def CollectORGPEOPLE(self, USERNAME): try: utilities.pi('\n{}Attempting to collect all of {}\'s github people'.format(INFO, USERNAME)) d = regexops.GrabNextPageOfOrgPeople("{}/people".format(USERNAME)) p = [] # pages visited p.append("{}/people".format(USERNAME)) f = [] # list of followers, the container #return p while True: if d is None: # If there is only ONE page of followers for s in p: d = regexops.GrabNamesOfOrgPeople(s) for i in d: f.append(i) return f # If there is more than one page of followers. for o in p: time.sleep(1) if o is None: p.remove(p[-1]) # Makes sure Nonetype is removed for z in p: n = regexops.GrabNamesOfOrgPeople(z) for so in n: f.append(so) return f o = regexops.GrabNextPageOfOrgPeople(o) p.append(o) #print p | for debugging #return p | for debugging except TypeError: pass
def CollectFollowing(self, USERNAME): try: #print "" #FollowingNumber = regexops.GetNumberOfWhoUserIsFollowing(USERNAME) utilities.pi('\n{}Attempting to collect all users that {} is following on github'.format(INFO ,USERNAME)) d = regexops.GrabNextPageOfFollowing("{}/following".format(USERNAME)) p = [] # pages visited p.append("{}/following".format(USERNAME)) f = [] # list of followers, the container #return p while True: if d is None: # If there is only ONE page of followers for s in p: d = regexops.GetNamesOfFollowing(s) for i in d: f.append(i) return f # If there is more than one page of followers. for o in p: time.sleep(1) if o is None: p.remove(p[-1]) # Makes sure Nonetype is removed for z in p: n = regexops.GetNamesOfFollowing(z) for so in n: f.append(so) return f o = regexops.GrabNextPageOfFollowing(o) p.append(o) #print p | for debugging #return p | for debugging except TypeError: pass
def code(self, query, listonly=False): if query == 'q': utilities.pi('{}Exiting Treasure ...'.format(notifications.INFO)) exit(0) elif query == '' or query == ' ': utilities.pi(' {} Empty code searches are not allowed.'.format(notifications.ERROR)) exit(0) utilities.pi("\n {}Hunting for {}".format(notifications.INFO, query)) page = 1 breakpoint = 1 while breakpoint == 1: params = dict( q = query, type = "Code", p = page ) r = utilities.GetHTTPostRequest(searchfor.SEARCH, params) if searchfor.is_last_page(r.content): utilities.pi('** No more results for {} **'.format(query)) breakpoint = 2 # Break the while loop. break for u in searchfor.extract(r.content): ru = searchfor.raw_url(u) if listonly: print ru else: fn = searchfor.make_fname(u) ret = utilities.GetHTTPRequest(ru) if ret.status_code == 200: codedumppath = '{}.code.dump'.format(query.replace(' ', '_')) # Print output utilities.pi(" {}".format(notifications.FOUND) + ru.split('/')[-1] + " " + "from {}".format(ru.split('/')[3])) with open(codedumppath, "a+") as file: cb = utilities.sbc(codedumppath, ret.text.encode('utf-8')) if cb is None: # Quick Fix. # If there are any unicode errors, just pass them for now. try: filecontent = ret.content.decode('utf-8').encode('utf-8') except Exception: pass file.write(filecontent + '\n') file.close() elif cb is True: pass else: pass page += 1
def GetWhenUserJoined(self, USERNAME): link2profile = github.domain + USERNAME response = utilities.GetHTTPRequest(link2profile) try: if response.status_code == 404: utilities.pi("{}User not found!".format(ERROR)) return None exit(0) jdc = re.findall(r'<time class="join-date".*?>(.*)</time>', response.text) jd = jdc[0] return jd except IndexError: return None
def WriteUsersReposToFile(self, Username, Repos): utilities.pi(INFO + "Collected {} of {}'s Repositories".format(len(Repos), Username)) time.sleep(3) utilities.pi(INFO + "Wrote {} of {}'s Repositories to disk\n".format(len(Repos), Username)) idwe = '' Username = Username.lower() repospath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/repositories/{}.repositories'.format(Username) with open(repospath, 'a+') as file: for line in Repos: line = line.lower() bc = utilities.sbc(repospath, line) if bc is None: #print line | for debugging rounds. reponame = line.split('/')[2] file.write(reponame + " - " + idwe + line + "\n")
def CollectRepositories(self, USERNAME): orgdetection = utilities.GetHTTPRequest('{}/people'.format(USERNAME)) if orgdetection.status_code == 404: pass elif orgdetection.status_code == 200: utilities.pi("{}This query is for USERS only! try this insead: './ -g org atom repos'".format(ERROR)) exit(0) try: #print "" #FollowersNumber = regexops.GetNumberOfUserFollowers(USERNAME) utilities.pi('\n{}Attempting to collect all of {}\'s github repositories'.format(INFO, USERNAME)) d = regexops.GrabNextPageOfRepos("{}/repositories".format(USERNAME)) p = [] # pages visited p.append("{}/repositories".format(USERNAME)) f = [] # list of followers, the container #return p while True: if d is None: # If there is only ONE page of followers for s in p: d = regexops.GetRepoNames(s) for i in d: f.append(i) return f # If there is more than one page of followers. for o in p: time.sleep(1) if o is None: p.remove(p[-1]) # Makes sure Nonetype is removed for z in p: n = regexops.GetRepoNames(z) for so in n: f.append(so) return f o = regexops.GrabNextPageOfRepos(o) p.append(o) #print p | for debugging #return p | for debugging except TypeError: pass
def search(self): utilities.pi(""" ####################################################### # # # """+colors.Y+"""Treasure"""+colors.N+""" - """+colors.G+"""HUNT"""+colors.N+""" """+colors.B+"""for"""+colors.N+""" """+colors.W+"""CODE"""+colors.N+""" # # Type q or ^C to exit """+colors.Y+"""Treasure"""+colors.N+""" # # # # """+colors.R+"""Help ?"""+colors.N+""": # # """+colors.C+"""1."""+colors.N+""" # # # #######################################################""") breakpoint = 0 # Break point for the while loop. while breakpoint == 0: try: choice =" search|code: ") searchfor.code(choice) except KeyboardInterrupt: breakpoint == 1 utilities.pi("\n{}Exiting Treasure ...".format(notifications.INFO)) break
