def nb_ports_nmin(original_subnets): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5)) method = 'separated' subnets = original_subnets if method == 'separated' else ['all'] subnets_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I'] packets = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_PACKETS, 'packets_subnets', method, PERIOD, 'csv'), dtype={'nb_packets': int}) for i, subnet in enumerate(subnets): packets_sub = (packets[packets.key == subnet]) l_packets = [] for nb_min in NB_MINS: packets_sub = packets_sub[packets_sub.nb_packets > nb_min] l_packets.append(len(packets_sub)) ax.plot(NB_MINS, l_packets, label='subnet ' + subnets_names[i], marker=MARKERS[i % len(MARKERS)]) ax.set_xticks(NB_MINS) ax.set_xlabel(r'$N_{min}$', fontsize=12) ax.set_xticklabels(NB_MINS) ax.set_ylabel('Number of ports to analyze', fontsize=12) legend = ax.legend(prop={'size': '7'}) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, 'nmin_nbports', PERIOD, 'png'), label=legend, dpi=1000)
def bars_comparative(): for feat in FEATURES: x_values, y_values = ([] for i in range(2)) labels = [] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5)) for method in METHODS: ports = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, method, PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) ports = ports.applymap(sign_to_score) results = {} for i in range(len(ports.columns)): res = ports.iloc[:, i] temp = res.value_counts().to_dict() results = { k: results.get(k, 0) + temp.get(k, 0) for k in set(results) | set(temp) } print(feat.attribute, results) if method == 'agg': x_values.extend([-3, -2]) labels.extend(['0', '1']) else: x_values.extend(results.keys()) labels.extend([str(x) for x in results.keys()]) y_values.extend(results.values()) rects =, y_values) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plticker.MaxNLocator(integer=True)) numbers_ports = {} for el in results.keys(): numbers_ports[el] = ports[ports == el].index.tolist() for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., 1.05 * height, '%d' % int(height), ha='center', va='bottom', size=8) ticketing = [-3, -2] ticketing.extend(range(len(labels) - 1)) ax.set_xticks(ticketing) ax.set_xticklabels(labels) ax.set_xlabel('Score', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylabel('Number of anomalies', fontsize=12) ax.set_ylim(-2, 4 * 10**6) plt.axvline(x=-1, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=0.5) fig.text(0.16, 0.9, 'Aggregated view', size=8) fig.text(0.59, 0.9, 'Split view', size=8) fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, feat.attribute, method, N_MIN, N_DAYS, PERIOD, 'png'), dpi=800, bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_mse_ndays(): mse = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'mse_ndays', PERIOD, 'csv'), dtype={'nb_packets': int}, names=['nb_day', 'feature', 'mean', 'median']) tools = ['median', 'mean'] for tool in tools: fig_mse, ax_mse = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5)) fig_mse.tight_layout() for i, feat in enumerate(FEATURES): value = mse[mse.feature == feat.attribute] results = value[tool].tolist() results = list(map(lambda x: round(x, 3), results)) print(feat.attribute) legend = '' if feat.attribute == 'src_div_index': legend = 'srcDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'dst_div_index': legend = 'destDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'port_div_index': legend = 'portDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'mean_size': legend = 'meanSize' elif feat.attribute == 'std_size': legend = 'stdSize' elif feat.attribute == 'SYN': legend = 'perSYN' ax_mse.plot(NB_DAYS, results, label=legend, marker=MARKERS[i], linestyle=LINESTYLES[i % 4]) ax_mse.set_xlabel(r'$N_{days}$', fontsize=12) ax_mse.set_ylabel('Median MSE', fontsize=12) ax_mse.set_xticks(NB_DAYS) ax_mse.set_xticklabels(NB_DAYS) ax_mse.legend() fig_mse.tight_layout() fig_mse.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, tool + '_mse_feature', 'png'), dpi=300)
