Example #1
def get_outer_angle(p1, p2, center, radius):
    xp1, yp1 = p1
    xp2, yp2 = p2
    xc, yc = center
    a = math.atan2(yp1 - yc, xp1 - xc)
    b = math.atan2(yp2 - yc, xp2 - xc)
    beta = abs((a - b) % (2 * math.pi))

    mid = (xp1 + xp2) / 2, (yp1 + yp2) / 2
    proj_1 = functions.euclid_dist(center, mid)
    alpha_a = functions.euclid_dist(mid, p2)
    proj_2 = alpha_a * math.tan(beta / 2)
    p3 = project_to_circle(mid, center, proj_1 + proj_2)

    return beta / 2, p3
Example #2
def get_curve_length(c):
    l = 0
    for i in range(len(c.evalpts) - 1):
        l += functions.euclid_dist(c.evalpts[i], c.evalpts[i + 1])

    return l
Example #3
def get_cm_from_interpolation_length(pts, interpolation_factor, center_circle,
                                     radius):  # 0 is circ
    center = center_circle
    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    circle_length = 2 * math.pi * radius
    tangents = []
    curve_lengths = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        p1 = pts[(i - 1) % len(pts)]
        p2 = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        pr = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
        alpha = math.atan2(pr[1], pr[0]) % math.pi

    dists = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        dist = functions.euclid_dist(pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)])
        d = dist * 0.25

    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)
        if functions.euclid_dist(
                p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                    p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
            p2, p1 = p1, p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

        length = get_curve_length(c)

    xc, yc = center_circle
    pts_r = list(pts)
    distance_factor = circle_length / sum(curve_lengths)
    pts_interpolated = []
    starting_point = functions.project_to_circle(pts[0], center_circle, radius)

    starting_angle = math.atan2(starting_point[1] - yc, starting_point[0] - xc)
    alpha = curve_lengths[0] * distance_factor / radius

    xp = xc + radius * math.cos(alpha)
    yp = yc + radius * math.sin(alpha)

    angle_sum = starting_angle
    for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
        alpha = curve_lengths[i] * distance_factor / radius
        angle_sum += alpha
        xp = xc + radius * math.cos(angle_sum)
        yp = yc + radius * math.sin(angle_sum)
        pts_interpolated.append((xp, yp))

    pts_interpolated.insert(0, pts_interpolated.pop())

    tangents_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x, y = pts_interpolated[i]
        alpha = math.atan2(y - center_circle[1], x - center_circle[0])
        alpha -= 0.5 * math.pi
        alpha = alpha % math.pi

    dists_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x1, y1 = pts_interpolated[i]
        x4, y4 = pts_interpolated[(i + 1) % len(pts_interpolated)]
        xc, yc = center_circle
        axx = x1 - xc
        ay = y1 - yc
        bx = x4 - xc
        by = y4 - yc
        q1 = axx * axx + ay * ay
        q2 = q1 + axx * bx + ay * by
        k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (axx * by - ay * bx)
        d = math.sqrt((k2 * ay)**2 + (k2 * axx)**2)

    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    pts = [[
        interpolation_factor * pp[0] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[0],
        interpolation_factor * pp[1] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[1]
    ] for (pp, pc) in zip(pts, pts_interpolated)]

    new_tangents = []
    for tp, tc in zip(tangents, tangents_interpolated):
        if abs(tp - tc) > math.pi / 2:
            if tp < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * (tp + math.pi) + (
                    1 - interpolation_factor) * tc
            elif tc < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * (
                    tc + math.pi)
            t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * tc


    tangents = new_tangents

    dists = [
        interpolation_factor * dp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * dc
        for (dp, dc) in zip(dists, dists_interpolated)

    angle_mapping = {}

    ctrlpts = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)

        if i == 0:
            if p1[1] < p2[1] and tangents[i] < math.pi:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1
            elif p1[1] > p2[1] and tangents[i] > math.pi:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1


            if math.atan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) < math.atan2(
                    p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]):
                p1, p2 = p2, p1
            if functions.euclid_dist(
                    p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                        p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
                p2, p1 = p1, p2

        xp, yp = pts[i]
        if (xp, yp) in angle_mapping:
            p = angle_mapping[(xp, yp)]

            if p[0] > xp and p2[0] > xp or p[0] < xp and p2[0] < xp:
                p1, p2 = p2, p1

        angle_mapping[(xp, yp)] = p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        xp, yp = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        angle_mapping[(xp, yp)] = p3

