def handle(self, event):
        if event.dry_run:
        self.event = event

        db_event = Event.get_or_create_from_event(db.session, event)


        # Check if event is allowed by internal policies
        if not self.event.is_allowed(self):
            msg = ("This image rebuild is not allowed by internal policy. "
                   f"message_id: {event.msg_id}")
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Mapping of original build nvrs to rebuilt nvrs in advisory
        nvrs_mapping = self._create_original_to_rebuilt_nvrs_map()

        original_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.keys()
            "Orignial nvrs of build in the advisory #{0} are: {1}".format(
                event.advisory.errata_id, " ".join(original_nvrs)))

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all original images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs in bundle's related images
        original_digests_by_nvr = {}
        original_nvrs_by_digest = {}
        for nvr in original_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                original_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                original_nvrs_by_digest[digest] = nvr
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for original image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not original_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the original images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(original_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all rebuilt images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs of bundle's related images
        rebuilt_digests_by_nvr = {}
        rebuilt_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.values()
        for nvr in rebuilt_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for rebuilt image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not rebuilt_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the rebuilt images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(rebuilt_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        index_images = self._pyxis.get_operator_indices()
        # get latest bundle images per channel per index image filtered
        # by the highest semantic version
        all_bundles = self._pyxis.get_latest_bundles(index_images)

        # A mapping of digests to bundle metadata. This metadata is used to
        # for the CSV metadata updates.
        bundle_mds_by_digest = {}

        # get bundle digests for original images
        bundle_digests_by_related_nvr = {}
        for image_nvr, image_digest in original_digests_by_nvr.items():
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(
                image_digest, all_bundles)
            if not bundles:
                    f"No latest bundle image with the related image of {image_nvr}"

            for bundle in bundles:
                bundle_digest = bundle['bundle_path_digest']
                bundle_mds_by_digest[bundle_digest] = bundle
                    image_nvr, []).append(bundle_digest)

        if not bundle_digests_by_related_nvr:
            msg = "None of the original images have related bundles, skip."
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Mapping of bundle digest to bundle data
        # {
        #     digest: {
        #         "images": [image_amd64, image_aarch64],
        #         "nvr": NVR,
        #         "auto_rebuild": True/False,
        #         "osbs_pinning": True/False,
        #         "pullspecs": [...],
        #     }
        # }
        bundles_by_digest = {}
        default_bundle_data = {
            'images': [],
            'nvr': None,
            'auto_rebuild': False,
            'osbs_pinning': False,
            # CSV modifications for the rebuilt bundle image
            'pullspecs': [],
            'append': {},
            'update': {},

        # Get images for each bundle digest, a bundle digest can have multiple images
        # with different arches.
        for digest in bundle_mds_by_digest:
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_images_by_digest(digest)
            # If no bundle image found, just skip this bundle digest
            if not bundles:

            bundles_by_digest[digest]['nvr'] = bundles[0]['brew']['build']
            bundles_by_digest[digest]['images'] = bundles

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)

        # For each bundle, check whether it should be rebuilt by comparing the
        # auto_rebuild_tags of repository and bundle's tags
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            bundle_nvr = bundle_data['nvr']

            # Images are for different arches, just check against the first image
            image = bundle_data['images'][0]
            if self.image_has_auto_rebuild_tag(image):
                bundle_data['auto_rebuild'] = True

            # Fetch buildinfo
            buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(bundle_nvr)
            related_images = (buildinfo.get('extra', {}).get('image', {}).get(
                'operator_manifests', {}).get('related_images', {}))
            bundle_data['osbs_pinning'] = related_images.get(
                'created_by_osbs', False)
            # Save the original pullspecs
            bundle_data['pullspecs'] = related_images.get('pullspecs', [])

        # Digests of bundles to be rebuilt
        to_rebuild_digests = set()

        # Now for each bundle, replace the original digest with rebuilt
        # digest (override pullspecs)
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            # Override pullspecs only when auto_rebuild is enabled and OSBS-pinning
            # mechanism is used.
            if not (bundle_data['auto_rebuild']
                    and bundle_data['osbs_pinning']):

            csv_name = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['csv_name']
            version = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['version']
            bundle_data.update(self._get_csv_updates(csv_name, version))

            for pullspec in bundle_data['pullspecs']:
                # A pullspec item example:
                # {
                #   'new': '<sha256-value>'
                #   'original': '',
                #   'pinned': True
                # }