def feature_selection(): years = [2016, 2017, 2018] list_annot = [] for year in years: print(year) test = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', FEATURES[0].attribute, 'separated', year, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) ports = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(test.columns)) for feat in FEATURES: feat_df = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', year, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) feat_df = feat_df.applymap(sign_to_score) ports = ports.add(feat_df, fill_value=0) ports = ports.loc[(ports > T_ANO).any(axis=1)] for index, row in ports.iterrows(): if year == 2016: dates = [ '1210', '1217', '1224', '1231', '0107', '0114', '0121', '0128', '0204', '0211', '0218', '0225', '0303', '0310', '0317', '0324', '0331', '0407', '0414', '0421', '0428', '0505', '0512', '0519', '0526', '0602', '0609', '0616', '0622', '0630', '0707', '0714', '0721', '0728', '0804', '0811', '0818', '0825', '0901', '0908', '0915', '0922', '0929', '1006', '1013', '1020', '1027', '1103', '1110', '1117', '1124', '1201', '1208', '1215', '1222', '1229' ] elif year == 2017: dates = [ '1027', '1103', '1110', '1117', '1124', '1201', '1208', '1215', '1222', '1229', '0105', '0112', '0119', '0126', '0202', '0209', '0216', '0223', '0302', '0309', '0316', '0323', '0330', '0406', '0413', '0420', '0427', '0504', '0511', '0518', '0525', '0601', '0608', '0615', '0622', '0629', '0706', '0713', '0720', '0727', '0803', '0810', '0817', '0824', '0831', '0907', '0914', '0921', '0928', '1005', '1012', '1019', '1026', '1102', '1109', '1116', '1123', '1130', '1207', '1214', '1221', '1228' ] elif year == 2018: dates = [ '1026', '1102', '1109', '1116', '1123', '1130', '1207', '1214', '1221', '1228', '0104', '0111', '0118', '0125', '0201', '0208', '0215', '0222', '0301', '0308', '0315', '0322', '0329', '0405', '0412', '0419', '0426', '0503', '0510', '0517', '0524', '0531', '0607', '0614', '0621', '0628', '0705', '0712', '0719', '0726', '0802', '0809', '0816', '0823', '0830', '0906', '0913', '0920', '0927', '1004', '1011', '1018', '1025', '1101', '1108', '1115', '1122', '1129', '1206' ] for i, date in enumerate(dates[N_DAYS:]): if row[i] > T_ANO: annotations = [index, date] for feat in FEATURES: evaluation = pd.read_csv(path_join( PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', year, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) if index in list(evaluation.index): rep = evaluation.loc[index][date] if rep: if str(rep) != 'nan': annotations.extend([ int(rep.split(',')[sign]) for sign in range(2) ]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) list_annot.append(annotations) columns = ['port', 'date'] columns.extend( [sign + feat.attribute for feat in FEATURES for sign in SIGNS]) heatmap = pd.DataFrame(list_annot, columns=columns) heatmap = heatmap.iloc[:, 2:].applymap(lambda x: np.abs(x)) heatmap['sum'] = heatmap.sum(axis=1) print(np.array(heatmap.iloc[:, :-1]), heatmap['sum']) f_test, _ = f_regression(np.array(heatmap.iloc[:, :-1]), heatmap['sum']) f_test /= np.max(f_test) print(f_test)
