Example #1
    def test_throws(self):
        L = 10

        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            fbox = box.Box.cube(L)
            locality.LinkCell(fbox, L / 1.9999)

        fbox = box.Box(L, 2 * L, 2 * L)
        locality.LinkCell(fbox, L / 2.0001)
        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
            locality.LinkCell(fbox, L / 1.9999)
Example #2
    def test_symmetric(self):
        current_version = sys.version_info
        if current_version.major < 3:
            self.assertEqual(1, 1)
            L = 10
            #Box Dimensions
            rcut = 2
            #Cutoff radius
            N = 40
            # number of particles

            #Initialize test points randomly
            points = np.random.uniform(-L / 2, L / 2,
                                       (N, 3)).astype(np.float32)
            fbox = box.Box.cube(L)
            #Initialize Box
            cl = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)
            #Initialize cell list
            cl.computeCellList(fbox, points)
            #Compute cell list

            neighbors_ij = set()
            for i in range(N):
                cells = cl.getCellNeighbors(cl.getCell(points[i]))
                for cell in cells:
                    neighbors_ij.update([(i, j) for j in cl.itercell(cell)])

            neighbors_ji = set((j, i) for (i, j) in neighbors_ij)
            # if i is a neighbor of j, then j should be a neighbor of i
            self.assertEqual(neighbors_ij, neighbors_ji)
Example #3
    def test_bug2100(self):
        L = 31
        #Box Dimensions
        rcut = 3
        #Cutoff radius

        #Initialize test points across periodic BC
        testpoints = np.array([[-5.0, 0, 0], [2.05, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
        fbox = box.Box.cube(L)
        #Initialize Box
        cl = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)
        #Initialize cell list
        cl.computeCellList(fbox, testpoints)
        #Compute cell list

        #Get cell index
        cell_index0 = cl.getCell(testpoints[0])
        cell_index1 = cl.getCell(testpoints[1])

        #Get cell neighbors
        neighbors0 = cl.getCellNeighbors(cell_index0)
        neighbors1 = cl.getCellNeighbors(cell_index1)

        #Check if particle 0 is in a cell neighboring particle 1
        test0 = np.where(neighbors1 == cell_index0)[0]
        #where returns [[index]] if found, otherwise [[]]
        test1 = np.where(neighbors0 == cell_index1)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(test0), len(test1))
Example #4
    def test_reciprocal_twoset(self):
        """Test that, for a random set of points, for each (i, j) neighbor
        pair there also exists a (j, i) neighbor pair for two sets of
        different points
        L, rcut, N = (10, 2.01, 1024)

        fbox, points = make_box_and_random_points(L, N)
        points2 = np.random.uniform(-L / 2, L / 2,
                                    (N // 6, 3)).astype(np.float32)
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut).compute(fbox, points, points2)
        lc2 = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut).compute(fbox, points2, points)

        ij = set(zip(lc.nlist.index_i, lc.nlist.index_j))
        ij2 = set(zip(lc2.nlist.index_j, lc2.nlist.index_i))

        self.assertEqual(ij, ij2)
Example #5
    def test_reciprocal(self):
        """Test that, for a random set of points, for each (i, j) neighbor
        pair there also exists a (j, i) neighbor pair for one set of points"""
        L, rcut, N = (10, 2.01, 1024)

        fbox, points = make_box_and_random_points(L, N)
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut).compute(fbox, points)

        ij = set(zip(lc.nlist.index_i, lc.nlist.index_j))
        ji = set((j, i) for (i, j) in ij)

        self.assertEqual(ij, ji)
Example #6
    def test_unique_neighbors(self):
        L = 10  # Box Dimensions
        rcut = 3  # Cutoff radius

        # Initialize Box, initialize and compute cell list
        fbox = box.Box.cube(L)
        cl = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)
        cl.compute(fbox, np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32))

        # 27 is the total number of cells
        for i in range(27):
            neighbors = cl.getCellNeighbors(i)
                msg="Cell %d does not have 27 unique adjacent cell indices, "
                "it has %d" % (i, len(np.unique(neighbors))))
Example #7
    def test_no_bonds(self):
        N = 10
        fbox = box.Box.cube(N)

