Example #1
def monte_carlo(data, move, plays_c=10):
    assert plays_c > 0, 'Wrong value of plays_c'
    score = 0
    k = range(4)
    for j in range(plays_c):
        data1 = data.copy()
        data1 = next_play(data1, move)
        while isvalid(data1):
            data1 = next_play(data1, choice(k))
            score += data1.max()
    return score / plays_c
Example #2
def minimax(data, depth, maximizing):
    if depth <= 0 or not isvalid(data): return score_G(data)
    if maximizing:
        sc = float('-inf')
        for child in getChildren(data.copy(), True):  #will run 4 times at max
            sc = max(sc, minimax(child, depth - 1, True))
        return sc
    if not maximizing:
        sc = float('inf')
        for child, w in getChildren(data.copy(), False):
            sc = min(sc, minimax(child, depth - 1, False)) * w
        return sc
Example #3
def expectimax(data, depth, maximizing):
    if depth <= 0 or not isvalid(data): return score_G(data)
    if maximizing:
        sc = float('-inf')
        for child in getChildren(data, True):  #will run 4 times at max
            sc = max(sc, expectimax(child, depth - 1, False))
        return sc
    if not maximizing:  #chance node
        sc = 0
        t = getChildren(data, False)
        for child, w in t:
            sc += w * expectimax(child, depth - 1, True)
        return sc / len(t)
Example #4
def minimaxab(data, alpha, beta, depth, maximizing):
    #funcs used: isvalid, score_G, getChildren
    Opens all possibilities till given depth, returns score of evil computer trying to minimize score.
    Thus choose that move which gets highest score from this, expressing most secure move.
    It tries to minimize risk. Not maximizing score.
    if depth <= 0 or not isvalid(data): return score_G(data)
    if maximizing:
        sc = float('-inf')
        for child in getChildren(data, True):  #will run 4 times at max
            sc = max(sc, minimaxab(child, alpha, beta, depth - 1, False))
            if sc >= beta: return sc  #actually it is same as if alpha >= beta,
            #maximizing player need not to care now #mamavsbhanja
            alpha = max(alpha, sc)
        return sc
    if not maximizing:
        sc = float('inf')
        for child, w in getChildren(data, False):
            sc = min(sc, minimaxab(child, alpha, beta, depth - 1, True))
            if sc < alpha: return sc  # minimizer need not to care
            beta = min(beta, sc)
        return sc
Example #5
async def on_message(message):
    # we do not want the bot to reply to itself
    if message.author == client.user:

    func.add_score(message.author.id, 1, 1, fdata)

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               BALANCE
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith(PREFIX +
                                  'b') or message.content.startswith(PREFIX +
        target = message.author

        if len(message.mentions) > 0:
            if len(message.mentions) > 1:
                await client.send_message(
                    "Whoah, dude! One person at a time, please!")
                await client.send_message(
                    "Showing you the results for {}...".format(
            target = message.mentions[0]
            print('{} has requested the balance of {}.'.format(
                message.author, message.mentions[0]))
            print('{} has requested the balance of themselves.'.format(

        await client.send_message(
            message.channel, func.make_balance(target.id, fdata, femoji,

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               MARKET
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith(PREFIX + 'm'):

        # When a specific emoji has been chosen.
        if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1:

            emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1]

            if func.isvalid(emoji, femoji) == True:
                await client.send_message(
                    message.channel, func.make_market_branch(emoji, fmarket))
                await client.send_message(
                    "I am terribly sorry! I couldn't recognize the emoji `{}`."


        await client.send_message(message.channel,
                                  func.make_complete_market(femoji, fmarket))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               BUY STUFF
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!bu'):

        message_table = message.content.split(' ')

        # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error.
        if len(message_table) != 3:

            await client.send_message(
                "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`"

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(
                message_table[2], femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount."

            if func.count(message.author.id, 1, fdata) < int(message_table[1]):
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!"

            msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(message.author,
                                                     femoji, fmarket, fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(
                    ":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!"
                    .format(message.author, message_table[2], victim, amount))
                print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(
                    message.author, message_table[2], victim, amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(
                message_table[1], femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount."

            if func.count(message.author.id, 1, fdata) < int(message_table[2]):
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!"

            msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(message.author,
                                                     femoji, fmarket, fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(
                    ":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!"
                    .format(message.author, message_table[1], victim, amount))
                print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(
                    message.author, message_table[1], victim, amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)

        await client.send_message(
            "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`"

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               SELL STUFF
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!s'):

        message_table = message.content.split(' ')

        # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error.
        if len(message_table) != 3:

            await client.send_message(
                "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`"

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(
                message_table[2], femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount."

            if func.count(message.author.id,
                          func.position(message_table[2], femoji), fdata) < 1:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!"

            msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(message.author,
                                                      femoji, fmarket, fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(
                    ":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!"
                    .format(message.author, message_table[2], victim, amount))
                print("{} sold {} to {} for {} coins!".format(
                    message.author, message_table[2], victim, amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(
                message_table[1], femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount."

            if func.count(message.author.id,
                          func.position(message_table[1], femoji), fdata) < 1:
                await client.send_message(
                    "I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!"

            msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(message.author,
                                                      femoji, fmarket, fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(
                    ":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!"
                    .format(message.author, message_table[1], victim, amount))
                print("{} sold {} to {} for the price of {} coins!".format(
                    message.author, message_table[1], victim, amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)

        await client.send_message(
            "**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`"

    if message.content.startswith('!r'):

        if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1:

            emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1]

            if func.isvalid(emoji, femoji) == True:

                await client.send_message(
                    'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests of the emoji {}?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.'
                response = await client.wait_for_message(author=message.author)

                if response.content.startswith(
                        'Y') or response.content.startswith('y'):
                    msg = func.retract_emoji(message.author, emoji, fmarket,
                                             femoji, fdata)
                    if msg != '':
                        await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)
                    await client.send_message(
                        message.channel, "{} has been cleared!".format(emoji))
                    await asyncio.sleep(1)

                await client.send_message(message.channel,
                                          "Retraction canceled.")

        await client.send_message(
            'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests on the *WHOLE* market?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.'
        response = await client.wait_for_message(author=message.author)

        if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith(
            for emoji in func.import_data(femoji):
                msg = func.retract_emoji(message.author, emoji[0], fmarket,
                                         femoji, fdata)
                if msg != '':
                    await client.send_message(message.channel, msg)
                await client.send_message(
                    message.channel, "{} has been cleared!".format(emoji[0]))
                await asyncio.sleep(1)

            await client.send_message(message.channel,
                                      "All emojis have been cleared!")

        await client.send_message(message.channel, "Retraction canceled.")
Example #6
async def on_message(message):
    # we do not want the bot to reply to itself
    if message.author == client.user:

    if int(message.author.id) not in authorized:

    # Makes sure the player is still alive or at least signed up (we do not want to give any spoilers!)
    if func.is_still_alive(message.author,fdata) and not int(message.author.id) in authorized:

    if message.server == client.get_server("436257067573968908") and not message.channel == client.get_channel(play_zone) and message.content.startswith('!') and not int(message.author.id) in authorized:
        answer = await client.send_message(message.channel,"Wrong channel, buddy! Please go to <#{}> or to my DMs to play with the bot.".format(play_zone))
        await asyncio.sleep(10)
        await client.delete_message(answer)

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               HELP
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!h') and not (message.channel == client.get_channel(game_log) or message.channel == client.get_channel(stock_market)):
        msg = ''
        args = message.content.split(' ')

        if len(args) == 1:
            msg += '`!balance` - View the balance of a user\n'
            msg += '`!buy` - Buy certain items'
            msg += '`!description` - View the meaning of all emojis\n'
            msg += '`!market` - View the market\n'
            msg += "`!retract` - Retract certain offers or requests you've made\n"
            msg += '`!sell` - Sell certain items\n'
            if int(message.author.id) in authorized:
                msg += '\n\n**Admin commands:**\n'
                msg += '`!kill` - Kill a player, effectively allowing them to participate on the market.\n'
                msg += '`!redeem` - Redeem a coin and make it invalid\n'
            msg += '\n To view the specific documentation of a command, please type `!help <command>`.'

        elif args[1].startswith('ba'):
            msg += '`!balance` - View your own balance.\n'
            msg += '`!balance <user>` - View the balance of a specific user. The user is a mention.'
        elif args[1].startswith('bu'):
            msg += '`!buy <emoji> <amount>` - Buy a certain emoji for a certain amount.'
        elif args[1].startswith('d'):
            msg += '`!description` - Get an explanation of what certain emojis mean.\n'
            msg += 'If a desciption reads **Player coin**, that means that the emoji is redeemed when the corresponding player dies.'
        elif args[1].startswith('m'):
            msg += '`!market` - See an overview of the whole market.\n'
            msg += '`!market <emoji> - See an overview of the market of a specific emoji. Make sure the emoji exists on the market.`'
        elif args[1].startswith('ret'):
            msg += "`!retract` - Retract all offers and requests you've made on the whole market.\n"
            msg += "`!retract` - Retract all offers and requests you've made on a specific emoji."
        elif args[1].startswith('s'):
            msg += '`!sell <emoji> <amount>` - Sell a certain emoji for a certain amount.'
        elif args[1].startswith('k'):
            if int(message.author.id) in authorized:
                msg += '`!kill <user> <emoji> <amount>` - Kill a user that got voted out by `<amount>` players. The user had `<emoji>` as their emoji in the game.'
                msg += "You're not even an admin! Why bother looking up this command?"
        elif args[1].startswith('red'):
            if int(message.author.id) in authorized:
                msg += '`!redeem <emoji> <amount>` - Remove a given emoji from the market, and pay all users a given amount for each emoji they had left.'
                msg += "You're not even an admin! Why bother looking up this command?"
            msg += "I am terribly sorry! I did not understand what command you meant to type!\n"
            msg += "Please type `!help` for help."