def relevant_features(): list_annot = [] test = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', FEATURES[0].attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) ports = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(test.columns)) for feat in FEATURES: feat_df = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) feat_df = feat_df.applymap(sign_to_score) ports = ports.add(feat_df, fill_value=0) ports = ports.loc[(ports > T_ANO).any(axis=1)] for index, row in ports.iterrows(): for i, date in enumerate(DATES[N_DAYS:]): if row[i] > T_ANO: annotations = [index, date] for feat in FEATURES: evaluation = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) if index in list(evaluation.index): rep = evaluation.loc[index][date] if rep: if str(rep) != 'nan': annotations.extend([ int(rep.split(',')[sign]) for sign in range(2) ]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) list_annot.append(annotations) columns = ['port', 'date'] columns.extend( [sign + feat.attribute for feat in FEATURES for sign in SIGNS]) heatmap = pd.DataFrame(list_annot, columns=columns) heatmap = heatmap.rename(index=str, columns={ "-src_div_index": "-src", "+src_div_index": "+src", "-dst_div_index": "-dst", "+dst_div_index": "+dst", "-port_div_index": "-port", "+port_div_index": "+port", "-mean_size": "-meanSz", "+mean_size": "+meanSz", "-std_size": "-stdSz", "+std_size": "+stdSz" }) dict_scores = dict.fromkeys([feat.attribute for feat in FEATURES], 0) for index, row in heatmap.iterrows(): for ind_f, feat in enumerate(FEATURES): if abs(int(row[2 + ind_f * 2])) > 1 and int( row[2 + ind_f * 2 + 1]) == 0: dict_scores[feat.attribute] += 1 if abs(int(row[2 + ind_f * 2 + 1])) > 1 and int( row[2 + ind_f * 2]) == 0: dict_scores[feat.attribute] += 1 print(dict_scores)
def cor_features_output(): feat_df = dict.fromkeys([feat.attribute for feat in FEATURES], pd.DataFrame()) for feat in FEATURES: ports = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) feat_df[feat.attribute] = ports.applymap(sign_to_score) combinations = [FEATURES] labels = ['all'] for feat in FEATURES: labels.append(feat.attribute) temp = FEATURES[:] temp.remove(feat) combinations.append(temp) threshold_ano, all_ano = (dict.fromkeys([str(l) for l in combinations], []) for i in range(2)) for l in combinations: result = pd.DataFrame() for feat in l: result = result.add(feat_df[feat.attribute], fill_value=0) result = result.astype(int) ind_thr, ind_all = ([] for i in range(2)) for port, row in result.iterrows(): for i, date in enumerate(DATES[N_DAYS:]): ind_all.append('|'.join([str(port), date, str(row[i])])) if row[i] > T_ANO: ind_thr.append('|'.join([str(port), date, str(row[i])])) threshold_ano[str(l)] = ind_thr all_ano[str(l)] = ind_all print(threshold_ano.values()) unique_ano = set([ '|'.join(el.split('|')[:-1]) for thr in threshold_ano.values() for el in thr ]) final_array = pd.DataFrame(index=unique_ano, columns=[str(l) for l in combinations], dtype=np.int8) for value in unique_ano: for l in combinations: for anomaly in all_ano[str(l)]: if value in anomaly: final_array.loc[value, str(l)] = int(anomaly.split('|')[2]) break else: final_array.loc[value, str(l)] = 0 fig, axis = plt.subplots() final = np.array(final_array, dtype=int) image = axis.imshow(final, cmap='YlOrRd') axis.set_xticks(np.arange(len(combinations))) axis.set_yticks(np.arange(len(unique_ano))) axis.set_xticklabels(labels) axis.set_yticklabels([ an.split('|')[0] + ' - ' + an.split('|')[1][0:2] + '/' + an.split('|')[1][2:] for an in unique_ano ]) axis.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=5) plt.setp(axis.get_xticklabels(), rotation=35, ha='right', rotation_mode='anchor') for i in range(len(unique_ano)): for j in range(len(combinations)): color = 'b' if final[i, j] > T_ANO else 'c' text = axis.text(j, i, final[i, j], ha='center', va='center', color=color, size=5) axis.set_title('Intensity of anomalies with features varying', size=5) fig.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, 'cor_features', T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, PERIOD, 'png'), dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight') for i, l in enumerate(combinations[1:]): rho_s, p_s = [ round(val * 100, 1) for val in spearmanr(final_array.iloc[:, 0], final_array[str(l)]) ] print( labels[i + 1], int(sum(np.subtract(final_array.iloc[:, 0], final_array[str(l)]))), rho_s)