def WriteUserToDatabaseSILENTLY(self, Username): Username = Username.lower() userdatabase = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/users/user.database' DNC = utilities.sbc(userdatabase, Username) # Database name check if DNC is True: pass IDN = regexops.GetUserID(Username) if IDN is None: utilities.pi("\n{}User doesn't exist.\n".format(ERROR, )) exit(0) databasepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/users/user.database' with open(databasepath, 'a+') as file: bc = utilities.sbc(databasepath, Username) if bc is None: #print line | for debugging rounds. file.write(Username + " - " + str(IDN) + " - " + github.domain + Username + "\n") if bc is True: pass
def CollectFollowers(self, USERNAME): try: #print "" FollowersNumber = regexops.GetNumberOfUserFollowers(USERNAME) utilities.pi('\n{}Attempting to collect {} of {}\'s github followers'.format(INFO, FollowersNumber ,USERNAME)) d = regexops.GrabNextPageOfFollowers("{}/followers".format(USERNAME)) p = [] # pages visited p.append("{}/followers".format(USERNAME)) f = [] # list of followers, the container #return p while True: if d is None: # If there is only ONE page of followers for s in p: d = regexops.GetNamesOfFollowers(s) for i in d: f.append(i) return f # If there is more than one page of followers. for o in p: time.sleep(1) if o is None: p.remove(p[-1]) # Makes sure Nonetype is removed for z in p: n = regexops.GetNamesOfFollowers(z) for so in n: f.append(so) return f o = regexops.GrabNextPageOfFollowers(o) p.append(o) #print p | for debugging #return p | for debugging except TypeError: #utilities.pi(INFO + 'User Doesn\'t exist.') #exit(0) pass
def QueryUserStarredRepoDatabase(self, username, reponame): username = username.lower() reposdatabasepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/repositories/starred/{}.starred.repos'.format(username) utilities.pi(" ") with open(reposdatabasepath, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(reposdatabasepath, reponame) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[1].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[0] # github username if reponame in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in {}'s starred repositories database".format(FAIL, reponame, username)) break utilities.pi(" ")
def WriteUserToDatabaseVERBALLY(self, Username): Username = Username.lower() IDN = regexops.GetUserID(Username) if IDN is None: utilities.pi("\n{}User doesn't exist.\n".format(ERROR, )) exit(0) databasepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/users/user.database' with open(databasepath, 'a+') as file: bc = utilities.sbc(databasepath, Username) if bc is None: utilities.pi('\n{}Added {} to the user database.\n'.format(INFO, Username)) #print line | for debugging rounds. file.write(Username + " - " + str(IDN) + " - " + github.domain + Username + "\n") if bc is True: utilities.pi('\n{}{} has already been added to the user database.\n'.format(INFO, Username))
def WriteWhoUserIsFollowingToFile(self, Username, Following): utilities.pi(INFO + "Collected {} users that {} is following".format(len(Following), Username)) time.sleep(3) utilities.pi(INFO + "Writing {} to disk".format(len(Following), Username)) Username = Username.lower() # Override any UPPERCASE strings followspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/following/{}.following'.format(Username) with open(followspath, 'a+') as file: for line in Following: line = line.lower() bc = utilities.sbc(followspath, line) if bc is None: #print line | for debugging rounds. IDN = regexops.GetUserID(line) if IDN is None: IDN = "No Profile Traceroute." file.write(line + " - " + IDN + " - " + github.domain + line + "\n") utilities.pi(INFO + "Wrote {} to disk\n".format(len(Following), Username))
def WriteOrgPeopleToFile(self, Username, people): utilities.pi(INFO + "Collected {} of {}'s people".format(len(people), Username)) time.sleep(3) utilities.pi(INFO + "Writing {} of {}'s people to disk".format(len(people), Username)) Username = Username.lower() peoplespath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/organizations/people/{}s.people'.format(Username) with open(peoplespath, 'a+') as file: for line in people: line = line.lower() bc = utilities.sbc(peoplespath, line) if bc is None: #print line | for debugging rounds. IDN = regexops.GetUserID(line) if IDN is None: IDN = "No Profile Traceroute." file.write(line + " - " + IDN + " - " + github.domain + line + "\n") utilities.pi(INFO + "Wrote {} of {}'s people to disk.\n".format(len(people), Username))
def WriteUsersFollowersToFile(self, Username, Followers): utilities.pi(INFO + "Collected {} of {}'s followers".format(len(Followers), Username)) time.sleep(3) utilities.pi(INFO + "Writing {} of {}'s followers to disk".format(len(Followers), Username)) Username = Username.lower() #os.chdir('..') followerspath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/followers/{}.followers'.format(Username) with open(followerspath, 'a+') as file: for line in Followers: line = line.lower() bc = utilities.sbc(followerspath, line) if bc is None: #print line | for debugging rounds. IDN = regexops.GetUserID(line) if IDN is None: IDN = "No Profile Traceroute." file.write(line + " - " + IDN + " - " + github.domain + line + "\n") utilities.pi(INFO + "Wrote {} of {}'s followers to disk.\n".format(len(Followers), Username))
