Example #1
for i in range(len(snaps)):
    # Read snapshot specific protostellar properties/SED
    fname = run_dir + "/" + snaps[i] + "/dat/stars.inp"
    f = open(fname, 'r')
    trash = f.readline()
    trash = f.readline()
    r_star.append(float(f.readline().split(' ')[0]) * cs.rsol_per_cm)
    fname = run_dir + "/" + snaps[i] + "/dat/spectrum" + str(int(
        t_star[i])) + ".out"

    wavs_s[i], flam_s[i], lam_flam, nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(fname)

    if sed_norm:
        fnorm = ( (r_star[i] * cs.cm_per_rsol)**2. * cs.sigma_sb_cgs * \
           (t_star[i])**4. ) / (cs.cm_per_pc)**2.
        for j in range(len(flam_s[i])):
            flam_s[i][j] /= fnorm
        fnorm = dist**2.0
        for j in range(len(flam_s[i])):
            flam_s[i][j] /= fnorm
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Loop over inclinations, and read in snapshot specific SEDs
Example #2
    print "\nNow processing cavity-only models\n"

    for s in range(len(lums)):
        for i in range(len(inclins)):
            for c in range(len(cavity_theta)):
                f_sed_o = dat_dir_o+"/"+r_cores[cut]+"/POST_"+ \
                 str(lums[s])+"L_cavity"+ str(cavity_theta[c])+ \
                 "/dat/spectrum"+str(int(temps[s]))+ \

                wavs_o, flam_o, lam_flam_o, \
                 nu_o, fnu_o, nu_fnu_o = fs.SED_read(f_sed_o)
                f_sed_q = dat_dir_q+"/"+r_cores[cut]+ \
                 "/POST_cavity"+str(cavity_theta[c])+ \
                wavs_q, flam_q, lam_flam_q, \
                 nu_q, fnu_q, nu_fnu_q = fs.SED_read(f_sed_q)
                flam_int_o = interp1d(wavs_o,flam_o, kind="linear")
                flam_int_q = interp1d(wavs_q,flam_q, kind="linear")

                for w in range(len(wavs_compare)):
                    flam_ratio[cut][s][c][0][i][w] = \
                     flam_int_o(wavs_compare[w]) / flam_int_q(wavs_compare[w])
Example #3
def sed(arch_dir, dat_dir, sdat_ext, plt_dir, plt_ext, inclin, \
  t_star, r_star, t_planet, r_planet, beam_r):

    # Read in SED, as per sdat_ext, usinf SED_read() function

    file_read = dat_dir + "/spectrum" + sdat_ext
    wav, flam, lam_flam, nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(file_read)

    # Normalise plotted lam_flam list to user defined distance to source

    lam_flam /= dist**(2.0)

    # Do the same, for protostellar SED, as comparison to RT output

    if incl_star and (mod_inp != "protostar"):

            arch_dir + "/protostar/spectrum" + str(int(t_star)) + ".out",
            dat_dir + "/")

        file_read = dat_dir + "/spectrum" + str(int(t_star)) + ".out"
        wav_star, flam_star, lam_flam_star, \
         nu_star, fnu_star, nu_fnu_star = fs.SED_read(file_read)

        lam_flam_star /= dist**(2.0)

        # If a planet is present in the SED calculation, apply the same read
        # and normalisation to the relevant data

        if incl_planet:

            shutil.copy2(arch_dir+"/protostar/spectrum"+str(int(t_planet))+ \
             ".out", dat_dir+"/")

            file_read = dat_dir + "/spectrum" + str(int(t_planet)) + ".out"
            wav_planet, flam_planet, lam_flam_planet, \
             nu_planet, fnu_planet, nu_fnu_planet = fs.SED_read(file_read)

            lam_flam_planet /= dist**(2.0)

    # Dependent on sed_norm, either set limits, then compute total flux
    # from central source to normalise SED, or set flam limits based on
    # absolute values

    if sed_norm:

        norm = ( (r_star * cs.cm_per_rsol)**2. * cs.sigma_sb_cgs * \
          (t_star)**4. ) / (cs.cm_per_pc)**2.

        lam_flam /= norm

        if incl_star and (mod_inp != "protostar"):
            lam_flam_star /= norm

        ymax = max(lam_flam) * 10.0

    elif not sed_norm:
        ymax = max(lam_flam) * 10.0

    ymin = ymax / 1.0e9

    fig = plt.figure(1)
    ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
    plt.plot(wav, lam_flam, color="k", linewidth=1, label="Full Model")

    if incl_star and (mod_inp != "protostar"):
        plt.plot(wav_star, lam_flam_star, color = "g", linewidth = 1, \
          label="Protostar - "+str(int(t_star))+"K")
        if incl_planet:
            plt.plot(wav_planet, lam_flam_planet, color = "r", linewidth = 1, \
               label = "Planet - "+str(int(t_planet))+"K")
        plt.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=10)

    plt.xlabel("Wavelength (" + (r"$\mu$m") + ")", fontsize=18, labelpad=0.5)
    ax1.set_xlim(5.e-3, 10000.)
    if sed_norm:
        plt.ylabel(r"$\lambda$ F$_{\lambda}$ / F", fontsize=18, labelpad=0.5)
    elif not sed_norm:
        plt.ylabel(r"$\lambda$ F$_{\lambda}$", fontsize=18, labelpad=0.5)
    ax1.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
    plt.savefig(plt_dir+"/SED_"+plt_ext+"_"+str(inclin)+"i."+plt_form, \
      format = plt_form)

