Example #1
def segmentSequenceKeyPose(_in, ws, thres):
    variation = np.full([1, _in.shape[1]], np.nan)
    for t in range(math.ceil(ws / 2), _in.shape[1] - math.floor(ws / 2) + 1):
        sigma = 0
        w = math.floor(ws / 2)
        for d in range(int(_in.shape[0] / 4)):
            muMan = _in[d * 4:d * 4 + 4, t - 1:t]
            sigma = sigma + np.linalg.norm(
                logmap(_in[d * 4:d * 4 + 4, t - w - 1:t + w], muMan))**2
        sigma = sigma / ws
        variation[0][t - 1] = sigma
    mintab = np.array([])
    kp = 1
    for t in range(variation.shape[1]):
        if kp == 1:
            if variation[0][t] > thres:
                mintab = np.hstack((mintab, t + 1))
                kp = 0
            if variation[0][t] < thres:
                mintab = np.hstack((mintab, t + 1))
                kp = 1
    cuts = mintab.astype(
        int)  # in Python, indice begins with 0 while in Matla  b with 1
    return cuts, variation
Example #2
def removeStart(_in, ws, thres, dec):
    for t in range(math.ceil(ws / 2), _in.shape[1] - math.floor(ws / 2) + 1):
        sigma = 0
        w = math.floor(ws / 2)
        for d in range(int(_in.shape[0] / 4)):
            muMan = _in[d * 4:d * 4 + 4, t - 1:t]
            sigma = sigma + np.linalg.norm(
                logmap(_in[d * 4:d * 4 + 4, t - w - 1:t + w], muMan))**2
        sigma = sigma / ws
        if sigma > thres:
            deb = max(1, t - dec)
            out = _in[:, deb - 1:]
            return out, deb
    deb = 1
    out = _in
    return out, deb
Example #3
def segmentSequence(_in, ws, thres):  ##return 1-d vecteur and matrix
    variation = np.full((1, _in.shape[1]), np.nan)
    for t in range(math.ceil(ws / 2), _in.shape[1] - math.floor(ws / 2) + 1):
        sigma = 0
        w = math.floor(ws / 2)
        for d in range(int(_in.shape[0] / 4)):
            muMan = _in[d * 4: d * 4 + 4, t - 1:t]
            sigma = sigma + np.linalg.norm(logmap(_in[d * 4:d * 4 + 4, t - w - 1:t + w], muMan)) ** 2
        sigma = sigma / ws
        variation[0][t - 1] = sigma
    mintab = peakdet(variation, thres)[1]
    if mintab.shape[1] > 0:
        cuts = mintab[:, 0]  # in Python, indice begins with 0 while in Matalb with 1
        cuts = np.array([])
    return cuts.astype(int), variation
Example #4
def temporalAlignment(trainD, testD, fast, sizeData):
    # Dynamic programming to align two sequences train and test
    # fast may be set to 1 to speed process by using small windows of 70
    # Compute distances
    DM = np.zeros((sizeData, sizeData))
    for row in range(0, sizeData):  ##TODO : possible optimisation
        DMline = logmap(testD['lElbow ori'], trainD['lElbow ori'][:,
                                                                  row:row + 1])
        DMline = np.vstack((DMline,
                            logmap(testD['lWrist ori'],
                                   trainD['lWrist ori'][:, row:row + 1])))
        DMline = np.vstack((DMline,
                            logmap(testD['lShoulder ori'],
                                   trainD['lShoulder ori'][:, row:row + 1])))
        DMline = np.vstack((DMline,
                            logmap(testD['rElbow ori'],
                                   trainD['rElbow ori'][:, row:row + 1])))
        DMline = np.vstack((DMline,
                            logmap(testD['rWrist ori'],
                                   trainD['rWrist ori'][:, row:row + 1])))
        DMline = np.vstack((DMline,
                            logmap(testD['rShoulder ori'],
                                   trainD['rShoulder ori'][:, row:row + 1])))
        DM[row, :] = np.linalg.norm(DMline, axis=0)
    if fast == 1:
        for row in range(sizeData - 70):
            for col in range(70 + row, sizeData):
                DM[row][col] = 5
        for col in range(sizeData - 70):
            for row in range(70 + col, sizeData):
                DM[row][col] = 5
    p, q = dp(DM)  ## execution time : 1s
    # alignment
    r = np.zeros(sizeData)
    for t in range(sizeData):
        ind = np.where(p == t)[0]
        if ind.size == 0:
            r[t] = p[t]
            r[t] = q[ind[0]]
    # out
    r = r.astype(int)
    out = {}
    for key in testD:
        out[key] = testD[key][:, r]
    return out, r
def temporalAlignmentEval(m_cuts, trainD, testD, fast, sizeData):
    keypose = 0
    prevDist = 5
    poseTracking = np.zeros(m_cuts.size)
    motionStarted = 0
    performedEntirely = 0
    if fast == 1:
        resampleSize = 10
        resampleSize = 1

