Example #1
def loadResources(cursor):
  print('Importing resources...')
  cnt = 0
  starttime = time()
    name, description, maximum, maximum_calendar_id, location_id, type, cost,
    maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory, owner_id
    FROM %s order by lvl asc, name'''% connections[database].ops.quote_name('resource'))
  for i,j,t,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,u in cursor.fetchall():
    cnt += 1
      if m == "infinite":
        x = frepple.resource_infinite(name=i,description=j,category=r,subcategory=s)
      elif not m or m == "default":
        x = frepple.resource_default(name=i,description=j,category=r,subcategory=s)
        if k: x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=k)
        if o: x.maxearly = o
        if t: x.maximum = t
        raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % m)
      if l: x.location = frepple.location(name=l)
      if n: x.cost = n
      if p: x.setup = p
      if q: x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=q)
      if u: x.owner = frepple.resource(name=u)
    except Exception as e: print("Error:", e)
  print('Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
Example #2
 def loadResources(self):
   print('Importing resources...')
   cnt = 0
   starttime = time()
       name, description, maximum, maximum_calendar_id, location_id, type, cost,
       maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory, owner_id, source
     FROM %s %s
     ORDER BY lvl ASC, name
     ''' % (connections[self.cursor.db.alias].ops.quote_name('resource'), self.filter_where) )
   for i in self.cursor.fetchall():
     cnt += 1
       if i[5] == "infinite":
         x = frepple.resource_infinite(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
       elif i[5] == "buckets":
         x = frepple.resource_buckets(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
         if i[3]:
           x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
         if i[7]:
           x.maxearly = i[7]
       elif not i[5] or i[5] == "default":
         x = frepple.resource_default(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
         if i[3]:
           x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
         if i[7]:
           x.maxearly = i[7].total_seconds()
         if i[2]:
           x.maximum = i[2]
         raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % i[5])
       if i[4]:
         x.location = frepple.location(name=i[4])
       if i[6]:
         x.cost = i[6]
       if i[8]:
         x.setup = i[8]
       if i[9]:
         x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=i[9])
       if i[12]:
         x.owner = frepple.resource(name=i[12])
     except Exception as e:
       print("Error:", e)
   print('Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
Example #3
 def loadResources(self):
   print('Importing resources...')
   cnt = 0
   starttime = time()
       name, description, maximum, maximum_calendar_id, location_id, type, cost,
       maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory, owner_id, source
     FROM %s %s
     ORDER BY lvl ASC, name
     ''' % (connections[self.cursor.db.alias].ops.quote_name('resource'), self.filter_where) )
   for i in self.cursor.fetchall():
     cnt += 1
       if i[5] == "infinite":
         x = frepple.resource_infinite(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
       elif i[5] == "buckets":
         x = frepple.resource_buckets(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
         if i[3]:
           x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
         if i[7]:
           x.maxearly = i[7]
       elif not i[5] or i[5] == "default":
         x = frepple.resource_default(
           name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
         if i[3]:
           x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
         if i[7]:
           x.maxearly = i[7]
         if i[2]:
           x.maximum = i[2]
         raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % i[5])
       if i[4]:
         x.location = frepple.location(name=i[4])
       if i[6]:
         x.cost = i[6]
       if i[8]:
         x.setup = i[8]
       if i[9]:
         x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=i[9])
       if i[12]:
         x.owner = frepple.resource(name=i[12])
     except Exception as e:
       print("Error:", e)
   print('Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
Example #4
def loadResources(cursor):
    print('Importing resources...')
    cnt = 0
    starttime = time()
    name, description, maximum, maximum_calendar_id, location_id, type, cost,
    maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory, owner_id
    FROM %s order by lvl asc, name''' %
    for i, j, t, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, u in cursor.fetchall():
        cnt += 1
            if m == "infinite":
                x = frepple.resource_infinite(name=i,
            elif not m or m == "default":
                x = frepple.resource_default(name=i,
                if k: x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=k)
                if o: x.maxearly = o
                if t: x.maximum = t
                raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % m)
            if l: x.location = frepple.location(name=l)
            if n: x.cost = n
            if p: x.setup = p
            if q: x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=q)
            if u: x.owner = frepple.resource(name=u)
        except Exception as e:
            print("Error:", e)
    print('Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
Example #5
    def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'):
        basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(

