def find_single_move_worst_random(move_type: str, depot: str,
                                  dict_tours_temp: dict, list_days: list):
    job_found = False
    try_count_total = 0

    while not job_found:
        job_found = False
        try_count = 0

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 500:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit")
            return '', '', ''

        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new = random.choice(list_days)

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        if move_type == 'pickup':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_pickup:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_pickup
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            while day_new < move_job.end:
                day_new = random.choice(list_days)
                try_count += 1
                # if not possible break after 500 tries
                if try_count > 500: break

        elif move_type == 'dropoff':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            while day_new < move_job.end:
                day_new = random.choice(list_days)
                try_count += 1
                # if not possible break after 500 tries
                if try_count > 500: break

        # retrieve new tour
        tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new]
        # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
        if not tour_new.list_plants:
            job_found = False
        # check for try count exit
        if try_count > 500:
            job_found = False

    return tour_org, move_job, tour_new
def find_pair_move_worst_cluster(depot: str, dict_tours_temp: dict,
                                 list_days: list):
    pickup_found = False
    dropoff_found = False
    try_count_total = 0

    while pickup_found == False or dropoff_found == False:
        try_count = 0
        pickup_found = False
        dropoff_found = False

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 10000:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit")
            return '', '', '', '', ''

        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_pickup = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_dropoff = random.choice(list_days)

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        # check if worst edge pair is filled
        if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair:
            # find a fitting pickup job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']:
                move_job_pickup = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']
                pickup_found = True
                pickup_found = False

            # find the opposite closest feasible job
            best_location_distance = 99999999999
            best_location_distance_day = 0

            for day in list_days:
                if day > move_job_pickup.end:
                    # check if tour fits constraints and find the closest opposit spot
                    tour_temp = dict_tours_temp[depot][day]
                    if tour_temp.worst_edge_dropoff:
                        distance = rt.get_distance(
                        if distance < best_location_distance and tour_temp.total_tasks < 50:
                            best_location_distance = distance
                            best_location_distance_day = day

            if best_location_distance_day != 0:
                day_new_pickup = best_location_distance_day
            # if still inital, try again
                dropoff_found = False

            # check if there is a dropoff job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']:
                move_job_dropoff = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']
                dropoff_found = True
                dropoff_found = False

            # find the opposite closest feasible opposite job type
            best_location_distance = 99999999999
            best_location_distance_day = 0

            for day in list_days:
                if day < move_job_dropoff.start:
                    # check if tour fits constraints and find the closest opposit spot
                    tour_temp = dict_tours_temp[depot][day]
                    if tour_temp.worst_edge_pickup:
                        distance = rt.get_distance(
                        if distance < best_location_distance and tour_temp.total_tasks < 50:
                            best_location_distance = distance
                            best_location_distance_day = day

            if best_location_distance_day != 0:
                day_new_dropoff = best_location_distance_day
            # if still inital, try again
                dropoff_found = False

        # retrieve new tours
        pickup_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_pickup]
        dropoff_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_dropoff]
        # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
        if not pickup_tour_new.list_plants:
            pickup_found = False
        if not dropoff_tour_new.list_plants:
            dropoff_found = False
            # check for try count exit
        if try_count > 10000:
            pickup_found = False
            dropoff_found = False

    return tour_org, move_job_pickup, move_job_dropoff, pickup_tour_new, dropoff_tour_new
def find_single_move_worst_cluster(move_type: str, depot: str,
                                   dict_tours_temp: dict, list_days):
    try_count_total = 0
    job_found = False
    while not job_found:
        job_found = False
        try_count = 0
        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new = random.choice(list_days)

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 10000:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit for {}".format(move_type))
            return '', '', ''

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        if move_type == 'pickup':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_pickup:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_pickup
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            # find the opposite closest feasible opposite job type
            best_location_distance = 99999999999
            best_location_distance_day = 0

            for day in list_days:
                if day > move_job.end:
                    # check if tour fits constraints and find the closest opposit spot
                    tour_temp = dict_tours_temp[depot][day]
                    if tour_temp.worst_edge_dropoff:
                        distance = rt.get_distance(
                        if distance < best_location_distance and tour_temp.total_tasks < 50:
                            best_location_distance = distance
                            best_location_distance_day = day

            if best_location_distance_day != 0:
                day_new = best_location_distance_day
            # if still inital, try again
                job_found = False

        elif move_type == 'dropoff':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            # find the opposite closest feasible opposite job type
            best_location_distance = 99999999999
            best_location_distance_day = 0

            for day in list_days:
                if day < move_job.start:
                    # check if tour fits constraints and find the closest opposit spot
                    tour_temp = dict_tours_temp[depot][day]
                    if tour_temp.worst_edge_pickup:
                        distance = rt.get_distance(
                        if distance < best_location_distance and tour_temp.total_tasks < 50:
                            best_location_distance = distance
                            best_location_distance_day = day

            if best_location_distance_day != 0:
                day_new = best_location_distance_day
            # if still inital, try again
                job_found = False

        # retrieve new tour
        tour_new: cl.Tour = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new]
        if tour_new:
            # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
            if not tour_new.list_plants:
                job_found = False
            # check for try count exit
            if try_count > 10000:
                job_found = False

    if tour_new:
        return tour_org, move_job, tour_new
        return '', '', ''
def find_single_move_opposite(move_type: str, depot: str,
                              dict_tours_temp: dict, list_days: list):
    try_count_total = 0
    job_found = False
    while not job_found:
        job_found = False
        try_count = 0
        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new = random.choice(list_days)

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 10000:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit for {}".format(move_type))
            return '', '', ''

