Example #1
def check_all_intersection(ruta_test, bal_ori, bal_dest, arr_sampled_grid):
    "Calcula intersecciones de todas las rutas con cuadros de grilla"

    intersec_check = 0
    dict_routes_AB_est_intersec = {}

    for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV):
        for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
            if param.arr_alg_pattern[x][y] and param.arr_inlake_square[x][y] and \
                #                print x,y
                centro_test = param.arr_centers_coord[x][y]
                #                print ruta_test, centro_test
                intersec_check = fs_intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
                    ruta_test, centro_test)
                ##                if intersec_check == 2 and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[
                ##                    bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
                if intersec_check >= 2:
                    #                    print x,y
                    arr_sampled_grid[bal_ori][bal_dest] += 1

                    if str(bal_ori) + '_' + str(
                            bal_dest) in dict_routes_AB_est_intersec:
                        dict_routes_AB_est_intersec[str(bal_ori) + '_' +
                                                        [x, y])
                        dict_routes_AB_est_intersec[str(bal_ori) + '_' +
                                                    str(bal_dest)] = [[x, y]]

    return arr_sampled_grid, dict_routes_AB_est_intersec
Example #2
def check_all_intersection(ruta_test,bal_ori,bal_dest):
    "Calcula intersecciones de todas las rutas con cuadros de grilla"
    intersec_check = 0 
    counter = 0
#    print ruta_test
    for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV):
        for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
            if arr_alg_pattern[x][y] and arr_inlake_square[x][y] and check_squares(ruta_test,x,y):
#                print x,y
                centro_test = arr_centers_coord[x][y]
#                print ruta_test, centro_test
                intersec_check = fs_intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(    
##                if intersec_check == 2 and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[
##                    bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
                if intersec_check == 2:    
                    print '======',arr_centers_coord[x][y]
                    counter += 1
#                    if arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori*param.N_BEACON+x][param.N_BEACON*bal_dest+y]==1:
#                        print bal_ori, bal_dest, x, y, centro_test
##                if (bal_ori == 22 and bal_dest == 56) or (bal_ori == 56 and bal_dest == 22):
##                    print bal_ori, bal_dest, intersec_check, x, y,arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest]
    print counter, bal_ori, bal_dest, list_coord[bal_ori],list_coord[bal_dest]
Example #3
def check_all_intersection(ruta_test, bal_ori, bal_dest, arr_sampled_grid):
    "Calcula intersecciones de todas las rutas con cuadros de grilla"

    intersec_check = 0

    for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV):
        for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
            if param.arr_alg_pattern[x][y] and param.arr_inlake_square[x][y] and \
                #                print x,y
                centro_test = param.arr_centers_coord[x][y]
                #                print ruta_test, centro_test
                intersec_check = fs_intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
                    ruta_test, centro_test)
                ##                if intersec_check == 2 and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[
                ##                    bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
                if intersec_check == 2:
                    #                    print x,y
                    arr_sampled_grid[x][y] += 1

    return arr_sampled_grid
Example #4
    def check_all_intersection(ruta_test, bal_ori, bal_dest):
        "Calcula todas las intersecciones"
        intersec_check = 0
        #         if bal_ori == 7 and bal_dest == 54:
        #             print bal_ori, bal_dest
        for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV):
            for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
                if param2.samp_pattern[x][
                        y]:  # and param2.arr_inlake_square[x][y]:
                    centro_test = param2.arr_centers_coord[x][y]
                    intersec_check = \
                    ##                if intersec_check == 2 and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[
                    ##                    bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
                    #                     if bal_ori == 7 and bal_dest == 54:
                    #                         print '-----------', centro_test, intersec_check
                    if intersec_check >= 2:
                        #     ##        print grid_x,grid_y
                        #                         if bal_ori == 7 and bal_dest == 54:
                        #                             print '================', centro_test, intersec_check

                        arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest] += 1

                        if str(bal_ori) + '_' + str(
                                bal_dest) in dict_sampled_grid:
                            dict_sampled_grid[str(bal_ori) + '_' +
                                              str(bal_dest)].append([x, y])
                            dict_sampled_grid[str(bal_ori) + '_' +
                                              str(bal_dest)] = [[x, y]]
def main(list_best_indiv, arr_alg_coord):

    print time.ctime()  # Para registrar duracion de simulacion
    print 'File name = ', os.path.basename(
        __file__)  # Para registrar nombre de script