        # Get the time units
        units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request)

        # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date

        # Execute the query
        cursor = connections[request.database].cursor()
        query = '''
      select res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.cost, res.maxearly,
        res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name, location.description,
        location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id,
        coalesce(max(plan_summary.avg_util),0) as avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar, 
        d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup
      from (%s) res
      left outer join location
        on res.location_id = location.name
      -- Multiply with buckets
      cross join (
                   select name as bucket, startdate, enddate
                   from common_bucketdetail
                   where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s'
                   ) d
      -- Utilization info
      left join out_resourceplan
      on res.name = out_resourceplan.resource
      and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate
      and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate
      and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
      and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
      -- Average utilization info
      left join (
            ( coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) + coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) )
             * 100.0 / coalesce(greatest(sum(out_resourceplan.available), 0.0001),1) as avg_util
          from out_resourceplan
          where out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
          and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
          group by resource
          ) plan_summary
      on res.name = plan_summary.resource
      -- Grouping and sorting
      group by res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly,
        res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name, location.description,
        location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id,
        %s d.bucket, d.startdate
      order by %s, d.startdate
      ''' % (reportclass.attr_sql, units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0],
             basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate,
             request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate,
             request.report_enddate, request.report_startdate,
             request.report_enddate, reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql)
        cursor.execute(query, baseparams)

        # Build the python result
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            numfields = len(row)
            if row[numfields - 4] != 0:
                util = row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4]
                util = 0
            result = {
                'resource': row[0],
                'description': row[1],
                'category': row[2],
                'subcategory': row[3],
                'type': row[4],
                'maximum': row[5],
                'maximum_calendar': row[6],
                'cost': row[7],
                'maxearly': row[8],
                'setupmatrix': row[9],
                'setup': row[10],
                'location__name': row[11],
                'location__description': row[12],
                'location__category': row[13],
                'location__subcategory': row[14],
                'location__available': row[15],
                'avgutil': round(row[16], 2),
                'available_calendar': row[17],
                'bucket': row[numfields - 6],
                'startdate': row[numfields - 5].date(),
                'available': round(row[numfields - 4], 1),
                'unavailable': round(row[numfields - 3], 1),
                'load': round(row[numfields - 2], 1),
                'setup': round(row[numfields - 1], 1),
                'utilization': round(util, 2)
            idx = 17
            for f in getAttributeFields(Resource):
                result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
                idx += 1
            for f in getAttributeFields(Location):
                result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
                idx += 1
            yield result
Example #6
  def query(request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'):
    basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=True)

    # Get the time units
    units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request)

    # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date

    # Execute the query
    cursor = connections[request.database].cursor()
    query = '''
      select res.name as row1, res.location_id as row2,
             coalesce(max(plan_summary.avg_util),0) as avgutil,
             d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup
      from (%s) res
      -- Multiply with buckets
      cross join (
                   select name as bucket, startdate, enddate
                   from common_bucketdetail
                   where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s'
                   ) d
      -- Include child resources
      inner join %s res2
      on res2.lft between res.lft and res.rght
      -- Utilization info
      left join out_resourceplan
      on res2.name = out_resourceplan.theresource
      and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate
      and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate
      and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
      and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
      -- Average utilization info
      left join (
                  ( coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) + coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) )
                   * 100.0 / coalesce(%s,1) as avg_util
                from out_resourceplan
                where out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
                and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
                group by theresource
                ) plan_summary
      on res2.name = plan_summary.theresource
      -- Grouping and sorting
      group by res.name, res.location_id, res.type, d.bucket, d.startdate
      order by %s, d.startdate
      ''' % (
        units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0],
        basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate,
        request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate,
        sql_max('sum(out_resourceplan.available)', '0.0001'),
        request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, sortsql
    cursor.execute(query, baseparams)