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        if move_type == 'pickup':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_pickup:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_pickup
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            # find the opposite worst edge and move it there
            worst_distance_value = 0
            worst_distance_day = 0
            for day in list_days:
                if day < move_job.end:
                    # check if tour fits constraints
                    if worst_distance_value < dict_tours_temp[depot][day].worst_edge_dropoff_distance and \
                            dict_tours_temp[depot][day].total_tasks < 50:
                        worst_distance_value = dict_tours_temp[depot][
                        worst_distance_day = day

            if worst_distance_day != 0:
                day_new = worst_distance_day
            # if still inital, try again
                job_found = False

        elif move_type == 'dropoff':
            if tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff:
                move_job = tour_org.worst_edge_dropoff
                job_found = True
                job_found = False

            # find the opposite worst edge and move it there
            worst_distance_value = 0
            worst_distance_day = 0
            for day in list_days:
                if day > move_job.start:
                    if worst_distance_value < dict_tours_temp[depot][day].worst_edge_pickup_distance and \
                            dict_tours_temp[depot][day].total_tasks < 50:
                        worst_distance_value = dict_tours_temp[depot][
                        worst_distance_day = day

            # if still inital, try again
            if worst_distance_day == 0:
                job_found = False
                day_new = worst_distance_day

        # retrieve new tour
        tour_new: cl.Tour = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new]
        if tour_new:
            # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
            if not tour_new.list_plants:
                job_found = False
            # check for try count exit
            if try_count > 10000:
                job_found = False

    if tour_new:
        return tour_org, move_job, tour_new
        return '', '', ''
def find_pair_move_opposite(depot: str, dict_tours_temp: dict,
                            list_days: list):
    pickup_found = False
    dropoff_found = False
    try_count_total = 0

    while pickup_found == False or dropoff_found == False:
        try_count = 0
        pickup_found = False
        dropoff_found = False

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 10000:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit")
            return '', '', '', '', ''

        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_pickup = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_dropoff = random.choice(list_days)

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        # check if worst edge pair is filled
        if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair:
            # find a fitting dropoff job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']:
                move_job_pickup = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']
                pickup_found = True
                pickup_found = False

            # find the opposite worst edge and move it there
            worst_distance_value = 0
            worst_distance_day = 0
            for day in list_days:
                if day < move_job_pickup.end:
                    if worst_distance_value < dict_tours_temp[depot][day].worst_edge_dropoff_distance and \
                            dict_tours_temp[depot][day].total_tasks < 50:
                        worst_distance_value = dict_tours_temp[depot][
                        worst_distance_day = day
            # if still inital, try again
            if worst_distance_day == 0:
                pickup_found = False
                day_new_pickup = worst_distance_day

            # check if there is a dropoff job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']:
                move_job_dropoff = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']
                dropoff_found = True
                dropoff_found = False

            # find the opposite worst edge and move it there
            worst_distance_value = 0
            worst_distance_day = 0
            for day in list_days:
                if day > move_job_dropoff.start:
                    if worst_distance_value < dict_tours_temp[depot][day].worst_edge_dropoff_distance and \
                            dict_tours_temp[depot][day].total_tasks < 50:
                        worst_distance_value = dict_tours_temp[depot][
                        worst_distance_day = day
            # if still inital, try again
            if worst_distance_day == 0:
                dropoff_found = False
                day_new_dropoff = worst_distance_day

        # retrieve new tours
        pickup_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_pickup]
        dropoff_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_dropoff]
        # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
        if not pickup_tour_new.list_plants:
            pickup_found = False
        if not dropoff_tour_new.list_plants:
            dropoff_found = False
            # check for try count exit
        if try_count > 10000:
            pickup_found = False
            dropoff_found = False

    return tour_org, move_job_pickup, move_job_dropoff, pickup_tour_new, dropoff_tour_new
def find_pair_move_worst_random(depot: str, dict_tours_temp: dict,
                                list_days: list):
    pickup_found = False
    dropoff_found = False
    try_count_total = 0

    while pickup_found == False or dropoff_found == False:
        try_count = 0
        pickup_found = False
        dropoff_found = False

        # retrieve random days
        day_org = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_pickup = random.choice(list_days)
        day_new_dropoff = random.choice(list_days)

        # read random tour and move_job into local variables
        tour_org = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_org]

        # check if worst edge pair is filled
        if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair:
            # find a fitting dropoff job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']:
                move_job_pickup = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['pickup']
                pickup_found = True

            while day_new_pickup < move_job_pickup.end:
                day_new_pickup = random.choice(list_days)
                try_count += 1
                # if not possible break after 1000 tries
                if try_count > 500: break

            # check if there is a dropoff job
            if tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']:
                move_job_dropoff = tour_org.dict_worst_edge_pair['dropoff']
                dropoff_found = True

            while day_new_dropoff > move_job_dropoff.start:
                day_new_dropoff = random.choice(list_days)
                try_count += 1
                # if not possible break after 1000 tries
                if try_count > 500: break

        # retrieve new tours
        pickup_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_pickup]
        dropoff_tour_new = dict_tours_temp[depot][day_new_dropoff]
        # check if list_plants is filled otherwise repeat
        if not pickup_tour_new.list_plants:
            pickup_found = False
        if not dropoff_tour_new.list_plants:
            dropoff_found = False
            # check for try count exit
        if try_count > 500:
            pickup_found = False
            dropoff_found = False

        # restrict number of total loops
        try_count_total += 1
        if try_count_total > 1000:
            fc.print_log("trycount exit")
            return '', '', '', '', ''

    return tour_org, move_job_pickup, move_job_dropoff, pickup_tour_new, dropoff_tour_new