def correlation_features(): list_annotations = [] test = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', FEATURES[0].attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) ports = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(test.columns)) for feat in FEATURES: feat_df = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) feat_df = feat_df.applymap(sign_to_score) ports = ports.add(feat_df, fill_value=0) ports = ports.loc[(ports > T_ANO).any(axis=1)] for port, row in ports.iterrows(): for i, date in enumerate(DATES[N_DAYS:]): if row[i] > T_ANO: annotations = [] for feat in FEATURES: evaluation = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score', 'csv'), sep=';', index_col=0) if port in list(evaluation.index): rep = evaluation.loc[port, date] if rep: if str(rep) != 'nan': annotations.extend([ int(rep.split(',')[sign]) for sign in range(2) ]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) else: annotations.extend([0, 0]) list_annotations.append(annotations) heatmap = pd.DataFrame( list_annotations, columns=[sign + feat.attribute for sign in SIGNS for feat in FEATURES]) for feat_1, feat_2 in list( combinations([feat.attribute for feat in FEATURES], 2)): for sign_1 in SIGNS: for sign_2 in SIGNS: rho_s, p_s = spearmanr(heatmap[sign_1 + feat_1], heatmap[sign_2 + feat_2]) rho_p, p_p = pearsonr(heatmap[sign_1 + feat_1], heatmap[sign_2 + feat_2]) if np.abs(rho_s) > 0.7: print(sign_1 + feat_1, sign_2 + feat_2, round(rho_s * 100, 1))
def mse_ndays(subnets): packets = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_PACKETS, 'packets_subnets_separated', PERIOD, 'csv'), dtype={'nb_packets': int}) packets = packets[packets.nb_packets > N_MIN] file = open(path_join(PATH_EVAL, 'mse_ndays', PERIOD, 'csv'), 'w') for nb_day in NB_DAYS: for subnet in subnets: packets_subnet = packets[packets.key == subnet] ports = packets_subnet.port.unique() for port in ports: packets_port = packets_subnet[packets_subnet.port == port] for feat in FEATURES: feat.reset_object() for i, date in enumerate(DATES): rep = packets_port[ == int(date)] feat.time_vect.append(rep[feat.attribute].item( ) if not rep.empty else np.nan) if i > len(DATES) - LEN_PERIOD: vector = [ feat.time_vect[j] for j in range(i - nb_day, i) if not np.isnan(feat.time_vect[j]) ] mean = np.nanmean(vector) std = np.nanmean( [np.abs(y - mean) for y in vector]) median = np.nanmedian(vector) mad = np.nanmedian( [np.abs(y - median) for y in vector]) vector_mean = [(v - mean) / std for v in vector] vector_median = [(v - median) / mad for v in vector] if len(vector) > 3 and mad != 0: mean = 0 std = 1 median = 0 mad = 1 count_mean, bins_mean = np.histogram( vector_mean, BINS_SIZE, density=1) count_median, bins_median = np.histogram( vector_median, BINS_SIZE, density=1) regression_mean = [ gauss(b) for b in bins_mean[:-1] + np.diff(bins_mean) / 2 ] regression_median = [ gauss(b) for b in bins_median[:-1] + np.diff(bins_median) / 2 ] error_mean = mean_squared_error( count_mean, regression_mean) error_median = mean_squared_error( count_median, regression_median) if not np.isnan(error_mean): feat.mse_mean.append( np.round(error_mean, 3)) if not np.isnan(error_median): feat.mse_median.append( np.round(error_median, 3)) for feat in FEATURES: value1 = round(np.nanmedian(feat.mse_mean), 3) value2 = round(np.nanmedian(feat.mse_median), 3) file.write(','.join((str(nb_day), str(feat.attribute), str(value1), str(value2))) + '\n') del feat.mse_mean[:] del feat.mse_median[:]
