Example #1
def _create_dict(obj_func, columns, getters, validator, dictgetters):
    obj = apply(obj_func)
    pre_dict = obj_to_dict(obj, dictzip(columns, getters))
    #optional intermediate schema here
    if dictgetters:
        extra_dict = obj_to_dict(pre_dict, dictgetters)
        full_dict = merge_dicts(pre_dict, extra_dict)
        full_dict = pre_dict
    return validator.validate(full_dict)
Example #2
def _create_dict(obj_func, columns, getters, validator, dictgetters):
    obj = apply(obj_func)
    pre_dict = obj_to_dict(obj, dictzip(columns, getters))
    #optional intermediate schema here
    if dictgetters:
        extra_dict = obj_to_dict(pre_dict, dictgetters)
        full_dict = merge_dicts(pre_dict, extra_dict)
        full_dict = pre_dict
    return validator.validate(full_dict)
Example #3
def parse_cigar(cigar_str):
    #? makes the regex not be too greedy
    cigar_regex = r'(?:([0-9]+)([MIDNSHPX=]))+?'
    reg = re.compile(cigar_regex)
    tups = reg.findall(cigar_str)
    key, value = itemgetter(1), itemgetter(0)
    groups = groupby(sorted(tups, key=key), key)
    get_counts = pmap(compose(int, itemgetter(0)))
    sum_counts = compose(sum, get_counts)
    s = "cigar_{0}".format
    cigar_dict = dict( (s(name), sum_counts(nums)) for name, nums in groups)
    #print cigar_dict
    mismatches = sum(num for k, num in cigar_dict.items() if k not in ['cigar_M', 'cigar_='])
    return merge_dicts(cigar_dict, {'cigar_score': mismatches})
Example #4
def get_row(row):
    result = all_but_cigar_dict(row)
    return merge_dicts(result, get_cigar_dict(result), get_flag_dict(result), {'error' :  get_error(result)})