    # Compute flux values for [350, 450, 850, 1300] microns

    flux_values(wav, fnu, beam_r)

    # Compute diagnostics for YSO classification from SED data

    yso_class(nu_star, fnu_star, nu, fnu, nu_fnu, t_star, r_star)

Example #4
leg_names = [r"$\theta_{c} = 10^\circ$", \
  r"$\theta_{c} = 20^\circ$", \
  r"$\theta_{c} = 30^\circ$"]
color = ["r", "g", "b"]
linestyle = ["-", "-", "-"]
linewidth = [1, 1, 1]

for i in range(3):

    # Read SED data

    fsed = dat_dir + theta[i] + "/spectrum6L_ISRF_" + str(
        best_inclin) + "i.out"

    wav[i], flam[i], lam_flam[i], nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(fsed)

    for j in range(len(lam_flam[i])):
        lam_flam[i][j] /= dist**(2.0)

    if bolometrics:

        # Model bolometric luminosity

        L_bol = fs.Lbol_calc(nu, fnu)

        # Model bolometric temperature

        T_bol = fs.Tbol_calc(nu, fnu, nu_fnu)

        # Model sub-mm to bolometric luminosity ratio
            plt_dir = run_dir + "/plots_analysis/POST"
        elif (restricted[i] == "POST_1000"):
            dat_dir = run_dir + "/POST_1000/dat"
            plt_dir = run_dir + "/plots_analysis/POST_1000"
        if not os.path.isdir(plt_dir):
            os.system("mkdir {0}".format(plt_dir))
### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###

# Read SED data

        for t in range(len(temps)):
            fsed = dat_dir + "/spectrum" + names[t] + "_0i.out"

            wav[t][i][j], flam[t][i][j], \
             lam_flam, nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(fsed)

            flam[t][i][j] /= dist**(2.0)

### ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ###

#   Singular cut method analysis:
# Now plot SED. Zoom into SED in region of interest, using second panel
        color = ["b", "r", "g", "k", "c"]
        fig = plt.figure(1)
        ax1 = plt.subplot(111)
Example #6
import constants as cs
import functions as fs

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

arch_dir = os.getcwd() + "/../../runs"

run_dir = arch_dir + "/OUTBURST/1686/POST"

file_read = run_dir + "/dat/spectrum19248_ISRF_0i.out"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Read SED, using relevant function

wav, flam, lam_flam, nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(file_read)

# From SED data, call relevant function to derive bolometric properties

L_bol = fs.Lbol_calc(nu, fnu)

print("\nBolometric Luminosity is {0} L_sol\n".format(L_bol))

T_bol = fs.Tbol_calc(nu, fnu, nu_fnu)

print("\nBolometric Temperature is {0} K\n".format(T_bol))

Example #7
    l_star.append(round((r_star[s])**2.0 * (t_star[s] / 5780.)**4.0, 3))
    round_ind = 2 - int(math.floor(math.log10(l_star[s])))
    l_star[s] = round(l_star[s], round_ind)
    # Read protostellar SED data
    f_psed = arch_dir + "/protostar/spectrum" + str(int(t_star[s])) + ".out"
    if not os.path.isfile(f_psed):
        print("Protostellar SED template not found, exiting...")

    wavs_s[s], flam_s[s], lam_flam, nu, fnu, nu_fnu = fs.SED_read(f_psed)

    # Normalise if called for..

    if sed_norm:
        fnorm = ( (r_star[s] * cs.cm_per_rsol)**2. * cs.sigma_sb_cgs * \
           (t_star[s])**4. ) / (cs.cm_per_pc)**2.
        for l in range(len(flam_s[s])):
            flam_s[s][l] /= fnorm
    elif not sed_norm:
        fnorm = dist**2.0
        for l in range(len(flam_s[s])):
            flam_s[s][l] /= fnorm

    # Now loop over cut, isrf and inclination regimes, reading in and appending
    # SED data to wavs and flam arrays, and normalising as necessary
Example #8
# = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
# Generate SEDs, comparing unscaled 10 L_sol, i = 30 deg. model with
# models where disc mass has been scaled to x0.1, or x2 initial mass

runs_dir = cwd + "/../../runs/OUTBURST/1686/1e4AU/POST_10L_cavity10"
pstar_dir = cwd + "/../../protostar"
plt_dir = cwd + "/../../runs/OUTBURST/plots_analysis"
plt_form = "png"

file = pstar_dir + "/spectrum5934.out"

f = open(file, "r")

wav_star, flam_star, lam_flam_star, \
 nu_star, fnu_star, nu_fnu_star = fs.SED_read(file)

lam_flam_star /= dist**(2.0)

labels = ["_disc01", "", "_disc2"]
plt_labels = ["Disc x0.1", "Unscaled", "Disc x2"]
linestyle = ["--", "-", ":"]

wav = [[] for i in range(3)]
lam_flam = [[] for i in range(3)]

for i in range(3):

    file = runs_dir + labels[i] + "/dat/spectrum5934_ISRF_30i.out"

    wav[i], flam_tmp, lam_flam[i], \