    row = np.arange(0, sizeData + 1, resampleSize).astype(int)
    col = np.arange(0, sizeData + 1, resampleSize).astype(int)
    DM = np.zeros((row.size, col.size))
    if row[-1] == sizeData:
        row[-1] = sizeData - 1
    if col[-1] == sizeData:
        col[-1] = sizeData - 1
    for irow in row:  ##TODO : possible optimisation
        Line = logmap(testD['lElbow ori'][:, col],
                      trainD['lElbow ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])
        Line = np.vstack((Line,
                          logmap(testD['lWrist ori'][:, col],
                                 trainD['lWrist ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])))
        Line = np.vstack((Line,
                          logmap(testD['lShoulder ori'][:, col],
                                 trainD['lShoulder ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])))
        Line = np.vstack((Line,
                          logmap(testD['rElbow ori'][:, col],
                                 trainD['rElbow ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])))
        Line = np.vstack((Line,
                          logmap(testD['rWrist ori'][:, col],
                                 trainD['rWrist ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])))
        Line = np.vstack((Line,
                          logmap(testD['rShoulder ori'][:, col],
                                 trainD['rShoulder ori'][:, irow:irow + 1])))
        DM[np.where(row == irow), :] = np.linalg.norm(Line, axis=0)
    if fast == 1:
        for i in range(15):
            for j in range(15 + i, 31):
                DM[i][j] = 0
        for j in range(15):
            for i in range(15 + j, 31):
                DM[i][j] = 0

    ## keyposeTracking
    i = m_cuts[keypose] - 1
    Line = logmap(testD['lElbow ori'][:, col], trainD['lElbow ori'][:,
                                                                    i:i + 1])
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['lWrist ori'][:, col],
                             trainD['lWrist ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['lShoulder ori'][:, col],
                             trainD['lShoulder ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['rElbow ori'][:, col],
                             trainD['rElbow ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['rWrist ori'][:, col],
                             trainD['rWrist ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['rShoulder ori'][:, col],
                             trainD['rShoulder ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
    dist = np.linalg.norm(Line, axis=0)
    for n in range(col.size):
        if performedEntirely == 0:
            if prevDist < 1.7 and dist[n] > prevDist:
                poseTracking[keypose] = 1
                keypose += 1
                if keypose == m_cuts.size:
                    performedEntirely = 1
                    i = m_cuts[keypose] - 1
                    Line = logmap(testD['lElbow ori'][:, col],
                                  trainD['lElbow ori'][:, i:i + 1])
                    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                                      logmap(testD['lWrist ori'][:, col],
                                             trainD['lWrist ori'][:,
                                                                  i:i + 1])))
                    Line = np.vstack(
                         logmap(testD['lShoulder ori'][:, col],
                                trainD['lShoulder ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
                    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                                      logmap(testD['rElbow ori'][:, col],
                                             trainD['rElbow ori'][:,
                                                                  i:i + 1])))
                    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                                      logmap(testD['rWrist ori'][:, col],
                                             trainD['rWrist ori'][:,
                                                                  i:i + 1])))
                    Line = np.vstack(
                         logmap(testD['rShoulder ori'][:, col],
                                trainD['rShoulder ori'][:, i:i + 1])))
                    dist = np.linalg.norm(Line, axis=0)
            prevDist = dist[n]
    # in Matlab, col==size(testD{1}.data,2 and poseTracking(keypose)==0 useless
    if keypose == m_cuts.size - 1 and prevDist < 1.4:
        poseTracking[keypose] = 1
        performedEntirely = 1

