def plot(self, cart, units='m'): ''' Purpose: plot the trajectory and velocity for the data and model given. ''' x, y, v, yErr, vErr = self.calc_error(cart) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) if units != 'm': x = func.m_to_yards(x) y = func.m_to_inches(y) v = func.m_to_ft(v) traj_x = func.m_to_yards(traj_x) traj = func.m_to_inches(traj) xunit = 'yards' yunit = 'inches' vunit = 'feet/s' else: xunit = 'm' yunit = 'm' vunit = 'm/s' if len(cart.traj) > 1: plt.plot(cart.traj_x, cart.traj, 'r.', label='Data') plt.plot(x, y, label=self.intMethod, lw=2) plt.text(min(x) + 10, min(y) + (max(y) - min(y))/10.0, 'Mean-Squared Err: %f m' % yErr) plt.text(min(x) + 10, min(y) + (max(y) - min(y))/100.0, 'Muzzle Velocity: %.0f m/s' % leg = plt.legend(loc='lower left') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) plt.xlabel('Distance (%s)' % xunit) plt.ylabel('Drop (%s)' % yunit) plt.title('Trajectory for ' + plt.grid() ax = fig.add_subplot(212) if cart.vel != None: plt.plot(cart.vel_x, cart.vel, 'r.', label='Data') plt.text(min(x)+10, min(v)+10 , 'Mean-Squared Err: %f m/s' % (vErr)) plt.plot(x, v, label=self.intMethod, lw=2) plt.xlabel('Distance (%s)' % xunit) plt.ylabel('Velocity (%s)' % vunit) plt.title('Velocity for ' + plt.grid()
def plot_all(self, units='m'): ''' Purpose: plot the trajectory and velocity for the data and model given. ''' fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212) for i in range(self.n): x, y, v, yErr, vErr = self.calc_error(self.cart[i]) if units != 'm': x = func.m_to_yards(x) y = func.m_to_inches(y) v = func.m_to_ft(v) traj_x = func.m_to_yards(self.cart[i].x) traj = func.m_to_inches(self.cart[i].traj) xunit = 'yards' yunit = 'inches' vunit = 'feet/s' else: xunit = 'm' yunit = 'm' vunit = 'm/s' if len(self.cart[i].traj) > 1: ax1.plot(traj_x, traj, 'r.', label='%s Data' % self.cart[i].name) ax1.plot(x, y, lw=2, label=self.cart[i].name) if self.cart[i].vel != None: ax2.plot(self.cart[i].vel_x, self.cart[i].vel, 'r.', label='%s Data' % self.cart[i].name) ax2.plot(x, v, lw=2, label=self.cart[i].name) leg = ax1.legend(loc='lower left') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) ax1.set_xlabel('Distance (%s)' % xunit) ax1.set_ylabel('Drop (%s)' % yunit) ax1.grid() leg = ax2.legend() leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) ax2.set_xlabel('Distance (%s)' % xunit) ax2.set_ylabel('Velocity (%s)' % vunit) ax2.grid()