        # make a sc lattice
        lattice_xs = np.linspace(-float(N) / 2,
                                 float(N) / 2,
        positions = list(itertools.product(lattice_xs, lattice_xs, lattice_xs))
        positions = np.array(positions, dtype=np.float32)

        # rcut is slightly smaller than the distance for any particle
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, 0.99)
        nlist = lc.compute(fbox, positions, positions).nlist

                         np.zeros((N**3, ), dtype=np.uint32).tolist())
Example #8
    def test_exclude_ii(self):
        L, rcut, N = (10, 2.01, 1024)

        fbox, points = make_box_and_random_points(L, N)
        points2 = points[:N // 6]
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut).compute(fbox,

        ij1 = set(zip(lc.nlist.index_i, lc.nlist.index_j))

        lc.compute(fbox, points, points2, exclude_ii=True)

        ij2 = set(zip(lc.nlist.index_i, lc.nlist.index_j))

        self.assertTrue(all((i, i) not in ij2 for i in range(N)))

        ij2.update((i, i) for i in range(points2.shape[0]))

        self.assertEqual(ij1, ij2)
Example #9
    def test_symmetric(self):
        current_version = sys.version_info
        if current_version.major < 3:
            self.assertEqual(1, 1)
            L = 10  # Box Dimensions
            rcut = 2  # Cutoff radius
            N = 40  # number of particles

            # Initialize test points randomly
            fbox, points = make_box_and_random_points(L, N)
            cl = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)  # Initialize cell list
            cl.compute(fbox, points)  # Compute cell list

            neighbors_ij = set()
            for i in range(N):
                cells = cl.getCellNeighbors(cl.getCell(points[i]))
                for cell in cells:
                    neighbors_ij.update([(i, j) for j in cl.itercell(cell)])

            neighbors_ji = set((j, i) for (i, j) in neighbors_ij)
            # if i is a neighbor of j, then j should be a neighbor of i
            self.assertEqual(neighbors_ij, neighbors_ji)
Example #10
    def test_first_index(self):
        L = 10  # Box Dimensions
        rcut = 2.01  # Cutoff radius
        N = 4  # number of particles

        fbox = box.Box.cube(L)  # Initialize Box
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)

        points = np.zeros(shape=(N, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        points[0] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        points[1] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        points[2] = [3.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        points[3] = [2.0, 0.0, 0.0]

        lc.compute(fbox, points)
        # particle 0 has 2 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(0), 0)
        # particle 1 has 3 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(1), 2)
        # particle 2 has 2 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(2), 5)
        # particle 3 has 3 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(3), 7)

        # now move particle 0 out of range...
        points[0] = 5
        lc.compute(fbox, points)

        # particle 0 has 0 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(0), 0)
        # particle 1 has 2 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(1), 0)
        # particle 2 has 2 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(2), 2)
        # particle 3 has 2 bonds
        npt.assert_equal(lc.nlist.find_first_index(3), 4)
Example #11
    def test_exhaustive_search(self):
        L, rcut, N = (10, 1.999, 32)

        fbox = box.Box.cube(L)
        seed = 0
        lc = locality.LinkCell(fbox, rcut)

        for i in range(10):
            _, points = make_box_and_random_points(L, N, seed=seed + i)
            all_vectors = points[np.newaxis, :, :] - points[:, np.newaxis, :]
            fbox.wrap(all_vectors.reshape((-1, 3)))
            all_rsqs = np.sum(all_vectors**2, axis=-1)
            (exhaustive_i, exhaustive_j) = np.where(
                np.logical_and(all_rsqs < rcut**2, all_rsqs > 0))

            exhaustive_ijs = set(zip(exhaustive_i, exhaustive_j))
            exhaustive_counts = Counter(exhaustive_i)
            exhaustive_counts_list = [exhaustive_counts[j] for j in range(N)]

            lc.compute(fbox, points, points, exclude_ii=True)
            ijs = set(zip(lc.nlist.index_i, lc.nlist.index_j))
            counts_list = lc.nlist.neighbor_counts.tolist()

                self.assertEqual(exhaustive_ijs, ijs)
            except AssertionError:
                print('Failed neighbors, random seed: {} (i={})'.format(
                    seed, i))

                self.assertEqual(exhaustive_counts_list, counts_list)
            except AssertionError:
                print('Failed neighbor counts, random seed: {} (i={})'.format(
                    seed, i))