    # distance from init
    Line = logmap(testD['lElbow ori'][:, col], testD['lElbow ori'][:, 0:1])
    Line = np.vstack(
        (Line, logmap(testD['lWrist ori'][:, col], testD['lWrist ori'][:,
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['lShoulder ori'][:, col],
                             testD['lShoulder ori'][:, 0:1])))
    Line = np.vstack(
        (Line, logmap(testD['rElbow ori'][:, col], testD['rElbow ori'][:,
    Line = np.vstack(
        (Line, logmap(testD['rWrist ori'][:, col], testD['rWrist ori'][:,
    Line = np.vstack((Line,
                      logmap(testD['rShoulder ori'][:, col],
                             testD['rShoulder ori'][:, 0:1])))
    Line = np.linalg.norm(Line, axis=0)
    distFromInit = np.where(Line < 1.4, 0, 1)

    # poseTracking
    if np.sum(distFromInit) / distFromInit.size > 0.2:
        motionStarted = 1

    # dynamic programming
    p, q = dp(DM)  ## execution time : 1s
    # alignment
    r = np.zeros(DM.shape[1])
    for t in range(DM.shape[1]):
        ind = np.where(p == t)[0]
        if ind.size == 0:
            r[t] = p[t]
            r[t] = q[ind[0]]

    if performedEntirely == 1 and r[-1] < np.max(p):
        r[-2] = r[-3]
        r[-1] = r[-3]
    r = r.astype(int)
    r = row[r]  #"row" equals "kf" in Matlab
    rfull = np.zeros(sizeData)
    rfull[row] = r

    if fast == 1:
        for i in range(r.size - 1):
            if r[i] == r[i + 1]:
                temp = np.ones(resampleSize - 1) * r[i]
                temp = round(
                    np.linspace(r[i] + 1, r[i + 1] - 1, resampleSize - 1))
            rfull[range(i * resampleSize + 1, (i + 1) * resampleSize)] = temp
        rfull = rfull.astype(int)
    r = rfull

    # no need to check r=0, this case is impossible

    out = {}
    for key in testD:
        out[key] = testD[key][:, r]
    return out, r, performedEntirely, poseTracking, motionStarted, distFromInit
Example #6
def computeLikelihoods(m_dt, m_nbStates, m_nbVar, m_Priors, m_Mu, m_Sigma,
                       m_MuMan, dataTest, sizeData):
    xIn = np.arange(1, sizeData + 1) * m_dt
    L = np.zeros((m_nbStates, sizeData))
    Data_gaussPDF = np.zeros((m_nbVar, sizeData, m_nbStates))
    Lglobal = {}
    Lbodypart = {}
    Ljoints = {}

    # Global(orientation + position)
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        Data_gaussPDF[0, :, i] = xIn - m_MuMan[0, i]
        Data_gaussPDF[1:4, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['lElbow ori'], m_MuMan[1:5,
        Data_gaussPDF[4:7, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['lWrist ori'], m_MuMan[5:9,
        Data_gaussPDF[7:10, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['lShoulder ori'],
                                           m_MuMan[9:13, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[10:13, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['rElbow ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[13:17, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[13:16, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['rWrist ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[17:21, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[16:19, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['rShoulder ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[21:25, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[19:22, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['mSpine ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[25:29, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[22:25, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['mShoulder ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[29:33, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[25:28, :, i] = logmap(dataTest['Neck ori'],
                                            m_MuMan[33:37, i])
        Data_gaussPDF[28:31, :,
                      i] = dataTest['lElbow rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[37:40, i:i + 1]
        Data_gaussPDF[31:34, :,
                      i] = dataTest['lWrist rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[40:43, i:i + 1]
        Data_gaussPDF[34:37, :,
                      i] = dataTest['lShoulder rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[43:46,
                                                                   i:i + 1]
        Data_gaussPDF[37:40, :,
                      i] = dataTest['rElbow rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[46:49, i:i + 1]
        Data_gaussPDF[40:43, :,
                      i] = dataTest['rWrist rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[49:52, i:i + 1]
        Data_gaussPDF[43:46, :,
                      i] = dataTest['rShoulder rel_pos'] - m_MuMan[52:55,
                                                                   i:i + 1]

