Example #1
 def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument):
     Rotate coordinates.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply the translation.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying the translation.
         #. argument (float): The move distance.
     if coordinates.shape[0] <= 1:
         # atoms where removed, fall back to random translation
         return coordinates + generate_random_vector(
             minAmp=self.__amplitude[0], maxAmp=self.__amplitude[1])
         # get translation amplitude
         amplitude = FLOAT_TYPE(argument)
         # get vector of translation
         _, _, _, _, X, Y, Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         vector = [X, Y, Z][self.__axis]
         # amplify vector
         vector *= FLOAT_TYPE(amplitude)
         # translate and return
         return coordinates + vector
Example #2
 def __get_group_axis__(self, coordinates):
     if self.__mustComputeGroupAxis:
         _, _, _, _, X, Y, Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         axis = [X, Y, Z][self.__groupAxis["symmetry"]]
         axis = self.__groupAxis["fixed"]
     return axis
Example #3
 def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument=None):
     translate coordinates.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply the translation.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying the translation.
         #. argument (object): Any python object. Not used in this generator.
     if coordinates.shape[0] <= 1:
         # atoms where removed, fall back to random translation
         return coordinates + generate_random_vector(
             minAmp=self.__amplitude[0], maxAmp=self.__amplitude[1])
         # get translation amplitude
         maxAmp = self.amplitude[1] - self.amplitude[0]
         if self.direction is None:
             amplitude = (1 - 2 * generate_random_float()) * maxAmp
         elif self.direction:
             amplitude = generate_random_float() * maxAmp
             amplitude = -generate_random_float() * maxAmp
         # get axis of translation
         _, _, _, _, X, Y, Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         translationAxis = [X, Y, Z][self.__axis]
         # compute baseVector
         baseVector = FLOAT_TYPE(
             np.sign(amplitude) * translationAxis * self.amplitude[0])
         # compute translation vector
         vector = baseVector + translationAxis * FLOAT_TYPE(amplitude)
         # translate and return
         return coordinates + vector
Example #4
    def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument):
        Rotate coordinates.

            #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply
               the rotation.
            #. argument (object): The rotation angle.

            #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying
               the rotation.
        if coordinates.shape[0] <= 1:
            # atoms where removed, fall back to random translation
            return coordinates + generate_random_vector(
                minAmp=self.__amplitude[0], maxAmp=self.__amplitude[1])
            # get atoms group center and rotation axis
            center, _, _, _, X, Y, Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
            rotationAxis = [X, Y, Z][self.__axis]
            # get rotation matrix
            rotationMatrix = get_rotation_matrix(rotationAxis, argument)
            # translate to origin
            rotatedCoordinates = coordinates - center
            # rotate
            for idx in range(rotatedCoordinates.shape[0]):
                rotatedCoordinates[idx, :] = np.dot(rotationMatrix,
                                                    rotatedCoordinates[idx, :])
            # translate back to center and return rotated coordinates
            return np.array(rotatedCoordinates + center, dtype=FLOAT_TYPE)
Example #5
 def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument=None):
     translate coordinates.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply the translation.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying the translation.
         #. argument (object): Any python object. Not used in this generator.
     # get axis
     _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(coordinates)
     axis = [X,Y,Z][self.axis]
     # generate translation axis
     translationAxis = generate_vectors_in_solid_angle(direction=axis,
     # get translation amplitude
     maxAmp = self.amplitude[1]-self.amplitude[0]
     if self.direction is None:
         amplitude = (1-2*generate_random_float())*maxAmp
     elif self.direction:
         amplitude = generate_random_float()*maxAmp
         amplitude = -generate_random_float()*maxAmp
     # compute baseVector
     baseVector = FLOAT_TYPE(np.sign(amplitude)*translationAxis*self.amplitude[0])
     # compute translation vector
     vector = baseVector + translationAxis*FLOAT_TYPE(amplitude)
     # translate and return
     return coordinates+vector
Example #6
    def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument=None):
        Rotate coordinates.

            #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply
               the rotation.
            #. argument (object): Not used here.

