Example #1
    def get_image(url):
        if not url:
            return url
        local_path = Avatar.get_path(url)
        size = 0

        with ignored(FileNotFoundError):
            size = os.stat(local_path).st_size

        if size == 0:
            log.debug('Getting: {}'.format(url))
            image_data = Downloader(url).get_bytes()

            # Save original size at canonical URI
            with open(local_path, 'wb') as fd:

            # Append '.100px' to filename and scale image there.
            input_stream = Gio.MemoryInputStream.new_from_data(
                image_data, None)
                pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_stream_at_scale(
                    input_stream, 100, 100, True, None)
                pixbuf.savev(local_path + '.100px', 'png', [], [])
            except GLib.GError:
                log.error('Failed to scale image: {}'.format(url))
        return local_path
Example #2
def parsetime(t):
    """Parse an ISO 8601 datetime string and return seconds since epoch.

    This accepts either a naive (i.e. timezone-less) string or a timezone
    aware string.  The timezone must start with a + or - and must be followed
    by exactly four digits.  This string is parsed and converted to UTC.  This
    value is then converted to an integer seconds since epoch.
    with _c_locale():
        # In Python 3.2, strptime() is implemented in Python, so in order to
        # parse the UTC timezone (e.g. +0000), you'd think we could just
        # append %z on the format.  We can't rely on it though because of the
        # non-ISO 8601 formats that some APIs use (I'm looking at you Twitter
        # and Facebook).  We'll use a regular expression to tear out the
        # timezone string and do the conversion ourselves.
        tz_offset = None

        def capture_tz(match_object):
            nonlocal tz_offset
            tz_string = match_object.group('tz')
            if tz_string is not None:
                # It's possible that we'll see more than one substring
                # matching the timezone pattern.  It should be highly unlikely
                # so we won't test for that here, at least not now.
                # The tz_offset is positive, so it must be subtracted from the
                # naive datetime in order to return it to UTC.  E.g.
                #   13:00 -0400 is 17:00 +0000
                # or
                #   1300 - (-0400 / 100)
                if tz_offset is not None:
                    # This is not the first time we're seeing a timezone.
                    raise ValueError('Unsupported time string: {0}'.format(t))
                tz_offset = timedelta(hours=int(tz_string) / 100)
            # Return the empty string so as to remove the timezone pattern
            # from the string we're going to parse.
            return ''

        # Parse the time string, calling capture_tz() for each timezone match
        # group we find.  The callback itself will ensure we see no more
        # than one timezone string.
        naive_t = re.sub(r'[ ]*(?P<tz>[-+]\d{4})', capture_tz, t)
        if tz_offset is None:
            # No timezone string was found.
            tz_offset = timedelta()
        for parser in PARSERS:
            with ignored(ValueError):
                parsed_dt = parser(naive_t)
            # Nothing matched.
            raise ValueError('Unsupported time string: {0}'.format(t))
        # We must have gotten a valid datetime.  Normalize out the timezone
        # offset and convert it to Epoch seconds.  Use timegm() to give us
        # UTC-based conversion from a struct_time to seconds-since-epoch.
        utc_dt = parsed_dt - tz_offset
        timetup = utc_dt.timetuple()
        return int(timegm(timetup))
Example #3
def notify(title, message, icon_uri='', pixbuf=None):
    """Display the message along with sender's name and avatar."""
    if not (title and message):

    notification = Notify.Notification.new(title, message, 'friends')

    with ignored(GObject.GError):
        pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(
            Avatar.get_image(icon_uri), 48, 48)

    if pixbuf is not None:

    if _notify_can_append:
        notification.set_hint_string('x-canonical-append', 'allowed')

    with ignored(GObject.GError):
        # Most likely we've spammed more than 50 notificatons,
        # not much we can do about that.
Example #4
    def Refresh(self):
        """Download new messages from each connected protocol."""
        self._unread_count = 0

        log.debug('Refresh requested')

        # account.protocol() starts a new thread and then returns
        # immediately, so there is no delay or blocking during the
        # execution of this method.
        for account in self.accounts.values():
            with ignored(NotImplementedError):
Example #5
    def send_thread(self, message_id, message):
        """Send a reply message to message_id.

        This method takes care to prepend the @mention to the start of
        your tweet if you forgot it. Without this, Twitter will just
        consider it a regular message, and it won't be part of any
        with ignored(FriendsError):
            sender = '@{}'.format(self._fetch_cell(message_id, 'sender_nick'))
            if message.find(sender) < 0:
                message = sender + ' ' + message
        url = self._api_base.format(endpoint='statuses/update')
        tweet = self._get_url(
            url, dict(in_reply_to_status_id=message_id, status=message))
        return self._publish_tweet(tweet,
Example #6
def setup(model, param):
    """Continue friends-dispatcher init after the DeeModel has synced."""
    # mhr3 says that we should not let a Dee.SharedModel exceed 8mb in
    # size, because anything larger will have problems being transmitted
    # over DBus. I have conservatively calculated our average row length
    # to be 500 bytes, which means that we shouldn't let our model exceed
    # approximately 16,000 rows. However, that seems like a lot to me, so
    # I'm going to set it to 2,000 for now and we can tweak this later if
    # necessary. Do you really need more than 2,000 tweets in memory at
    # once? What are you doing with all these tweets?