    # Build the python result
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
      if row[5] != 0:
        util = row[7] * 100 / row[5]
        util = 0
      yield {
        'resource': row[0],
        'location': row[1],
        'avgutil': round(row[2], 2),
        'bucket': row[3],
        'startdate': python_date(row[4]),
        'available': round(row[5], 1),
        'unavailable': round(row[6], 1),
        'load': round(row[7], 1),
        'setup': round(row[8], 1),
        'utilization': round(util, 2)
Example #7
  def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs):
    import frepple

    if cls.filter:
      filter_and = "and %s " % cls.filter
      filter_where = "where %s " % cls.filter
      filter_and = ""
      filter_where = ""

    with connections[database].chunked_cursor() as cursor:
      cnt = 0
      starttime = time()
          name, description, maximum, maximum_calendar_id, location_id, type,
          cost, maxearly, setup, setupmatrix_id, category, subcategory,
          owner_id, source, available_id
        FROM %s %s
        ORDER BY lvl ASC, name
        ''' % (connections[cursor.db.alias].ops.quote_name('resource'), filter_where) )
      for i in cursor:
        cnt += 1
          if i[5] == "infinite":
            x = frepple.resource_infinite(
              name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
          elif i[5] == "buckets":
            x = frepple.resource_buckets(
              name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
            if i[3]:
              x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
            if i[7] is not None:
              x.maxearly = i[7]
          elif not i[5] or i[5] == "default":
            x = frepple.resource_default(
              name=i[0], description=i[1], category=i[10], subcategory=i[11], source=i[13]
            if i[3]:
              x.maximum_calendar = frepple.calendar(name=i[3])
            if i[7] is not None:
              x.maxearly = i[7].total_seconds()
            if i[2] is not None:
              x.maximum = i[2]
            raise ValueError("Resource type '%s' not recognized" % i[5])
          if i[4]:
            x.location = frepple.location(name=i[4])
          if i[6]:
            x.cost = i[6]
          if i[8]:
            x.setup = i[8]
          if i[9]:
            x.setupmatrix = frepple.setupmatrix(name=i[9])
          if i[12]:
            x.owner = frepple.resource(name=i[12])
          if i[14]:
            x.available = frepple.calendar(name=i[14])
        except Exception as e:
          logger.error("**** %s ****" % e)
      logger.info('Loaded %d resources in %.2f seconds' % (cnt, time() - starttime))
Example #8
    def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql="1 asc"):
        basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(

        # Get the time units
        units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request)

        # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date

        # Execute the query
        query = """
      select res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.constrained, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id,
        res.cost, res.maxearly, res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name,
        location.description, location.category, location.subcategory,
        location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar,
        d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup
      from (%s) res
      left outer join location
        on res.location_id = location.name
      -- Multiply with buckets
      cross join (
                   select name as bucket, startdate, enddate
                   from common_bucketdetail
                   where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s'
                   ) d
      -- Utilization info
      left join out_resourceplan
      on res.name = out_resourceplan.resource
      and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate
      and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate
      and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
      and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
      -- Grouping and sorting
      group by res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly,
        res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name, location.description,
        location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.owner_id,
        %s d.bucket, d.startdate
      order by %s, d.startdate
      """ % (

        # Build the python result
        with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked:
            cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams)
            for row in cursor_chunked:
                numfields = len(row)
                if row[numfields - 4] != 0:
                    util = round(row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4],
                    util = 0
                result = {
                    "resource": row[0],
                    "description": row[1],
                    "category": row[2],
                    "subcategory": row[3],
                    "type": row[4],
                    "constrained": row[5],
                    "maximum": row[6],
                    "maximum_calendar": row[7],
                    "cost": row[8],
                    "maxearly": row[9],
                    "setupmatrix": row[10],
                    "setup": row[11],
                    "location__name": row[12],
                    "location__description": row[13],
                    "location__category": row[14],
                    "location__subcategory": row[15],
                    "location__available": row[16],
                    "avgutil": round(row[17], 2),
                    "available_calendar": row[18],
                    "owner": row[19],
                    "bucket": row[numfields - 6],
                    "startdate": row[numfields - 5],
                    "available": row[numfields - 4],
                    "unavailable": row[numfields - 3],
                    "load": row[numfields - 2],
                    "setuptime": row[numfields - 1],
                    "utilization": util,
                idx = 20
                for f in getAttributeFields(Resource):
                    result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
                    idx += 1
                for f in getAttributeFields(Location):
                    result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
                    idx += 1
                yield result
Example #9
    def run(cls, database=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, **kwargs):
        import frepple

        with connections[database].cursor() as cursor:
            # Update item metrics

                    window = frepple.settings.current + timedelta(days=int(
                        Parameter.getValue("metrics.demand_window", database,
                except Exception:
                    print("Warning: invalid parameter 'metrics.demand_window'")
                    window = datetime(2030, 12, 31)


