def regroup(l): for sub in l: flattened = func.flatten(sub) if len(set(flattened)) == 1: grouped.append(''.join(flattened)) elif type(sub) == list: regroup(sub)
def _inference(self, X, keep_prob): h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(X, 64))) h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(h, 128))) h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(h, 256))) h = F.activation(F.dense(F.flatten(h), 1024)) h = F.dense(h, self._num_classes) return tf.nn.softmax(h)
def _inference(self, X, keep_prob): h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(X, 64))) h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(h, 128))) h = F.max_pool(F.activation(F.conv(h, 256))) h = F.activation(F.dense(F.flatten(h), 1024)) h = F.dense(h, self._num_classes) return h
def __init__(self,nbr,load_file): """ Fonction d'initialisation Lit le texte pour enumerer les mots """ RNN_lettre.__init__(self,nbr,load_file) self.vocab_lettre_size = self.vocab_size m = 0 self.data_mots_origin = [] while 1: ch = self.text_file.readline() if ch == "": break # conversion de la chaine lue en une liste de mots : li = ch.split() # separation des caracteres speciaux "colle" au mot for charspe in self.list_charspe: li[:] = [replacePonctuation(charspe,word) for word in li[:]] li = list(flatten(li)) while charspe in li: li.remove(charspe) while '' in li: li.remove('') #print li # print li # totalisation des mots : m = m + len(li) for mot in li: self.data_mots_origin.append(mot) self.text_file.close() self.mots = [] self.mots = list(set(self.data_mots_origin)) self.data_size, self.vocab_size = len(self.data_mots_origin), len(self.mots) print "Ce fichier texte contient un total de %s mots" % (m) print "et contient ",len(self.mots), " mots unique" self.mots_to_ix = { ch:i for i,ch in enumerate(self.mots) } self.ix_to_mots = { i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(self.mots) } # matrice pour calculer distance entre les mots self.matrice_mot = np.zeros((self.vocab_size, self.vocab_lettre_size)) for i,mot in enumerate(self.mots): #print i," : ",mot for car in mot: #print car ix = self.char_to_ix[car] self.matrice_mot[i][ix] += 1
def crossover(dna, temperature, cross_prob, data): dna = list(dna) random.shuffle(dna) half = int(len(dna)/2) # L = range(len(dna[0])) chrom_l = len(dna[0]) cross_dna = flatten(list(map( lambda x, y: pmx_crossover(x, y, chrom_l, cross_prob, data), dna[:half], dna[half:] ))) genome = list(map(lambda x: eval_distance(x, data), cross_dna)) # +2 because it needs to be at least len 2 for a reverse mut_len = round(chrom_l * (temperature/100)) + 2 return list(map( lambda x: mutation(x, chrom_l, mut_len, temperature, data), genome ))
def update_species(self, new_creature: Creature = None) -> None: """ Generates a dictionary with a creature as a key and all creatures in the population that are similar to it, including itself. This function is called every time a creature is born. The creature representing a species can die, but it will still represent that species until the SPECIES dies. """ # Check genetic distance from all species representatives, if it is smaller than the threshold catalogue the, # creature into that species. If no matching species was found then make a new one with creature as the rep. if new_creature is None: # Find all creatures not catalogued into a species. all_creatures = flatten(list(self.species.values())) uncatalogued_creatures = [creature for creature in self.population if creature not in all_creatures] else: # Can save time if new creature is specified uncatalogued_creatures = [new_creature] while uncatalogued_creatures: creature = choice(uncatalogued_creatures) self.catalogue_creature(creature) uncatalogued_creatures.remove(creature)
