Example #1
class QualityStandard:
    """Stores information about a quality standard."""
    def __init__(self, resource_root_dir: types_path_like):
        """Create a ``QualityStandard`` instance.

        resource_root_dir :
            The path to the resource root directory of the standard

        from fs.osfs import OSFS

        self._name = None
        self._max_version = None
        self._versions = {}

        if isinstance(resource_root_dir, Path):
            resource_root_dir = resource_root_dir.as_posix()

        if isinstance(resource_root_dir, str):
            self._filesystem = OSFS(resource_root_dir)
            self._filesystem = resource_root_dir

        manifest_dir = self._filesystem.opendir("manifests")
        manifest_files = [
            file.name for file in self._filesystem.filterdir(
                "manifests", ["*.yml", "*.yaml"])

        for filename in manifest_files:
            # stem of pyfilesystem cuts after first .
            qs_name, version = split_tag_version(

            if self._name is None:
                self._name = qs_name
                self._max_version = version
                if qs_name != self._name:
                    raise ValueError("Inconsistent naming of manifest files")
                if self._max_version < version:
                    self._max_version = version

            with manifest_dir.open(filename, "r") as stream:
                content = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
                self._versions[version] = {
                    "manifest_file_mapping": {
                        content["id"]: filename
                    "schema_file_mapping": {
                        mapping["uri"]: (f"{mapping['file']}.yaml")
                        for mapping in content["tags"]

    def _map_file_content(self, file_mapping: dict, directory: str,
                          version: AsdfVersion) -> ResourceMappingProxy:
        """Get a mapping between an URI and a file content.

        file_mapping : Dict
            A dictionary containing the mapping between URI and the file path
            Directory that contains the files. This is either 'schemas' or 'mappings'
        version : AsdfVersion
            The version of the standard.

        ResourceMappingProxy :
            Mapping between an URI and a file content

        content_mapping = {
            uri: self._filesystem.open(f"{directory}/{filename}").read()
            for uri, filename in file_mapping.items()

        return ResourceMappingProxy(content_mapping,

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Get the quality standards name."""
        return self._name

    def get_mappings(self, version: Union[AsdfVersion, str] = None):
        """Get the manifest and schema mapping for the specified version.

        version : Union[AsdfVersion, str]
            Requested standard version. If `None` is provided, the latest will be used.

        ResourceMappingProxy :
            Manifest mapping
        ResourceMappingProxy :
            Schema mapping

        if version is None:
            version = self._max_version
        elif not isinstance(version, AsdfVersion):
            version = AsdfVersion(version)

        file_mappings = self._versions[version]
        manifest_mapping = self._map_file_content(
            file_mappings["manifest_file_mapping"], "manifests", version)
        schema_mapping = self._map_file_content(
            file_mappings["schema_file_mapping"], "schemas", version)

        return manifest_mapping, schema_mapping
Example #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pendulum as pen
import fs
from fs.osfs import OSFS

home = OSFS("c:")
# print(home.listdir("tom"))

directory = list(home.scandir('tom'))
# for d in directory:
#     print(d)

dir2 = home.filterdir('tom',files=['*.txt'], namespaces=['details'])
for d in dir2:
    # 2016-03-19 13:33:00.656588+00:00
    modified = pen.instance(d.modified).to_datetime_string()
    print(d.name, d.size, modified)