                    create temporary table item_hierarchy (parent character varying(300),
                                                           child character varying(300));

                    insert into item_hierarchy
                    select parent.name, item.name from item
                    inner join item parent on item.lft > parent.lft and item.lft < parent.rght;

                    create index on item_hierarchy (child);

                    create temporary table out_problem_tmp
                    select item.name as item_id, out_problem.name, out_problem.weight, out_problem.weight*coalesce(item.cost,0) as weight_cost
                     from out_problem
                    inner join demand on demand.name = out_problem.owner
                    inner join item on item.name = demand.item_id
                    where out_problem.name in ('unplanned', 'late')
                    and out_problem.startdate < %s;
                    (window, ),

                    create temporary table metrics as
                    select item.name as item_id,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'late' then 1 end),0) as latedemandcount,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'late' then out_problem_tmp.weight end),0) as latedemandquantity,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'late' then out_problem_tmp.weight_cost end),0) as latedemandvalue,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'unplanned' then 1 end),0) as unplanneddemandcount,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'unplanned' then out_problem_tmp.weight end),0) as unplanneddemandquantity,
                    coalesce(sum(case when out_problem_tmp.name = 'unplanned' then out_problem_tmp.weight_cost end),0) as unplanneddemandvalue
                    from item
                    left outer join out_problem_tmp on out_problem_tmp.item_id = item.name
                    where item.lft = item.rght - 1
                    group by item.name;

                    create unique index on metrics (item_id);

                    insert into metrics
                    select parent,
                    from item_hierarchy
                    left outer join metrics on item_hierarchy.child = metrics.item_id
                    group by parent;

                    update item
                    set latedemandcount = metrics.latedemandcount,
                    latedemandquantity = metrics.latedemandquantity,
                    latedemandvalue = metrics.latedemandvalue,
                    unplanneddemandcount = metrics.unplanneddemandcount,
                    unplanneddemandquantity = metrics.unplanneddemandquantity,
                    unplanneddemandvalue = metrics.unplanneddemandvalue
                    from metrics
                    where item.name = metrics.item_id
                    and (item.latedemandcount is distinct from metrics.latedemandcount
                    or item.latedemandquantity is distinct from metrics.latedemandquantity
                    or item.latedemandvalue is distinct from metrics.latedemandvalue
                    or item.unplanneddemandcount is distinct from metrics.unplanneddemandcount
                    or item.unplanneddemandquantity is distinct from metrics.unplanneddemandquantity
                    or item.unplanneddemandvalue is distinct from metrics.unplanneddemandvalue);

                    drop table item_hierarchy;
                    drop table out_problem_tmp;
                    drop table metrics;

            except Exception as e:
                print("Error updating item metrics: %s" % e)

            # Update resource metrics


                    with resource_hierarchy as (select child.name child, parent.name parent
                    from resource child
                    inner join resource parent on child.lft between parent.lft and parent.rght
                    where child.lft = child.rght-1),
                    cte as (
                        select parent, count(out_problem.id) as overloadcount from resource_hierarchy
                        left outer join out_problem
                          on out_problem.name = 'overload'
                          and out_problem.owner = resource_hierarchy.child
                        group by parent
                    update resource
                    set overloadcount = cte.overloadcount
                    from cte
                    where cte.parent = resource.name
                    and resource.overloadcount is distinct from cte.overloadcount;

            except Exception as e:
                print("Error updating resource metrics: %s" % e)
Example #10
    def query(request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'):
        basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(

        # Get the time units
        units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request)

        # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date

        # Execute the query
        cursor = connections[request.database].cursor()
        query = '''
      select res.name as row1, res.location_id as row2,
             coalesce(max(plan_summary.avg_util),0) as avgutil,
             d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading,
             coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) * (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup
      from (%s) res
      -- Multiply with buckets
      cross join (
                   select name as bucket, startdate, enddate
                   from common_bucketdetail
                   where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s'
                   ) d
      -- Include child resources
      inner join %s res2
      on res2.lft between res.lft and res.rght
      -- Utilization info
      left join out_resourceplan
      on res2.name = out_resourceplan.theresource
      and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate
      and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate
      and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
      and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
      -- Average utilization info
      left join (
                  ( coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) + coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) )
                   * 100.0 / coalesce(%s,1) as avg_util
                from out_resourceplan
                where out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
                and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
                group by theresource
                ) plan_summary
      on res2.name = plan_summary.theresource
      -- Grouping and sorting
      group by res.name, res.location_id, res.type, d.bucket, d.startdate
      order by %s, d.startdate
      ''' % (units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0], basesql,
             request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate,
             request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate,
             sql_max('sum(out_resourceplan.available)', '0.0001'),
             request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate, sortsql)
        cursor.execute(query, baseparams)