def load_moka_data(plt_show = False): """ Function to load informations from a single moka run Input: - lenses_vec [{},...] : list of dictionaries with the lens model - args namespace : name space with float 'source_final_z' - plt_show str : lenstool file name Output: - NONE """ if os.path.exists("axes.d") and os.path.exists("projection.d"): print ".d files exist" nfw_info_path = "nfw_info.dat" nfw_data = { "kappa_s" : \ fc.extract_parameter(nfw_info_path, "kappa_s")[0][0], \ "cl" : fc.extract_parameter(nfw_info_path, "cl")[0][0] \ } sis_info_path = "sis_info.dat" if os.path.exists(sis_info_path): sis_data_tmp = fc.flatten( fc.extract_parameter(sis_info_path, "cl") ) else: sis_data_tmp = [] sis_data = [] i = 0 while i < len(sis_data_tmp): sis_data.append(float(sis_data_tmp[i])) i = i + 2 if os.path.exists(sis_info_path): stat_info_path = "satellites/satinfo.0.sub" stat_data = np.loadtxt(stat_info_path, unpack = True) else: stat_data = [[]] main_info_path = "info_haloes.dat" main_data = np.loadtxt(main_info_path, unpack = True) rvir0 = fc.extract_parameter( "rvir0.dat", "Rvir0")[0][0] if plt_show: plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 8)) plt.hist( np.log10(stat_data[0]), log = True, bins = 15 ) plt.xlabel(r"$\rm \log_{10}(Mass)$") plt.xlim( min(np.log10(stat_data[0])), max(np.log10(stat_data[0])) ) plt.ylabel(r"$\rm counts$") plt.title(r"$\rm Substructure \; Mass \; Distribution$") plt.subplot(1, 1, 1).set_aspect(1) size_1 = stat_data[0]/max(stat_data[0])*50 + 1 axis_limit = max( 1.075*max(stat_data[2]), 1.075*max(stat_data[3]) ) plt.scatter(stat_data[2], stat_data[3], s = size_1 , color = "b", \ edgecolors = 'none') plt.axis([-axis_limit, axis_limit, -axis_limit, axis_limit]) plt.xlabel("$x$") plt.ylabel("$y$") #plt.hist(np.log10(sis_data), log = True) ell = 0.0 file_gravlens = open('gravlens.gravlens', 'w') file_gravlens.write("startup " + str(len(stat_data[0]) + 1) + " 1\n") file_gravlens.write(" nfw " + \ str(float(nfw_data["kappa_s"])/(1.0 - ell)) + \ " 0.0 0.0 " + str(ell) + " 0.0 0.0 0.0 " + \ str(float(nfw_data["cl"])/(1.0 - ell)) + " 0.0 0.0\n") for i in range(len(sis_data)): file_gravlens.write( " alphapot " + str(sis_data[i]) + " " + \ str(stat_data[2][i]) + " " + str(stat_data[3][i]*1.4) + \ " 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0\n") for i in range(len(sis_data) + 1): file_gravlens.write( " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0\n") file_gravlens.write( "plotdef1 pot_gl.txt -" + rvir0 + " " + rvir0 + \ " 256 -" + rvir0 + " " + rvir0 + " 256\n" ) #file_gravlens.write( "plotkappa kappa_gl.fits 3 -" + rvir0 + " " + rvir0 + \ # " 512 -" + rvir0 + " " + rvir0 + " 512\n" ) file_gravlens.write( "plotcrit crit.dat" ) file_gravlens.close()
def _truncation(dna, local_array, n=.5): assert local_array % 2 == 0, "CANNOT TRUNCATE UNEAVEN DNA" dna = dna[:int(local_array*n)] # this doubles and maintains fitness ordering of chroms return flatten(zip(dna, dna))
def getattrs_by_filter(self, key, value, attrlist=None, base=None, pageSize=1000, compare='=', addt_filter=''): '''Search AD by attribute. :param attrlist: The attributes desired (None for all) :type attrlist: list :param compare: Comparison, valid operators: =, >=, <= (lexicographical) :return: A list of result dictionaries. Examples: >>> mldapObj.getattrs_by_filter("sAMAccountName", "wimpy")[0]['sAMAccountName'] 'wimpy' >>> mldapObj.getattrs_by_filter("sAMAccountName", "wimpy")[0]['objectClass'] ['top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'user'] ''' if base is None: base = self.LDAP_USER_BASE search = None # To handle searches for None values (to answer who DOESN'T # have an e-mail attribute set?), the search filter should use # the not-present operator: (!attribute_name=*) to test for # the absence of an attribute if value is None: search = ("(&(!(objectClass=computer))" "(!(objectClass=organizationalUnit))" "(!