, exp, charm, coupon = DaoGameDataHall.HMGET( userId, ['chip', 'exp', 'charm', 'coupon']) chip, exp, charm, coupon = ftstr.parseInts( chip, exp, charm, coupon)'_moveHall51DataBack data->', userId, gameId, chip, exp, charm, coupon) if charm > 0: self.incrCharm(userId, charm) if exp > 0: self.incrExp(userId, exp) if coupon > 0: trueDelta, finalCount = self.incrCoupon( userId, gameId, coupon, ChipNotEnoughOpMode.NOOP, 'SYSTEM_REPAIR', 0)'_moveHall51DataBack data coupon->', userId, gameId, coupon, trueDelta, finalCount) if chip > 0: trueDelta, finalCount = self.incrChip( userId, gameId, chip, ChipNotEnoughOpMode.NOOP, 'SYSTEM_REPAIR', 0)'_moveHall51DataBack data chip->', userId, gameId, chip, trueDelta, finalCount) DaoGameDataHall.HDEL( userId, ['chip', 'exp', 'charm', 'coupon', 'userChipMoveGame']) pluginCross.halldatanotify.sendDataChangeNotify( userId, gameId, 'chip') except: ftlog.error()
def notifyChargeOk(userId, gameId, clientId): ''' 处理充值成功事件 获取用户的loc,如果在gameId游戏中,则想改游戏的牌桌发送充值成功的消息 ''' truelocs, _onTableIds = pluginCross.onlinedata.checkUserLoc( userId, clientId, gameId) ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart checkUserLoc:', truelocs) for loc in truelocs: lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) if lgameId != gameId: return if lroomId > 0 and ltableId > 0: # mo = MsgPack() # mo.setCmd('table_manage') # mo.setAction('charge_success') # mo.setParam('userId', userId) # mo.setParam('clientId', clientId) # mo.setParam('roomId', lroomId) # mo.setParam('tableId', ltableId) gameRpcRoomOne.srvroom.doUserChangeDone(lroomId, ltableId, userId, clientId, 0)
def recoverUserTableChips(self, userId, onTableIds, intClientId): deltaChips = 0 try: tableChips = pluginCross.halldata.getTableChipDict(userId) ftlog.debug('recoverUserTableChips->tableChips=', tableChips, 'onTableIds=', onTableIds) delTablesIds = [] for tableId, tchip in tableChips.iteritems(): tableId, tchip = ftstr.parseInts(tableId, tchip) if tableId in onTableIds: # the user is on the table, do not clear pass else: if tchip > 0: troomId = tableId / tyconfig.MAX_TABLE_ID gameId = troomId / tyconfig.MAX_ROOM_ID / tyconfig.MAX_ROOM_ID / tyconfig.MAX_CONFIG_ID'recoverUserTableChips->userId=', userId, 'gameId=', gameId, 'troomId=', troomId, 'tableId=', tableId, 'tchip=', tchip) _, _, delta = pluginCross.halldata.moveAllTableChipToChip( userId, gameId, 'TABLE_TCHIP_TO_CHIP', troomId, intClientId, tableId) deltaChips += delta delTablesIds.append(tableId) if delTablesIds:'recoverUserTableChips->delTableChips=', userId, 'delTablesIds=', delTablesIds) pluginCross.halldata.delTableChips(userId, delTablesIds) except: ftlog.error() return deltaChips
def _conform(self, gameId, userId, clientId, item, timestamp, params): flagName = '' % (item.kindId) if gameId == tyglobal.gameId(): value = pluginCross.halldata.getHallDataList(userId, flagName) else: value = _getSubGameDataVal(gameId, userId, flagName) if ftstr.parseInts(value) == 1: return True return False
def doJoinCreateTable(userId, gameId, clientId, roomId0, tableId0, playMode, msg): """用户加入自建牌桌 """ loc = onlinedata.checkUserLoc(userId, clientId, gameId) lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) if lgameId > 0 and lroomId > 0 and ltableId > 0 and lseatId >= 0: ftlog.warn('create_table error, user in table') sendPopTipMsg(userId, "请稍候,正在进桌...") config = { "type": "quickstart", "pluginParams": { "roomId": lroomId, "tableId": ltableId, "seatId": lseatId } } todotask = TodoTaskEnterGameNew(lgameId, config) mo = MsgPack() mo.setCmd('todo_tasks') mo.setResult('gameId', gameId) mo.setResult('pluginId', lgameId) mo.setResult('userId', userId) mo.setResult('tasks', TodoTaskHelper.encodeTodoTasks(todotask)) tyrpcconn.sendToUser(userId, mo) else: createTableNo = msg.getParam('createTableNo', 0) if not createTableNo: return tableId0, roomId0 = CreateTableData.getTableIdByCreateTableNo( createTableNo) if not tableId0 or not roomId0: sendPopTipMsg(userId, "找不到您输入的房间号") return msg1 = MsgPack() msg1.setParam("shadowRoomId", roomId0) msg1.setParam("roomId", roomId0) msg1.setParam("tableId", tableId0) msg1.setParam("createTableNo", createTableNo) msg1.setCmdAction("room", "join_create_table") router.sendRoomServer(msg1, roomId0)
