Example #1
    def patch(self, id):
        Manage Freshmaker event defined by ID. The request must be

        Returns the cancelled Freshmaker event as JSON.

        **Sample request**:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            PATCH /api/1/events HTTP/1.1
            Accept: application/json
            Content-Type: application/json

                "action": "cancel"

        :jsonparam string action: Action to do with an Event. Currently only "cancel"
            is supported.
        :statuscode 200: Cancelled event is returned.
        :statuscode 400: Action is missing or is unsupported.
        data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if 'action' not in data:
            return json_error(
                400, "Bad Request", "Missing action in request."
                " Don't know what to do with the event.")

        if data["action"] != "cancel":
            return json_error(400, "Bad Request", "Unsupported action requested.")

        event = models.Event.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        if not event:
            return json_error(400, "Not Found", "No such event found.")

        if event.requester != g.user.username and not user_has_role("admin"):
            return json_error(
                403, "Forbidden", "You must be an admin to cancel someone else's event.")

        msg = "Event id %s requested for canceling by user %s" % (event.id, g.user.username)

        event.transition(EventState.CANCELED, msg)
            "Build canceled before running on external build system.",
            filters={'state': ArtifactBuildState.PLANNED.value})
        builds_id = event.builds_transition(
            ArtifactBuildState.CANCELED.value, None,
            filters={'state': ArtifactBuildState.BUILD.value})

        data["action"] = self._freshmaker_manage_prefix + data["action"]
        data["event_id"] = event.id
        data["builds_id"] = builds_id
        messaging.publish("manage.eventcancel", data)
        # Return back the JSON representation of Event to client.
        return jsonify(event.json()), 200
Example #2
 def get(self, id):
     build = models.ArtifactBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
     # 'bundle_pullspec_overrides' should already contain valid JSON
     if build:
         return jsonify(build.bundle_pullspec_overrides), 200
         return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such bundle build")
Example #3
def _validate_rebuild_request(request):
    Perform basic data validation against the rebuild request

    :param request: Flask request object.
    :return: If validation fails, returns JSON serialized flask.Response with
        error code and messages, otherwise returns None.
    data = request.get_json(force=True)

    for key in ('errata_id', 'freshmaker_event_id'):
        if data.get(key) and not isinstance(data[key], int):
            return json_error(400, 'Bad Request',
                              f'"{key}" must be an integer.')

    if data.get('freshmaker_event_id'):
        event = models.Event.get_by_event_id(db.session,
        if not event:
            return json_error(
                'Bad Request',
                'The provided "freshmaker_event_id" is invalid.',

    for key in ('dist_git_branch', 'brew_target'):
        if data.get(key) and not isinstance(data[key], str):
            return json_error(400, 'Bad Request', f'"{key}" must be a string.')

    container_images = data.get('container_images', [])
    if (not isinstance(container_images, list)
            or any(not isinstance(image, str) for image in container_images)):
        return json_error(
            'Bad Request',
            '"container_images" must be an array of strings.',

    if not isinstance(data.get('dry_run', False), bool):
        return json_error(400, 'Bad Request', '"dry_run" must be a boolean.')

    return None
Example #4
 def get(self, id):
     build = models.ArtifactBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
     if build:
         pullspec_overrides = build.bundle_pullspec_overrides
         # remove old pullspec from output, since it used only internally for manual rebuilds
         if pullspec_overrides and "pullspecs" in pullspec_overrides:
             for pullspec in pullspec_overrides["pullspecs"]:
                 if "_old" in pullspec:
                     del pullspec["_old"]
         return jsonify(pullspec_overrides), 200
         return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such bundle build")
Example #5
    def get(self, id):
        if id is None:
            p_query = filter_artifact_builds(request)

            json_data = {'meta': pagination_metadata(p_query, request.args)}
            json_data['items'] = [item.json() for item in p_query.items]

            return jsonify(json_data), 200

            build = models.ArtifactBuild.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
            if build:
                return jsonify(build.json()), 200
                return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such build found.")
Example #6
    def get(self, id):
        build_states = []
        for x in list(types.ArtifactBuildState):
            build_states.append({'name': x.name, 'id': x.value})

        if id is None:
            return jsonify({'items': build_states}), 200

            build_state = [x for x in build_states if x['id'] == id]

            if build_state:
                return jsonify(build_state.pop()), 200
                return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such build state found.")
Example #7
    def get(self, id):
        event_types = []
        for cls, val in models.EVENT_TYPES.items():
            event_types.append({'name': cls.__name__, 'id': val})

        if id is None:
            return jsonify({'items': event_types}), 200

            event_type = [x for x in event_types if x['id'] == id]

            if event_type:
                return jsonify(event_type.pop()), 200
                return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such event type found.")
Example #8
    def post(self):
        Trigger Freshmaker async rebuild (a.k.a non-CVE rebuild). The request
        must be :mimetype:`application/json`.

