def _print_pair_diff(self, pair): any_entry = pair.any_entry has_meta = any_entry.get_sync_info("m") is not None # write("pair", pair) # print("pair.local", pair.local) # print("pair.remote", pair.remote) write( ( VT_ERASE_LINE + ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX") + "CONFLICT: {!r} was modified on both targets since last sync ({})." + ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL") ).format(any_entry.get_rel_path(), _ts(any_entry.get_sync_info("u"))) ) if has_meta: write( " Original modification time: {}, size: {:,d} bytes.".format( _ts(any_entry.get_sync_info("m")), any_entry.get_sync_info("s") ) ) else: write(" (No meta data available.)") write(" Local: {}".format(pair.local.as_string() if pair.local else "n.a.")) write( " Remote: {}".format( pair.remote.as_string(pair.local) if pair.remote else "n.a." ) )
def _log_action(self, action, status, symbol, entry, min_level=3): if self.verbose < min_level: return if len(symbol) > 1 and symbol[0] in (">", "<"): symbol = ( " " + symbol ) # make sure direction characters are aligned at 2nd column color = "" final = "" if not self.options.get("no_color"): # CM = self.COLOR_MAP # color = CM.get((action, status), # CM.get(("*", status), # CM.get((action, "*"), # ""))) if action in ("copy", "restore"): if "<" in symbol: if status == "new": color = ansi_code("Fore.GREEN") + ansi_code( "Style.BRIGHT") else: color = ansi_code("Fore.GREEN") else: if status == "new": color = ansi_code("Fore.CYAN") + ansi_code( "Style.BRIGHT") else: color = ansi_code("Fore.CYAN") elif action == "delete": color = ansi_code("Fore.RED") elif status == "conflict": color = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX") elif action == "skip" or status == "equal" or status == "visit": color = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX") final = ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL") if colorama: # Clear line"ESC [ mode K" mode 0:to-right, 2:all final += colorama.ansi.clear_line(0) else: final += " " * 10 prefix = "" if self.dry_run: prefix = DRY_RUN_PREFIX if action and status: tag = ("{} {}".format(action, status)).upper() else: assert status tag = ("{}".format(status)).upper() name = entry.get_rel_path() if entry.is_dir(): name = "[{}]".format(name) write("{}{}{:<16} {:^3} {}{}".format(prefix, color, tag, symbol, name, final))
def _unlock(self, closing=False): """Remove lock file to the target root folder. """ # write("_unlock", closing) try: if self.cur_dir != self.root_dir: if closing: write( "Changing to ftp root folder to remove lock file: {}". format(self.root_dir)) self.cwd(self.root_dir) else: write_error( "Could not remove lock file, because CWD != ftp root: {}" .format(self.cur_dir)) return if self.lock_data is False: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 4: write("Skip remove lock file (was not written).") else: # direct delete, without updating metadata or checking for target access: self.ftp.delete(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) # self.remove_file(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) self.lock_data = None except Exception as e: write_error("Could not remove lock file: {}".format(e)) raise
def _rmdir_impl(self, dir_name, keep_root_folder=False, predicate=None): # FTP does not support deletion of non-empty directories. self.check_write(dir_name) names = [] nlst_res = self.ftp.nlst(dir_name) # write("rmdir(%s): %s" % (dir_name, nlst_res)) for name in nlst_res: if "/" in name: name = os.path.basename(name) if name in (".", ".."): continue if predicate and not predicate(name): continue names.append(name) if len(names) > 0: self.ftp.cwd(dir_name) try: for name in names: try: # try to delete this as a file self.ftp.delete(name) except ftplib.all_errors as _e: write( " ftp.delete({}) failed: {}, trying rmdir()...". format(name, _e)) # assume <name> is a folder self.rmdir(name) finally: if dir_name != ".": self.ftp.cwd("..") # write("ftp.rmd(%s)..." % (dir_name, )) if not keep_root_folder: self.ftp.rmd(dir_name) return
def test_logging(self): import logging import logging.handlers import os # Create and use a custom logger custom_logger = logging.getLogger("pyftpsync_test") log_path = os.path.join(PYFTPSYNC_TEST_FOLDER, "pyftpsync.log") handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(log_path) # formatter = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) custom_logger.addHandler(handler) set_pyftpsync_logger(custom_logger) custom_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print("print 1") write("write info 1") write_error("write error 1") custom_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) write("write info 2") write_error("write error 2") handler.flush() log_data = read_test_file("pyftpsync.log") assert "print 1" not in log_data assert "write info 1" in log_data assert "write error 1" in log_data assert "write info 2" not in log_data, "Loglevel honored" assert "write error 2" in log_data # Cleanup properly (log file would be locked otherwise) custom_logger.removeHandler(handler) handler.close()
def _probe_lock_file(self, reported_mtime): """Called by get_dir""" delta = reported_mtime - self.lock_data["lock_time"] # delta2 = reported_mtime - self.lock_write_time self.server_time_ofs = delta if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 4: write("Server time offset: {:.2f} seconds.".format(delta))
def close(self): if not self.connected: return if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write("Closing target {}.".format(self)) self.connected = False self.readonly = False # issue #20 self._rlock.release()
def __init__( self, path, host, port=0, username=None, password=None, tls=False, timeout=None, extra_opts=None, ): """Create FTP target with host, initial path, optional credentials and options. Args: path (str): root path on FTP server, relative to *host* host (str): hostname of FTP server port (int): FTP port (defaults to 21) username (str): password (str): tls (bool): encrypt the connection using TLS (Python 2.7/3.2+) timeout (int): the timeout to set against the ftp socket (seconds) extra_opts (dict): """ self.encoding = _get_encoding_opt(None, extra_opts, "utf-8") # path = self.to_unicode(path) path = path or "/" assert compat.is_native(path) super(FtpTarget, self).__init__(path, extra_opts) if tls: try: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS() except AttributeError: write("Python 2.7/3.2+ required for FTPS (TLS).") raise else: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP() self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) = host self.port = port or 0 self.username = username self.password = password self.tls = tls self.timeout = timeout #: dict: written to ftp target root folder before synchronization starts. #: set to False, if write failed. Default: None self.lock_data = None self.lock_write_time = None self.feat_response = None self.syst_response = None self.is_unix = None #: True if server reports FEAT UTF8 self.support_utf8 = None #: Time difference between <local upload time> and the mtime that the server reports afterwards. #: The value is added to the 'u' time stored in meta data. #: (This is only a rough estimation, derived from the lock-file.) self.server_time_ofs = None self.ftp_socket_connected = False self.support_set_time = False
def __init__( self, path, host, port=0, username=None, password=None, tls=False, timeout=None, extra_opts=None, ): """Create FTP target with host, initial path, optional credentials and options. Args: path (str): root path on FTP server, relative to *host* host (str): hostname of FTP server port (int): FTP port (defaults to 21) username (str): password (str): tls (bool): encrypt the connection using TLS (Python 2.7/3.2+) timeout (int): the timeout to set against the ftp socket (seconds) extra_opts (dict): """ self.encoding = _get_encoding_opt(None, extra_opts, "utf-8") # path = self.to_unicode(path) path = path or "/" assert is_native(path) super(FTPTarget, self).__init__(path, extra_opts) if tls: try: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS() except AttributeError: write("Python 2.7/3.2+ required for FTPS (TLS).") raise else: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP() self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) = host self.port = port or 0 self.username = username self.password = password self.tls = tls self.timeout = timeout #: dict: written to ftp target root folder before synchronization starts. #: set to False, if write failed. Default: None self.lock_data = None self.lock_write_time = None self.feat_response = None self.syst_response = None self.is_unix = None #: True if server reports FEAT UTF8 self.support_utf8 = None #: Time difference between <local upload time> and the mtime that the server reports afterwards. #: The value is added to the 'u' time stored in meta data. #: (This is only a rough estimation, derived from the lock-file.) self.server_time_ofs = None self.ftp_socket_connected = False self.support_set_time = False