def doCreateTable(userId, gameId, clientId, roomId0, tableId0, playMode, hasRobot=0, msg=None): """房主创建牌桌""" if not playMode: ftlog.error('game_handler, cat not create table without playMode...') loc = onlinedata.checkUserLoc(userId, clientId, gameId) lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) if lgameId > 0 and lroomId > 0 and ltableId > 0 and lseatId >= 0: ftlog.warn('create_table error, user in table', lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) sendPopTipMsg(userId, "请稍候,正在进桌...") config = { "type": "quickstart", "pluginParams": { "roomId": lroomId, "tableId": ltableId, "seatId": lseatId } } todotask = TodoTaskEnterGameNew(lgameId, config) mo = MsgPack() mo.setCmd('todo_tasks') mo.setResult('gameId', gameId) mo.setResult('pluginId', lgameId) mo.setResult('userId', userId) mo.setResult('tasks', TodoTaskHelper.encodeTodoTasks(todotask)) router.sendToUser(mo, userId) elif _canEnterGame(userId, gameId): # 保存建桌时间戳 gamedata.setGameAttr(userId, gameId, 'createTableTime', fttime.getCurrentTimestamp()) itemParams = msg.getParam("itemParams") playerCount = 4 playerTypeId = itemParams.get(MFTDefine.PLAYER_TYPE, 1) playerTypeConfig = majiang_conf.getCreateTableConfig( gameId, playMode, MFTDefine.PLAYER_TYPE, playerTypeId) if not playerTypeConfig:'MajiangCreateTable.doCreateTable playerTypeId:', playerTypeId, ' playerTypeConfig:', playerTypeConfig) sendPopTipMsg(userId, '人数配置有误,请稍后重试') return playerCount = playerTypeConfig.get('count', 4) ftlog.debug('MajiangCreateTable.create_table playerCount:', playerCount) cardCountKey = playerTypeConfig.get(MFTDefine.CARD_COUNT, MFTDefine.CARD_COUNT) cardCountId = itemParams.get(cardCountKey, 0) cardCountConfig = majiang_conf.getCreateTableConfig( gameId, playMode, cardCountKey, cardCountId) if not cardCountConfig: sendPopTipMsg(userId, '房卡配置有误,请稍后重试') return if hasRobot == 1 and 'hasRobot' in cardCountConfig: cardCountConfig = cardCountConfig.get('hasRobot', {}) ftlog.debug('MajiangCreateTable.create_table hasRobot == 1:') fangka_count = cardCountConfig.get('fangka_count', 1) ftlog.debug('MajiangCreateTable.create_table fangka_count:', fangka_count, ' cardCountConfig:', cardCountConfig) msg.setParam('isCreateTable', 1) # 标记创建的桌子是 自建桌 ''' 根据五个因素筛选合适的房间 1)gameId 游戏ID 2)playMode 游戏玩法 3)playerCount 玩家个数 4)hasRobot 是否有机器人 5)itemId 房卡道具 ''' itemId = hall_fangka.queryFangKaItem(gameId, userId, clientId) if itemId: ftlog.debug('MajiangCreateTable._chooseCreateRoom fangKa itemId:', itemId) roomId, checkResult = MajiangCreateTable._chooseCreateRoom( userId, gameId, playMode, playerCount, hasRobot, itemId) ftlog.debug('MajiangCreateTable._chooseCreateRoom roomId:', roomId, ' checkResult:', checkResult) if checkResult == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: msg1 = MsgPack() msg1.setCmdAction("room", "create_table") msg1.setParam("roomId", roomId) msg1.setParam("itemParams", itemParams) msg1.setParam('needFangka', fangka_count) ftlog.debug( 'MajiangCreateTable._chooseCreateRoom send message to room:', msg1) router.sendRoomServer(msg1, roomId) else: sendPopTipMsg(userId, "暂时无法创建请稍后重试") else:'majiang2 game_handler, ignore enter game request...')