        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[:, :, i], m_Mu[:, i],
                                         m_Sigma[:, :, i])
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    Lglobal['Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Orientations
    # out = 2:28 omitted to have a faster calulation
    sigma = np.zeros((28, 28))
    mu = np.zeros(28)
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[:28, i]
        sigma[:, :] = m_Sigma[:28, :28, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[:28, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    Lglobal['Orientations'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Positions
    # out = 29:46 omitted to have a faster calulation
    sigma = np.zeros((19, 19))
    mu = np.zeros(19)
    index = [
        0, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:, :] = m_Sigma[28:46, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    Lglobal['Positions'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Body Part
    left_arm = {}
    right_arm = {}
    # Left Arm Global
    index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[:10, :] = m_Sigma[:10, index, i]
        sigma[10:, :] = m_Sigma[28:37, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    left_arm['Left Arm Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Right Arm Global
    index = [
        0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:10, :] = m_Sigma[10:19, index, i]
        sigma[10:, :] = m_Sigma[37:46, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    right_arm['Right Arm Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Left Arm Orientation
    sigma = np.zeros((10, 10))
    mu = np.zeros(10)
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[:10, i]
        sigma[:, :] = m_Sigma[:10, :10, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[:10, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    left_arm['Left Arm Orientation'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Left Arm Postion
    index = [0, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:, :] = m_Sigma[28:37, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    left_arm['Left Arm Position'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Right Arm Orientation
    index = [0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:, :] = m_Sigma[10:19, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    right_arm['Right Arm Orientation'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    # Right Arm Position
    index = [0, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:, :] = m_Sigma[37:46, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    right_arm['Right Arm Position'] = Lnode(LL, score)

    Lbodypart['Left Arm'] = left_arm
    Lbodypart['Right Arm'] = right_arm

    # Colonne Global (only position)
    Colonne = {}
    index = [0, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]
    for i in range(m_nbStates):
        mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
        sigma[0, :] = m_Sigma[0, index, i]
        sigma[1:, :] = m_Sigma[19:28, index, i]
        L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu, sigma)
    LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
    LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
    score = np.mean(LL)
    Colonne['Colonne Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)
    Lbodypart['Colonne'] = Colonne

    # Per Joints
    oriL = np.zeros((m_nbStates, sizeData))
    posL = np.zeros((m_nbStates, sizeData))
    jointNames1 = [
        'lElbow', 'lWrist', 'lShoulder', 'rElbow', 'rWrist', 'rShoulder'
    jointNames2 = ['mSpine', 'mShoulder', 'Neck']
    index = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 30])
    a = [0, 4, 5, 6]
    sigma = np.zeros((7, 7))
    mu = np.zeros(7)
    sigma_ = np.zeros((4, 4))
    mu_ = np.zeros(4)

    # first six
    for name in jointNames1:
        tmp = {}
        for i in range(m_nbStates):
            mu[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
            sigma[:, :] = m_Sigma[np.ix_(index, index, [i])].reshape((7, 7))
            # Global
            L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu,
            # Orientations
            mu_[:] = mu[:4]
            sigma_[:] = sigma[:4, :4]
            oriL[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index[:4], :, i],
                                                mu_, sigma_)
            # Positions
            index_ = index[a]
            mu_[:] = mu[a]
            sigma_[:] = sigma[np.ix_(a, a)]
            posL[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index_, :, i],
                                                mu_, sigma_)
        # Global
        LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
        LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
        score = np.mean(LL)
        tmp[name + ' Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)
        # Orientations
        LL = np.log(np.sum(oriL, axis=0))
        LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
        score = np.mean(LL)
        tmp[name + ' Orientations'] = Lnode(LL, score)
        # Positions
        LL = np.log(np.sum(posL, axis=0))
        LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
        score = np.mean(LL)
        tmp[name + ' Positions'] = Lnode(LL, score)
        Ljoints[name] = tmp.copy()