def _log_action(self, action, status, symbol, entry, min_level=3): if self.verbose < min_level: return if len(symbol) > 1 and symbol[0] in (">", "<"): symbol = ( " " + symbol ) # make sure direction characters are aligned at 2nd column color = "" final = "" if not self.options.get("no_color"): # CM = self.COLOR_MAP # color = CM.get((action, status), # CM.get(("*", status), # CM.get((action, "*"), # ""))) if action in ("copy", "restore"): if "<" in symbol: if status == "new": color = ansi_code("Fore.GREEN") + ansi_code("Style.BRIGHT") else: color = ansi_code("Fore.GREEN") else: if status == "new": color = ansi_code("Fore.CYAN") + ansi_code("Style.BRIGHT") else: color = ansi_code("Fore.CYAN") elif action == "delete": color = ansi_code("Fore.RED") elif status == "conflict": color = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX") elif action == "skip" or status == "equal" or status == "visit": color = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX") final = ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL") if colorama: # Clear line"ESC [ mode K" mode 0:to-right, 2:all final += colorama.ansi.clear_line(0) else: final += " " * 10 prefix = "" if self.dry_run: prefix = DRY_RUN_PREFIX if action and status: tag = ("{} {}".format(action, status)).upper() else: assert status tag = ("{}".format(status)).upper() name = entry.get_rel_path() if entry.is_dir(): name = "[{}]".format(name) write("{}{}{:<16} {:^3} {}{}".format(prefix, color, tag, symbol, name, final))
def flush(self): """Write self to .pyftpsync-meta.json.""" # We DO write meta files even on read-only targets, but not in dry-run mode # if # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): read-only; nothing to do" % # return assert self.path == if # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): dry-run; nothing to do" % pass elif self.was_read and len(self.list) == 0 and len( self.peer_sync) == 0: write("Remove empty meta data file: {}".format( elif not self.modified_list and not self.modified_sync: # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): unmodified; nothing to do" % pass else: self.dir[ "_disclaimer"] = "Generated by" self.dir["_time_str"] = pretty_stamp(time.time()) self.dir["_file_version"] = self.VERSION self.dir["_version"] = __version__ self.dir["_time"] = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) # We always save utf-8 encoded. # `ensure_ascii` would escape all bytes >127 as `\x12` or `\u1234`, # which makes it hard to read, so we set it to false. # `sort_keys` converts binary keys to unicode using utf-8, so we # must make sure that we don't pass cp1225 or other encoded data. data = self.dir opts = {"indent": 4, "sort_keys": True, "ensure_ascii": False} # if compat.PY2: # # The `encoding` arg defaults to utf-8 on Py2 and was removed in Py3 # # opts["encoding"] = "utf-8" # # Python 2 has problems with mixed keys (str/unicode) # data = decode_dict_keys(data, "utf-8") if not self.PRETTY: opts["indent"] = None opts["separators"] = (",", ":") s = json.dumps(data, **opts), s) if"meta_bytes_written", len(s)) self.modified_list = False self.modified_sync = False
def on_error(self, e, pair): """Called for pairs that don't match `match` and `exclude` filters.""" RED = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX") R = ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL") # any_entry = pair.any_entry write((RED + "ERROR: {}\n {}" + R).format(e, pair)) # Return True to ignore this error (instead of raising and terminating the app) if "[Errno 92] Illegal byte sequence" in "{}".format(e) and compat.PY2: write(RED + "This _may_ be solved by using Python 3." + R) # return True return False
def flush(self): """Write self to .pyftpsync-meta.json.""" # We DO write meta files even on read-only targets, but not in dry-run mode # if # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): read-only; nothing to do" % # return assert self.path == if # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): dry-run; nothing to do" % pass elif self.was_read and len(self.list) == 0 and len(self.peer_sync) == 0: write("Remove empty meta data file: {}".format( elif not self.modified_list and not self.modified_sync: # write("DirMetadata.flush(%s): unmodified; nothing to do" % pass else: self.dir["_disclaimer"] = "Generated by" self.dir["_time_str"] = pretty_stamp(time.time()) self.dir["_file_version"] = self.VERSION self.dir["_version"] = __version__ self.dir["_time"] = time.mktime(time.gmtime()) # We always save utf-8 encoded. # `ensure_ascii` would escape all bytes >127 as `\x12` or `\u1234`, # which makes it hard to read, so we set it to false. # `sort_keys` converts binary keys to unicode using utf-8, so we # must make sure that we don't pass cp1225 or other encoded data. data = self.dir opts = {"indent": 4, "sort_keys": True, "ensure_ascii": False} if compat.PY2: # The `encoding` arg defaults to utf-8 on Py2 and was removed in Py3 # opts["encoding"] = "utf-8" # Python 2 has problems with mixed keys (str/unicode) data = decode_dict_keys(data, "utf-8") if not self.PRETTY: opts["indent"] = None opts["separators"] = (",", ":") s = json.dumps(data, **opts), s) if"meta_bytes_written", len(s)) self.modified_list = False self.modified_sync = False
def run(self): start = time.time() info_strings = self.get_info_strings() if self.verbose >= 3: write( "{} {}\n{:>20} {}".format( info_strings[0].capitalize(), self.local.get_base_name(), info_strings[1], self.remote.get_base_name(), ) ) write( "Encoding local: {}, remote: {}".format( self.local.encoding, self.remote.encoding ) ) try: self.local.synchronizer = self.remote.synchronizer = self self.local.peer = self.remote self.remote.peer = self.local if self.dry_run: self.local.readonly = True self.local.dry_run = True self.remote.readonly = True self.remote.dry_run = True if not self.local.connected: if not self.remote.connected: res = self._sync_dir() finally: self.local.synchronizer = self.remote.synchronizer = None self.local.peer = self.remote.peer = None self.close() stats = self._stats stats["elap_secs"] = time.time() - start stats["elap_str"] = "%0.2f sec" % stats["elap_secs"] def _add(rate, size, time): if stats.get(time) and stats.get(size): stats[rate] = "%0.2f kB/sec" % (0.001 * stats[size] / stats[time]) _add("upload_rate_str", "upload_bytes_written", "upload_write_time") _add("download_rate_str", "download_bytes_written", "download_write_time") return res
def run(self): start = time.time() info_strings = self.get_info_strings() if self.verbose >= 3: write( "{} {}\n{:>20} {}".format( info_strings[0].capitalize(), self.local.get_base_name(), info_strings[1], self.remote.get_base_name(), ) ) write( "Encoding local: {}, remote: {}".format( self.local.encoding, self.remote.encoding ) ) try: self.local.synchronizer = self.remote.synchronizer = self self.local.peer = self.remote self.remote.peer = self.local if self.dry_run: self.local.readonly = True self.local.dry_run = True self.remote.readonly = True self.remote.dry_run = True if not self.local.connected: if not self.remote.connected: res = self._sync_dir() finally: self.local.synchronizer = self.remote.synchronizer = None self.local.peer = self.remote.peer = None self.close() stats = self._stats stats["elap_secs"] = time.time() - start stats["elap_str"] = "{:0.2f} sec".format(stats["elap_secs"]) def _add(rate, size, time): if stats.get(time) and stats.get(size): stats[rate] = "{:0.2f} kB/sec".format(0.001 * stats[size] / stats[time]) _add("upload_rate_str", "upload_bytes_written", "upload_write_time") _add("download_rate_str", "download_bytes_written", "download_write_time") return res
def _compare_file(self, local, remote): """Byte compare two files (early out on first difference).""" assert isinstance(local, FileEntry) and isinstance(remote, FileEntry) if not local or not remote: write(" Files cannot be compared ({} != {}).".format(local, remote)) return False elif local.size != remote.size: write( " Files are different (size {:,d} != {:,d}).".format( local.size, remote.size ) ) return False with ) as fp_src, as fp_dest: res, ofs = byte_compare(fp_src, fp_dest) if not res: write(" Files are different at offset {:,d}.".format(ofs)) else: write(" Files are equal.") return res