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    return cm
Example #4
def get_cm_from_interpolation_radial(pts, interpolation_factor):  # 0 is circ
    center_circle = (200, 540)
    center_polygon = (223, 555)
    center = center_circle[0] * (
        1 - interpolation_factor
    ) + center_polygon[0] * interpolation_factor, center_circle[1] * (
        1 - interpolation_factor) + center_polygon[1] * interpolation_factor
    radius = 70
    tangents = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        p1 = pts[(i - 1) % len(pts)]
        p2 = pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]
        pr = (p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1])
        alpha = math.atan2(pr[1], pr[0])

    dists = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        dist = functions.euclid_dist(pts[i], pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)])
        d = dist * 0.3

    pts_interpolated = [
        functions.project_to_circle(p, center_circle, radius) for p in pts
    tangents_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        x, y = pts[i]
        alpha = math.atan2(y - center_circle[1], x - center_circle[0])
        alpha -= 0.5 * math.pi
        alpha = alpha % math.pi

    dists_interpolated = []
    for i in range(len(pts_interpolated)):
        x1, y1 = pts_interpolated[i]
        x4, y4 = pts_interpolated[(i + 1) % len(pts_interpolated)]
        xc, yc = center_circle
        axx = x1 - xc
        ay = y1 - yc
        bx = x4 - xc
        by = y4 - yc
        q1 = axx * axx + ay * ay
        q2 = q1 + axx * bx + ay * by
        k2 = 4 / 3 * (math.sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / (axx * by - ay * bx)
        d = math.sqrt((k2 * ay)**2 + (k2 * axx)**2)

    cm = multi.CurveContainer()
    cm.vis = VisMPL.VisCurve2D(axes=False,
    pts = [[
        interpolation_factor * pp[0] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[0],
        interpolation_factor * pp[1] + (1 - interpolation_factor) * pc[1]
    ] for (pp, pc) in zip(pts, pts_interpolated)]

    new_tangents = []
    for tp, tc in zip(tangents, tangents_interpolated):
        if abs(tp - tc) > math.pi / 2:
            if tp < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * (tp + math.pi) + (
                    1 - interpolation_factor) * tc
            elif tc < math.pi / 2:
                t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * (
                    tc + math.pi)
            t = interpolation_factor * tp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * tc


    tangents = new_tangents

    dists = [
        interpolation_factor * dp + (1 - interpolation_factor) * dc
        for (dp, dc) in zip(dists, dists_interpolated)

    ctrlpts = []
    for i in range(len(pts)):
        c = BSpline.Curve()
        c.degree = 3
        d = dists[i]

        p1, p2 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[i], tangents[i], d)
        if math.atan2(p1[1] - center[1], p1[0] - center[0]) < math.atan2(
                p2[1] - center[1], p2[0] - center[0]):
            p1, p2 = p2, p1
        if functions.euclid_dist(
                p1, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                    p2, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]):
            p2, p1 = p1, p2

        p3, p4 = get_points_on_tangent(pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)],
                                       tangents[(i + 1) % len(pts)], d)

        if functions.euclid_dist(p4, pts[i]) < functions.euclid_dist(
                p3, pts[i]):
            p4, p3 = p3, p4

        c.ctrlpts = [pts[i], p2, p3, pts[(i + 1) % len(pts)]]
        c.knotvector = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

    return cm
Example #5
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import functions
import math

CIRCLE = False

#pts = [[485, 475], [387, 577]]

pts = [[485, 475], [430, 366], [325, 231], [274, 438], [193, 436], [150, 525],
       [204, 604], [284, 612], [387, 577]]
#pts = [[100, 0], [0, -100], [-100, 0], [0, 100]]
center = (317, 465)
radius = max([functions.euclid_dist(p, center) for p in pts])

    pts = [functions.project_to_circle(p, center, radius) for p in pts]
    circle_pts = [[center[0] + radius, center[1]],
                  [center[0] - radius, center[1]],
                  [center[0], center[1] + radius],
                  [center[0], center[1] - radius]]
    circle_pts_2 = [[center[0] + radius, center[1] + radius],
                    [center[0] - radius, center[1] - radius],
                    [center[0] - radius, center[1] + radius],
                    [center[0] + radius, center[1] - radius]]
    circle_pts_2 = [
        functions.project_to_circle(p, center, radius) for p in circle_pts_2
Example #6
curves_0 = []

curve.degree = 3  # order = degree + 1
curve.ctrlpts = pts_c
curve.knotvector = utilities.generate_knot_vector(curve.degree,
curve_list = operations.decompose_curve(curve)
knot_vectors = []
radius = 0

for c in curve_list:
    radius = max(radius,
                 max([functions.euclid_dist(center, p) for p in c.ctrlpts]))

base_pts = [(p[0], p[1]) for c in curve_list for p in c.ctrlpts]
x, y, r = make_circle(base_pts)  # O(n)
center = (x, y)
radius = r

pts_pr = []
for c in curves_0:
    pts_pr.append(project_to_circle(c.ctrlpts[0], center, radius))
    #print(project_to_circle(c.ctrlpts[0], center, radius))

pts_pr[0] = pts_pr[-1]

circle_ctrl = []