def BlockchainIdentifiers(self, file): BCIDSExtract = extract.BlockchainIdentifiers(file) if len(BCIDSExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Blockchain Identifiers in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(BCIDSExtract) > 0: FoundBCIDS = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in BCIDSExtract: BCIDSRegex = re.compile(r'[0-9a-f]{5,8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{5,13}') BCIDSList = BCIDSs = FoundBCIDS.append(BCIDSs) UOD = {} for item in FoundBCIDS: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" Blockchain Identifiers ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Blockchain Identifier from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Blockchain Identifiers from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def FacebookAccessTokens(self, file): FATExtract = extract.FacebookAccessTokens(file) if len(FATExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Facebook Access Tokens in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(FATExtract) > 0: FoundFATs = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in FATExtract: FATRegex = re.compile(r'(access_token\=[0-9]{15}\|(.*){27})') FATList = FATs = FoundFATs.append(FATs) UOD = {} for item in FoundFATs: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" Facebook Access Tokens ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Facebook Access Token from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Facebook Access Tokens from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def InstagramAccessToken(self, file): IATExtract = extract.InstagramAccessTokens(file) # Collected emails if len(IATExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Instagram access tokens in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(IATExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 email address. FoundIATs = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in IATExtract: IATRegex = re.compile(r'[0-9]{7,10}\.[0-9a-f]{5,8}\.[0-9a-f]{32}') IATContainer = IATs = FoundIATs.append(IATs) UOD = {} for item in FoundIATs: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED Instagram access tokens ") utilities.pi("--------------------------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} instagram access token from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} instagram access tokens from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def BTCAddresses(self, file): BTCWAExtract = extract.BitcoinWalletAddress(file) if len(BTCWAExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Bitcoin addresses in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(BTCWAExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 link. FoundWallets = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in BTCWAExtract: BTCWalletRegex = re.compile(r'(?<![a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9])[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{26,30}(?![a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9])|(?<![a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9])[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{33,35}(?![a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9])') wallet = BTCWalletRegex.findall(instance) for address in wallet: FoundWallets.append(address) UOD = {} for item in FoundWallets: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED BTC Addresses ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Bitcoin address from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Bitcoin addresses from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def QueryUserFollowingDatabase(self, username, followingname): username = username.lower() followingdatabasepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/following/{}.following'.format(username) unidbool = followingname.isdigit() # smart case detection utilities.pi(" ") if unidbool is True: with open(followingdatabasepath, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(followingdatabasepath, followingname) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace("\n", '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[0].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[1] # github username if followingname in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in {}'s following database".format(FAIL, followingname, username)) break elif unidbool is False: with open(followingdatabasepath, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(followingdatabasepath, followingname) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace("\n", '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[1].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[0] # github username if followingname in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in {}'s following database".format(FAIL, followingname, username)) break utilities.pi(" ")
def QueryUserDatabase(self, UNID): userdatabase = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/users/user.database' unidbool = UNID.isdigit() # smart case detection efb = os.stat(userdatabase).st_size == 0 if efb is True: utilities.pi("{} User database is currently empty!".format(FAIL)) exit(0) utilities.pi(" ") if unidbool is False: with open(userdatabase, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(userdatabase, UNID) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace("\n", '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[1].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[0] # github username if UNID in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in database".format(FAIL, UNID)) break elif unidbool is True: with open(userdatabase, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(userdatabase, UNID) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace("\n", '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[0].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[1] # github username if UNID in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in database".format(FAIL, UNID)) break utilities.pi(" ")