        await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               DESCRIPTION
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!d'):
        await client.send_message(message.channel,func.show_desc(femoji))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               KILL FUNCTION
    # ----------------------------------------
    if int(message.author.id) in authorized and message.content.startswith('!kill') and len(message.mentions) > 0:

        if len(message.content.split(' ')) != 4:
            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!kill <player> <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!kill @Randium#6521 😏 12`")

        currency = message.content.split(' ')[2]
        amount = message.content.split(' ')[3]

        if not func.check_for_int(amount):
            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**ERROR:** Invalid amount!")

        amount = int(amount)
        victim = message.mentions[0]

        if int(victim.id) in authorized:
            await client.send_message(message.channel,"I am terribly sorry, but I can't kill an admin! That'd be treason.")

        await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Are you sure you want to kill <@{}>?\nPlease type `Yes` to confirm.".format(victim.id))

        if func.isvalid(currency,femoji):
            await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Careful! The emoji you gave up is still valid! You can override by typing `Yes`, but I would advise saying `No`!")
            await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"You can override emojis by typing `!redeem {} <amount>`.".format(currency))

        response = await client.wait_for_message(author = message.author,channel = client.get_channel(bot_spam))

        if not response.content[0] in ['y', 'Y']:
            await client.send_message(response.channel,"Kill function canceled.")

        msg, money = func.kill(victim,fdata,fliving,femoji)
        await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),msg)
        if msg[-1] == '!':
            msg = "Hey there, buddy! It seems like you have died!\n"
            msg += "Though the game may be over for you as a living player, it will still be very interesting for you while you're dead!"
            msg += " How so? Well, it is time to use your knowledge about the game to become the richest ghost of all!\n"
            msg += "Players weren't allowed to use the :ghost: emoji as their avatar. Why not? Because that emoji now has a meaning to the dead - it's ectoplasm."
            msg += " The money of the dead.\n\n"
            msg += "See, every player, every team has a type of coin. When a player dies, their coins will be exchanged for money."
            msg += " For example, when you died, your {} coin was exchanged for money.".format(currency)
            msg += " How much? Well, in total, {} players voted to kill you, so every player gained {} ectoplasm for each {} coin they had.\n\n".format(amount,100*amount,currency)
            msg += "Because of your activity, you will gain {} ectoplasm and 10 of every coin as a starter pack.".format(money)
            msg += " Buy and sell these coins on the market to get rich! The player who has the most ectoplasm at the end of the game, wins a special victory badge! Enjoy!"
            await client.send_message(victim,msg)
            await client.send_message(client.get_channel(game_log),"<@{}> has been killed.".format(victim.id))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               REDEEM COINS
    # ----------------------------------------
    if int(message.author.id) in authorized and message.content.startswith('!red'):
        if len(message.content.split(' ')) != 3:
            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!redeem <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!redeem 😏 12`")

        currency = message.content.split(' ')[1]
        amount = message.content.split(' ')[2]

        if not func.check_for_int(amount) or not func.isvalid(currency,femoji):
            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!redeem <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!redeem 😏 12`")

        amount = int(amount)

        await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"Are you sure you want to exchange the {} coin for {} ectoplasm?\nPlease type `Yes` to confirm.".format(currency,amount))

        response = await client.wait_for_message(author = message.author,channel = client.get_channel(bot_spam))

        if not response.content[0] in ['y', 'Y']:
            await client.send_message(response.channel,"Money redeem function canceled.")

        score_table = func.import_data(fdata)

        for user in score_table:
            target = await client.get_user_info(user[0])
            user_amount = user[func.position(currency,femoji)]


            user[1] = int(user[1]) + amount * int(user_amount)
            if int(user_amount) > 0:
                await client.send_message(target,"The emoji {} has been redeemed for {} ectoplasm! You had {} emojis, meaning that you gained {} coins.".format(currency,amount,user_amount,int(user_amount)*amount))
            user[func.position(currency,femoji)] = 0


        emojis = func.import_data(femoji)
        emojis[func.position(currency,femoji)-2][0] = 'N'

        await client.send_message(client.get_channel(game_log),"The emoji {} has been redeemed for {} ectoplasm.".format(currency,amount))
        print("The emoji {} has been cleared succesfully.".format(currency))
        await client.send_message(client.get_channel(bot_spam),"The emoji {} has been succesfully redeemed for {} per emoji!".format(currency,amount))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               BALANCE
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!ba'):
        target = message.author

        if len(message.mentions) > 0:
            if len(message.mentions) > 1:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"Whoah, dude! One person at a time, please!")
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"Showing you the results for {}...".format(message.mentions[0]))
            target = message.mentions[0]
            print('{} has requested the balance of {}.'.format(message.author,message.mentions[0]))
            print('{} has requested the balance of themselves.'.format(message.author))

        await client.send_message(message.channel,func.make_balance(target.id,fdata,femoji,target))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               MARKET
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!m'):

