Example #1
def main(cursor):
    army_id = int(common.get_val("army", -1))
    the_army = army_q.get_one_army(cursor, army_id)
    database.query(cursor, army_f.make_delete_query(army_id))

    # Redirect
    page_data["Redirect"] = "list_armies&team={0:d}".format(the_army.team)
Example #2
def delete_army_order(the_line, groups, debug=False):
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line)
	army_dict		= the_line.the_world.armies()
	armies_lookup	= the_line.the_world.armies_lookup_from_team(the_line.block.team)
	# Can we find the army?
	if groups['army'].lower() not in armies_lookup:
		return order_block.fail(results, "there is no army by the name of '%s'" % groups['army'])
		the_army = army_dict[armies_lookup[groups['army'].lower()]]
	# Default result
	results = order_block.default_line_results(the_line, "%s could not be deleted because" % (the_army.name))
	# More handles
	squad_dict		= the_line.the_world.squads()
	squads_lookup	= the_line.the_world.squads_lookup_from_army(the_army.id)# We're not gonna use this the normal way
	# Are the squads in it empty?
	for squad_name, squad_id in squads_lookup.items():
		if squad_dict[squad_id].amount > 0:
			return order_block.fail(results, "one of it's squads (%s) is not empty" % squad_dict[squad_id].name)
	results['results'].append("The army '%s' was deleted" % the_army.name)
	return order_block.success(results)