    #     arr_alg_coord = np.loadtxt(param.INPUT4, dtype = 'uint16', delimiter =',')
    # arr_alg_pattern = np.loadtxt(param.INPUT5, dtype = 'uint16', delimiter =',')

    #    print arr_alg_coord.dtype

    #    print arr_alg_coord

    ##############Copiado de FindRouteIntersections.py#############################

    ################Importacion de Rutas posibles##################################
    #     allowed_routes = []
    #     ifile  = open(param.INPUT1, "rb")
    #     reader = csv.reader(ifile)
    #     for coord_list in reader:
    #         sub_lst_allowed = []
    #         for coords in coord_list:
    #            if coords != '':
    #                sub_lst_allowed.append(coords)
    #         allowed_routes.append(sub_lst_allowed)
    #     ifile.close()

    #    allowed_routes = param.arr_allowed_routes


    #     lst_centers = []
    #     for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV):
    #         sublst_centers = []
    #         for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
    #             sublst_centers.append([x, y])
    #         lst_centers.append(sublst_centers)
    #     arr_centers = np.array(lst_centers,dtype = 'uint16')
    #     arr_centers_coord = param.GRID_SIZE*arr_centers+param.GRID_SIZE/2

    arr_centers_coord = param.arr_centers_coord

    #     with open(param.INPUT2, 'rb') as f:
    #         reader = csv.reader(f)
    #         coord_orig = list(reader)
    #     list_coord = []
    #     for n in coord_orig:
    #         list_coord.append([float(n[0]),float(n[1])])
    #     ##print list_coord

    list_coord = param.list_coord

    #     list_coord2 = []
    #     for n in coord_orig:
    #         list_coord2.append(complex(float(n[0]),float(n[1])))
    #     ##print list_coord2


    arr_sampled_grid = np.zeros((param.GRID_X_DIV, param.GRID_Y_DIV),
                                dtype='uint16')  # cuadros del lago muestreados
    arr_sampled_grid_algae = np.zeros((param.GRID_X_DIV, param.GRID_Y_DIV),
                                      dtype='uint16')  # cuadros del
    # lago con
    # algas muestreados

    #     list_best_indiv = np.loadtxt(param.INPUT3, dtype = 'int', delimiter =',')

    ##print list_best_indiv

    first_cover_lst = [0]
    redund_cover_lst = [0]

    #     in_lake_center = [] # lista de centros de cuadros dentro del lago
    #     in_lake_map = np.loadtxt(param.INPUT6,dtype = 'int', delimiter =',')
    #     in_lake_center = np.loadtxt(param.INPUT7,dtype = 'int', delimiter =',')

    in_lake_center = param.arr_inlake_center
    # def verify_passing_grids(ruta_test):
    #     for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV): # Verificar los cuadros por los que pasa
    #         for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
    #             centro_test = arr_centers_coord[x][y]
    #         ##        print centro_test
    #             intersec_check = intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
    #                 ruta_test,centro_test)
    #             if intersec_check == 2:
    #                     #and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
    #      ##   print grid_x,grid_y
    #                     if [x,y] in arr_alg_coord:
    #                        print x,y
    #                        if arr_sampled_grid[x][y] < 1:
    #                            first_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                        else:
    #                            redund_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                     arr_sampled_grid[x][y]+=1

    # for idx in range(len(list_best_indiv)): # Para cada baliza del individuo
    #     print idx, list_best_indiv[idx]
    #     if idx != len(list_best_indiv)-1: # Excepto la ultima baliza
    #         ruta_test = [list_coord[list_best_indiv[idx]],list_coord[
    #             list_best_indiv[idx+1]]]
    #         print 'Ruta test', ruta_test
    #         intersec_check = 0
    #         for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV): # Verificar los cuadros por los que pasa
    #             for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
    #                 centro_test = arr_centers_coord[x][y]
    #                 print 'Centro test', centro_test
    #                 intersec_check = intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
    #                     ruta_test,centro_test)
    #                 if intersec_check == 2:
    #                     #and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
    # # ##        print grid_x,grid_y
    #                     if [x,y] in arr_alg_coord:
    #                        print x,y
    #                        if arr_sampled_grid[x][y] < 1:
    #                            first_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                        else:
    #                            redund_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                     arr_sampled_grid[x][y]+=1
    #                 ##        else:
    # ##            print 'not allowed'
    #         first_cover_lst.append(first_cover_lst[idx])
    #         redund_cover_lst.append(redund_cover_lst[idx])