def onCmdQuickStart(cls, msg, userId, gameId, roomId, tableId, playMode, clientId): '''UT server中处理来自客户端的quick_start请求 Args: msg cmd : quick_start if roomId == 0: 表示快速开始,服务器为玩家选择房间,然后将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == 0 : 表示玩家选择了房间,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == roomId * 10000 : 表示玩家在队列里断线重连,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId > 0: if onlineSeatId > 0: 表示玩家在牌桌里断线重连,将请求转给GT else: 表示玩家选择了桌子,将请求转给GR ''' assert isinstance(userId, int) and userId > 0 assert isinstance(roomId, int) and roomId >= 0 assert isinstance(tableId, int) and tableId >= 0 if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug("<< |clientId:", clientId, "|userId, roomId, tableId:", userId, roomId, tableId, "|gameId, playMode:", gameId, playMode, caller=cls) # 单开, 无论何时quick_start进入都检查loc if not pokerconf.isOpenMoreTable(clientId): truelocs, _onTableIds = pluginCross.onlinedata.checkUserLoc( userId, clientId, gameId) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('old client, checkUserLoc->', truelocs, caller=cls) for loc in truelocs: lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) # if gameId == 60 and lgameId != gameId and lroomId > 0: # try: #"gtServerRpc.doPlayerLeave:", lgameId, userId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) # gtServerRpc.doPlayerLeave(lgameId, userId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId, clientId) # except Exception as e: # ftlog.error(e) if lgameId == gameId and lroomId > 0: ftlog.debug('onCmdQuickStart re-connected |userId, loc:', userId, loc, '|roomId, tableId:', roomId, tableId, caller=cls) roomId = lroomId tableId = ltableId msg.setParam('isReConnected', True) if ftlog.is_debug(): ftlog.debug('old client, reset roomId, tableId->', roomId, tableId, caller=cls) if roomId == 0: # 玩家点击快速开始 chosenRoomId, checkResult = cls._chooseRoom( userId, gameId, playMode) ftlog.debug("after choose room", "|userId, chosenRoomId, checkResult:", userId, chosenRoomId, checkResult, caller=cls) if checkResult == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, chosenRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR else: candidateRoomIds = cls._getCandidateRoomIds(gameId, playMode) if candidateRoomIds: rid = candidateRoomIds[0] msg.setParam('candidateRoomId', rid) cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, checkResult, userId, clientId, roomId) return bigRoomId = tyconfig.getBigRoomId(roomId) ftlog.debug('bigRoomId:', bigRoomId) if bigRoomId == 0: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_ROOM_ID_ERROR, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tyconfig.getRoomGameId(bigRoomId) != gameId: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_ROOM_ID_ERROR, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tableId == 0: # 玩家只选择了房间 # if gameId == 6 and roomId != bigRoomId: # ctrlRoomId = tyconfig.getRoomDefine(roomId).parentId or roomId # queryRoomId = roomId # else: ctrRoomIds = tyconfig.getControlRoomIds(bigRoomId) ctrlRoomId = ctrRoomIds[userId % len(ctrRoomIds)] queryRoomId = ctrlRoomId reason = cls._canQuickEnterRoom(userId, gameId, ctrlRoomId, 1) if reason == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: # if gameId == 6: # TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, queryRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR或GT # else: TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, ctrlRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR或GT elif reason == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_LESS_MIN or reason == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_GREATER_MAX: # if gameId == 6: # innerTable = msg.getParam("innerTable", 0) # innerTable 区分不同版本弹窗 # if innerTable == 1: # roomDef = tyconfig.getRoomDefine(ctrlRoomId) # playMode = roomDef.configure.get('playMode', None) # if ftlog.is_debug(): # ftlog.debug('enter_less_min userId=', userId, 'roomId=', ctrlRoomId, 'msg=', msg, 'playmode=', playMode) # msgpack = MsgPack() # msgpack.setCmd("quick_start") # msgpack.setParam("userId", userId) # msgpack.setParam("gameId", gameId) # msgpack.setParam("clientId", clientId) # msgpack.setParam("innerTable", 