def read(self): """Initialize self from .pyftpsync-meta.json file.""" assert self.path == try: self.modified_list = False self.modified_sync = False is_valid_file = False s = # print("s", s) if"meta_bytes_read", len(s)) self.was_read = True # True if a file exists (even invalid) self.dir = json.loads(s) # import pprint # print("dir") # print(pprint.pformat(self.dir)) self.dir = make_native_dict_keys(self.dir) # print(pprint.pformat(self.dir)) self.list = self.dir["mtimes"] self.peer_sync = self.dir["peer_sync"] is_valid_file = True # write"DirMetadata: read(%s)" % (self.filename, ), self.dir) # except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: # raise # We want version errors to terminate the app except Exception as e: write_error("Could not read meta info {}: {!r}".format(self, e)) # If the version is incompatible, we stop, unless: # if --migrate is set, we simply ignore this file (and probably replace it # with a current version) if is_valid_file and self.dir.get("_file_version", 0) != self.VERSION: if not or not"migrate"): raise IncompatibleMetadataVersion( "Invalid meta data version: {} (expected {}).\n" "Consider passing --migrate to discard old data.".format( self.dir.get("_file_version"), self.VERSION ) ) # write( "Migrating meta data version from {} to {} (discarding old): {}".format( self.dir.get("_file_version"), self.VERSION, self.filename ) ) self.list = {} self.peer_sync = {} return
def override_operation(self, operation, reason): """Re-Classify entry pair.""" # prev_class = (self.local_classification, self.remote_classification) prev_op = self.operation assert operation != prev_op assert operation in PAIR_OPERATIONS if "classify" in DEBUG_FLAGS: write( "override_operation {} -> {} (reason: '{}')".format( self, operation, reason ), debug=True, ) self.operation = operation self.re_class_reason = reason
def override_operation(self, operation, reason): """Re-Classify entry pair.""" prev_class = (self.local_classification, self.remote_classification) prev_op = self.operation assert operation != prev_op assert operation in PAIR_OPERATIONS if > 3: write( "override_operation({}, {}) -> {} ({})".format( prev_class, prev_op, operation, reason ), debug=True, ) self.operation = operation self.re_class_reason = reason
def on_error(self, exc, pair): """Called for pairs that don't match `match` and `exclude` filters.""" # any_entry = pair.any_entry msg = "{red}ERROR: {exc}\n {pair}{reset}".format( exc=exc, pair=pair, red=ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX"), reset=ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL"), ) write(msg) # Return True to ignore this error (instead of raising and terminating the app) # if "[Errno 92] Illegal byte sequence" in "{}".format(e) and compat.PY2: # write(RED + "This _may_ be solved by using Python 3." + R) # # return True return False
def read(self): """Initialize self from .pyftpsync-meta.json file.""" assert self.path == try: self.modified_list = False self.modified_sync = False is_valid_file = False s = # print("s", s) if"meta_bytes_read", len(s)) self.was_read = True # True if a file exists (even invalid) self.dir = json.loads(s) # import pprint # print("dir") # print(pprint.pformat(self.dir)) self.dir = make_native_dict_keys(self.dir) # print(pprint.pformat(self.dir)) self.list = self.dir["mtimes"] self.peer_sync = self.dir["peer_sync"] is_valid_file = True # write"DirMetadata: read(%s)" % (self.filename, ), self.dir) # except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: # raise # We want version errors to terminate the app except Exception as e: write_error("Could not read meta info {}: {!r}".format(self, e)) # If the version is incompatible, we stop, unless: # if --migrate is set, we simply ignore this file (and probably replace it # with a current version) if is_valid_file and self.dir.get("_file_version", 0) != self.VERSION: if not or not"migrate"): raise IncompatibleMetadataVersion( "Invalid meta data version: {} (expected {}).\n" "Consider passing --migrate to discard old data.".format( self.dir.get("_file_version"), self.VERSION)) # write( "Migrating meta data version from {} to {} (i.e. discarding it): {}" .format(self.dir.get("_file_version"), self.VERSION, self.filename)) self.list = {} self.peer_sync = {} # This will remove .pyftpsync-meta.json: self.flush() return
def __init__(self, path, host, port=0, username=None, password=None, tls=False, timeout=None, extra_opts=None): """Create FTP target with host, initial path, optional credentials and options. Args: path (str): root path on FTP server, relative to *host* host (str): hostname of FTP server port (int): FTP port (defaults to 21) username (str): password (str): tls (bool): encrypt the connection using TLS (Python 2.7/3.2+) timeout (int): the timeout to set against the ftp socket (seconds) extra_opts (dict): """ path = path or "/" super(FtpTarget, self).__init__(path, extra_opts) if tls: try: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS() except AttributeError: write("Python 2.7/3.2+ required for FTPS (TLS).") raise else: self.ftp = ftplib.FTP() self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) = host self.port = port or 0 self.username = username self.password = password self.tls = tls self.timeout = timeout #: dict: written to ftp target root folder before synchronization starts. #: set to False, if write failed. Default: None self.lock_data = None self.is_unix = None self.time_zone_ofs = None self.clock_ofs = None self.ftp_socket_connected = False self.support_set_time = False
def _unlock(self, closing=False): """Remove lock file to the target root folder. """ # write("_unlock", closing) try: if self.cur_dir != self.root_dir: if closing: write( "Changing to ftp root folder to remove lock file: {}".format( self.root_dir ) ) self.cwd(self.root_dir) else: write_error( "Could not remove lock file, because CWD != ftp root: {}".format( self.cur_dir ) ) return if self.lock_data is False: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 4: write("Skip remove lock file (was not written).") else: # direct delete, without updating metadata or checking for target access: try: self.ftp.delete(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) # self.remove_file(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) except Exception as e: # I have seen '226 Closing data connection' responses here, # probably when a previous command threw another error. # However here, 2xx response should be Ok(?): # A 226 reply code is sent by the server before closing the # data connection after successfully processing the previous client command if e.args[0][:3] == "226": write_error("Ignoring 226 response for ftp.delete() lockfile") else: raise self.lock_data = None except Exception as e: write_error("Could not remove lock file: {}".format(e)) raise
def _ftp_pwd(self): """Variant of `self.ftp.pwd()` that supports encoding-fallback. Returns: Current working directory as native string. """ try: return self.ftp.pwd() except UnicodeEncodeError: if compat.PY2 or self.ftp.encoding != "utf-8": raise # should not happen, since Py2 does not try to encode # TODO: this is NOT THREAD-SAFE! prev_encoding = self.ftp.encoding try: write("ftp.pwd() failed with utf-8: trying Cp1252...", warning=True) return self.ftp.pwd() finally: self.ftp.encoding = prev_encoding
def classify(self, peer_dir_meta): """Classify this entry as 'new', 'unmodified', or 'modified'.""" assert self.classification is None peer_entry_meta = None if peer_dir_meta: # Metadata is generally available, so we can detect 'new' or 'modified' peer_entry_meta = peer_dir_meta.get(, False) if self.is_dir(): # Directories are considered 'unmodified' (would require deep traversal # to check otherwise) if peer_entry_meta: self.classification = "unmodified" else: self.classification = "new" elif peer_entry_meta: # File entries can be classified as modified/unmodified self.ps_size = peer_entry_meta.get("s") self.ps_mtime = peer_entry_meta.get("m") self.ps_utime = peer_entry_meta.get("u") if ( self.size == self.ps_size and FileEntry._eps_compare(self.mtime, self.ps_mtime) == 0 ): self.classification = "unmodified" else: self.classification = "modified" else: # A new file entry self.classification = "new" else: # No metadata available: if self.is_dir(): # Directories are considered 'unmodified' (would require deep traversal # to check otherwise) self.classification = "unmodified" else: # That's all we know, but EntryPair.classify() may adjust this self.classification = "existing" if PRINT_CLASSIFICATIONS: write("classify {}".format(self)) assert self.classification in ENTRY_CLASSIFICATIONS return self.classification
def _ftp_pwd(self): """Variant of `self.ftp.pwd()` that supports encoding-fallback. Returns: Current working directory as native string. """ try: return self.ftp.pwd() except UnicodeEncodeError: if self.ftp.encoding != "utf-8": raise # should not happen, since Py2 does not try to encode # TODO: this is NOT THREAD-SAFE! prev_encoding = self.ftp.encoding try: write("ftp.pwd() failed with utf-8: trying Cp1252...", warning=True) return self.ftp.pwd() finally: self.ftp.encoding = prev_encoding