def plot_time_series(original_subnets): """Plot feature time series and modified Z-score evolution for each port.""" subnets_names = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'] if not os.path.exists(PATH_FIGURES): os.mkdir(PATH_FIGURES) # pdf = PdfPages(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, 'time_series', 'pdf')) for method in METHODS: packets = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_PACKETS, 'packets_subnets', method, PERIOD, 'csv'), dtype={ 'date': int, 'port': int, 'nb_packets': int, 'nb_src': int, 'nb_dst': int, 'div_index_src': float, 'div_index_dst': float, 'SYN': float, 'mean_size': float, 'std_size': float }) packets = packets[packets.nb_packets > N_MIN] # ports = packets.port.unique() ports = [3389] # Plot only the results for the first ten ports for port in ports: packets_port = packets[packets.port == port] for fig in FIGURES: if method == 'agg': fig.reset_object() for date in DATES: rep = packets_port[ == int(date)] fig.time_vect.append(rep[fig.attribute].item( ) if not rep.empty else np.nan) if fig.attribute == 'nb_packets': fig.time_vect = fig.time_vect.fillna(0) fig.init_figs() fig.sub_time_vect['Whole network'] = fig.time_vect fig.ax_a.plot(DATES, fig.time_vect, '-', label='Whole network') fig.ax_a.set_xlabel('Time') fig.ax_a.set_ylabel(' '.join( [fig.legend, 'on port', str(port), 'aggregated'])) fig.ax_a.set_xticks(DATES) fig.ax_a.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: '/'.join([x[0:2], x[2:]]), DATES)) plt.setp(fig.ax_a.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right', rotation_mode='anchor') lgd = fig.ax_a.legend() # fig.fig_a.savefig(pdf, format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), # bbox_inches='tight') ax_totake = fig.ax_z_a fig_totake = fig.fig_z_a else: for subnet in original_subnets: fig.init_figs() fig.time_vect = [] for date in DATES: rep = packets_port[( == int(date)) & (packets_port.key == subnet)] fig.time_vect.append(rep[fig.attribute].item( ) if not rep.empty else np.nan) if fig.attribute == 'nb_packets': fig.time_vect = fig.time_vect.fillna(0) fig.sub_time_vect[subnet] = fig.time_vect, fig.time_vect, '-', label=str(subnet))'Time')' '.join( [fig.legend, 'on port', str(port), 'not aggregated'])) map(lambda x: '/'.join([x[0:2], x[2:]]), DATES)) plt.setp(, rotation=45, ha='right', rotation_mode='anchor') lgd =, labelspacing=0.24, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.48, 1.27), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=2) # fig.fig.savefig(pdf, format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), # bbox_inches='tight') ax_totake = fig.ax_z fig_totake = fig.fig_z # for feat in FEATURES: # feat.reset_object() # feat.to_write += str(port) + ';' # for subnet in subnets: # del feat.time_vect[:] # packets_sub = (packets_port.copy() if method == 'agg' # else packets_port[packets_port.key == subnet]) # for i, date in enumerate(DATES): # rep = packets_sub[ == int(date)] # feat.time_vect.append(rep[feat.attribute].item() # if not rep.empty else np.nan) # if i >= N_DAYS: # median = np.nanmedian(feat.time_vect[i - N_DAYS:i]) # mad = np.nanmedian([np.abs(y - median) # for y in feat.time_vect[i - N_DAYS:i]]) # mzscore = 0.6745 * (feat.time_vect[i] - median) / mad # if mzscore > T: # evaluations[feat.attribute].loc[port, date] += '+' + subnet + ',' # elif mzscore < - T: # evaluations[feat.attribute].loc[port, date] += '-' + subnet + ',' ind = 0 for subnet, values in fig.sub_time_vect.items(): for i in range(N_DAYS, len(values)): median = np.nanmedian(values[i - N_DAYS:i]) mad = np.nanmedian( [np.abs(y - median) for y in values[i - N_DAYS:i]]) fig.mzscores[DATES[i]] = [ 0.6745 * (values[i] - median) / mad ] ax_totake.plot(DATES[N_DAYS:], [0] * 