# maps 1-to-1 to a Google Fusion Tables schema
  'Fragile Oasis':HashableOrderedDict([
  ('title', 'STRING'),
  ('category', 'STRING'),
  ('url', 'STRING'),
  ('website', 'STRING'),
  ('cords', 'LOCATION'),
  ('city', 'LOCATION'), # augmented with OpenStreetMap
  ('cityinfo', 'LOCATION'), # augmented with Freebase
  ('country', 'LOCATION'), # augmented with OpenStreetMap
  ('countryinfo', 'LOCATION'), # augmented with Freebase
  ('description', 'STRING'),
  ('votes', 'NUMBER'),
  ('location', 'LOCATION'),
  ('comments', 'NUMBER'),
  ('featured', 'STRING'),
  ('followers', 'NUMBER'),
  ('followersinfo', 'NUMBER'), # augmented by scraping fragileoasis.org
  ('shares', 'NUMBER'),
  ('id', 'NUMBER'),
  ('photos', 'STRING'),

if __name__ == '__main__':
  pusher = FTPusher()
  return _get_entity_info(city, '/location/citytown')

# get Country entity on Freebase
def _get_country_info(country):
  return _get_entity_info(country, '/location/country')

# enhance the Fragile Oasis dataset with external data
def _enhance_FO(data):
  for row in data:
    city, country = _extract_city_country(row['cords'])
    row['city'] = city
    row['cityinfo'] = _get_city_info(city)
    row['country'] = country
    row['countryinfo'] = _get_country_info(country)
    row['followersinfo'] = _scrape_followers(row['url'])
  return data

def import_fragile_oasis():
  r = requests.get('http://www.fragileoasis.org/projects/feed/?format=json')
  data = json.load(r, object_hook=util.fragile_oasis_parser)
  return _enhance_FO(data)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  pusher = FTPusher()