def PhoneNumbers(self, file): PNExtract = extract.PhoneNumbers(file) if len(PNExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Phone numbers in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(PNExtract) > 0 and len(PNExtract[0]) < 15: # Try not to grab any CCNs FoundPhoneNumbers = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in PNExtract: PNRegex = re.compile(r'(\d{3})\D*(\d{3})\D*(\d{4})\D*(\d*)$') PNC = PN = FoundPhoneNumbers.append(PN) UOD = {} for item in FoundPhoneNumbers: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED Phone Numbers ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 if output.isdigit() is False and ":" not in output and "@" not in output: utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "{} Extracted Phone Number(s) from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "{} Extracted Phone Number(s) from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) if len(PNExtract) is 15: utilities.pi("{}No Phone numbers in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file))
def QueryOrgPeopleDatabase(self, username, person): username = username.lower() orgpeoplepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) + '/core/database/organizations/people/{}s.people'.format(username) utilities.pi(" ") puib = person.isdigit() if puib is False: with open(orgpeoplepath, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(orgpeoplepath, person) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace('\n', '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[1].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[0] # github username if person in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in {}'s people database".format(FAIL, person, username)) break utilities.pi(" ") if puib is True: with open(orgpeoplepath, 'r') as file: # Database item check ic = utilities.sbc(orgpeoplepath, person) # Database item/name check for item in file: itemlink = item.split(' - ')[2].replace('\n', '') itemid = item.split(' - ')[0].replace("\n", '') # Link to github profile item = item.split(' - ')[1] # github username if person in item and ic is True: utilities.pi("{}{}".format(FOUND, item + " - " + itemid + " - " + itemlink)) break if ic is None: utilities.pi("{}{} Not found in {}'s people database".format(FAIL, person, username)) break utilities.pi(" ")
def MACAddresses(self, file): MACExtract = extract.MACs(file) if len(MACExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No MAC addresses in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(MACExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 MAC, (: or - deliminated) address. FoundMACS = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in MACExtract: macsrch = re.compile(r'([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\-[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})') macsrch1 = re.compile(r'([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\:[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})') cdm = macsrch.findall(instance) hdm = macsrch1.findall(instance) for mach in hdm: FoundMACS.append(mach) for macc in cdm: FoundMACS.append(macc) UOD = {} for item in FoundMACS: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED MACs ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "{} Extracted MAC address from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "{} Extracted MAC addresses from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def HyperLinks(self, file): LinkExtract = extract.HyperLinks(file) if len(LinkExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Links in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(LinkExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 link. FoundLinks = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in LinkExtract: LinkExtractRegex = re.compile(r'^((https|ftp|http|data|dav|cid|chrome|apt|cvs|bitcoin|dns|imap|irc|ldap|mailto|magnet|proxy|res|rsync|rtmp|rtsp|shttp|sftp|skype|ssh|snmp|snews|svn|telnet|tel|tftp|udp)://|(www|ftp)\.)[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+([/?].*)?$') LinkList = Links = FoundLinks.append(Links) UOD = {} for item in FoundLinks: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED links ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} link from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} links from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def HashTypes(self, file): HashExtract = extract.HashTypes(file) if len(HashExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Hashes in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(HashExtract) > 0: # If you actually grab something then continue FoundHashes = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in HashExtract: # Stand-alone regex's for finding hash values. md5regex = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{32}') sha1regex = re.compile(r'[[a-fA-F0-9]{40}') sha256regex = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{64}') sha384regex = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{96}') sha512regex = re.compile(r'[a-fA-F0-9]{128}') # Find hash value of given regex's md5list = md5regex.findall(instance) sha1list = sha1regex.findall(instance) sha256list = sha256regex.findall(instance) sha384list = sha384regex.findall(instance) sha512list = sha512regex.findall(instance) # Add hash values to un-filtered list for filtering. for md5 in md5list: FoundHashes.append(md5) for sha1 in sha1list: FoundHashes.append(sha1) for sha256 in sha256list: FoundHashes.append(sha256) for sha384 in sha384list: FoundHashes.append(sha384) for sha512 in sha512list: FoundHashes.append(sha512) UOD = {} # Filter out any duplicates for item in FoundHashes: UOD[item] = 1 # No duplicates at all ! keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" Extracted Hash Values ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Hash found from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Hash(es) found from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def IPv6Addresses(self, file): IPv6Extract = extract.IPv6Addresses(file) if len(IPv6Extract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No IPv6 addresses in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(IPv6Extract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 ipv6 number. FoundIPV6s = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in IPv6Extract: IPv6Regex = re.compile(r'^\s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?\s*$') IPv6List = IPv6s = FoundIPV6s.append(IPv6s) UOD = {} for item in FoundIPV6s: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED IPv6s ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} IPv6 address from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} IPv6 addresses from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def IPv4Addresses(self, file): IPv4Extract = extract.IPv4Addresses(file) # Collected ipv4s if len(IPv4Extract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No IPv4 addresses in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(IPv4Extract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 ipv4 address. FoundIPv4s = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in IPv4Extract: IPv4Regex = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]+){3}') IPv4Container = IPv4s = FoundIPv4s.append(IPv4s) UOD = {} for item in FoundIPv4s: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED IPV4s ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} IPv4 address from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} IPv4 addresses from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def CreditCardNumbers(self, file): CCNExtract = extract.CreditCardNumbers(file) if len(CCNExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Creditcard numbers in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(CCNExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 CCN numbers. FoundCCNs = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in CCNExtract: CCNRegex = re.compile(r'^(?:(4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?)|(5[1-5][0-9]{14})|(6(?:011|5[0-9]{2})[0-9]{12})|(3[47][0-9]{13})|(3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11})|((?:2131|1800|35[0-9]{3})[0-9]{11}))$') CCNLIST = CCN = FoundCCNs.append(CCN) UOD = {} for item in FoundCCNs: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED CCNs ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Creditcard number from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Creditscard numbers from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def SocialSecurityNumbers(self, file): SSNExtract = extract.SSNs(file) if len(SSNExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Social securtiy numbers in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(SSNExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 SSN, ( - deliminated) number. FoundSSNs = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in SSNExtract: SSN1Regex = re.compile(r'^(?!000|666)[0-8][0-9]{2}(?!00)[0-9]{2}(?!0000)[0-9]{4}$') SSN2Regex = re.compile(r'^(?!000|666)[0-8][0-9]{2}-(?!00)[0-9]{2}-(?!0000)[0-9]{4}$') SSN1LIST = SSN1Regex.findall(instance) # no deliminator SSN2LIST = SSN2Regex.findall(instance) # - deliminator for SSNV1 in SSN1LIST: FoundSSNs.append(SSNV1) for SSNV2 in SSN2LIST: FoundSSNs.append(SSNV2) UOD = {} for item in FoundSSNs: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED SSNs ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Social security number from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Social security numbers from {}\n".format(str(count), file))
def Emails(self, file): EmailExtract = extract.Emails(file) # Collected emails if len(EmailExtract) is 0: utilities.pi("{}No Emails in {}".format(notifications.FAIL, file)) if len(EmailExtract) > 0: # legit file, containing at least 1 email address. FoundEmails = [] # Re-filter, so you get exactly what you're looking for. for instance in EmailExtract: EmailRegex = re.compile(r'[\w\-][\w\-\.]+@[\w\-][\w\-\.]+[a-zA-Z]{1,4}') EmailContainer = Emails = FoundEmails.append(Emails) UOD = {} for item in FoundEmails: UOD[item] = 1 keys = UOD.keys() utilities.pi("--------------------------") utilities.pi(" EXTRACTED Emails ") utilities.pi("--------------------------") count = 0 for output in keys: database.ExportFile(output) count += 1 utilities.pi(notifications.INFO + output) if count is 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Email Address from {}\n".format(str(count), file)) elif count > 1: utilities.pi("\n" + notifications.STATUS + "Extracted {} Email Addresses from {}\n".format(str(count), file))