'rateLimit': 200
    timeframes = args.timeframes or ['1m', '5m']


if args.config and args.exchange:
    logger.warning("The --exchange option is ignored, "
                   "using exchange settings from the configuration file.")

# Check if the exchange set by the user is supported


dl_path = Path(config['datadir'])

pairs_file = Path(
    args.pairs_file) if args.pairs_file else dl_path.joinpath('pairs.json')

if not pairs or args.pairs_file:
    logger.info(f'Reading pairs file "{pairs_file}".')
    # Download pairs from the pairs file if no config is specified
    # or if pairs file is specified explicitely
    if not pairs_file.exists():
        sys.exit(f'No pairs file found with path "{pairs_file}".')

    with pairs_file.open() as file:
        pairs = list(set(json.load(file)))