                # A pullspec path is in format of "registry/repository@digest"
                pullspec_elems = pullspec.get('new').split('@')
                old_digest = pullspec_elems[1]

                if old_digest not in original_nvrs_by_digest:
                    # This related image is not one of the original images

                # This related image is one of our original images
                old_nvr = original_nvrs_by_digest[old_digest]
                new_nvr = nvrs_mapping[old_nvr]
                new_digest = rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[new_nvr]

                # Replace the old digest with new digest
                pullspec_elems[1] = new_digest
                new_pullspec = '@'.join(pullspec_elems)
                pullspec['new'] = new_pullspec
                # Always set pinned to True when it was replaced by Freshmaker
                # since it indicates that the pullspec was modified from the
                # original pullspec
                pullspec['pinned'] = True

                # Once a pullspec in this bundle has been overrided, add this bundle
                # to rebuild list

        if not to_rebuild_digests:
            msg = f"No bundle images to rebuild for advisory {}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        builds = self._prepare_builds(db_event, bundles_by_digest,

        # Reset context to db_event.

        msg = f"Advisory {db_event.search_key}: Rebuilding " \
              f"{len(db_event.builds.all())} bundle images."
        db_event.transition(EventState.BUILDING, msg)

        return []
    def _handle_auto_rebuild(self, db_event):
        Handle auto rebuild for an advisory created by Botas

        :param db_event: database event that represent rebuild event
        :rtype: list
        :return: list of advisories that should be rebuilt
        # Mapping of original build nvrs to rebuilt nvrs in advisory
        nvrs_mapping = self._create_original_to_rebuilt_nvrs_map()

        original_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.keys()
            "Orignial nvrs of build in the advisory #{0} are: {1}".format(
                self.event.advisory.errata_id, " ".join(original_nvrs)))

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all original images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs in bundle's related images
        original_digests_by_nvr = {}
        original_nvrs_by_digest = {}
        for nvr in original_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                original_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                original_nvrs_by_digest[digest] = nvr
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for original image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not original_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the original images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(original_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all rebuilt images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs of bundle's related images
        rebuilt_digests_by_nvr = {}
        rebuilt_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.values()
        for nvr in rebuilt_nvrs:
            # Don't require that the manifest list digest be published in this case because
            # there's a delay from after an advisory is shipped and when the published repositories
            # entry is populated
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(
                nvr, must_be_published=False)
            if digest:
                rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for rebuilt image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image")

        if not rebuilt_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the rebuilt images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(rebuilt_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        index_images = self._pyxis.get_operator_indices()
        # get latest bundle images per channel per index image filtered
        # by the highest semantic version
        all_bundles = self._pyxis.get_latest_bundles(index_images)
            "There are %d bundles that are latest in a channel in the found index images",

        # A mapping of digests to bundle metadata. This metadata is used to
        # for the CSV metadata updates.
        bundle_mds_by_digest = {}

        # get bundle digests for original images
        bundle_digests_by_related_nvr = {}
        for image_nvr, image_digest in original_digests_by_nvr.items():
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(
                image_digest, all_bundles)
            if not bundles:
                    f"No latest bundle image with the related image of {image_nvr}"

            for bundle in bundles:
                bundle_digest = bundle['bundle_path_digest']
                bundle_mds_by_digest[bundle_digest] = bundle
                    image_nvr, []).append(bundle_digest)

        if not bundle_digests_by_related_nvr:
            msg = "None of the original images have related bundles, skip."
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []
        self.log_info("Found %d bundles with relevant related images",

        # Mapping of bundle digest to bundle data
        # {
        #     digest: {
        #         "images": [image_amd64, image_aarch64],
        #         "nvr": NVR,
        #         "auto_rebuild": True/False,
        #         "osbs_pinning": True/False,
        #         "pullspecs": [...],
        #     }
        # }
        bundles_by_digest = {}
        default_bundle_data = {
            'images': [],
            'nvr': None,
            'auto_rebuild': False,
            'osbs_pinning': False,
            # CSV modifications for the rebuilt bundle image
            'pullspec_replacements': [],
            'update': {},