        Returns the newly created Freshmaker event as JSON.

        **Sample request**:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            POST /api/1/async-builds HTTP/1.1
            Accept: application/json
            Content-Type: application/json

                "dist_git_branch": "master",
                "container_images": ["foo-1-1"]

        :jsonparam string dist_git_branch: The name of the branch in dist-git
            to build the container images from. This is a mandatory field.
        :jsonparam list container_images: A list of images to rebuild. They
            might be sharing a parent-child relationship which are then rebuilt
            by Freshmaker in the right order. For example, if images A is parent
            image of B, which is parent image of C, and container_images is
            [A, B, C], Freshmaker will make sure to rebuild all three images,
            in the correct order. It is however possible also to rebuild images
            completely unrelated to each other. This is a mandatory field.
        :jsonparam bool dry_run: When True, the Event will be handled in
            the DRY_RUN mode.
        :jsonparam bool freshmaker_event_id: When set, it defines the event
            which will be used as the dependant event. Successfull builds from
            this event will be reused in the newly created event instead of
            building all the artifacts from scratch. The event should refer
            to an async rebuild event.
        :jsonparam string brew_target: The name of the Brew target. While
            requesting an async rebuild, it should be the same for all the images
            in the list of container_images. This parameter is optional, with
            default value will be pulled from the previous buildContainer task.
        :statuscode 200: A new event was created.
        :statuscode 400: The provided input is invalid.
        error = _validate_rebuild_request(request)
        if error is not None:
            return error

        data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if not all([data.get('dist_git_branch'),
            return json_error(
                'Bad Request',
                '"dist_git_branch" and "container_images" are required in the request '
                'for async builds',

        dependent_event = None
        if data.get('freshmaker_event_id'):
            dependent_event = models.Event.get_by_event_id(
            async_build_event_type = models.EVENT_TYPES[
            if dependent_event.event_type_id != async_build_event_type:
                return json_error(
                    'Bad Request',
                    'The event (id={}) is not an async build '

        # The '-container' string is optional, the user might have omitted it. But we need it to be
        # there for our query. Let's check if it's there, and if it's not, let's add it.
        for i, image in enumerate(data.get('container_images', [])):
            if not image.endswith('-container'):
                data.get('container_images')[i] = f"{image}-container"

        # parse the POST data and generate FreshmakerAsyncManualBuildEvent
        parser = FreshmakerAsyncManualbuildParser()
        db_event = _create_rebuild_event_from_request(db.session, parser,

        # Forward the POST data (including the msg_id of the database event we
        # added to DB) to backend using UMB messaging. Backend will then
        # re-generate the event and start handling it.
        data["msg_id"] = db_event.message_id

        # add information about requester
        data["requester"] = db_event.requester

        messaging.publish("async.manual.build", data)

        # Return back the JSON representation of Event to client.
        return jsonify(db_event.json()), 200
Example #9
    def post(self):
        Trigger manual Freshmaker rebuild. The request must be

        Returns the newly created Freshmaker event as JSON.

        **Sample request**:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            POST /api/1/builds HTTP/1.1
            Accept: application/json
            Content-Type: application/json

                "errata_id": 12345

        **Sample request**:

        .. sourcecode:: http

            POST /api/1/builds HTTP/1.1
            Accept: application/json
            Content-Type: application/json