            #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after
               applying the rotation.
        # get rotation angle
        rotationAngle = (1 - 2 * generate_random_float()) * self.amplitude
        # get rotation matrix
        rotationMatrix = get_rotation_matrix(self.__axis, rotationAngle)
        # get atoms group center and rotation axis
        center, _, _, _, _, _, _ = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
        # translate to origin
        rotatedCoordinates = coordinates - center
        # rotate
        for idx in range(rotatedCoordinates.shape[0]):
            rotatedCoordinates[idx, :] = np.dot(rotationMatrix,
                                                rotatedCoordinates[idx, :])
        # translate back to center and return rotated coordinates
        return np.array(rotatedCoordinates + center, dtype=FLOAT_TYPE)
Example #7
 def __get_group_axis__(self, coordinates):
     if self.__mustComputeGroupAxis:
         _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         axis = [X,Y,Z][self.__groupAxis["symmetry"]]
         axis = self.__groupAxis["fixed"]
     return axis
Example #8
 def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument=None):
     Rotate coordinates.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply the rotation.
         #. argument (object): Any python object. Not used in this generator.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying the rotation.
     # get rotation angle
     rotationAngle = (1-2*generate_random_float())*self.amplitude
     # get atoms group center and rotation axis
     center,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(coordinates)
     rotationAxis = [X,Y,Z][self.__axis]
     # get rotation matrix
     rotationMatrix = get_rotation_matrix(rotationAxis, rotationAngle)
     # translate to origin
     rotatedCoordinates = coordinates-center
     # rotate
     for idx in range(rotatedCoordinates.shape[0]):
         rotatedCoordinates[idx,:] = np.dot( rotationMatrix, rotatedCoordinates[idx,:])
     # translate back to center and return rotated coordinates
     return np.array(rotatedCoordinates+center, dtype=FLOAT_TYPE) 
Example #9
def along_axis_2():
    # run engine translation along axis 2
    if os.path.isfile(xyzPath): os.remove(xyzPath)
    _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(ENGINE.realCoordinates)
    print("Translation along symmetry axis 2: ", Z)
    [g.set_move_generator(TranslationAlongSymmetryAxisGenerator(amplitude=0.5, axis=2)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
    ENGINE.run(numberOfSteps=nsteps, saveFrequency=2*nsteps, xyzFrequency=xyzFrequency, xyzPath=xyzPath, restartPdb=None)
Example #10
File: run.py Project: zizai/fullrmc
def about_axis_2():
    # run engine rotation about axis 2
    if os.path.isfile(xyzPath): os.remove(xyzPath)
    _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(ENGINE.realCoordinates)
    print("Rotation about symmetry axis 2: ", Z)
    [g.set_move_generator(RotationAboutSymmetryAxisGenerator(amplitude=10, axis=2)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
    ENGINE.run(numberOfSteps=nsteps, saveFrequency=2*nsteps, xyzFrequency=xyzFrequency, xyzPath=xyzPath, restartPdb=None)
Example #11
 def __get_orientation_axis__(self):
     if self.__mustComputeOrientationAxis:
         coordinates   = self.group._get_engine().realCoordinates[self.__orientationAxis["symmetry"][0]]
         _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         axis = [X,Y,Z][self.__orientationAxis["symmetry"][1]]
         axis  = self.__orientationAxis["fixed"]
     return axis
Example #12
 def __get_orientation_axis__(self):
     if self.__mustComputeOrientationAxis:
         coordinates = self.group._get_engine().realCoordinates[
         _, _, _, _, X, Y, Z = get_principal_axis(coordinates)
         axis = [X, Y, Z][self.__orientationAxis["symmetry"][1]]
         axis = self.__orientationAxis["fixed"]
     return axis
Example #13
File: run.py Project: zizai/fullrmc
def about_111_axis():
    # run engine rotation about defined axis
    if os.path.isfile(xyzPath): os.remove(xyzPath)
    _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(ENGINE.realCoordinates)
    print("Rotation about user defined axis: ",axis)
    [g.set_move_generator(RotationAboutAxisGenerator(amplitude=10, axis=axis)) for g in ENGINE.groups]
    ENGINE.run(numberOfSteps=nsteps, saveFrequency=2*nsteps, xyzFrequency=xyzFrequency, xyzPath=xyzPath, restartPdb=None)
Example #14
 def transform_coordinates(self, coordinates, argument):
     Rotate coordinates.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The coordinates on which to apply the translation.
         #. coordinates (np.ndarray): The new coordinates after applying the translation.
         #. argument (float): The move distance.
     # get translation amplitude
     amplitude = FLOAT_TYPE(argument)
     # get vector of translation
     _,_,_,_,X,Y,Z =get_principal_axis(coordinates)
     vector = [X,Y,Z][self.__axis]
     # amplify vector
     vector *= FLOAT_TYPE(amplitude)
     # translate and return
     return coordinates+vector