Example #1
def Mpost2R(mass, unit='Earth', classify='No'):
	Forecast the Radius distribution given the mass distribution.

	mass: one dimensional array
		The mass distribution.
	unit: string (optional)
		Unit of the mass.
		Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'. Default is 'Earth'.
	classify: string (optional)
		If you want the object to be classifed.
		Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
		Result will be printed, not returned.

	radius: one dimensional array
		Predicted radius distribution in the input unit.

    # mass input
    mass = np.array(mass)
    assert len(mass.shape) == 1, "Input mass must be 1-D."

    # unit input
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass * mearth2mjup
            "Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. Using 'Earth' as default."

    # mass range
    if np.min(mass) < 3e-4 or np.max(mass) > 3e5:
        print('Mass range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    ## convert to radius
    sample_size = len(mass)
    logm = np.log10(mass)
    prob = np.random.random(sample_size)
    logr = np.ones_like(logm)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0,
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind, :]

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:, -3:])

    for i in range(sample_size):
        logr[i] = piece_linear(hyper[i], logm[i], prob[i])

    radius_sample = 10.**logr

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius_sample / rearth2rjup
        radius = radius_sample

    return radius
Example #2
def Mpost2R(mass, unit='Earth', classify='No'):
    Forecast the Radius distribution given the mass distribution.

    mass: one dimensional array
        The mass distribution.
    unit: string (optional)
        Unit of the mass. 
        Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'. Default is 'Earth'.
    classify: string (optional)
        If you want the object to be classifed. 
        Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
        Result will be printed, not returned.

    radius: one dimensional array
        Predicted radius distribution in the input unit.

    # mass input
    mass = np.array(mass)
    assert len(mass.shape) == 1, "Input mass must be 1-D."

    # unit input
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass * mearth2mjup
        print("Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. "
              "Using 'Earth' as default.")

    # mass range
    if np.min(mass) < 3e-4 or np.max(mass) > 3e5:
        print('Mass range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    ## convert to radius
    sample_size = len(mass)
    logm = np.log10(mass)
    prob = np.random.random(sample_size)
    logr = np.ones_like(logm)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.shape(all_hyper)[0],
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind,:]

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:,-3:])

    for i in range(sample_size):
        logr[i] = piece_linear(hyper[i], logm[i], prob[i])

    radius_sample = 10.** logr

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius_sample / rearth2rjup
        radius = radius_sample 

    return radius
Example #3
def Rpost2M(radius, unit='Earth', grid_size=1e3, classify='No'):
	Forecast the mass distribution given the radius distribution.

	radius: one dimensional array
		The radius distribution.
	unit: string (optional)
		Unit of the mass. Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'.
	grid_size: int (optional)
		Number of grid in the mass axis when sampling mass from radius.
		The more the better results, but slower process.
	classify: string (optional)
		If you want the object to be classifed.
		Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
		Result will be printed, not returned.

	mass: one dimensional array
		Predicted mass distribution in the input unit.

    # unit
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius * rearth2rjup
            "Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. Using 'Earth' as default."

    # radius range
    if np.min(radius) < 1e-1 or np.max(radius) > 1e2:
        print('Radius range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    # sample_grid
    if grid_size < 10:
        print('The sample grid is too sparse. Using 10 sample grid instead.')
        grid_size = 10

    ## convert to mass
    sample_size = len(radius)
    logr = np.log10(radius)
    logm = np.ones_like(logr)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0,
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind, :]

    logm_grid = np.linspace(-3.522, 5.477, grid_size)

    for i in range(sample_size):
        prob = ProbRGivenM(logr[i], logm_grid, hyper[i, :])
        logm[i] = np.random.choice(logm_grid, size=1, p=prob)

    mass_sample = 10.**logm

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:, -3:])

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass_sample / mearth2mjup
        mass = mass_sample

    return mass
Example #4
def Rpost2M(radius, unit='Earth', grid_size = 1e3, classify = 'No'):
    Forecast the mass distribution given the radius distribution.

    radius: one dimensional array
        The radius distribution.
    unit: string (optional)
        Unit of the mass. Options are 'Earth' and 'Jupiter'.
    grid_size: int (optional)
        Number of grid in the mass axis when sampling mass from radius.
        The more the better results, but slower process.
    classify: string (optional)
        If you want the object to be classifed. 
        Options are 'Yes' and 'No'. Default is 'No'.
        Result will be printed, not returned.

    mass: one dimensional array
        Predicted mass distribution in the input unit.
    # unit
    if unit == 'Earth':
    elif unit == 'Jupiter':
        radius = radius * rearth2rjup
        print("Input unit must be 'Earth' or 'Jupiter'. "
              "Using 'Earth' as default.")

    # radius range
    if np.min(radius) < 1e-1 or np.max(radius) > 1e2:
        print('Radius range out of model expectation. Returning None.')
        return None

    # sample_grid
    if grid_size < 10:
        print('The sample grid is too sparse. Using 10 sample grid instead.')
        grid_size = 10

    ## convert to mass
    sample_size = len(radius)
    logr = np.log10(radius)
    logm = np.ones_like(logr)

    hyper_ind = np.random.randint(low=0, high=np.shape(all_hyper)[0],
    hyper = all_hyper[hyper_ind,:]

    logm_grid = np.linspace(-3.522, 5.477, grid_size)

    for i in range(sample_size):
        prob = ProbRGivenM(logr[i], logm_grid, hyper[i,:])
        logm[i] = np.random.choice(logm_grid, size=1, p = prob)

    mass_sample = 10.** logm

    if classify == 'Yes':
        classification(logm, hyper[:,-3:])

    ## convert to right unit
    if unit == 'Jupiter':
        mass = mass_sample / mearth2mjup
        mass = mass_sample
    return mass