46, label='subnet ' + subnets_names[ind], marker=MARKERS[ind % len(MARKERS)]) ind += 1 ax_totake.set_xlabel('Time') ax_totake.set_ylabel(' '.join([ 'Moving Z-score for', fig.legend, 'on port', str(port), 'not aggregated' ])) ax_totake.set_xticks(DATES[N_DAYS:]) ax_totake.set_xticklabels( map(lambda x: x[0:2] + '/' + x[2:], DATES[N_DAYS:])) # ax_totake.axhline(y=T, color='r') # ax_totake.axhline(y=-T, color='r') # ax_totake.text(18, T+0.1, 'T=' + str(T), color='r') # ax_totake.text(18, -T+0.1, 'T=-' + str(T), color='r') plt.setp(ax_totake.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha='right', rotation_mode='anchor') # lgd = ax_totake.legend(handletextpad=0.1, labelspacing=0.24, loc='upper center', # bbox_to_anchor=(3, 3), # fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=3) lgd = ax_totake.legend(loc='upper center', ncol=3, prop={'size': 21}) # fig_totake.savefig(pdf, format='pdf', dpi=600, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), # bbox_inches='tight')
def compute_mse_feature(original_subnets): packets = pd.read_csv(path_join(PATH_PACKETS, 'packets_subnets_separated', PERIOD, 'csv'), dtype={'nb_packets': int}) packets = packets[packets.nb_packets > N_MIN] rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) for subnet in original_subnets: packets_subnet = packets[packets.key == subnet] ports = packets_subnet.port.unique() for port in ports: packets_port = packets_subnet[packets_subnet.port == port] for date in DATES[:N_DAYS]: rep = packets_port[ == int(date)] for feat in FEATURES: feat.time_vect.append(rep[feat.attribute].item( ) if not rep.empty else np.nan) for feat in FEATURES: vector = [ feat.time_vect[i] for i in range(N_DAYS) if not np.isnan(feat.time_vect[i]) ] mu = np.nanmean(vector) sigma = np.nanstd(vector) median = np.nanmedian(vector) mad = np.nanmedian([np.abs(y - median) for y in vector]) vector_mean = [(v - mu) / sigma for v in vector] vector_median = [(v - median) / mad for v in vector] if len(vector) > 3 and mad != 0: mu = 0 sigma = 1 median = 0 mad = 1 count_mean, bins_mean = np.histogram(vector_mean, BINS_SIZE, density=1) regression_mean = [ gauss(b) for b in bins_mean[:-1] + np.diff(bins_mean) / 2 ] error_mean = mean_squared_error(count_mean, regression_mean) count_median, bins_median = np.histogram(vector_median, BINS_SIZE, density=1) regression_median = [ 0.6745 * gauss(b) for b in bins_median[:-1] + np.diff(bins_median) / 2 ] error_median = mean_squared_error(count_median, regression_median) if not np.isnan(error_mean): feat.mse_mean.append(error_mean) if not np.isnan(error_median): feat.mse_median.append(error_median) feat.reset_object() fig_mse_mean, ax_mse_mean = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5)) fig_mse_mean.tight_layout() for i, feat in enumerate(FEATURES): if feat.mse_mean: x_coordinates, y_coordinates = ecdf(feat.mse_mean) legend = '' if feat.attribute == 'src_div_index': legend = 'srcDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'dst_div_index': legend = 'destDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'port_div_index': legend = 'portDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'mean_size': legend = 'meanSize' elif feat.attribute == 'std_size': legend = 'stdSize' elif feat.attribute == 'nb_packets': legend = 'nbPackets' elif feat.attribute == 'mean_ttl': legend = 'meanTTL' elif feat.attribute == 'SYN': legend = 'perSYN' ax_mse_mean.plot(x_coordinates, y_coordinates, label=legend, linestyle=LINESTYLES[i % 4]) ax_mse_mean.set_xlabel('Mean Squared Error', fontsize=12) ax_mse_mean.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability', fontsize=12) legend = ax_mse_mean.legend(loc='lower right', shadow=True, prop={'size': '10'}) ax_mse_mean.grid(True) fig_mse_mean.