        # Get images for each bundle digest, a bundle digest can have multiple images
        # with different arches.
        for digest in bundle_mds_by_digest:
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_images_by_digest(digest)
            # If no bundle image found, just skip this bundle digest
            if not bundles:
                    'The bundle digest %r was not found in Pyxis. Skipping.',

            bundles_by_digest[digest]['nvr'] = bundles[0]['brew']['build']
            bundles_by_digest[digest]['images'] = bundles

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)

        # For each bundle, check whether it should be rebuilt by comparing the
        # auto_rebuild_tags of repository and bundle's tags
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            bundle_nvr = bundle_data['nvr']

            # Images are for different arches, just check against the first image
            image = bundle_data['images'][0]
            if self.image_has_auto_rebuild_tag(image):
                bundle_data['auto_rebuild'] = True

            # Fetch buildinfo
            buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(bundle_nvr)
            related_images = (buildinfo.get('extra', {}).get('image', {}).get(
                'operator_manifests', {}).get('related_images', {}))
            bundle_data['osbs_pinning'] = related_images.get(
                'created_by_osbs', False)
            # Save the original pullspecs
            bundle_data['pullspec_replacements'] = related_images.get(
                'pullspecs', [])

        # Digests of bundles to be rebuilt
        to_rebuild_digests = set()

        # Now for each bundle, replace the original digest with rebuilt
        # digest (override pullspecs)
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            # Override pullspecs only when auto_rebuild is enabled and OSBS-pinning
            # mechanism is used.
            if not (bundle_data['auto_rebuild']
                    and bundle_data['osbs_pinning']):
                    'The bundle %r does not have auto-rebuild tags (%r) and/or OSBS pinning (%r)',

            csv_name = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['csv_name']
            version = bundle_mds_by_digest[digest]['version']
            bundle_data.update(self._get_csv_updates(csv_name, version))

            for pullspec in bundle_data['pullspec_replacements']:
                # A pullspec item example:
                # {
                #   'new': '<sha256-value>',
                #   'original': '',
                #   'pinned': True,
                #   # value used for internal purpose during manual rebuilds, it's an old pullspec that was replaced
                #   '_old': '<previous-sha256-value>,
                # }

                # A pullspec path is in format of "registry/repository@digest"
                pullspec_elems = pullspec.get('new').split('@')
                old_digest = pullspec_elems[1]

                if old_digest not in original_nvrs_by_digest:
                    # This related image is not one of the original images

                # This related image is one of our original images
                old_nvr = original_nvrs_by_digest[old_digest]
                new_nvr = nvrs_mapping[old_nvr]
                new_digest = rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[new_nvr]

                # save pullspec that image had before rebuild
                pullspec['_old'] = pullspec.get('new')

                # Replace the old digest with new digest
                pullspec_elems[1] = new_digest
                new_pullspec = '@'.join(pullspec_elems)
                pullspec['new'] = new_pullspec
                # Always set pinned to True when it was replaced by Freshmaker
                # since it indicates that the pullspec was modified from the
                # original pullspec
                pullspec['pinned'] = True

                # Once a pullspec in this bundle has been overrided, add this bundle
                # to rebuild list
                    'Changing pullspec %r to %r in the bundle %r',

        if not to_rebuild_digests:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + "No bundle images to rebuild for " \
                                           f"advisory {}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        bundles_to_rebuild = list(
            map(lambda x: bundles_by_digest[x], to_rebuild_digests))
        return bundles_to_rebuild
    def _handle_manual_rebuild(self, db_event):
        Handle manual rebuild submitted by Release Driver for an advisory created by Botas