        index += 3
        index[0] -= 3

    # last three
    index = index[:4]
    for name in jointNames2:
        tmp = {}
        for i in range(m_nbStates):
            mu_[:] = m_Mu[index, i]
            sigma_[:, :] = m_Sigma[np.ix_(index, index, [i])].reshape((4, 4))
            L[i, :] = m_Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF[index, :, i], mu_,
        # Global
        LL = np.log(np.sum(L, axis=0))
        LL = np.where(LL < -2000, -2000, LL)
        score = np.mean(LL)
        tmp[name + ' Global'] = Lnode(LL, score)
        Ljoints[name] = tmp.copy()

        index += 3
        index[0] -= 3

    return Lglobal, Lbodypart, Ljoints
Example #7
def learnGMMmodel(model, u, xIn, xOut, nbSamples, nbIterEM, nbIter, nbData):
    init_GMM_kbins(u, model, nbSamples)
    # MuMan
    mu_exp = np.array([[0], [1], [0], [0]])
    model.MuMan = np.zeros((model.nbVarMan, model.nbStates))
    model.MuMan[0, :] = model.Mu[0, :]
    model.MuMan[1:5, :] = expmap(model.Mu[1:4], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[5:9, :] = expmap(model.Mu[4:7], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[9:13, :] = expmap(model.Mu[7:10], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[13:17, :] = expmap(model.Mu[10:13], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[17:21, :] = expmap(model.Mu[13:16], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[21:25, :] = expmap(model.Mu[16:19], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[25:29, :] = expmap(model.Mu[19:22], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[29:33, :] = expmap(model.Mu[22:25], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[33:37, :] = expmap(model.Mu[25:28], mu_exp)
    model.MuMan[37:55, :] = model.Mu[28:46, :]
    # Mu
    model.Mu = np.zeros((model.nbVar, model.nbStates))  ## ???

    uTmp = np.zeros((model.nbVar, nbData * nbSamples, model.nbStates))
    avg_loglik = np.zeros(nbIterEM)
    Data_gaussPDF = np.zeros((model.nbVar, xIn.size))  ## or xIn.shape[1]
    U0 = np.zeros((model.nbVar, model.nbVar, model.nbStates),
                  dtype=complex)  ## U0 is complex
    for nb in range(nbIterEM):
        L = np.zeros((model.nbStates, model.x.shape[1]))
        for i in range(model.nbStates):
            Data_gaussPDF[0, :] = xIn - model.MuMan[0, i]
            Data_gaussPDF[1:4, :] = logmap(xOut[1], model.MuMan[1:5, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[4:7, :] = logmap(xOut[2], model.MuMan[5:9, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[7:10, :] = logmap(xOut[3], model.MuMan[9:13, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[10:13, :] = logmap(xOut[4], model.MuMan[13:17, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[13:16, :] = logmap(xOut[5], model.MuMan[17:21, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[16:19, :] = logmap(xOut[6], model.MuMan[21:25, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[19:22, :] = logmap(xOut[7], model.MuMan[25:29, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[22:25, :] = logmap(xOut[8], model.MuMan[29:33, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[25:28, :] = logmap(xOut[9], model.MuMan[33:37, i])
            Data_gaussPDF[28:31, :] = xOut[10] - model.MuMan[37:40, i:i + 1]
            Data_gaussPDF[31:34, :] = xOut[11] - model.MuMan[40:43, i:i + 1]
            Data_gaussPDF[34:37, :] = xOut[12] - model.MuMan[43:46, i:i + 1]
            Data_gaussPDF[37:40, :] = xOut[13] - model.MuMan[46:49, i:i + 1]
            Data_gaussPDF[40:43, :] = xOut[14] - model.MuMan[49:52, i:i + 1]
            Data_gaussPDF[43:46, :] = xOut[15] - model.MuMan[52:55, i:i + 1]

            L[i, :] = model.Priors[i] * gaussPDF(Data_gaussPDF, model.Mu[:, i],
                                                 model.Sigma[:, :, i])