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, 'ecdf_mean', PERIOD, BINS_SIZE, N_DAYS, 'png'), dpi=800) fig_mse_median, ax_mse_median = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5)) fig_mse_median.tight_layout() for i, feat in enumerate(FEATURES): if feat.mse_median: x_coordinates, y_coordinates = ecdf(feat.mse_median) legend = '' if feat.attribute == 'src_div_index': legend = 'srcDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'dst_div_index': legend = 'destDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'port_div_index': legend = 'portDivIndex' elif feat.attribute == 'mean_size': legend = 'meanSize' elif feat.attribute == 'std_size': legend = 'stdSize' elif feat.attribute == 'nb_packets': legend = 'nbPackets' elif feat.attribute == 'mean_ttl': legend = 'meanTTL' elif feat.attribute == 'SYN': legend = 'perSYN' ax_mse_median.plot(x_coordinates, y_coordinates, label=legend, linestyle=LINESTYLES[i % 4]) ax_mse_median.set_xlabel('Mean Squared Error', fontsize=12) ax_mse_median.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability', fontsize=12) legend = ax_mse_median.legend(loc='lower right', shadow=True, prop={'size': '10'}) ax_mse_median.grid(True) fig_mse_median.savefig(path_join(PATH_FIGURES, 'ecdf_median', PERIOD, BINS_SIZE, N_DAYS, 'png'), dpi=800)
def clustering_anomalies(): value = pd.read_csv(path_join([PATH_PACKETS, 'packets_subnets_separated', PERIOD], 'csv')) list_anomalies = [] list_annotations = [] labels = [] ports_annot = pd.read_csv(path_join([PATH_EVAL, 'eval_total_separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score'], 'csv'), sep = ';', index_col = 0) ports = ports_annot.applymap(sign_to_score) ports = ports.loc[(ports > THRESHOLD_ANO).any(axis=1)] for index, row in ports.iterrows(): for i, date in enumerate(dates[N_DAYS:]): if row[i] > THRESHOLD_ANO: annotations = [] labels.append('port ' + str(index) + ' on ' + date[0:2] + '/' + date[2:]) for feat in list_features: if feat.attribute != 'nb_packets': evaluation = pd.read_csv(path_join([PATH_EVAL, 'eval', feat.attribute, 'separated', PERIOD, T, N_MIN, N_DAYS, 'score'], 'csv'), sep = ';') rep = evaluation[evaluation.port == index].loc[:, date] if rep.empty == False: if str(rep.item()) == 'nan': annotations.append(0) annotations.append(0) else: annotations.append(int(rep.item().split(',')[0][1:])) annotations.append(int(rep.item().split(',')[1][1:])) # get_single_item(rep.item()) # for now, replace each value by the sum of two values ( - x + y) else: annotations.append(0) annotations.append(0) list_annotations.append(annotations) columns = [] for feat in list_features: if feat.attribute != 'nb_packets': columns.append('+' + feat.attribute) columns.append('-' + feat.attribute) # columns = [feat.attribute for feat in list_features if feat.attribute != 'nb_packets'] heatmap = pd.DataFrame(list_annotations, columns=columns, index = labels) heatmap = heatmap.drop(['+SYN', '-SYN', '+port_div_index', '-port_div_index'], axis=1) # Set all vectors to the same scale X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(heatmap) epsilon = 2.8 db = DBSCAN(eps=epsilon, min_samples=1).fit(X) labels = db.labels_ core_samples_mask = np.zeros_like(labels, dtype=bool) core_samples_mask[db.core_sample_indices_] = True n_clusters_ = len(set(labels)) for i in range(n_clusters_): specs = [] anomalies = [] for j in range(len(labels)): if labels[j] == i: temp = heatmap.iloc[j].values.tolist() sub_specs = [] anomalies.append(heatmap.iloc[j].name) for k, x in enumerate(temp): if x != 0: if x > 0: rep = '+' else: rep = '-' rep += list_features[k%2 +1].attribute sub_specs.append(rep) specs.append(sub_specs) print(anomalies) find_common(i, specs) # --> step 1