1) # msgpack.setParam("apiver", msg.getParam("apiver", 3.7)) # cls.onCmdQuickStart(msgpack, userId, gameId, 0, 0, playMode, clientId) # if ftlog.is_debug(): # ftlog.debug('reenter_less_min userId=', userId, 'roomId=', ctrlRoomId, 'msgpack=', msgpack.pack()) # else: # cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, reason, userId, clientId, roomId) # else: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, reason, userId, clientId, roomId) else: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, reason, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tableId == roomId * 10000: # 玩家在队列里断线重连 TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, roomId, tableId) # 请求转给GR return onlineSeat = pluginCross.onlinedata.getOnLineLocSeatId( userId, roomId, tableId) if onlineSeat: if onlineSeat == tyconfig.getRoomDefine( roomId).configure['tableConf']['maxSeatN'] + 1: # 牌桌里旁观的玩家断线重连,请求转给GT TYRoomMixin.sendTableCallObserveReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId) else: # 牌桌里坐着的玩家断线重连,请求转给GT # TYRoomMixin.querySitReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId) # GT人多时会有超时异常 TYRoomMixin.sendSitReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId) else: # 玩家选择了桌子, shadowRoomId = tyconfig.getTableRoomId(tableId) ctrRoomId = tyconfig.getRoomDefine(shadowRoomId).parentId TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq( msg, ctrRoomId, tableId, shadowRoomId=shadowRoomId) # 请求转给GR
def onCmdQuickStart(cls, msg, userId, gameId, roomId, tableId, playMode, clientId): '''UT server中处理来自客户端的quick_start请求 Args: msg cmd : quick_start if roomId == 0: 表示快速开始,服务器为玩家选择房间,然后将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == 0 : 表示玩家选择了房间,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == roomId * 10000 : 表示玩家在队列里断线重连,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId > 0: if onlineSeatId > 0: 表示玩家在牌桌里断线重连,将请求转给GT else: 表示玩家选择了桌子,将请求转给GR ''' assert isinstance(userId, int) and userId > 0 assert isinstance(roomId, int) and roomId >= 0 assert isinstance(tableId, int) and tableId >= 0 ftlog.debug("MajiangQuickStartFriend.onCmdQuickStart clientId:", clientId, " userId:", userId, " roomId:", roomId, " tableId:", tableId, " gameId:", gameId, " playMode:", playMode) tableId = 0 # 单开, 无论何时quick_start进入都检查loc if not pokerconf.isOpenMoreTable(clientId): truelocs, _onTableIds = pluginCross.onlinedata.checkUserLoc( userId, clientId, gameId) ftlog.debug( 'MajiangQuickStartFriend.onCmdQuickStart checkUserLoc:', truelocs, caller=cls) for loc in truelocs: lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) if lgameId == gameId and lroomId > 0 and isFriendRoom(lroomId): roomId = lroomId tableId = ltableId ftlog.debug( 'MajiangQuickStartFriend.onCmdQuickStart old client roomId:', roomId, ' tableId:', tableId, caller=cls) if roomId > 0 and tableId > 0: onlineSeat = pluginCross.onlinedata.getOnlineLocSeatId( userId, roomId, tableId) if onlineSeat: extParam = {} extParam['seatId'] = onlineSeat moParams = msg.getKey('params') for k, v in moParams.items(): if not k in extParam: extParam[k] = v ftlog.debug('extParam=', extParam) TYRoomMixin.querySitReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId, extParam) # 玩家断线重连,请求转给GT return ftlog.debug( 'MajiangQuickStartFriend.onCmdQuickStart friendTable not isReconnect or roomId == 0 or tableId == 0, dissolved' ) cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_FRIEND_DISSOLVE, userId, clientId, roomId)