        :param db_event: database event that represents a rebuild event
        :rtype: list
        :return: list of advisories that should be rebuilt
        old_to_new_pullspec_map = self._get_pullspecs_mapping()

        if not old_to_new_pullspec_map:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + 'None of the bundle images have ' \
                                           'applicable pullspecs to replace'
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)
        rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map = dict()
        # compare replaced pullspecs with pullspecs in 'container_images' and
        # create map for bundles that should be rebuilt with their nvrs
        for container_image_nvr in self.event.container_images:
            artifact_build = db.session.query(ArtifactBuild).filter(
                ArtifactBuild.rebuilt_nvr == container_image_nvr,
                ArtifactBuild.type == ArtifactType.IMAGE.value,
            pullspecs = []
            # Try to find build in FM database, if it's not there check in Brew
            if artifact_build:
                pullspecs = artifact_build.bundle_pullspec_overrides[
                # Fetch buildinfo from Koji
                buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(container_image_nvr)
                # Get the original pullspecs
                pullspecs = (buildinfo.get('extra', {}).get('image', {}).get(
                    'operator_manifests', {}).get('related_images',
                                                  {}).get('pullspecs', []))

            for pullspec in pullspecs:
                if pullspec.get('new') not in old_to_new_pullspec_map:
                # use newer pullspecs in the image
                pullspec['new'] = old_to_new_pullspec_map[pullspec['new']]
                rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map[container_image_nvr] = pullspecs

        if not rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map:
            msg = self._no_bundle_prefix + 'None of the container images have ' \
                                           'applicable pullspecs from the input bundle images'
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # list with metadata about every bundle to do rebuild
        to_rebuild_bundles = []
        # fill 'append' and 'update' fields for bundles to rebuild
        for nvr, pullspecs in rebuild_nvr_to_pullspecs_map.items():
            bundle_digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if bundle_digest is not None:
                bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_digest(bundle_digest)
                temp_bundle = bundles[0]
                csv_updates = (self._get_csv_updates(temp_bundle['csv_name'],
                    'nvr': nvr,
                    'update': csv_updates['update'],
                    'pullspec_replacements': pullspecs,
                log.warning('Can\'t find manifest_list_digest for bundle '
                            f'"{nvr}" in Pyxis')

        if not to_rebuild_bundles:
            msg = 'Can\'t find digests for any of the bundles to rebuild'
            db_event.transition(EventState.FAILED, msg)
            return []

        return to_rebuild_bundles
    def handle(self, event):
        if event.dry_run:
        self.event = event

        db_event = Event.get_or_create_from_event(db.session, event)


        # Check if event is allowed by internal policies
        if not self.event.is_allowed(self):
            msg = ("This image rebuild is not allowed by internal policy. "
                   f"message_id: {event.msg_id}")
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Get builds NVRs from the advisory attached to the message/event and
        # then get original NVR for every build

        # Mapping of original build nvrs to rebuilt nvrs in advisory
        nvrs_mapping = {}
        for product_info in event.advisory.builds.values():
            for build in product_info['builds']:
                # Search for the first build that triggered the chain of rebuilds
                # for every shipped NVR to get original NVR from it
                original_nvr = self.get_published_original_nvr(build['nvr'])
                if original_nvr is None:
                nvrs_mapping[original_nvr] = build['nvr']

        original_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.keys()
            "Orignial nvrs of build in the advisory #{0} are: {1}".format(
                event.advisory.errata_id, " ".join(original_nvrs)))

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all original images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs in bundle's related images
        original_digests_by_nvr = {}
        original_nvrs_by_digest = {}
        for nvr in original_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                original_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                original_nvrs_by_digest[digest] = nvr
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for original image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image"

        if not original_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the original images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(original_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Get image manifest_list_digest for all rebuilt images, manifest_list_digest is used
        # in pullspecs of bundle's related images
        rebuilt_digests_by_nvr = {}
        rebuilt_nvrs = nvrs_mapping.values()
        for nvr in rebuilt_nvrs:
            digest = self._pyxis.get_manifest_list_digest_by_nvr(nvr)
            if digest:
                rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[nvr] = digest
                    f"Image manifest_list_digest not found for rebuilt image {nvr} in Pyxis, "
                    "skip this image"

        if not rebuilt_digests_by_nvr:
            msg = f"None of the rebuilt images have digests in Pyxis: {','.join(rebuilt_nvrs)}"
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        index_images = self._pyxis.get_operator_indices()
        # get latest bundle images per channel per index image filtered
        # by the highest semantic version
        all_bundles = self._pyxis.get_latest_bundles(index_images)