                "bundle_images": ["app-bundle-1.0-1.11111"],

        :jsonparam string errata_id: The ID of Errata advisory to rebuild
            artifacts for. If this is not set, freshmaker_event_id must be set.
        :jsonparam list container_images: When set, defines list of NVRs
            of leaf container images which should be rebuild in the
            newly created Event.
        :jsonparam bool dry_run: When True, the Event will be handled in
            the DRY_RUN mode.
        :jsonparam bool freshmaker_event_id: When set, it defines the event
            which will be used as the dependant event. Successfull builds from
            this event will be reused in the newly created event instead of
            building all the artifacts from scratch. If errata_id is not
            provided, it will be inherited from this Freshmaker event.
        :jsonparam list bundle_images: list of images to search Freshmaker
            database for rebuild events with them
        :statuscode 200: A new event was created.
        :statuscode 400: The provided input is invalid.
        error = _validate_rebuild_request(request)
        if error is not None:
            return error

        data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if (not data.get('errata_id') and not data.get('freshmaker_event_id')
                and not data.get('bundle_images')):
            return json_error(
                'Bad Request',
                'You must at least provide "errata_id" or "freshmaker_event_id"'
                ' or "bundle_images" in the request.',

        dependent_event = None
        if data.get('freshmaker_event_id'):
            dependent_event = models.Event.get_by_event_id(
            # requesting a CVE rebuild, the event can not be an async build event which
            # is for non-CVE only
            async_build_event_type = models.EVENT_TYPES[
            if dependent_event.event_type_id == async_build_event_type:
                return json_error(
                    'Bad Request',
                    'The event (id={}) is an async build event, '
                    'can not be used for this build.'.format(
            if not data.get('errata_id'):
                data['errata_id'] = int(dependent_event.search_key)
            elif int(dependent_event.search_key) != data['errata_id']:
                return json_error(
                    'Bad Request',
                    'The provided "errata_id" doesn\'t match the Advisory ID associated with the '
                    'input "freshmaker_event_id".',

        # Use the shared code to parse the POST data and generate right
        # event based on the data. Currently it generates just
        # ManualRebuildWithAdvisoryEvent.
        parser = FreshmakerManualRebuildParser()
        db_event = _create_rebuild_event_from_request(db.session, parser,

        # Forward the POST data (including the msg_id of the database event we
        # added to DB) to backend using UMB messaging. Backend will then
        # re-generate the event and start handling it.
        data["msg_id"] = db_event.message_id

        # add information about requester
        data["requester"] = db_event.requester

        messaging.publish("manual.rebuild", data)

        # Return back the JSON representation of Event to client.
        return jsonify(db_event.json()), 200
Example #10
    def get(self, id):
        """ Returns Freshmaker Events.

        If ``id`` is set, only the Freshmaker Event defined by that ID is

        :query string message_id: Return only events with this :ref:`message_id<event_message_id>`.
        :query string search_key: Return only events with this :ref:`search_key<event_search_key>`.
        :query number event_type_id: Return only events with this :ref:`event_type_id<event_event_type_id>`.
        :query number/string state: Return only events int this :ref:`state<event_state>`.
        :query bool show_full_json: When ``True``, the returned Freshmaker Event JSON objects
            contains all the fields described in the
            :ref:`Freshmaker Event representation for API version 1<event_json_api_1>`.

            When ``False``, the returned Freshmaker Event JSON objects are in the
            :ref:`Freshmaker Event representation for API version 2<event_json_api_2>` format.

            Default value for API version 1 is ``True``, for API version 2 is ``False``.

        :query string order_by: Order the events by the given field. If ``-`` prefix is used,
            the order will be descending. The default value is ``-id``. Available fields are:

            - :ref:`id<event_id>`
            - :ref:`message_id<event_message_id>`

        :statuscode 200: Requested events are returned.
        :statuscode 404: Freshmaker event not found.
        # Boolean that is set to false if builds should not
        # be displayed in order to increase api speed
        # For API v1, this is true by default to not break the backward compatibility
        # For API v2, this is false by default
        value = request.args.getlist('show_full_json')
        show_full_json = request.base_url.find("/api/1/") != -1
        if len(value) == 1 and value[0] == 'False':
            show_full_json = False
        elif len(value) == 1 and value[0] == 'True':
            show_full_json = True

        if id is None:
            p_query = filter_events(request)

            json_data = {'meta': pagination_metadata(p_query, request.args)}

            if not show_full_json:
                json_data['items'] = [
                    item.json_min() for item in p_query.items
                json_data['items'] = [item.json() for item in p_query.items]

            return jsonify(json_data), 200

            event = models.Event.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
            if event:
                if not show_full_json:
                    return jsonify(event.json_min()), 200
                return jsonify(event.json()), 200
                return json_error(404, "Not Found", "No such event found.")