    # This builds two different indexes of our persisted Dee.Model
    # data for the purposes of faster duplicate checks.

    # Exception indicates that lock was already released, which is harmless.
    with ignored(RuntimeError):
        # Allow publishing.
Example #7
    def contacts(self):
        # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/friends/ids
        contacts = self._get_url(self._api_base.format(endpoint='friends/ids'))
        # Twitter uses a dict with 'ids' key, Identica returns the ids directly.
        with ignored(TypeError):
            contacts = contacts['ids']

        log.debug('Found {} contacts'.format(len(contacts)))

        for contact_id in contacts:
            contact_id = str(contact_id)
            if not self._previously_stored_contact(contact_id):
                # https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/users/show
                full_contact = self._get_url(
                    url=self._api_base.format(endpoint='users/show') +
                    '?user_id=' + contact_id)
                user_nickname = full_contact.get('screen_name', '')
        return len(contacts)
Example #8
def initialize(console=False, debug=False, filename=None):
    """Initialize the Friends service logger.

    :param console: Add a console logger.
    :type console: bool
    :param debug: Set the log level to DEBUG instead of INFO.
    :type debug: bool
    :param filename: Alternate file to log messages to.
    :type filename: string
    # Start by ensuring that the directory containing the log file exists.
    if filename is None:
        filename = LOG_FILENAME
    with ignored(FileExistsError):

    # Install a rotating log file handler.  XXX There should be a
    # configuration file rather than hard-coded values.
    text_handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename,
    # Use str.format() style format strings.
    text_formatter = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT, style='{')

    log = logging.getLogger()

    if debug:
    if console:
        console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        console_formatter = logging.Formatter(CSL_FORMAT, style='{')
Example #9
    def Do(self, action, account_id='', arg='', success=STUB, failure=STUB):
        """Performs an arbitrary operation with an optional argument.

        This is how the client initiates retweeting, liking,
        searching, etc. See Dispatcher.Upload for an example of how to
        use the callbacks.

            import dbus
            obj = dbus.SessionBus().get_object(DBUS_INTERFACE,
            service = dbus.Interface(obj, DBUS_INTERFACE)
            service.Do('like', '3', 'post_id') # Likes that FB post.
            service.Do('search', '', 'search terms') # Searches all accounts.
            service.Do('list', '6', 'list_id') # Fetch a single list.
        if account_id:
            accounts = [self.accounts.get(int(account_id))]
            if None in accounts:
                message = 'Could not find account: {}'.format(account_id)
            accounts = list(self.accounts.values())

        called = False
        for account in accounts:
            log.debug('{}: {} {}'.format(account.id, action, arg))
            args = (action, arg) if arg else (action, )
            # Not all accounts are expected to implement every action.
            with ignored(NotImplementedError):
                account.protocol(*args, success=success, failure=failure)
                called = True
        if not called:
            failure('No accounts supporting {} found.'.format(action))
Example #10
 def delete_contacts(self):
     """Remove all synced contacts from this social network."""
     with ignored(GLib.GError, AttributeError):
         return self._eds_source.remove_sync(None)
Example #11

import os
import logging

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib, GdkPixbuf
from tempfile import gettempdir
from hashlib import sha1

from friends.utils.http import Downloader
from friends.errors import ignored

CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'friends-avatars')

with ignored(FileExistsError):

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Avatar:
    def get_path(url):
        return os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, sha1(url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest())

    def get_image(url):
        if not url:
            return url
        local_path = Avatar.get_path(url)
Example #12
def main():
    global log
    global yappi

    if args.list_protocols:
        from friends.utils.manager import protocol_manager
        for name in sorted(protocol_manager.protocols):
            cls = protocol_manager.protocols[name]
            package, dot, class_name = cls.__name__.rpartition('.')

    # Disallow multiple instances of friends-dispatcher
    bus = dbus.SessionBus()
    obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus')
    iface = dbus.Interface(obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus')
    if DBUS_INTERFACE in iface.ListNames():
        sys.exit('friends-dispatcher is already running! Abort!')

    if args.performance:
        with ignored(ImportError):
            import yappi

    # Initialize the logging subsystem.
    gsettings = Gio.Settings.new('com.canonical.friends')
               debug=args.debug or gsettings.get_boolean('debug'))
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    log.info('Friends backend dispatcher starting')

    # ensure friends-service is available to provide the Dee.SharedModel
    server = bus.get_object('com.canonical.Friends.Service',

    # Determine which messages to notify for.
    notify_level = gsettings.get_string('notifications')
    if notify_level == 'all':
        Base._do_notify = lambda protocol, stream: True
    elif notify_level == 'none':
        Base._do_notify = lambda protocol, stream: False
        Base._do_notify = lambda protocol, stream: stream in (

    Dispatcher(gsettings, loop)

    # Don't initialize caches until the model is synchronized
    Model.connect('notify::synchronized', setup)

    with ignored(KeyboardInterrupt):
        log.info('Starting friends-dispatcher main loop')

    log.info('Stopped friends-dispatcher main loop')

    # This bit doesn't run until after the mainloop exits.
    if args.performance and yappi is not None:
        yappi.print_stats(sys.stdout, yappi.SORTTYPE_TTOT)
Example #13
loop = GLib.MainLoop()

from friends.errors import ignored

# Short-circuit everything else if we are going to enter test-mode.
from friends.utils.options import Options
args = Options().parser.parse_args()

if args.test:
    from friends.service.mock_service import Dispatcher
    from friends.tests.mocks import populate_fake_data


    with ignored(KeyboardInterrupt):


# Continue with normal loading...
from friends.service.dispatcher import Dispatcher, DBUS_INTERFACE
from friends.utils.base import Base, initialize_caches, _publish_lock
from friends.utils.model import Model, prune_model
from friends.utils.logging import initialize

# Optional performance profiling module.
yappi = None

# Logger must be initialized before it can be used.
log = None