        # A set of unique bundle digests
        bundle_digests = set()

        # get bundle digests for original images
        bundle_digests_by_related_nvr = {}
        for image_nvr, image_digest in original_digests_by_nvr.items():
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_bundles_by_related_image_digest(
                image_digest, all_bundles
            if not bundles:
      "No latest bundle image with the related image of {image_nvr}")

            for bundle in bundles:
                bundle_digest = bundle['bundle_path_digest']
                bundle_digests_by_related_nvr.setdefault(image_nvr, []).append(bundle_digest)

        if not bundle_digests_by_related_nvr:
            msg = "None of the original images have related bundles, skip."
            db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
            return []

        # Mapping of bundle digest to bundle data
        # {
        #     digest: {
        #         "images": [image_amd64, image_aarch64],
        #         "nvr": NVR,
        #         "auto_rebuild": True/False,
        #         "osbs_pinning": True/False,
        #         "pullspecs": [...],
        #     }
        # }
        bundles_by_digest = {}
        default_bundle_data = {
            'images': [],
            'nvr': None,
            'auto_rebuild': False,
            'osbs_pinning': False,
            'pullspecs': [],

        # Get images for each bundle digest, a bundle digest can have multiple images
        # with different arches.
        for digest in bundle_digests:
            bundles = self._pyxis.get_images_by_digest(digest)
            # If no bundle image found, just skip this bundle digest
            if not bundles:

            bundles_by_digest.setdefault(digest, copy.deepcopy(default_bundle_data))
            bundles_by_digest[digest]['nvr'] = bundles[0]['brew']['build']
            bundles_by_digest[digest]['images'] = bundles

        # Unauthenticated koji session to fetch build info of bundles
        koji_api = KojiService(conf.koji_profile)

        # For each bundle, check whether it should be rebuilt by comparing the
        # auto_rebuild_tags of repository and bundle's tags
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            bundle_nvr = bundle_data['nvr']

            # Images are for different arches, just check against the first image
            image = bundle_data['images'][0]
            if self.image_has_auto_rebuild_tag(image):
                bundle_data['auto_rebuild'] = True

            # Fetch buildinfo
            buildinfo = koji_api.get_build(bundle_nvr)
            related_images = (
                buildinfo.get("extra", {})
                .get("image", {})
                .get("operator_manifests", {})
                .get("related_images", {})
            bundle_data['osbs_pinning'] = related_images.get('created_by_osbs', False)
            # Save the original pullspecs
            bundle_data['pullspecs'] = related_images.get('pullspecs', [])

        # Digests of bundles to be rebuilt
        to_rebuild_digests = set()

        # Now for each bundle, replace the original digest with rebuilt
        # digest (override pullspecs)
        for digest, bundle_data in bundles_by_digest.items():
            # Override pullspecs only when auto_rebuild is enabled and OSBS-pinning
            # mechanism is used.
            if not (bundle_data['auto_rebuild'] and bundle_data['osbs_pinning']):

            for pullspec in bundle_data['pullspecs']:
                # A pullspec item example:
                # {
                #   'new': '<sha256-value>'
                #   'original': '',
                #   'pinned': True
                # }

                # If related image is not pinned by OSBS, skip
                if not pullspec.get('pinned', False):

                # A pullspec path is in format of "registry/repository@digest"
                pullspec_elems = pullspec.get('new').split('@')
                old_digest = pullspec_elems[1]

                if old_digest not in original_nvrs_by_digest:
                    # This related image is not one of the original images

                # This related image is one of our original images
                old_nvr = original_nvrs_by_digest[old_digest]
                new_nvr = nvrs_mapping[old_nvr]
                new_digest = rebuilt_digests_by_nvr[new_nvr]

                # Replace the old digest with new digest
                pullspec_elems[1] = new_digest
                new_pullspec = '@'.join(pullspec_elems)
                pullspec['new'] = new_pullspec

                # Once a pullspec in this bundle has been overrided, add this bundle
                # to rebuild list

        # Skip that event because we can't proceed with processing it.
        # TODO
        # Now when we have bundle images' nvrs we can procceed with rebuilding it
        msg = f"Skipping the rebuild of {len(to_rebuild_digests)} bundle images " \
              "due to being blocked on further implementation for now."
        db_event.transition(EventState.SKIPPED, msg)
        return []