Example #1
    def __init__(self):

        Sets a bunch of constants, binds methods, inits parent class

        self.enh_lib = enhancement - Used in hx.py 

        Also initializes super class, which is ideal_gas from the
        properties script.  I keep this script in ~/Documents/Python,
        which is part of my python path.


        super(Exhaust, self).__init__()

        self.enh_lib = enhancement
        self.enh = None
        self.T_ref = 300.
        self.P = 101.
        self.height = 1.5e-2
        self.ducts = 1
        self.sides = 2
        self.mdot_omega = 0.2 / 60.

        self.Nu_coeff = 0.023

Example #2
    def __init__(self):
        Sets contants and instantiates classes.

        self.enh_lib = enhancement - Used in hx.py 

        self.enh_lib = enhancement
        self.enh = None        

        self.height = 1.e-2
        # height (m) of coolant duct
        self.mdot = 1.0
        # mass flow rate (kg/s) of coolant
        self.ducts = 2 # number of coolant ducts per hot duct
        self.geometry = 'parallel plates'
        self.c_p = 4.179
        # Specific heat (kJ/kg*K) of water at 325K 
        self.mu = 5.3e-4
        # viscosity of water at 325K (Pa*s), WolframAlpha
        self.k = 0.646e-3
        # thermal conductivity of water at 325K (kW/m*K) through
        # cooling duct 
        self.Pr = (7.01 + 5.43)/2 # Prandtl # of water from Engineering
        # Toolbox
        self.rho = 1000.
        # density (kg/m**3) of water
        self.Nu_coeff = 0.023
        self.enthalpy0 = 113.25
        # enthalpy (kJ/kg) of coolant at restricted dead state
        self.entropy0 = 0.437
        # entropy (kJ/kg*K) of coolant at restricted dead state
        self.sides = 1