    for idx in range(len(list_best_indiv)):  # Para cada baliza del individuo
        #for idx in range(3): # Para cada baliza del individuo
        #    print idx, list_best_indiv[idx]
        if idx != len(list_best_indiv) - 1:  # Excepto la ultima baliza
            ruta_test = [
                list_coord[list_best_indiv[idx + 1]]
            #             print 'ruta_test',list_best_indiv[idx],list_best_indiv[idx+1]
            #             print type(list_best_indiv[idx])
            intersec_check = 0

            for elem in in_lake_center:

                centro_test = arr_centers_coord[elem[0], elem[1]]
                #            print 'centro_test', centro_test
                intersec_check = fs_intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
                    ruta_test, centro_test)
                #            print 'intersec_check', intersec_check

                if intersec_check == 2:
                    #                      and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
                    #                print 'intersec_check', intersec_check
                    #                print 'Alg Square', elem[0],elem[1]
                    #                lst_alg_coord = arr_alg_coord.tolist()
                    for elem2 in arr_alg_coord:
                        if np.array_equal(elem, elem2):
                            #                             print 'Elem 0,1 y arr value', elem[0],elem[
                            #                                 1], arr_sampled_grid_algae[elem[0]][elem[1]]
                            if arr_sampled_grid_algae[elem[0]][elem[1]] < 1:
                                #                                 print elem, elem2
                                #                                 print '----First cover',first_cover_lst
                                first_cover_lst[idx] += 1
                                #                                 print 'This', elem, elem2
                                #                                 print '----Redund cover',redund_cover_lst
                                #                                 print elem, elem2
                                redund_cover_lst[idx] += 1

                            arr_sampled_grid_algae[elem[0]][elem[1]] += 1

                    arr_sampled_grid[elem[0]][elem[1]] += 1

    #                 if elem in lst_alg_coord:
    #                     print '--Alg Square', elem
    #                     if arr_sampled_grid[elem[0]][elem[1]] < 1:
    #                         first_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                         print '----First cover',first_cover_lst
    #                     else:
    #                         redund_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                         print '----Redund cover',redund_cover_lst
    #                 arr_sampled_grid[elem[0]][elem[1]] += 1


    #          for x in range(param.GRID_X_DIV): # Verificar los cuadros por los que pasa
    #              for y in range(param.GRID_Y_DIV):
    #                  centro_test = arr_centers_coord[x][y]
    #          ##        print centro_test
    #                  intersec_check = intersec_finding_func.check_intersection(
    #                      ruta_test,centro_test)
    #                  if intersec_check == 2:
    #                      #and arr_sampled_grid_pattern[bal_ori][bal_dest]<1:
    #  # ##        print grid_x,grid_y
    #                      if [x,y] in arr_alg_coord:
    #                         print x,y
    #                         if arr_sampled_grid[x][y] < 1:
    #                             first_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                         else:
    #                             redund_cover_lst[idx] += 1
    #                      arr_sampled_grid[x][y]+=1
    #                  ##        else:
    #  ##            print 'not allowed'
    #          first_cover_lst.append(first_cover_lst[idx])
    #          redund_cover_lst.append(redund_cover_lst[idx])

#     print (first_cover_lst)
#     print (redund_cover_lst)

# arr_sampled_grid_filter = arr_sampled_grid
# np.savetxt(param.OUTPUT1, arr_sampled_grid_algae, fmt = '%i', delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(param.OUTPUT2, first_cover_lst, fmt = '%i', delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(param.OUTPUT3, redund_cover_lst, fmt = '%i', delimiter=",")
# np.savetxt(param.OUTPUT4, arr_sampled_grid, fmt = '%i', delimiter=",")

    print time.ctime()

    return arr_sampled_grid_algae