        # When a specific emoji has been chosen.
        if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1:

            emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1]

            if func.isvalid(emoji,femoji) == True:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,func.make_market_branch(emoji,fmarket))
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I am terribly sorry! I couldn't recognize the emoji `{}`.".format(emoji))


        await client.send_message(message.channel,func.make_complete_market(femoji,fmarket))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               BUY STUFF
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!bu'):

        message_table = message.content.split(' ')

        # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error.
        if len(message_table) != 3:

            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0]))

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[2],femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.")

            if func.count(message.author.id,1,fdata) < int(message_table[1]):
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!")

            msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(message.author,message_table[2],int(message_table[1]),femoji,fmarket,fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[2],victim,amount))
                print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[2],victim,amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[1],femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.")

            if func.count(message.author.id,1,fdata) < int(message_table[2]):
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry! You do not have enough money to make this deal!")

            msg, person, amount = func.buy_something(message.author,message_table[1],int(message_table[2]),femoji,fmarket,fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":moneybag: **{}** bought {} from **{}** for the price of {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[1],victim,amount))
                print("{} bought {} from {} for the price of {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[1],victim,amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)

        await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!buy <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!buy {} 1`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0]))

    # ----------------------------------------
    #               SELL STUFF
    # ----------------------------------------
    if message.content.startswith('!s'):

        message_table = message.content.split(' ')

        # Find all the valid emojis. If not, end with syntax error.
        if len(message_table) != 3:

            await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0]))

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[1]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[2],femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[1]) <= 0 or int(message_table[1]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.")

            if func.count(message.author.id,func.position(message_table[2],femoji),fdata) < 1:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!".format(message_table[2]))

            msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(message.author,message_table[2],int(message_table[1]),femoji,fmarket,fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[2],victim,amount))
                print("{} sold {} to {} for {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[2],victim,amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)

        if func.check_for_int(message_table[2]) == True and func.isvalid(message_table[1],femoji) == True:
            if int(message_table[2]) <= 0 or int(message_table[2]) > 1000000:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry, your sell value is out of bounds! Please choose a reasonable amount.")

            if func.count(message.author.id,func.position(message_table[1],femoji),fdata) < 1:
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"I'm sorry! You do not have the {} at your disposal to make this deal!".format(message_table[1]))

            msg, person, amount = func.sell_something(message.author,message_table[1],int(message_table[2]),femoji,fmarket,fdata)
            if person != '0':
                victim = await client.get_user_info(person)
                await client.send_message(client.get_channel(stock_market),":money_with_wings: **{}** sold {} to **{}** for {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[1],victim,amount))
                print("{} sold {} to {} for the price of {} coins!".format(message.author,message_table[1],victim,amount))
            await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)

        await client.send_message(message.channel,"**Invalid syntax:**\n\n`!sell <emoji> <amount>`.\n\nExample: `!sell {} 100`".format(func.import_data(femoji)[0][0]))
    # ----------------------------------------
    #               RETRACT
    # ----------------------------------------

    if message.content.startswith('!ret'):

        if len(message.content.split(' ')) > 1:

            emoji = message.content.split(' ')[1]

            if func.isvalid(emoji,femoji) == True:

                await client.send_message(message.channel,'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests of the emoji {}?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.')
                response = await client.wait_for_message(author = message.author)

                if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith('y'):
                    msg = func.retract_emoji(message.author,emoji,fmarket,femoji,fdata)
                    if msg != '':
                        await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)
                    await client.send_message(message.channel,"{} has been cleared!".format(emoji))
                    await asyncio.sleep(1)

                await client.send_message(message.channel,"Retraction canceled.")

        await client.send_message(message.channel,'Are you sure you want to retract all offers and requests on the *WHOLE* market?\nType `Yes` to confirm, or type `No` to cancel.')
        response = await client.wait_for_message(author = message.author)

        if response.content.startswith('Y') or response.content.startswith('y'):
            for emoji in func.import_data(femoji):
                msg = func.retract_emoji(message.author,emoji[0],fmarket,femoji,fdata)
                if msg != '':
                    await client.send_message(message.channel,msg)
                await client.send_message(message.channel,"{} has been cleared!".format(emoji[0]))
                await asyncio.sleep(1)

            await client.send_message(message.channel,"All emojis have been cleared!")

        await client.send_message(message.channel,"Retraction canceled.")