def _unlock(self, closing=False): """Remove lock file to the target root folder. """ # write("_unlock", closing) try: if self.cur_dir != self.root_dir: if closing: write( "Changing to ftp root folder to remove lock file: {}". format(self.root_dir)) self.cwd(self.root_dir) else: write_error( "Could not remove lock file, because CWD != ftp root: {}" .format(self.cur_dir)) return if self.lock_data is False: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 4: write("Skip remove lock file (was not written).") else: # direct delete, without updating metadata or checking for target access: try: self.ftp.delete(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) # self.remove_file(DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME) except Exception as e: # I have seen '226 Closing data connection' responses here, # probably when a previous command threw another error. # However here, 2xx response should be Ok(?): # A 226 reply code is sent by the server before closing the # data connection after successfully processing the previous client command if e.args[0][:3] == "226": write_error( "Ignoring 226 response for ftp.delete() lockfile") else: raise self.lock_data = None except Exception as e: write_error("Could not remove lock file: {}".format(e)) raise
def _rmdir_impl(self, dir_name, keep_root_folder=False, predicate=None): # FTP does not support deletion of non-empty directories. assert compat.is_native(dir_name) self.check_write(dir_name) names = [] nlst_res = self._ftp_nlst(dir_name) # nlst_res = self.ftp.nlst(dir_name) # write("rmdir(%s): %s" % (dir_name, nlst_res)) for name in nlst_res: # name = self.re_encode_to_native(name) if "/" in name: name = os.path.basename(name) if name in (".", ".."): continue if predicate and not predicate(name): continue names.append(name) if len(names) > 0: self.ftp.cwd(dir_name) try: for name in names: try: # try to delete this as a file self.ftp.delete(name) except ftplib.all_errors as _e: write( " ftp.delete({}) failed: {}, trying rmdir()...".format( name, _e ) ) # assume <name> is a folder self.rmdir(name) finally: if dir_name != ".": self.ftp.cwd("..") # write("ftp.rmd(%s)..." % (dir_name, )) if not keep_root_folder: self.ftp.rmd(dir_name) return
def classify(self, peer_dir_meta): """Classify entry pair.""" assert self.operation is None # Note: We pass False if the entry is not listed in the metadata. # We pass None if we don't have metadata all. peer_entry_meta = peer_dir_meta.get(, False) if peer_dir_meta else None if self.local: self.local.classify(peer_dir_meta) self.local_classification = self.local.classification elif peer_entry_meta: self.local_classification = "deleted" else: self.local_classification = "missing" if self.remote: self.remote.classify(peer_dir_meta) self.remote_classification = self.remote.classification elif peer_entry_meta: self.remote_classification = "deleted" else: self.remote_classification = "missing" c_pair = (self.local_classification, self.remote_classification) self.operation = operation_map.get(c_pair) if not self.operation: raise RuntimeError( "Undefined operation for pair classification {}".format(c_pair) ) if "classify" in DEBUG_FLAGS: write( "Classified pair {}, meta={}".format(self, peer_entry_meta), debug=True, ) # if not entry.meta: # assert self.classification in PAIR_CLASSIFICATIONS assert self.operation in PAIR_OPERATIONS return self.operation
def classify(self, peer_dir_meta): """Classify entry pair.""" assert self.operation is None # write("CLASSIFIY", self, peer_dir_meta) # Note: We pass False if the entry is not listed in the metadata. # We pass None if we don't have metadata all. peer_entry_meta = peer_dir_meta.get(, False) if peer_dir_meta else None # write("=>", self, peer_entry_meta) if self.local: self.local.classify(peer_dir_meta) self.local_classification = self.local.classification elif peer_entry_meta: self.local_classification = "deleted" else: self.local_classification = "missing" if self.remote: self.remote.classify(peer_dir_meta) self.remote_classification = self.remote.classification elif peer_entry_meta: self.remote_classification = "deleted" else: self.remote_classification = "missing" c_pair = (self.local_classification, self.remote_classification) self.operation = operation_map.get(c_pair) if not self.operation: raise RuntimeError( "Undefined operation for pair classification {}".format(c_pair) ) if PRINT_CLASSIFICATIONS: write("classify {}".format(self)) # if not entry.meta: # assert self.classification in PAIR_CLASSIFICATIONS assert self.operation in PAIR_OPERATIONS return self.operation
def test_logging(self): import logging import logging.handlers import os # Create and use a custom logger custom_logger = logging.getLogger("pyftpsync_test") log_path = os.path.join(PYFTPSYNC_TEST_FOLDER, "pyftpsync.log") handler = logging.handlers.WatchedFileHandler(log_path) # formatter = logging.Formatter(logging.BASIC_FORMAT) formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) custom_logger.addHandler(handler) set_pyftpsync_logger(custom_logger) custom_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) print("print 1") write("write info 1") write_error("write error 1") custom_logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) write("write info 2") write_error("write error 2") handler.flush() log_data = read_test_file("pyftpsync.log") assert "print 1" not in log_data assert "write info 1" in log_data assert "write error 1" in log_data assert "write info 2" not in log_data, "Loglevel honored" assert "write error 2" in log_data # Cleanup properly (log file would be locked otherwise) custom_logger.removeHandler(handler) handler.close()
def _print_pair_diff(self, pair): RED = ansi_code("Fore.LIGHTRED_EX") # M = ansi_code("Style.BRIGHT") + ansi_code("Style.UNDERLINE") R = ansi_code("Style.RESET_ALL") any_entry = pair.any_entry has_meta = any_entry.get_sync_info("m") is not None # write("pair", pair) # print("pair.local", pair.local) # print("pair.remote", pair.remote) write( ( VT_ERASE_LINE + RED + "CONFLICT: {!r} was modified on both targets since last sync ({})." + R ).format(any_entry.get_rel_path(), _ts(any_entry.get_sync_info("u"))) ) if has_meta: write( " Original modification time: {}, size: {:,d} bytes.".format( _ts(any_entry.get_sync_info("m")), any_entry.get_sync_info("s") ) ) else: write(" (No meta data available.)") write(" Local: {}".format(pair.local.as_string() if pair.local else "n.a.")) write( " Remote: {}".format( pair.remote.as_string(pair.local) if pair.remote else "n.a." ) )
def _addline(status, line): # _ftp_retrlines_native() made sure that we always get `str` type lines assert status in (0, 1, 2) assert compat.is_native(line) data, _, name = line.partition("; ") # print(status, name, u_name) if status == 1: write( "WARNING: File name seems not to be {}; re-encoded from CP-1252:".format( encoding ), name, ) elif status == 2: write_error("File name is neither UTF-8 nor CP-1252 encoded:", name) res_type = size = mtime = unique = None fields = data.split(";") # # "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" / "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" / "Lang" # / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" / os-depend-fact / local-fact for field in fields: field_name, _, field_value = field.partition("=") field_name = field_name.lower() if field_name == "type": res_type = field_value elif field_name in ("sizd", "size"): size = int(field_value) elif field_name == "modify": # Use calendar.timegm() instead of time.mktime(), because # the date was returned as UTC if "." in field_value: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f") ) else: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ) elif field_name == "unique": unique = field_value entry = None if res_type == "dir": entry = DirectoryEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type == "file": if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored local_var["has_meta"] = True elif ( name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir ): # this is the root lock file. compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(mtime) else: entry = FileEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type in ("cdir", "pdir"): pass else: write_error("Could not parse '{}'".format(line)) raise NotImplementedError( "MLSD returned unsupported type: {!r}".format(res_type) ) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry)