def onCmdQuickStart(cls, msg, userId, gameId, roomId, tableId, playMode, clientId): '''UT server中处理来自客户端的quick_start请求 Args: msg cmd : quick_start if roomId == 0: 表示快速开始,服务器为玩家选择房间,然后将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == 0 : 表示玩家选择了房间,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId == roomId * 10000 : 表示玩家在队列里断线重连,将请求转给GR if roomId > 0 and tableId > 0: if onlineSeatId > 0: 表示玩家在牌桌里断线重连,将请求转给GT else: 表示玩家选择了桌子,将请求转给GR ''' assert isinstance(userId, int) and userId > 0 assert isinstance(roomId, int) and roomId >= 0 assert isinstance(tableId, int) and tableId >= 0 ftlog.debug("MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart clientId:", clientId, " userId:", userId, " roomId:", roomId, " tableId:", tableId, " gameId:", gameId, " playMode:", playMode) gTimeStamp = pluginCross.mj2dao.getQuickStartCoinTimeStamp(userId) cTimeStamp = time.time() ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart gTimeStamp:', gTimeStamp, 'cTimeStamp:', cTimeStamp) # 判断两次quick_start间隔是否超过5秒,没有超过5秒,则不匹配 if cTimeStamp - gTimeStamp < 3: ftlog.debug( 'MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart cTimeStamp - gTimeStamp < 5 !!!' ) return # 单开, 无论何时quick_start进入都检查loc if not pokerconf.isOpenMoreTable(clientId): truelocs, _onTableIds = pluginCross.onlinedata.checkUserLoc( userId, clientId, gameId) ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart checkUserLoc:', truelocs, caller=cls) for loc in truelocs: lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = loc.split('.') lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId = ftstr.parseInts( lgameId, lroomId, ltableId, lseatId) if lgameId == gameId and lroomId > 0: roomId = lroomId tableId = ltableId ftlog.debug( 'MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart old client roomId:', roomId, ' tableId:', tableId, caller=cls) if roomId == 0: # 玩家点击快速开始 chosenRoomId, checkResult = cls._chooseRoom( userId, gameId, playMode) "MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart after choose room userId:", userId, " chosenRoomId:", chosenRoomId, " checkResult:", checkResult, caller=cls) if checkResult == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: # 找到合适的房间 根据roomId找到合适的table TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, chosenRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR cls.saveQuickStartTime(userId, gameId, cTimeStamp) else: candidateRoomIds = cls._getCandidateRoomIds(gameId, playMode) if candidateRoomIds: rid = candidateRoomIds[0] msg.setParam('candidateRoomId', rid) cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, checkResult, userId, clientId, roomId) return if tableId == 0: # 玩家只选择了房间 bigRoomId = tyconfig.getBigRoomId(roomId) ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart bigRoomId:', bigRoomId) if bigRoomId == 0: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_ROOM_ID_ERROR, userId, gameId, clientId, roomId) return ctrRoomIds = tyconfig.getControlRoomIds(bigRoomId) ctrlRoomId = ctrRoomIds[userId % len(ctrRoomIds)] qsParams = msg.getParam('where', 'roomlist') reason = cls._canQuickEnterRoom(userId, gameId, ctrlRoomId, True, qsParams) ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart reason:', reason, 'ctrRoomIds:', ctrRoomIds, 'ctrlRoomId', ctrlRoomId) if reason == TYRoom.ENTER_ROOM_REASON_OK: TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, ctrlRoomId, 0) # 请求转给GR或GT cls.saveQuickStartTime(userId, gameId, cTimeStamp) else: cls._onEnterRoomFailed(msg, reason, userId, gameId, clientId, roomId, playMode) return if tableId == roomId * 10000: # 玩家在队列里断线重连 ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart tableId:', tableId) TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq(msg, roomId, tableId) # 请求转给GR cls.saveQuickStartTime(userId, gameId, cTimeStamp) return onlineSeat = pluginCross.onlinedata.getOnLineLocSeatId( userId, roomId, tableId) if onlineSeat: ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart tableId:', tableId) extParam = {} extParam['seatId'] = onlineSeat moParams = msg.getKey('params') for k, v in moParams.items(): if not k in extParam: extParam[k] = v ftlog.debug('extParam=', extParam) TYRoomMixin.querySitReq(userId, roomId, tableId, clientId, extParam) # 玩家断线重连,请求转给GT cls.saveQuickStartTime(userId, gameId, cTimeStamp) else: # 玩家选择了桌子, ftlog.debug('MajiangQuickStartCoin.onCmdQuickStart tableId:', tableId) shadowRoomId = tyconfig.getTableRoomId(tableId) ctrRoomId = tyconfig.getRoomDefine(shadowRoomId).parentId TYRoomMixin.queryRoomQuickStartReq( msg, ctrRoomId, tableId, shadowRoomId=shadowRoomId) # 请求转给GR cls.saveQuickStartTime(userId, gameId, cTimeStamp)