def __update_filter_list(self):
     scripts = fsm.get_script_conditions()
     for script in scripts:
 def __update_filter_list(self):
     scripts = fsm.get_script_conditions()
     for script in scripts:
         self.choice_filter.Append( format.get_name(script) )
def get_free_script_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those script conditions which the given state
    doesn't already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free script conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of script conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    conds_paths = fsm.get_script_conditions()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions(state)
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup(trans_path)
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        cond_path = cond_obj.getfullname()
        if cond_obj.isa('nscriptcondition') and cond_path != allowed_condition:
    return conds_paths
def get_free_script_conditions(state, allowed_condition=None):
    Return a paths list of those script conditions which the given state
    doesn't already have a transition for.
    \param state State (path) to gather the free script conditions for
    \param allowed_condition Condition (path) allowed as a free condition, even if it's already taken
    \return List of script conditions paths not found in any transition of the given state
    conds_paths = fsm.get_script_conditions()
    trans_paths = fsm.get_transitions( state )
    for trans_path in trans_paths:
        trans_obj = pynebula.lookup( trans_path )
        cond_obj = trans_obj.getcondition()
        cond_path = cond_obj.getfullname()
        if cond_obj.isa('nscriptcondition') and cond_path != allowed_condition:
            conds_paths.remove( cond_path )
    return conds_paths