        GAMMA = L / (np.sum(L, axis=0, keepdims=True) + np.finfo(float).tiny)
        GAMMA2 = GAMMA / np.sum(GAMMA, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        GAMMA2 = np.where(np.isnan(GAMMA2), 0, GAMMA2)
        avg_loglik[nb] = -np.log(np.mean(np.sum(L, axis=0)))
        # M-step
        for i in range(model.nbStates):
            # Update Priors
            model.Priors[i] = np.sum(GAMMA[i, :]) / (nbData * nbSamples)
            # Update MuMan
            for n in range(nbIter):
                uTmp[0, :, i] = xIn - model.MuMan[0, i]
                uTmp[1:4, :, i] = logmap(xOut[1], model.MuMan[1:5, i])
                uTmp[4:7, :, i] = logmap(xOut[2], model.MuMan[5:9, i])
                uTmp[7:10, :, i] = logmap(xOut[3], model.MuMan[9:13, i])
                uTmp[10:13, :, i] = logmap(xOut[4], model.MuMan[13:17, i])
                uTmp[13:16, :, i] = logmap(xOut[5], model.MuMan[17:21, i])
                uTmp[16:19, :, i] = logmap(xOut[6], model.MuMan[21:25, i])
                uTmp[19:22, :, i] = logmap(xOut[7], model.MuMan[25:29, i])
                uTmp[22:25, :, i] = logmap(xOut[8], model.MuMan[29:33, i])
                uTmp[25:28, :, i] = logmap(xOut[9], model.MuMan[33:37, i])
                uTmp[28:31, :, i] = xOut[10] - model.MuMan[37:40, i:i + 1]
                uTmp[31:34, :, i] = xOut[11] - model.MuMan[40:43, i:i + 1]
                uTmp[34:37, :, i] = xOut[12] - model.MuMan[43:46, i:i + 1]
                uTmp[37:40, :, i] = xOut[13] - model.MuMan[46:49, i:i + 1]
                uTmp[40:43, :, i] = xOut[14] - model.MuMan[49:52, i:i + 1]
                uTmp[43:46, :, i] = xOut[15] - model.MuMan[52:55, i:i + 1]

                GAMMA2_col = GAMMA2[i:i + 1, :].T
                model.MuMan[0, i] = np.dot(model.MuMan[0, i] + uTmp[0, :, i],
                model.MuMan[1:5, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[1:4, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[1:5, i])
                model.MuMan[5:9, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[4:7, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[5:9, i])
                model.MuMan[9:13, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[7:10, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[9:13, i])
                model.MuMan[13:17, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[10:13, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[13:17,
                model.MuMan[17:21, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[13:16, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[17:21,
                model.MuMan[21:25, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[16:19, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[21:25,
                model.MuMan[25:29, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[19:22, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[25:29,
                model.MuMan[29:33, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[22:25, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[29:33,
                model.MuMan[33:37, i:i + 1] = expmap(
                    np.dot(uTmp[25:28, :, i], GAMMA2_col), model.MuMan[33:37,
                model.MuMan[37:40, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[37:40, i:i + 1] + uTmp[28:31, :, i],
                model.MuMan[40:43, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[40:43, i:i + 1] + uTmp[31:34, :, i],
                model.MuMan[43:46, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[43:46, i:i + 1] + uTmp[34:37, :, i],
                model.MuMan[46:49, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[46:49, i:i + 1] + uTmp[37:40, :, i],
                model.MuMan[49:52, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[49:52, i:i + 1] + uTmp[40:43, :, i],
                model.MuMan[52:55, i:i + 1] = np.dot(
                    model.MuMan[52:55, i:i + 1] + uTmp[43:46, :, i],
            # Update Sigma
            model.Sigma[:, :, i] = uTmp[:, :, i].dot(np.diag(
                GAMMA2[i, :])).dot(uTmp[:, :, i].T) + np.identity(
                    u.shape[0]) * model.params_diagRegFact

    # Eigendecomposition of Sigma
    for i in range(model.nbStates):
        W, V = np.linalg.eig(
            model.Sigma[:, :, i]
        )  ##np.linalg.eig doesn't return exactly the same result as eig() in matlab
        D_sqrt = np.diag(np.sqrt(W))
        U0[:, :, i] = np.dot(V, D_sqrt)
    model.U0 = U0