def open(self): assert not self.ftp_socket_connected super(FtpTarget, self).open() options = self.get_options_dict() no_prompt = self.get_option("no_prompt", True) store_password = self.get_option("store_password", False) verbose = self.get_option("verbose", 3) self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) # Optionally use FTP active mode (default: PASV) (issue #21) force_active = self.get_option("ftp_active", False) self.ftp.set_pasv(not force_active) if self.timeout: self.ftp.connect(, self.port, self.timeout) else: # Py2.7 uses -999 as default for `timeout`, Py3 uses None self.ftp.connect(, self.port) self.ftp_socket_connected = True if self.username is None or self.password is None: creds = get_credentials_for_url(, options, force_user=self.username ) if creds: self.username, self.password = creds while True: try: # Login (as 'anonymous' if self.username is undefined): self.ftp.login(self.username, self.password) if verbose >= 4: write( "Login as '{}'.".format( self.username if self.username else "anonymous" ) ) break except ftplib.error_perm as e: # If credentials were passed, but authentication fails, prompt # for new password if not e.args[0].startswith("530"): raise # error other then '530 Login incorrect' write_error( "Could not login to {}@{}: {}".format(self.username,, e) ) if no_prompt or not self.username: raise creds = prompt_for_password(, self.username) self.username, self.password = creds # Continue while-loop if self.tls: # Upgrade data connection to TLS. self.ftp.prot_p() try: self.syst_response = self.ftp.sendcmd("SYST") if verbose >= 5: write("SYST: '{}'.".format(self.syst_response.replace("\n", " "))) # self.is_unix = "unix" in resp.lower() # not necessarily true, better check with r/w tests # TODO: case sensitivity? except Exception as e: write("SYST command failed: '{}'".format(e)) try: self.feat_response = self.ftp.sendcmd("FEAT") self.support_utf8 = "UTF8" in self.feat_response if verbose >= 5: write("FEAT: '{}'.".format(self.feat_response.replace("\n", " "))) except Exception as e: write("FEAT command failed: '{}'".format(e)) if self.encoding == "utf-8": if not self.support_utf8 and verbose >= 4: write( "Server does not list utf-8 as supported feature (using it anyway).", warning=True, ) try: # Announce our wish to use UTF-8 to the server as proposed here: # See # Note: this RFC is inactive, expired, and failed on Strato self.ftp.sendcmd("OPTS UTF-8") if verbose >= 4: write("Sent 'OPTS UTF-8'.") except Exception as e: if verbose >= 4: write("Could not send 'OPTS UTF-8': '{}'".format(e), warning=True) try: # Announce our wish to use UTF-8 to the server as proposed here: # See # # Note: this was accepted on Strato self.ftp.sendcmd("OPTS UTF8 ON") if verbose >= 4: write("Sent 'OPTS UTF8 ON'.") except Exception as e: write("Could not send 'OPTS UTF8 ON': '{}'".format(e), warning=True) if hasattr(self.ftp, "encoding"): # Python 3 encodes using latin-1 by default(!) # (In Python 2 ftp.encoding does not exist, but ascii is used) if self.encoding != codecs.lookup(self.ftp.encoding).name: write( "Setting FTP encoding to {} (was {}).".format( self.encoding, self.ftp.encoding ) ) self.ftp.encoding = self.encoding try: self.ftp.cwd(self.root_dir) except ftplib.error_perm as e: if not e.args[0].startswith("550"): raise # error other then 550 No such directory' write_error( "Could not change directory to {} ({}): missing permissions?".format( self.root_dir, e ) ) pwd = self.pwd() # pwd = self.to_unicode(pwd) if pwd != self.root_dir: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to navigate to working directory {!r} (now at {!r})".format( self.root_dir, pwd ) ) self.cur_dir = pwd # self.ftp_initialized = True # Successfully authenticated: store password if store_password: save_password(, self.username, self.password) self._lock() return
def _addline(status, line): # _ftp_retrlines_native() made sure that we always get `str` type lines assert status in (0, 1, 2) assert is_native(line) data, _, name = line.partition("; ") # print(status, name, u_name) if status == 1: write( "WARNING: File name seems not to be {}; re-encoded from CP-1252:" .format(encoding), name, ) elif status == 2: write_error("File name is neither UTF-8 nor CP-1252 encoded:", name) res_type = size = mtime = unique = None fields = data.split(";") # # "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" / "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" / "Lang" # / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" / os-depend-fact / local-fact for field in fields: field_name, _, field_value = field.partition("=") field_name = field_name.lower() if field_name == "type": res_type = field_value elif field_name in ("sizd", "size"): size = int(field_value) elif field_name == "modify": # Use calendar.timegm() instead of time.mktime(), because # the date was returned as UTC if "." in field_value: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f")) else: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) elif field_name == "unique": unique = field_value entry = None if res_type == "dir": entry = DirectoryEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type == "file": if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored local_var["has_meta"] = True elif (name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir): # this is the root lock file. compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(mtime) else: entry = FileEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type in ("cdir", "pdir"): pass else: write_error("Could not parse '{}'".format(line)) raise NotImplementedError( "MLSD returned unsupported type: {!r}".format(res_type)) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry)
def get_dir(self): entry_list = [] entry_map = {} local_var = { "has_meta": False } # pass local variables outside func scope encoding = self.encoding def _addline(status, line): # _ftp_retrlines_native() made sure that we always get `str` type lines assert status in (0, 1, 2) assert is_native(line) data, _, name = line.partition("; ") # print(status, name, u_name) if status == 1: write( "WARNING: File name seems not to be {}; re-encoded from CP-1252:" .format(encoding), name, ) elif status == 2: write_error("File name is neither UTF-8 nor CP-1252 encoded:", name) res_type = size = mtime = unique = None fields = data.split(";") # # "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" / "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" / "Lang" # / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" / os-depend-fact / local-fact for field in fields: field_name, _, field_value = field.partition("=") field_name = field_name.lower() if field_name == "type": res_type = field_value elif field_name in ("sizd", "size"): size = int(field_value) elif field_name == "modify": # Use calendar.timegm() instead of time.mktime(), because # the date was returned as UTC if "." in field_value: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f")) else: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) elif field_name == "unique": unique = field_value entry = None if res_type == "dir": entry = DirectoryEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type == "file": if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored local_var["has_meta"] = True elif (name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir): # this is the root lock file. compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(mtime) else: entry = FileEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type in ("cdir", "pdir"): pass else: write_error("Could not parse '{}'".format(line)) raise NotImplementedError( "MLSD returned unsupported type: {!r}".format(res_type)) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry) try: # We use a custom wrapper here, so we can implement a codding fall back: self._ftp_retrlines_native("MLSD", _addline, encoding) # self.ftp.retrlines("MLSD", _addline) except ftplib.error_perm as e: # write_error("The FTP server responded with {}".format(e)) # raises error_perm "500 Unknown command" if command is not supported if "500" in str(e.args): raise RuntimeError( "The FTP server does not support the 'MLSD' command.") raise # load stored meta data if present self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) if local_var["has_meta"]: try: except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: raise # this should end the script (user should pass --migrate) except Exception as e: write_error("Could not read meta info {}: {}".format( self.cur_dir_meta, e)) meta_files = self.cur_dir_meta.list # Adjust file mtime from meta-data if present missing = [] for n in meta_files: meta = meta_files[n] if n in entry_map: # We have a meta-data entry for this resource upload_time = meta.get("u", 0) # Discard stored meta-data if # 1. the reported files size is different than the # size we stored in the meta-data # or # 2. the the mtime reported by the FTP server is later # than the stored upload time (which indicates # that the file was modified directly on the server) if entry_map[n].size != meta.get("s"): if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( "Removing meta entry {} (size changed from {} to {})." .format(n, entry_map[n].size, meta.get("s"))) missing.append(n) elif (entry_map[n].mtime - upload_time) > self.mtime_compare_eps: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write("Removing meta entry {} (modified {} > {}).". format( n, time.ctime(entry_map[n].mtime), time.ctime(upload_time), )) missing.append(n) else: # Use meta-data mtime instead of the one reported by FTP server entry_map[n].meta = meta entry_map[n].mtime = meta["m"] else: # File is stored in meta-data, but no longer exists on FTP server # write("META: Removing missing meta entry %s" % n) missing.append(n) # Remove missing or invalid files from cur_dir_meta for n in missing: self.cur_dir_meta.remove(n) return entry_list
