Example #1
def two_mains(monitor):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = monitor
    wa = get_dimensions(monitor)
    split = 0

    grid = []

    second_half = x1 + (wa.width / 2) + split
    grid.append([x1, y1, second_half, y2])
    grid.append([second_half, y1, x2, y2])

    return grid
Example #2
def two_mains_vertical(monitor):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = monitor
    wa = get_dimensions(monitor)
    split = 0

    grid = []

    second_half = y1 + (wa.height / 2) + split
    grid.append([x1, y1, x2, second_half])
    grid.append([x1, second_half, x2, y2])
    grid.append([x1, y1, x2, y2])

    return grid
Example #3
def one_main_two_side(monitor, split=300):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = monitor
    wa = get_dimensions(monitor)

    grid = []

    second_half = x1 + (wa.width / 2) + split
    grid.append([x1, y1, second_half, y2])

    screen_y_split = (y2 - y1) / 2
    grid.append([second_half, y1, x2, screen_y_split])
    grid.append([second_half, screen_y_split, x2, y2])

    return grid
Example #4
def two_mains_two_sides(monitor):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = monitor
    wa = get_dimensions(monitor)

    grid = []

    thirds = wa.width / 3

    grid.append([x1, y1, x1 + thirds, y2])

    screen_y_split = (y2 - y1) / 2
    grid.append([x1 + thirds, y1, x1 + (thirds * 2), screen_y_split])
    grid.append([x1 + thirds, screen_y_split, x1 + (thirds * 2), y2])

    grid.append([x1 + (thirds * 2), y1, x2, y2])

    return grid
Example #5
def spiral(monitor, squares=5):
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = monitor
    wa = get_dimensions(monitor)
    _cls = list(range(1, squares + 1))
    n = len(_cls)
    old_width, old_height = wa.width, 2 * wa.height

    to_send = []

    for k in _cls:
        if k % 2 == 0:
            wa.width, old_width = math.ceil(old_width / 2), wa.width
            if k is not n:
                wa.height, old_height = math.floor(wa.height / 2), wa.height
            wa.height, old_height = math.ceil(old_height / 2), wa.height
            if k is not n:
                wa.width, old_width = math.floor(wa.width / 2), wa.width

        if k % 4 is 0:
            wa.x -= wa.width
        elif k % 2 is 0:
            wa.x += old_width
        elif k % 4 is 3 and k < n:
            wa.x += math.ceil(old_width / 2)

        if k % 4 is 1 and k is not 1:
            wa.y -= wa.height
        elif k % 2 is 1 and k is not 1:
            wa.y += old_height
        elif k % 4 is 0 and k < n:
            wa.y += math.ceil(old_height / 2)

        g = {
            "x": int(wa.x),
            "y": int(wa.y),
            "width": int(wa.width),
            "height": int(wa.height)
            [g["x"], g["y"], g["x"] + g["width"], g["y"] + g["height"]])

    return to_send
Example #6
                        format='%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

    # load the excel docs
    gsq = f.load_workbook('gsq.xlsx')
    merlin = f.load_workbook('merlin.xlsx')

    # grab the current worksheets
    ws = gsq.active
    merlin_ws = merlin.active

    # manually create Merlin data's dimensions
    merlin_dimensions = f.Dimension('A', '1', 'G', '184899')

    dimensions = f.get_dimensions(ws)  # dimensions of the gsq excel doc

    # get the FIELD_ID cells from the merlin excel
    # FIELD_IDs = [f for f in merlin_ws['G'] if f.coordinate != 'G1']
    FIELD_IDs = dict([(f.value, f) for f in merlin_ws['G']
                      if f.coordinate != 'G1'])

    row_count = 0
    for row in ws.iter_rows(min_row=dimensions.min_row + 1,
        row_count += 1
        for i, cell in enumerate(row):
            if 'J' in cell.coordinate:  # j column

                if isinstance(cell.value, int):