        # Build the python result
        for row in cursor.fetchall():
            if row[5] != 0:
                util = row[7] * 100 / row[5]
                util = 0
            yield {
                'resource': row[0],
                'location': row[1],
                'avgutil': round(row[2], 2),
                'bucket': row[3],
                'startdate': python_date(row[4]),
                'available': round(row[5], 1),
                'unavailable': round(row[6], 1),
                'load': round(row[7], 1),
                'setup': round(row[8], 1),
                'utilization': round(util, 2)
Example #11
  def query(reportclass, request, basequery, sortsql='1 asc'):
    basesql, baseparams = basequery.query.get_compiler(basequery.db).as_sql(with_col_aliases=False)

    # Get the time units
    units = OverviewReport.getUnits(request)

    # Assure the item hierarchy is up to date

    # Execute the query
    query = '''
      select res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.cost, res.maxearly,
        res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name, location.description,
        location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id,
        res.avgutil, res.available_id available_calendar, res.owner_id,
        d.bucket as col1, d.startdate as col2,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.available),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as available,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.unavailable),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as unavailable,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.load),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as loading,
        coalesce(sum(out_resourceplan.setup),0) / (case when res.type = 'buckets' then 1 else %f end) as setup
      from (%s) res
      left outer join location
        on res.location_id = location.name
      -- Multiply with buckets
      cross join (
                   select name as bucket, startdate, enddate
                   from common_bucketdetail
                   where bucket_id = '%s' and enddate > '%s' and startdate < '%s'
                   ) d
      -- Utilization info
      left join out_resourceplan
      on res.name = out_resourceplan.resource
      and d.startdate <= out_resourceplan.startdate
      and d.enddate > out_resourceplan.startdate
      and out_resourceplan.startdate >= '%s'
      and out_resourceplan.startdate < '%s'
      -- Grouping and sorting
      group by res.name, res.description, res.category, res.subcategory,
        res.type, res.maximum, res.maximum_calendar_id, res.available_id, res.cost, res.maxearly,
        res.setupmatrix_id, res.setup, location.name, location.description,
        location.category, location.subcategory, location.available_id, res.avgutil, res.owner_id,
        %s d.bucket, d.startdate
      order by %s, d.startdate
      ''' % (
        reportclass.attr_sql, units[0], units[0], units[0], units[0],
        basesql, request.report_bucket, request.report_startdate,
        request.report_startdate, request.report_enddate,
        reportclass.attr_sql, sortsql

    # Build the python result
    with connections[request.database].chunked_cursor() as cursor_chunked:
      cursor_chunked.execute(query, baseparams)
      for row in cursor_chunked:
        numfields = len(row)
        if row[numfields - 4] != 0:
          util = round(row[numfields - 2] * 100 / row[numfields - 4], 2)
          util = 0
        result = {
          'resource': row[0], 'description': row[1], 'category': row[2],
          'subcategory': row[3], 'type': row[4], 'maximum': row[5],
          'maximum_calendar': row[6], 'cost': row[7], 'maxearly': row[8],
          'setupmatrix': row[9], 'setup': row[10],
          'location__name': row[11], 'location__description': row[12],
          'location__category': row[13], 'location__subcategory': row[14],
          'location__available': row[15],
          'avgutil': round(row[16], 2),
          'available_calendar': row[17],
          'owner': row[18],
          'bucket': row[numfields - 6],
          'startdate': row[numfields - 5].date(),
          'available': row[numfields - 4],
          'unavailable': row[numfields - 3],
          'load': row[numfields - 2],
          'setup': row[numfields - 1],
          'utilization': util
        idx = 19
        for f in getAttributeFields(Resource):
          result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
          idx += 1
        for f in getAttributeFields(Location):
          result[f.field_name] = row[idx]
          idx += 1
        yield result