def _get_dir_impl(self): entry_list = [] entry_map = {} has_meta = False attr_list = self.sftp.listdir_attr() for de in attr_list: is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(de.st_mode) name = de.filename entry = None if is_dir: if name not in (".", ".."): entry = DirectoryEntry( self, self.cur_dir, name, de.st_size, de.st_mtime, unique=None ) elif name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored has_meta = True elif name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir: # this is the root lock file. Compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(de.st_mtime) else: entry = FileEntry( self, self.cur_dir, name, de.st_size, de.st_mtime, unique=None ) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry) # load stored meta data if present self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) if has_meta: try: except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: raise # this should end the script (user should pass --migrate) except Exception as e: write_error( "Could not read meta info {}: {}".format(self.cur_dir_meta, e) ) meta_files = self.cur_dir_meta.list # Adjust file mtime from meta-data if present missing = [] for n in meta_files: meta = meta_files[n] if n in entry_map: # We have a meta-data entry for this resource upload_time = meta.get("u", 0) # Discard stored meta-data if # 1. the reported files size is different than the # size we stored in the meta-data # or # 2. the the mtime reported by the SFTP server is later # than the stored upload time (which indicates # that the file was modified directly on the server) if entry_map[n].size != meta.get("s"): if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( "Removing meta entry {} (size changed from {} to {}).".format( n, entry_map[n].size, meta.get("s") ) ) missing.append(n) elif (entry_map[n].mtime - upload_time) > self.mtime_compare_eps: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( "Removing meta entry {} (modified {} > {}).".format( n, time.ctime(entry_map[n].mtime), time.ctime(upload_time), ) ) missing.append(n) else: # Use meta-data mtime instead of the one reported by SFTP server entry_map[n].meta = meta entry_map[n].mtime = meta["m"] else: # File is stored in meta-data, but no longer exists on SFTP server # write("META: Removing missing meta entry %s" % n) missing.append(n) # Remove missing or invalid files from cur_dir_meta for n in missing: self.cur_dir_meta.remove(n) # print("entry_list", entry_list) return entry_list
def handle_run_command(parser, args): """Implement `run` sub-command.""" MAX_LEVELS = 15 # --- Look for `pyftpsync.yaml` in current folder and parents --- cur_level = 0 cur_folder = os.getcwd() config_path = None while cur_level < MAX_LEVELS: path = os.path.join(cur_folder, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) # print("Searching for {}...".format(path)) if os.path.isfile(path): config_path = path break parent = os.path.dirname(cur_folder) if parent == cur_folder: break cur_folder = parent cur_level += 1 if not config_path: parser.error( "Could not locate `.pyftpsync.yaml` in {} or {} parent folders.". format(os.getcwd(), cur_level)) # --- Parse `pyftpsync.yaml` and set `args` attributes --- try: with open(config_path, "rb") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception as e: parser.error("Error parsing {}: {}".format(config_path, e)) # write_error("Error parsing {}: {}".format(config_path, e)) # raise # print(config) if "tasks" not in config: parser.error("Missing option `tasks` in {}".format(config_path)) common_config = config.get("common_config", {}) default_task = config.get("default_task", "default") task_name = args.task or default_task if task_name not in config["tasks"]: parser.error("Missing option `tasks.{}` in {}".format( task_name, config_path)) task = config["tasks"][task_name] write("Running task '{}' from {}".format(task_name, config_path)) common_config.update(task) task = common_config # write("task", task) # --- Check task syntax --- task_args = set(task.keys()) missing_args = MANDATORY_TASK_ARGS.difference(task_args) if missing_args: parser.error("Missing mandatory options: tasks.{}.{}".format( task_name, ", ".join(missing_args))) allowed_args = KNOWN_TASK_ARGS.union(MANDATORY_TASK_ARGS) invalid_args = task_args.difference(allowed_args) if invalid_args: parser.error("Invalid options: tasks.{}.{}".format( task_name, ", ".join(invalid_args))) # write("args", args) for name in allowed_args: val = task.get(name, None) # default) if val is None: continue # option not specified in yaml # Override yaml entry by command line cmd_val = getattr(args, name, None) # write("check --{}: {} => {}".format(name, val, cmd_val)) if cmd_val != val: override = False if name in OVERRIDABLE_BOOL_ARGS and cmd_val: override = True elif name in {"here", "root"} and ( or args.root): override = True elif name == "verbose" and cmd_val != 3: override = True if override: write("Yaml entry overriden by --{}: {} => {}".format( name, val, cmd_val)) continue setattr(args, name, val) # --- Figure out local target path --- cur_folder = os.getcwd() root_folder = os.path.dirname(config_path) path_ofs = os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), root_folder) if cur_level == 0 or args.root: path_ofs = "" args.local = root_folder elif write("Using sub-branch {sub} of {root}".format(root=root_folder, sub=path_ofs)) args.local = cur_folder args.remote = os.path.join(args.remote, path_ofs) else: parser.error( "`.pyftpsync.yaml` configuration was found in a parent directory. " "Please pass an additional argument to clarify:\n" " --root: synchronize whole project ({root})\n" " --here: synchronize sub branch ({root}/{sub})".format( root=root_folder, sub=path_ofs))
def handle_run_command(parser, args): """Implement `run` sub-command.""" MAX_LEVELS = 15 # --- Look for `pyftpsync.yaml` in current folder and parents --- cur_level = 0 cur_folder = os.getcwd() config_path = None while cur_level < MAX_LEVELS: path = os.path.join(cur_folder, CONFIG_FILE_NAME) # print("Searching for {}...".format(path)) if os.path.isfile(path): config_path = path break parent = os.path.dirname(cur_folder) if parent == cur_folder: break cur_folder = parent cur_level += 1 if not config_path: parser.error( "Could not locate `.pyftpsync.yaml` in {} or {} parent folders.".format( os.getcwd(), cur_level ) ) # --- Parse `pyftpsync.yaml` and set `args` attributes --- try: with open(config_path, "rb") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) except Exception as e: parser.error("Error parsing {}: {}".format(config_path, e)) # write_error("Error parsing {}: {}".format(config_path, e)) # raise # print(config) if "tasks" not in config: parser.error("Missing option `tasks` in {}".format(config_path)) common_config = config.get("common_config", {}) default_task = config.get("default_task", "default") task_name = args.task or default_task if task_name not in config["tasks"]: parser.error("Missing option `tasks.{}` in {}".format(task_name, config_path)) task = config["tasks"][task_name] write("Running task '{}' from {}".format(task_name, config_path)) common_config.update(task) task = common_config # write("task", task) # --- Check task syntax --- task_args = set(task.keys()) missing_args = MANDATORY_TASK_ARGS.difference(task_args) if missing_args: parser.error( "Missing mandatory options: tasks.{}.{}".format( task_name, ", ".join(missing_args) ) ) allowed_args = KNOWN_TASK_ARGS.union(MANDATORY_TASK_ARGS) invalid_args = task_args.difference(allowed_args) if invalid_args: parser.error( "Invalid options: tasks.{}.{}".format(task_name, ", ".join(invalid_args)) ) # write("args", args) for name in allowed_args: val = task.get(name, None) # default) if val is None: continue # option not specified in yaml # Override yaml entry by command line cmd_val = getattr(args, name, None) # write("check --{}: {} => {}".format(name, val, cmd_val)) if cmd_val != val: override = False if name in OVERRIDABLE_BOOL_ARGS and cmd_val: override = True elif name in {"here", "root"} and ( or args.root): override = True elif name == "verbose" and cmd_val != 3: override = True if override: write( "Yaml entry overriden by --{}: {} => {}".format(name, val, cmd_val) ) continue setattr(args, name, val) # --- Figure out local target path --- cur_folder = os.getcwd() root_folder = os.path.dirname(config_path) path_ofs = os.path.relpath(os.getcwd(), root_folder) if cur_level == 0 or args.root: path_ofs = "" args.local = root_folder elif write("Using sub-branch {sub} of {root}".format(root=root_folder, sub=path_ofs)) args.local = cur_folder args.remote = os.path.join(args.remote, path_ofs) else: parser.error( "`.pyftpsync.yaml` configuration was found in a parent directory. " "Please pass an additional argument to clarify:\n" " --root: synchronize whole project ({root})\n" " --here: synchronize sub branch ({root}/{sub})".format( root=root_folder, sub=path_ofs ) )
