def get_spec_mat(self,ellmat = None): """ Instantiation of spectral matrix. Spectral matrix in circulant convention (N/V physical Pk). """ if hasattr(self, '_spec_mat'): return self._spec_mat self._spec_mat = spec_mat_from_cl(, self.res, self.lsides)[:, 0:self.shape[1] / 2 + 1] if self.has_pixwin(): self._spec_mat *= ut.square_pixwin_map(self.shape)[:, 0:self.shape[1] / 2 + 1] return self._spec_mat
def _build_sim(self, idx): """ Returns two independent realisations of a G. field with the given cov. Steps are : 1) Get high resolution cmb sky map (incl lensing or not) 3) Convolve with beam and pixwin (integral convolution) 4) Downgrade it 5) add noise and mask it """ cmb = self.cmb_sims.get_sim(idx) Beam_SpecMap = self._mk_HD_spectral_map_from_cl(self.beam_cl()) * square_pixwin_map(self.HD_shape) cmb = np.fft.irfft2(np.fft.rfft2(cmb) * Beam_SpecMap[:, 0:self._N_2p1()], self.HD_shape) * self._vcell_HD() fac0, fac1 = self._degrade_factors() if self.has_mask(): return self.mask * (cmb[::fac0, ::fac1] + self.noise_sims.get_sim(idx)) return cmb[::fac0, ::fac1] + self.noise_sims.get_sim(idx)
def __init__(self, cl_unl, res, lsides, sN_uKamin, Beam_FWHM_amin, verbose=False): """ Cl is jc_cosmo.Cl instance, #of points on each side 2**res, total lenght on side lsides (rad) The matrix stored is the fft of the circulant operator (P*nbar in physical units) To convolve with other circulant operators it should be enough to ifft(fft*fft) with these units. Meant to be used with radians and uK units. """ assert (len(res) == 2 and len(lsides) == 2) self.lib_cub = library_datacube(res, lsides, verbose=verbose) self.shape = self.lib_cub.shape() self.lsides = self.lib_cub.lside self.cl_unl = cl_unl self.Beam_FWHM_amin = Beam_FWHM_amin self.spec_map = self.__mk_spectral_matrix_from_cl() * square_pixwin_map(self.shape) ** 2 self.spec_map += self.__nbar() * (sN_uKamin / 60. / 180. * np.pi) ** 2 # : Spectral matrix in grid units. self.N_2p1 = 2 ** (res[1] - 1) + 1 assert (np.all(self.spec_map > 0.)), "Somethings wrong"
def __init__(self, cl_unl, cl_len, LD_res, HD_res, lside, f, f_inv,sN_uKamin,Beam_FWHM_amin,verbose=False): """ f and finv are displacement field classes. Number of points on each side 2**LD_res,2**HD_res. f and f_inv must have a f.lens_map routine that does the lensing of map 2**HD_res by 2**HD_res. f_inv must also have a f.det_M routine which returns the determinant of the magnification matrix at all points of the map. """ self.LD_cub = library_datacube(np.ones(2, dtype=int) * LD_res, np.ones(2) * lside, verbose=verbose) self.HD_cub = library_datacube(np.ones(2, dtype=int) * HD_res, np.ones(2) * lside, verbose=verbose) self.LD_shape = self.LD_cub.shape() self.HD_shape = self.HD_cub.shape() self.f_inv = f_inv # inverse displacement self.f = f # displacement self.cl_unl = cl_unl self.cl_len = cl_len self.sN_uKamin = sN_uKamin self.Beam_FWHM_amin = Beam_FWHM_amin self.verbose = verbose # FIXME : the value of the variance jumps by a factor 5-6 if the l = 0 is interpolated ! # There is something fishy with the lowest mode. # Again circulant embedding is probably better, but how to get the fake spectra ? # Builds useful FFT maps. # All spectral maps in grid units ! (nbar * PhysicalSpectrum) # TODO Hack self.N_2p1 = 2**(HD_res -1) + 1 kmax_grid = np.sqrt(np.sum(self.HD_cub.kmax()**2)) self.HD_cl_unl_SpecMap = self._mk_HD_spectral_map_from_cl(cl_unl)[:,0:self.N_2p1] self.HD_Beam_SpecMap = self._mk_HD_spectral_map_from_cl( gauss_beam(Beam_FWHM_amin * np.pi / 180. / 60., lmax=kmax_grid+1)) self.HD_Beam_SpecMap *= square_pixwin_map(self.HD_shape) assert (np.all(self.HD_cl_unl_SpecMap >= 0.)), "Somethings wrong" assert (np.all(self.HD_Beam_SpecMap >= 0.)), "Somethings wrong"
def _beam_spec_map(self): beam = gauss_beam(self.Beam_FWHM_amin * np.pi / 180. / 60., lmax=len(self.cl_unl) - 1) return self._mk_spectral_matrix_from_cl(beam) * square_pixwin_map(self.shape)