Example #1
    hasROOT = True
except ImportError :
    Print('ROOT library not found, histogram book keeping disabled')
    hasROOT = False

# Load 8L sector bank
Print('Load sector in ' + filename_XL_sector)

LX_sector_bank = ftkutils.PatternBank(filename_XL_sector)

# create a KD-Tree representation for this bank
LX_kdtree_bank = LX_sector_bank.BuildKDTree()

# Parse region ID and subregion ID from the 8L sector bank name
#   e.g. from 1st passed arg: sectors_raw_8L_16M_reg'7'_sub'14'.patt.bz2

regid = None
subid = None
Example #2
import os.path

# setup the environment
name7L = sys.argv[1]
nsubregions = int(sys.argv[2])

    import ROOT
    hasROOT = True
except ImportError:
    print "ROOT library not found, histogram book keeping disabled"
    hasROOT = False

# load the sector from the 1st file (7-layer bank)
print "Load sector in", name7L
sectbank7L = ftkutils.PatternBank(name7L)
# create a KD-Tree representation for this bank
kdtreebank7L = sectbank7L.BuildKDTree()

# get the subregion ID
regid = None
subid = None
name7L_items = name7L.split("_")
for item in name7L_items:
    if item[0:3] == "reg":
        regid = int(item.split(".")[0][3:])
        print "Region", regid
    elif item[0:3] == "sub":
        subid = int(item.split(".")[0][3:])
        print "Sub-region", subid