def open(self): assert not self.ftp_socket_connected super(FTPTarget, self).open() options = self.get_options_dict() no_prompt = self.get_option("no_prompt", True) store_password = self.get_option("store_password", False) verbose = self.get_option("verbose", 3) self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) # Optionally use FTP active mode (default: PASV) (issue #21) force_active = self.get_option("ftp_active", False) self.ftp.set_pasv(not force_active) self.ftp.connect(, self.port, self.timeout) # if self.timeout: # self.ftp.connect(, self.port, self.timeout) # else: # # Py2.7 uses -999 as default for `timeout`, Py3 uses None # self.ftp.connect(, self.port) self.ftp_socket_connected = True if self.username is None or self.password is None: creds = get_credentials_for_url(, options, force_user=self.username) if creds: self.username, self.password = creds while True: try: # Login (as 'anonymous' if self.username is undefined): self.ftp.login(self.username, self.password) if verbose >= 4: write("Login as '{}'.".format( self.username if self.username else "anonymous")) break except ftplib.error_perm as e: # If credentials were passed, but authentication fails, prompt # for new password if not e.args[0].startswith("530"): raise # error other then '530 Login incorrect' write_error("Could not login to {}@{}: {}".format( self.username,, e)) if no_prompt or not self.username: raise creds = prompt_for_password(, self.username) self.username, self.password = creds # Continue while-loop if self.tls: # Upgrade data connection to TLS. self.ftp.prot_p() try: self.syst_response = self.ftp.sendcmd("SYST") if verbose >= 5: write("SYST: '{}'.".format( self.syst_response.replace("\n", " "))) # self.is_unix = "unix" in resp.lower() # not necessarily true, better check with r/w tests # TODO: case sensitivity? except Exception as e: write("SYST command failed: '{}'".format(e)) try: self.feat_response = self.ftp.sendcmd("FEAT") self.support_utf8 = "UTF8" in self.feat_response if verbose >= 5: write("FEAT: '{}'.".format( self.feat_response.replace("\n", " "))) except Exception as e: write("FEAT command failed: '{}'".format(e)) if self.encoding == "utf-8": if not self.support_utf8 and verbose >= 4: write( "Server does not list utf-8 as supported feature (using it anyway).", warning=True, ) try: # Announce our wish to use UTF-8 to the server as proposed here: # See # Note: this RFC is inactive, expired, and failed on Strato self.ftp.sendcmd("OPTS UTF-8") if verbose >= 4: write("Sent 'OPTS UTF-8'.") except Exception as e: if verbose >= 4: write("Could not send 'OPTS UTF-8': '{}'".format(e), warning=True) try: # Announce our wish to use UTF-8 to the server as proposed here: # See # # Note: this was accepted on Strato self.ftp.sendcmd("OPTS UTF8 ON") if verbose >= 4: write("Sent 'OPTS UTF8 ON'.") except Exception as e: write("Could not send 'OPTS UTF8 ON': '{}'".format(e), warning=True) if hasattr(self.ftp, "encoding"): # Python 3 encodes using latin-1 by default(!) # (In Python 2 ftp.encoding does not exist, but ascii is used) if self.encoding != codecs.lookup(self.ftp.encoding).name: write("Setting FTP encoding to {} (was {}).".format( self.encoding, self.ftp.encoding)) self.ftp.encoding = self.encoding try: self.ftp.cwd(self.root_dir) except ftplib.error_perm as e: if not e.args[0].startswith("550"): raise # error other then 550 No such directory' write_error( "Could not change directory to {} ({}): missing permissions?". format(self.root_dir, e)) pwd = self.pwd() # pwd = self.to_unicode(pwd) if pwd != self.root_dir: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to navigate to working directory {!r} (now at {!r})". format(self.root_dir, pwd)) self.cur_dir = pwd # self.ftp_initialized = True # Successfully authenticated: store password if store_password: save_password(, self.username, self.password) self._lock() return
def get_dir(self): entry_list = [] entry_map = {} local_res = { "has_meta": False } # pass local variables outside func scope def _addline(line): data, _, name = line.partition("; ") res_type = size = mtime = unique = None fields = data.split(";") # # "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" / "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" / "Lang" # / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" / os-depend-fact / local-fact for field in fields: field_name, _, field_value = field.partition("=") field_name = field_name.lower() if field_name == "type": res_type = field_value elif field_name in ("sizd", "size"): size = int(field_value) elif field_name == "modify": # Use calendar.timegm() instead of time.mktime(), because # the date was returned as UTC if "." in field_value: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f")) else: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")) elif field_name == "unique": unique = field_value entry = None if res_type == "dir": entry = DirectoryEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type == "file": if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored local_res["has_meta"] = True elif name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir: # this is the root lock file. compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(mtime) else: entry = FileEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type in ("cdir", "pdir"): pass else: raise NotImplementedError( "MLSD returned unsupported type: {!r}".format(res_type)) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry) try: self.ftp.retrlines("MLSD", _addline) except ftplib.error_perm as e: # write_error("The FTP server responded with {}".format(e)) # raises error_perm "500 Unknown command" if command is not supported if "500" in str(e.args): raise RuntimeError( "The FTP server does not support the 'MLSD' command.") raise # load stored meta data if present self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) if local_res["has_meta"]: try: except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: raise # this should end the script (user should pass --migrate) except Exception as e: write_error("Could not read meta info {}: {}".format( self.cur_dir_meta, e)) meta_files = self.cur_dir_meta.list # Adjust file mtime from meta-data if present missing = [] for n in meta_files: meta = meta_files[n] if n in entry_map: # We have a meta-data entry for this resource upload_time = meta.get("u", 0) if (entry_map[n].size == meta.get("s") and FileEntry._eps_compare(entry_map[n].mtime, upload_time) <= 0): # Use meta-data mtime instead of the one reported by FTP server entry_map[n].meta = meta entry_map[n].mtime = meta["m"] # entry_map[n].dt_modified = datetime.fromtimestamp(meta["m"]) else: # Discard stored meta-data if # 1. the the mtime reported by the FTP server is later # than the stored upload time (which indicates # that the file was modified directly on the server) # or # 2. the reported files size is different than the # size we stored in the meta-data if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( ("META: Removing outdated meta entry {}\n" + " modified after upload ({} > {}), or\n" " cur. size ({}) != meta size ({})" ).format(n, time.ctime(entry_map[n].mtime), time.ctime(upload_time), entry_map[n].size, meta.get("s"))) missing.append(n) else: # File is stored in meta-data, but no longer exists on FTP server # write("META: Removing missing meta entry %s" % n) missing.append(n) # Remove missing or invalid files from cur_dir_meta for n in missing: self.cur_dir_meta.remove(n) return entry_list
