Example #1
def dumps(object):
    if type(object) in (int, long):
        return object
    if type(object) in (str, unicode) and reduce(
            lambda x, y: x + (1, 0)[y in printable], object, 0) == 0:
        return object
    return buffer(pickle.dumps(object))
Example #2
    class junk(object):
        property = data
        def test(self):
            return "hi, i'm %x"% id(self)

        def dosomething(self):
            print self.property

    class junk2:
        def test(self):
            return 'ok'
        property = {'name' : 1}

    a = junk
    s = fu.dumps(a)
    b = fu.loads(s)

    _a = a()
    _b = b()

    print a,_a.test(),_a.property
    print b,_b.test(),_b.property
    print a is b

    def test(x):
        def closure():
            print 'hello', x
        return closure

    f = test('computer')
Example #3
def dumps(object):
    if type(object) in (int,long):
        return object
    if type(object) in (str,unicode) and reduce(lambda x,y:x+(1,0)[y in printable],object,0) == 0:
        return object
    return buffer(pickle.dumps(object))