(%s=*))%s)") % (str(key), addt_filter) elif key == 'objectGUID': search = "(&(!(objectClass=computer))(%s%s%s)%s)" % ( str(key), compare, ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(str(value)), addt_filter) else: search = "(&(!(objectClass=computer))(%s%s%s)%s)" % ( str(key), ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(compare), str(value), addt_filter) lc = ldap.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl( ldap.LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID, True, (pageSize, '')) msgid = self.ldap_client.search_ext( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search, serverctrls=[lc], attrlist=attrlist) results = [] pages = 0 while True: pages += 1 rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls = self.ldap_client.result3(msgid) # Each result tuple (rdata) is of the form (dn, attrs), # where dn is a string containing the DN (distinguished # name) of the entry, and attrs is a dictionary containing # the attributes associated with the entry. The keys of # attrs are strings, and the associated values are lists # of strings. for (dn, entry) in rdata: if dn is not None: results.append(entry) pctrls = [ c for c in serverctrls if c.controlType == ldap.LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID ] if pctrls: est, cookie = pctrls[0].controlValue if cookie: lc.controlValue = (pageSize, cookie) msgid = self.ldap_client.search_ext( base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, search, serverctrls=[lc], attrlist=attrlist) else: break else: print "Warning: Server ignores RFC 2696 control." break for result in results: for attr in result: result[attr] = flatten(result[attr]) return results
plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(236) plt.imshow(mixture2_hvs[:,:,2], cmap = 'hsv') plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig("mixtures_hsv_set5_theta30.png") """X1, W1 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_1) B1 =, mixing_matrix) X2, W2 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_2) B2 =, mixing_matrix) X3, W3 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_3) B3 =, mixing_matrix)""" stacked_channel_h_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_hvs[:,:,0], mixture2_hvs[:,:,0]) stacked_channel_s_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_hvs[:,:,1], mixture2_hvs[:,:,1]) stacked_channel_v_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_hvs[:,:,2], mixture2_hvs[:,:,2]) stacked_channel_h_source = flatten(source1_hsv[:,:,0], source2_hsv[:,:,0]) stacked_channel_s_source = flatten(source1_hsv[:,:,1], source2_hsv[:,:,1]) stacked_channel_v_source = flatten(source1_hsv[:,:,2], source2_hsv[:,:,2]) mixture_channel_list_hsv = [stacked_channel_h_mixtures, stacked_channel_s_mixtures, stacked_channel_v_mixtures] source_channel_list_hsv = [stacked_channel_h_source, stacked_channel_s_source, stacked_channel_v_source] for i in np.arange(3): X_i, W_i = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_list_hsv[i]) B_i =, mixing_matrix) (sdr_ref, sir_ref, sar, perm) = mmetrics.bss_eval_sources(source_channel_list_hsv[i], X_i) print('The mean value of the reference SDR is: ', np.mean(sdr_ref), perm) if np.array_equal(perm, [[1],[0]]):
# print "Hello world!" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = \ "Add a new column to a table.", \ formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("in_file", help="File name", type=str) parser.add_argument("--position", help = "Position for the new column.", \ type = int, default = 0) parser.add_argument("--precision", help = "Number of decimal cases.", \ type = int, default = 6) parser.add_argument("--value", help = "Value to be added.", \ type = float, default = 0.0) args = parser.parse_args() data = np.loadtxt(args.in_file, unpack=False) fmt = "" for i in range(len(data[0]) + 1): fmt = fmt + "%." + str(args.precision) + "E " fmt = fmt[:len(fmt) - 2] for i in range(len(data)): print fmt % tuple(fc.flatten([data[i][0:args.position], args.value, \ data[i][args.position:len(data[i])]]))
def test_flatten_ok(): result = list(functions.flatten([1, [2, 3, [4, 5]]])) assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] == result