def get_dir(self): entry_list = [] entry_map = {} local_var = {"has_meta": False} # pass local variables outside func scope encoding = self.encoding def _addline(status, line): # _ftp_retrlines_native() made sure that we always get `str` type lines assert status in (0, 1, 2) assert compat.is_native(line) data, _, name = line.partition("; ") # print(status, name, u_name) if status == 1: write( "WARNING: File name seems not to be {}; re-encoded from CP-1252:".format( encoding ), name, ) elif status == 2: write_error("File name is neither UTF-8 nor CP-1252 encoded:", name) res_type = size = mtime = unique = None fields = data.split(";") # # "Size" / "Modify" / "Create" / "Type" / "Unique" / "Perm" / "Lang" # / "Media-Type" / "CharSet" / os-depend-fact / local-fact for field in fields: field_name, _, field_value = field.partition("=") field_name = field_name.lower() if field_name == "type": res_type = field_value elif field_name in ("sizd", "size"): size = int(field_value) elif field_name == "modify": # Use calendar.timegm() instead of time.mktime(), because # the date was returned as UTC if "." in field_value: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S.%f") ) else: mtime = calendar.timegm( time.strptime(field_value, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") ) elif field_name == "unique": unique = field_value entry = None if res_type == "dir": entry = DirectoryEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type == "file": if name == DirMetadata.META_FILE_NAME: # the meta-data file is silently ignored local_var["has_meta"] = True elif ( name == DirMetadata.LOCK_FILE_NAME and self.cur_dir == self.root_dir ): # this is the root lock file. compare reported mtime with # local upload time self._probe_lock_file(mtime) else: entry = FileEntry(self, self.cur_dir, name, size, mtime, unique) elif res_type in ("cdir", "pdir"): pass else: write_error("Could not parse '{}'".format(line)) raise NotImplementedError( "MLSD returned unsupported type: {!r}".format(res_type) ) if entry: entry_map[name] = entry entry_list.append(entry) try: # We use a custom wrapper here, so we can implement a codding fall back: self._ftp_retrlines_native("MLSD", _addline, encoding) # self.ftp.retrlines("MLSD", _addline) except ftplib.error_perm as e: # write_error("The FTP server responded with {}".format(e)) # raises error_perm "500 Unknown command" if command is not supported if "500" in str(e.args): raise RuntimeError( "The FTP server does not support the 'MLSD' command." ) raise # load stored meta data if present self.cur_dir_meta = DirMetadata(self) if local_var["has_meta"]: try: except IncompatibleMetadataVersion: raise # this should end the script (user should pass --migrate) except Exception as e: write_error( "Could not read meta info {}: {}".format(self.cur_dir_meta, e) ) meta_files = self.cur_dir_meta.list # Adjust file mtime from meta-data if present missing = [] for n in meta_files: meta = meta_files[n] if n in entry_map: # We have a meta-data entry for this resource upload_time = meta.get("u", 0) # Discard stored meta-data if # 1. the reported files size is different than the # size we stored in the meta-data # or # 2. the the mtime reported by the FTP server is later # than the stored upload time (which indicates # that the file was modified directly on the server) if entry_map[n].size != meta.get("s"): if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( "Removing meta entry {} (size changed from {} to {}).".format( n, entry_map[n].size, meta.get("s") ) ) missing.append(n) elif (entry_map[n].mtime - upload_time) > self.mtime_compare_eps: if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 5: write( "Removing meta entry {} (modified {} > {}).".format( n, time.ctime(entry_map[n].mtime), time.ctime(upload_time), ) ) missing.append(n) else: # Use meta-data mtime instead of the one reported by FTP server entry_map[n].meta = meta entry_map[n].mtime = meta["m"] else: # File is stored in meta-data, but no longer exists on FTP server # write("META: Removing missing meta entry %s" % n) missing.append(n) # Remove missing or invalid files from cur_dir_meta for n in missing: self.cur_dir_meta.remove(n) return entry_list
def open(self): assert not self.ftp_socket_connected super(FtpTarget, self).open() options = self.get_options_dict() no_prompt = self.get_option("no_prompt", True) store_password = self.get_option("store_password", False) self.ftp.set_debuglevel(self.get_option("ftp_debug", 0)) # Optionally use FTP active mode (default: PASV) (issue #21) force_active = self.get_option("ftp_active", False) self.ftp.set_pasv(not force_active) if self.timeout: self.ftp.connect(, self.port, self.timeout) else: # Py2.7 uses -999 as default for `timeout`, Py3 uses None self.ftp.connect(, self.port) self.ftp_socket_connected = True if self.username is None or self.password is None: creds = get_credentials_for_url(, options, force_user=self.username) if creds: self.username, self.password = creds while True: try: # Login (as 'anonymous' if self.username is undefined): self.ftp.login(self.username, self.password) if self.get_option("verbose", 3) >= 4: write("Login as '{}'.".format( self.username if self.username else "anonymous")) break except ftplib.error_perm as e: # If credentials were passed, but authentication fails, prompt # for new password if not e.args[0].startswith("530"): raise # error other then '530 Login incorrect' write_error("Could not login to {}@{}: {}".format( self.username,, e)) if no_prompt or not self.username: raise creds = prompt_for_password(, self.username) self.username, self.password = creds # Continue while-loop if self.tls: # Upgrade data connection to TLS. self.ftp.prot_p() try: self.ftp.cwd(self.root_dir) except ftplib.error_perm as e: # If credentials were passed, but authentication fails, prompt # for new password if not e.args[0].startswith("550"): raise # error other then 550 No such directory' write_error( "Could not change directory to {} ({}): missing permissions?". format(self.root_dir, e)) pwd = self.ftp.pwd() if pwd != self.root_dir: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to navigate to working directory {!r} (now at {!r})". format(self.root_dir, pwd)) self.cur_dir = pwd # self.ftp_initialized = True # Successfully authenticated: store password if store_password: save_password(, self.username, self.password) # TODO: case sensitivity? # resp = self.ftp.sendcmd("system") # self.is_unix = "unix" in resp.lower() # not necessarily true, better check with r/w tests self._lock() return
def open(self): assert not self.ftp_socket_connected super(SFTPTarget, self).open() options = self.get_options_dict() no_prompt = self.get_option("no_prompt", True) store_password = self.get_option("store_password", False) verbose = self.get_option("verbose", 3) verify_host_keys = not self.get_option("no_verify_host_keys", False) if self.get_option("ftp_active", False): raise RuntimeError("SFTP does not have active/passive mode.") if verbose <= 3: logging.getLogger("paramiko.transport").setLevel(logging.WARNING) write("Connecting {}:*** to sftp://{}".format(self.username, cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.log = self.get_option("ftp_debug", False) if not verify_host_keys: cnopts.hostkeys = None if self.username is None or self.password is None: creds = get_credentials_for_url(, options, force_user=self.username ) if creds: self.username, self.password = creds assert self.sftp is None while True: try: self.sftp = pysftp.Connection(, username=self.username, password=self.password, port=self.port, cnopts=cnopts, ) break except paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException as e: write_error( "Could not login to {}@{}: {}".format(self.username,, e) ) if no_prompt or not self.username: raise creds = prompt_for_password(, self.username) self.username, self.password = creds # Continue while-loop except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e: write_error( "{exc}: Try `ssh-keyscan HOST` to add it " "(or pass `--no-verify-host-keys` if you don't care about security).".format( exc=e ) ) raise if verbose >= 4: write( "Login as '{}'.".format(self.username if self.username else "anonymous") ) if self.sftp.logfile: write("Logging to {}".format(self.sftp.logfile)) self.sftp.timeout = self.timeout self.ftp_socket_connected = True try: self.sftp.cwd(self.root_dir) except IOError as e: # if not e.args[0].startswith("550"): # raise # error other then 550 No such directory' write_error( "Could not change directory to {} ({}): missing permissions?".format( self.root_dir, e ) ) pwd = self.pwd() # pwd = self.to_unicode(pwd) if pwd != self.root_dir: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to navigate to working directory {!r} (now at {!r})".format( self.root_dir, pwd ) ) self.cur_dir = pwd # self.ftp_initialized = True # Successfully authenticated: store password if store_password: save_password(, self.username, self.password) self._lock() return