def test_flatten_non_iterable_return_error(): with pytest.raises(TypeError): functions.flatten()
def setup_iterables(path): """ Sets up the iterables to work with and populates them with the data located at *path* """ abs_path = os.path.join(c.PRE_PATH, path) if_time_scn_ch = [[[channel] for channel in range(c.N_CHAN)] for scenario in range(c.N_SCN)] # Packet rate per scenario packet_rate_scn = [[] for scenario in range(c.N_SCN)] # Variance per scenario variance_scn = [[] for scenario in range(c.N_SCN)] # Generate a list that includes the interframe time for all channels if_vector = [[] for i in range(c.N_SAMPS * c.N_SCN)] try: for scenario in range(c.N_SCN): for channel in range(c.N_CHAN): if_time_scn_ch[scenario][channel] = sp.fromfile( open( os.path.join( abs_path, "interframe_time_ch_{}_scn_{}.dat".format( channel + 1, scenario))), dtype=sp.float32) packet_rate_scn[scenario] = sp.fromfile(open( os.path.join(abs_path, "packet_rate_scn_{}.dat".format(scenario))), dtype=sp.float32) variance_scn[scenario] = sp.fromfile(open( os.path.join(abs_path, "variance_scn_{}.dat".format(scenario))), dtype=sp.float32) except IOError as e: print("Error trying to access path: ", e) raise # Populate the conglomerated interframe_time list for scn in range(c.N_SCN): for i in range(c.N_SAMPS): for chan in range(c.N_CHAN): if_vector[i + c.N_SAMPS * scn].append( if_time_scn_ch[scn][chan][i]) # Generate label list labels = [i for i in range(c.N_SCN) for n in range(c.N_SAMPS)] # Generate a list that includes all data in a list per frames data_nested = [] # first generate a long list that includes the packet_rates one scenario # after the other, and the same for the variances # packet_rate = [scn0, scn1, ..., scn9] # len(packet_rate) = N_SAMPS * N_SCN packet_rate = [] variance = [] for scn in range(c.N_SCN): for i in range(c.N_SAMPS): packet_rate.append(packet_rate_scn[scn][i]) variance.append(variance_scn[scn][i]) data_nested = list(zip(if_vector, packet_rate, variance)) # Until this point 'data' is a nested list. It needs to be flattened # to use it with sci-kit # TODO: just don't generate it nested and save this method... data = [[] for i in range(len(data_nested))] for i in range(len(data_nested)): data[i] = list(fun.flatten(data_nested[i])) return data, labels
plt.imshow(mixture2_lab[:, :, 1], cmap='RdYlGn') plt.axis('off') plt.subplot(236) plt.imshow(mixture2_lab[:, :, 2]) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout() #plt.savefig("mixtures_lab_set5_theta30.png") """X1, W1 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_1) B1 =, mixing_matrix) X2, W2 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_2) B2 =, mixing_matrix) X3, W3 = whiten_projection(mixture_channel_3) B3 =, mixing_matrix)""" stacked_channel_l_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_lab[:, :, 0], mixture2_lab[:, :, 0]) stacked_channel_a_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_lab[:, :, 1], mixture2_lab[:, :, 1]) stacked_channel_b_mixtures = flatten(mixture1_lab[:, :, 2], mixture2_lab[:, :, 2]) stacked_channel_l_source = flatten(source1_lab[:, :, 0], source2_lab[:, :, 0]) stacked_channel_a_source = flatten(source1_lab[:, :, 1], source2_lab[:, :, 1]) stacked_channel_b_source = flatten(source1_lab[:, :, 2], source2_lab[:, :, 2]) mixture_channel_list_lab = [ stacked_channel_l_mixtures, stacked_channel_a_mixtures, stacked_channel_b_mixtures ] source_channel_list_lab = [ stacked_channel_l_source, stacked_channel_a_source,